Great Artist

Chapter 810: Award-winning

810 Awarded

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Elena Jasmine sat quietly in her seat, and her seat was next to Evan Bell. She always thought that she should be uneasy and distracted today, and her whole mind could not be placed on the movie. Because on the one hand, she has to sit next to Evan Bell, which will make her heart completely unsettled; on the other hand, it is also because she really lacks interest in science fiction movies, if not for Evan Bell Starring, this movie will never be in her list of movies to watch, and she still prefers movies like "The Notebook".

But unexpectedly, less than ten minutes into the movie, Elena Jia Siming's attention shifted to the movie. Because this movie is very different from sci-fi movies like "The Matrix", although it still tells the story of robots in the future city, but 2035 is not far from now, it may happen in her lifetime, and The life in the movie is very strong, and there is a little detective color at the beginning, which really attracted her attention. In addition, Evan Bell's image in the movie has changed again. He is slightly old-fashioned, but not humorous. The image that is out of tune with this sci-fi world makes people involuntarily want to inquire about the story that happened to him.

As the movie progresses, Elena-Jia Siming's attention is completely focused on the plot. Although the scene of the chase with the robot in the tunnel is extremely brilliant, she is more interested in the three major The logical deduction of the law. With Spooner's chōu, the robot's trajectory of developing self-thinking and upgrading its understanding of the three laws is revealed little by little. When Vicky revealed her latest understanding of the Three Laws, the shock was unparalleled, causing a shock in Elena Jia Siming's heart.

If humans are self-destructing, should robots let humans go, or should the threatening forces be eliminated to preserve human heritage?

This is an eternal subject. Maybe when you hear it roughly, everyone will think that of course you choose the latter. Only by preserving the hope of survival and letting human beings continue to inherit is the most important thing. Sustainable development has always been a theme emphasized by human beings. But Sonny's words made people continue to ponder, "I think this is too cold-blooded."

Indeed, if a group of human beings threaten the sustainable development of the earth, then this group of human beings are ruthlessly wiped out, or even like in the movie, a human curfew is imposed, and the world is controlled by robots, then how will things develop? Under the control of robots, the earth has been inherited, but robots that generate intelligence have begun to rule the world. So what's the next step? Is it the destruction of mankind?

Thinking of this, Elena-Jia Siming couldn't help but slap her spirits. Even the intense battle scene at the end of the movie couldn't fully attract her attention. She was always a little distracted. In the end, Dale Spooner saved mankind from a possible disaster and achieved redemption. So will human beings learn the lesson and truly start sustainable development?

When Spooner chose to shake hands with Sonny, Elena Jasmine also smiled, which was perhaps the most tender scene in the movie.

The movie ended, and Elena Jia Siming still had some pause in her thoughts. She waited until the applause had already sounded, and Elaine Brook pulled her, then she stood up and applauded vigorously. At this time, Elena Jia Siming realized that Evan Bell was beside her. And what makes Elena Jasim more deeply aware is that Evan Bell's vision for choosing movies!

"Mechanical Enemy" is a commercial film. Indeed, from the blatant Converse trademark to the old-fashioned Hollywood plot routines, including scenes such as chases, explosions, and gunfights, the film brings audiences a lot of thought. . In Elena-Jia Siming's view, maybe "Enemies Mechanical" won't be regarded as masterpieces such as "Space Odyssey 2001" and "The Matrix" by professional filmmakers, because it has not yet reached this level, but this film The movie chose a more realistic, simpler and closer method, telling everyone a profound truth. For a layman like her, this kind of movie is more meaningful, not only let her watch it, but also let her enter the thinking mode, which is the success of "The Mechanical Enemy".

Evan Bell, like last year's "Pirates of the Caribbean", broke everyone's inherent thinking about pirates; like last year's "Sniper Phone Booth", people have a further discussion on life and lies; Mechanical Public Enemy", has a profound meaning.

In the applause of the audience, the actors who walked to the front desk accepted questions from the audience and interviews with reporters. Regarding the theme of the film, Evan Bell said, "The central concept of this film is that there is no problem with robots. Technology itself is not the problem, the limits of human logic are the real problem.”

Success is also Xiao He defeats Xiao He, from beginning to end, in fact, it is human beings themselves who have troubled mankind! It also reveals the deeper meaning of the film.

As for the news of the feud between Evan Bell and Bridget Mouna from reporters, it was inevitably brought up, and some reporters even asked if Evan Bell chose to walk the red carpet with the two fans in order to avoid being with cloth Lizzie-Mouna's co-stage. Although Evan Bell and Bridget Mouna are indeed at odds, they didn't say a word after meeting today, but during the movie promotion period, don't blur the focus.

Evan Bell just smiled and said, "Then Bridget and I are standing here now, not on the same stage? Reporters always like to divert the topic and blur the focus, creating some topics out of thin air. In my opinion, today's movie It's the most important topic in itself, isn't it?"

Bridget Mouna also knew how important this movie was to her, she stood beside her and said with a smile on her face, "Evan, don't bother with the reporter, didn't you say that every time the reporter's report is either a scandal or not? And, it seems that there will be another scandal about us tomorrow." This sentence could not be more clever, it is estimated that her agent taught her, and the audience burst into laughter.

With these two people interrupting like this, the originally high-profile "discord" issue has indeed been blurred. Furthermore, there are already a lot of topics for the premiere of "Enemies Robot" today: Evan Bell's red carpet trip with fans, the theme of the movie, the confrontation between "Enemy Robot" and "The Bourne 2" ... so , the news of the discord between the two leading actors does not seem so interesting. After all, it has been fired before, and reporting it again is just frying.

The most important thing is that "Mechanical Enemy" is indeed a very good commercial film, and it is also a very good sci-fi film, just as it attracted the attention of the little girl Elena Jia Siming, The film itself also managed to grab most of the media attention.

Neil D'Arcy's comment in the "New York Times" appeared in front of the public for the first time, "I would like to greatly praise the film 'The Mechanical Enemy', I haven't seen such a brilliant sci-fi movie for a long time. I thought it was just a purely commercial blockbuster, but it turned out that it exceeded expectations by too much, which made people feel deeply.

In fact, apart from the name of the movie and the three laws of robotics, it has little to do with Isaac Asimov's work. This is not an adaptation, but a new structure.

Isaac Asimov's original novel 'I, Robot' series is not just as simple as the three laws of robots, it involves how to explain the three laws, how to predict the intelligence of robots from a psychological point of view, the three laws How to conflict with each other and create contradictions, etc. The robots in Isaac Simoff's novels will not be so polarized. More time, he is from the perspective of robots, starting from the basics of the three laws, trying to find A more harmonious relationship between humans and robots.

The script of this movie is obviously a typical commercial movie model, but it is a relatively successful one. It has a shallow taste of the difficult relationship between humans and robots, as well as the philosophical connotation. sè, there is no lack of grand and spectacular scenes, the car and the final action scenes are even more brilliant. The movie not only tells the profound themes in an easy-to-understand way, but also speaks very brilliantly, and at the same time can arouse people's emotions Thinking about it, it's really outrageous! "

Neil D'Arcy shares a similar view with William Wood, who commented in "Entertainment Weekly", "The film develops on the basis of the three laws of robotics and unfolds the relationship between humans and robots. It is a philosophical question worth pondering to discuss, in the face of survival problems, what is the choice of human beings and what is the choice of robots.

In addition, the film's excavation of the role of the hero Spooner makes the story more Spooner's rejection of robots, and his persistence in the warmth of his heart make him a Lantern The policeman selected by Dr. Nee finally succeeded in finding the truth along the breadcrumbs. And when Spooner shakes hands with Sonny at the end, everything seems logical and convincing. Evan Bell once again maintained his picky corners, allowing Spooner to show a connotation and depth that is different from that of commercial blockbusters. "

And Chris Fairbanks is also full of praise for this film, "The two roles of Spooner and Sonny make the 'Mechanical Enemy' leave the ranks of ordinary commercial movies and be endowed with more profound meaning. The sculpture of each corner successfully makes the film exude a kind of charm, whether it is Spooner's nostalgia, or Sonny's step-by-step process of learning human emotions, or that wink representing trust, and becoming The handshake of friends makes the film successfully move the audience."

Surprisingly, "Enemies of the Machine", a sci-fi commercial blockbuster that challenged Isaac Asimov's classic work, received a lot of praise after its release. However, as we all know, "The Mechanical Enemy" and "The Bourne Bourne 2" have to face competition, so it is inevitable that the major media will put the two films together for comment, who wins and who loses is a controversial issue. topic of.

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