Great Artist

Chapter 805: dreamy

805 like a dream

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In the city of angels in midsummer, the direct projection of the sun will almost scorch people. This kind of weather almost makes people not want to go out of mén. Even if they go shopping in mén, big shopping malls with central air conditioning are also the first choice. This chapter is provided by netizens to provide you with an update] The shape of vests on the street is spreading all over the place, and the smoky body curve makes this summer even more hot and abnormal. If you go to the beach, bikinis and beach kù have been able to relieve the high temperature in summer.

On July 15th and July 16th, the release of the two blockbuster action films "Enemies Robot" and "The Bourne Bourne 2" ignited all the enthusiasm in Los Angeles, and completely detonated the hot weather, making people feel When the heat hits the face, it engulfs everyone like a tsunami.

The summer season of 2004 is in full swing, and there are many movies worth looking forward to, including "Spider-Man 2" and "The Notebook", which are now in fierce competition in the North American box office charts, but the most popular throughout July. Undoubtedly, "The Mechanical Enemy" and "The Bourne Bourne 2" are the ones that attract attention, not only because these two films are also hugely invested and ferocious, but also because the two films will premiere only one day apart, and the confrontation between Mars hitting the earth, Detonated everyone's enthusiasm.

"Bourne Bourne", released two years ago, was adapted from the best-selling novel of the same name published in 1980 by the famous writer Robert Ludham. The new spy film, such as cháo's praise, won the unanimous appreciation of the leading actor Matt Daiméng by professionals, and also won the prospect of competing with the "007" series and "Mission: Impossible" series. Although "Bourne Bourne" is an action movie of an agent type, the focus and sculpting of the film makes this film very different from the James Bond-style 007 film, which also makes the media feel more about the film. Sent the highest praise.

This time, the release of "The Bourne Bourne 2" has also received extensive attention from all quarters. Although the investment is only 75 million US dollars, no one will underestimate the energy that this film can burst at the box office.

Like "Bourne Bounds", "Mechanical Enemy" is also adapted from a famous novel. The name of the greatest science fiction writer of the last century, Isaac Asimov, has a fatal attraction for fans of science fiction. , Director Alex Proyas has also accumulated a large number of fans by relying on movies such as "City of Souls" and "The Raven", not to mention the name of Evan Bell. Although this is a commercial film with an investment of 100 million US dollars, it is guaranteed by the names of Isaac Asimov, Alex Proyas, and Evan Bell. For fans, it also has a fatal attraction.

"The Bourne Bourne 2" was at the Kodak Theater, "The Enemy of the Machines" was at the Chinese Theater, and the two films held their premieres in Los Angeles one day apart, and both theaters were built on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It is clear that there must be a fierce battle between the dragon and the tiger, and who will win and who will lose will be revealed!

Although "The Notebook" was first released at the end of June, it was the first shot of Evan Bell's 2004 summer vacation, but if you want to create the glory of last summer's "Pirates of the Caribbean", it is still possible to be a "mechanical public enemy" xìng Bigger, so the media's attention to the "mechanical public enemy" inevitably focused on the box office.

Different from the elegant and fresh premiere of "The Notebook", 20th Century Fox made the premiere of "Enemies of the Machine" a lively event. All of Evan Bell's friends showed up on the red carpet. Movie propaganda. Joseph Gordon-Levitt with Blake Lively, Ryan Gosling with nv partner Rachel McAdams, Anne Hathaway and Chris Pine - who was in "The Princess" The male partner in Diary 2" walked on the red carpet, and Natalie-Bōterman and Scarlett-Johansson did not shy away from the scandal between them and Evan Bell, and appeared in front of the reporter's camera. Carrie Johansson with Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Bōterman with Ewan McGregor left reporters confused. Coupled with friends such as Linkin Park and Jason Mayez, 20th Century Fox also invited a large number of actors to decorate the red carpet with stars.

However, the first **** on the red carpet was triggered by the appearance of the top five players in the first and second seasons of "American Idol". The second season of "American Idol", which was broadcast as early as May, has already shown a dominant temperament in the ratings. Although the advantages are not obvious enough, it has successfully defeated many opponents and became the new champion of the American drama. Fox Television and 20th Century Fox, both under the Fox Group, help each other, and Evan Bell, the godfather of the draft, builds a bridge in the middle, and the "American Idol" contestants attend the premiere of "Mechanical Enemy". Not surprising. When the "American Idol" contestants appeared on the red carpet, the sensational situation made all reporters see the show's huge potential to become a national draft.

Elena Jia Siming was sitting in the stretched Lincoln sedan at this time, staring at everything around her, the leather sofa, the small freezer in the car, the champagne and red wine, as well as the white dress on her body and the curly hairstyle. , although she was not riding in a pumpkin carriage, what happened in Cinderella's fairy tale was indeed realized in her own life. As if overnight, she changed from an ordinary junior high school student to a luxurious princess with a halo above her head, as beautiful as a dream, perfectly like a movie.

Elena Jia Siming couldn't help shaking her hands, but she could feel a burst of warmth in her right hand, breaking her out of her thoughts and her own fantasy, she turned her head and saw her friend Elaine. - Brooke, my friend's face is also in a trance,

The sight of the two people was wrong, the focus slowly returned, the movement and excitement in the eyes were clearly visible, and the hands they held together could not help clenching tightly. The pain that came from them could keep them awake and make them Know: This is a fact, not a dream.

"Are you ready? We're here." A clear and gentle voice came over, causing the two little girls to come back to their senses and turn their heads in unison. A handsome face with a smile came into view immediately, familiar eyebrows, familiar smile, familiar face, but the chestnut brown hair seemed to be a little shorter than the impression.

It's Evan Bell. Although Elena Jasmine and Elaine Brook have seen Evan Bell several times these days, Elena Jasmine even once sat on Evan Bell's big tuǐ, but at this moment she sees Evan Bell, who is close at hand, still has a halo on his body. It was as if méng was covered with a layer of veil, making everything into slow motion, and Evan Bell in front of him was so beautiful that it was unreal, as if it would be shattered if he reached out and touched it.

"Hey, nv boys, wake up, we're here, we're going to get off." Evan Bell gave a big smile, "Don't be nervous, it's just a walk, but there are more people taking pictures and shouting. That's it." Evan Bell remembered that the first time he walked the red carpet, it should have been at the premiere of "Death Illusion" at the Sundance Film Festival. When smashed, it was like a huge sponge soaked in water, which made people feel overwhelmed. Even many actors are inevitably a little flustered when they walk on the red carpet, not to mention the two little girls.

Evan Bell smiled, "You can hold my arm, I will always be by your side. So, let go of your mind and enjoy today's premiere!"

Elena Jasmine and Elaine Brook looked at Evan Bell's smile. Although their brains were still blank, their beating hearts calmed down a little. They couldn't help laughing and nodded vigorously. This is their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not just to walk the red carpet, but more importantly to walk the red carpet with Evan Bell, so enjoy!

Someone opened the car's mén, and the overwhelming shouts came in in an instant, sending the midsummer heat into the air-conditioned car mén, the trembling from the soul made all the pimples on the skin stand. up.

Evan Bell got out of the car first, then stood at the entrance of the car, bent down and stretched out his right hand. The screams on the red carpet have started to get out of hand. Elena Brook put her hand in Evan Bell's right palm, and the trembling of her palm trembled even more when she touched Evan Bell's slightly cold palm, but then Evan Bell held it. She tightened her hand and calmed her trembling little by little. The turbulent waves in her heart became more and more jittery, but she regained her sanity little by The wrong feeling between reality and dream is wrong under her feet.

Evan Bell took Elaine Brook out of the car again, and then stood at the beginning of the red carpet, looking forward with a smile. Elena Brook stood on the left side of Evan Bell, Elaine Brook stood on the right side, the two little girls held Evan Bell's arms, and the two felt Evan Bell's body. A calm force came from the upload, which made the two people's brains calm down a little. Although the little tuǐ belly was still shaking, at least they would not fall to the ground softly. Then, the two of them felt a slight forward force, driving them to step forward.

In the past, Elena Jasmine and Elaine Brook were fans who stood on both sides of the red carpet and shouted, but today, they stood beside Evan Bell and walked on the red carpet. At this time, they instead hoped that this was a dream, a dream that would never wake up.

The moment Evan Bell appeared, the reason of all the shadows on both sides was immediately burned by the scorching summer heat, and the overwhelming screams, shouts, and cries were woven into a net of fire, which directly set the red carpet on fire. The second ** of the audience at the premiere came.

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