Great Artist

Chapter 816: Digging for treasures

The caller was of course Evan Bell.

"Hehe, yes, I'm Evan Bell, I don't know what evidence I need to use to prove it? Now that we are on the phone, it doesn't seem to be so easy." Evan Bell heard Adam Levy's questioning, and also I couldn't help laughing. Although it's not a period when liars are rampant and there are many phone scams, it is indeed difficult to win the trust of the other party by making a phone call like this and saying that he is Evan Bell. "Why don't I sing a 'Three, the song in it will prove it to you?" After saying this, Evan Bell laughed out loud. This situation is indeed very delicate.

Adam Livy still had a look of disbelief when he listened to the phone, but in fact he already believed it. After coming out of the irritable mood just now, the calm mind listened to this voice, which completely belonged to Evan Bell. More importantly, what Maraan5 submitted to Eleven Studio is true.

The other team members completely ignored the heat of midsummer and leaned towards Adam Livy's telephone receiver. Ryan Dusek heard the voice from the other end and nodded desperately to Adam Livy, not only him. , The other three are also nodding, everyone can hear it, this is indeed Evan Bell!

"Hey, Evan..." Adam-Li Wei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his dry throat felt hard, and the four companions around him looked at him with expectant eyes, and the heartbeats of the five were so loud It's a little scary, "Do you have anything to do with our band?"

"What I'm trying to say is, 'Songs for Jane, isn't this album released? Why did you still send the master to Eleven Studios?" Evan Bell saw that the other party was no longer in his own identity. Continue to entangle, but also happy to cut directly to the theme.

The Magic Red Band, with lead singer Adam Livy and four other members, made a name for themselves with the song "Thssaxe". This is a rock band that combines the styles of hún, punk, rock and so on. Later, they released the song "Swing Like Jagger. This song is a tribute to Mick Jagger, the lead singer of the Rolling Stones. Lyrics such as "Payphane" and "Les Miserables (Mhsery all achieved outstanding results and won four Grammys. 2011 "American Idol's Biggest Competitor" In The Voice of America (e, Adam Levy became one of the judges and won a lot of praise and huge attention.

The style of the band Magic Red is completely different from that of Linkin Park, but the band's stage performance is also highly recognized. The rock band's singing relies on the solid foundation accumulated from performances, which can easily detonate all the scene. enthusiasm.

In Evan Bell's memory, the Magic Red Band has a long history of becoming an army. Although it became famous relatively late, at this point in time, it should have already started. So Evan Bell was surprised when he saw the audio sent by Adam Levy in the email.

Evan Bell simply checked and found that the album "Songs for Jane" was released in 2009, which has been nearly two years old, but the sales of this album are very good, and it is in the Recording Association of America. I can't even check the records, it is estimated that it has not yet reached the certification standard, that is, it has not reached the threshold of 500,000 sales of gold albums.

You must know that the album "Songs for Jane" not only includes "Thss Lawe", which made the Magic Red Band famous, but also released at least two or three songs, all of which have won a lot of praise. This album is very eye-catching. Lead singer Adam Li Wei's voice is very distinctive, and the melody of the song is filled with distinct characters belonging to these five young people. Naturally, the figures of five rock and roll youths will emerge in the mind. They are wearing denim kù, with their hands in their pockets and a cigarette in their mouths, wandering the streets without any scruples, saying to you with an expression that they owe no one, "This is my music, you I don't care whether I like to hear it or not."

In Evan Bell's memory, the album has won sales, won word of mouth, and won the Grammy's, which is what Magic Red has made its name. But now it deviates from Evan Bell's memory. This album is obviously dead. So, the sales of this album are so low, it should be attributed to the improper promotion channels and methods of the record company.

However, even if the sales of "Songs for Jane" are very low, the album of Magic Red has already been released after all, which means that they are appreciated by the record company. Even if the album does not perform well, the record company will definitely will find a way. In this case, the Magic Red Band still sent the master tape of their album to Eleven Studio, which is worthy of consideration.

Hearing Evan Bell's question, Adam Levy took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, "Look, it's like this, our album has been released for a long time, but we haven't found a suitable channel to promote it. "Adam-Livy was a little nervous at first, but as the words unfolded, he gradually calmed down, and the whole idea became clear.

The opponent is Evan Bell, although it is very exciting, but this opportunity given by God is definitely the biggest opportunity for the Magic Red Band. If it is missed, maybe the band will really lose the courage to continue to fight. Moreover, Eleven Studio is perfect for Magic Red. They don't want to compromise with the mainstream. They still want to make music they like. This idea can only be realized by a record company, so they signed a contract. Record company.

However, both albums before and after failed, and their prospects were dark. As a leader in the ** record company, Eleven Studio is undoubtedly their greatest hope.

Now, the opportunity is in front of the band, and Adam Levy forced to cool his brain and must seize this opportunity firmly.

"Not long ago, the ** record company that our band signed with went out of business, so... we are back to freedom again. But we didn't want to stop chasing our musical dreams, so we thought of Eleven. Room, we hope Studio Eleven can give us a chance..." Having said this, Adam-Li Wei paused a little, because everyone knows what he said later, according to his style, he does not intend to formulate To express it, for example, to compliment some Eleven Studio's achievements, such as self-recommendation or something, this is not Adam-Levy's style.

In Adam-Levy's view, if the company is not good, he will not contribute; and as for self-recommendation, if they themselves have no confidence in the band, who can expect to trust them? So, these polite words are nonsense! However, this opportunity is so important... Adam-Levy hesitated.

Just when Adam Levy hesitated, Evan Bell's voice came over, "What kind of development do you recommend to yourself? Make a new album and start over; or continue to promote the one released two years ago. an album..."

This was Evan Bell's temptation to Adam Livy, but for Adam Livy, it solved his hesitation, and he didn't need to say a lot of polite words. Of course he couldn't like it more. It can be heard that Evan Bell doesn't care about those "nonsense" at all, which makes Adam Livy smile unconsciously. This is the Evan Bell he admires!

"Continue to promote the song for Jane," Adam-Levy said decisively, but after he finished speaking, he felt that he was too decisive and didn't seem to give the other party any face, so he decided to explain a little, "because In fact, this album has been prepared by our band for a long time. It is the crystallization of our band spirit. This album expresses ourselves and our current highest level. Instead of spending time on making a new album, it is better to focus all our energy. On the promotion of this album. Besides, as I said just now, we hardly promote this album, and we don't have many channels to promote it..."

In fact, Evan Bell's test is very simple for most people. "Song for Jane" has been released for two years, and there is still no movement. This means that this album has "failed". A new company, choosing to produce a new album and starting over, is naturally a simpler choice. However, this is not the answer that Evan Bell wanted, nor the answer that Adam Levy wanted.

Entering a new company to produce a new album, which means a new beginning, also means that the band must change its style and integrate with the new company. In short, it means changing itself. At the beginning, Evan Bell didn't choose to change himself, so he rejected Universal Music; If Adam Levy chooses to change himself in order to enter Eleven Studio, then Evan Bell's senses for them It's bound to change.

Furthermore, Evan Bell knows that the album "Songs for Jane" is excellent. If Adam-Levy himself doesn't care about this brainchild, how can he convince others to trust him?

Therefore, the best answer to Evan Bell's temptation is to stick to himself. Even if he chooses to start over, he can at least fight for it. This is the essence. Adam Levy's answer couldn't be better.

Evan Bell knows that the Magic Red Band is actually another Linkin Park. They have never given up on the road of insisting on their own music, until today, which is why Evan Bell has always had a soft spot for the band. , this kind of unruly insistence on self-music is the true meaning of music. Evan Bell knew that he had unearthed another treasure!

"Adam, since your previous company no longer exists, do you have any intention of joining Eleven Studios? I think we can make a new announcement for 'Songs for Jane, this album'" Evan- Bell's voice came from the other end of the phone, like a hymn sung by an angel, making Adam Livy's brain "hum", and it went blank. ! .

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