Great Artist

Chapter 826: 1 锤 constant sound

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What is Evan Bell doing at this time?

After the release of Magic Red's reissue album at the end of July, Evan Bell's nearly month-long promotion came to an end, and he came directly to Wyoming. The preparatory work for "Brokeback Mountain" is still in progress, and the crew has not been convened yet, but Evan Bell came here in advance to experience the customs of the western United States.

Although Evan Bell had read a lot of books about the customs of the American West in the process of adapting the script before, what he read on paper was far less direct and vivid than what he experienced locally. And Evan Bell knows that his temperament is a little less rough than that of Western cowboys, so he must integrate into local life and conduct field trips, and Evan Bell is also very interested in Texas cowboys, I hope I can change the emphasis of my speech, which is very necessary for character interpretation.

Evan Bell stayed in Wyoming for nearly half a month, and his life was very casual and comfortable. Not long ago, Jake Gyllenhaal came over to join Evan Bell first. Jake Gyllenhaal's growth background was far from his role, and he also joined the "cowboy training camp" where Evan Bell was. However, Jake Gyllenhaal still needs to learn everything about the rodeo, which is much heavier than Evan Bell's task.

Then, less than three days after Li Ancai arrived at the "Cowboy Training Camp", reporters swarmed.

Faced with such a large lineup of reporters, Evan Bell is not too surprised. He has fully seen the posture of reporters in the original slander incident. Today, he saw the posture of nearly 30 reporters, and he did not feel flustered at all. , is still calm.

"Evan...Evan..." Everyone was trying to attract Evan Bell's attention, but Evan Bell was not in a hurry to answer, but said with a smile, "Everyone is right Any renewed interest in Brokeback Mountain? Hope you guys see some change in this cowboy camp behind me."

Western cowboy has always been inseparable from the word rough, and it is very different from everyone's impression of homosexuality, so Evan Bell's sentence is also a ridicule for reporters, so that everyone's repeated calls are a little calmer some.

Evan Bell looked at the faces of everyone looking at each other and couldn't help laughing, "It doesn't seem to be here for 'Brokeback Mountain', what's the matter?" In fact, how could Evan Bell not know what happened recently What, Teddy Bell talks to him on the phone every day.

The Bell brothers were not surprised by Jerry Bruckheimer's search for a new actor. You can feel this mentality of Jerry Bruckheimer in the last unhappy breakup. After that, there were two exchanges. When the news of "Brokeback Mountain" broke out, Jerry Bruckheimer's choice was Totally expected, just a matter of time. But the Bell Brothers were surprised that the paparazzi had such a keen sense of smell and broke the news much earlier than they expected.

However, after the incident broke out, because Evan Bell was hiding in the remote western United States, no reporters came to disturb him for a short time, and Jack Bruckheimer did not respond for the time being, Evan Bell was naturally happy.

Earlier today, Jerry Bruckheimer called Evan Bell. Although the embarrassed Jerry Bruckheimer did not lower his stance, when he expressed the importance of the script, the tone was already Much sincerity. Therefore, Evan Bell also knows how to face reporters.

The reporter appeared a little later than expected today, and Evan Bell was still wondering if there was a traffic jam. Therefore, when he saw the reporter's figure, Evan Bell calmly joked.

Seeing the smile on Evan Bell's face, the calm reporter finally remembered to ask a question, "Evan, there is news recently that Jerry will replace you with Depp in 'Pirates of the Caribbean', do you know this news? "

"Of course, of course, almost all the news has been reported recently. Although I am in Wyoming, the news is not so closed." Evan Bell said with a smile, but unfortunately the reporters around didn't find it funny, just smirked. A smile, not much response. "Okay, don't be so serious, I know you're not in the mood to joke right now, let's get to the point." Looking at the reporters in front of him, a few people even nodded involuntarily, which made Evan Bell immediately find it interesting.

"The thing is, some time ago, Jerry and I did have some disputes over the script of the sequel, but it was not a big problem. You definitely misunderstood Jerry." Many times, Evan Bell always faces reporters. It's true, but if you play Tai Chi, Evan Bell will definitely not lose to anyone, and can make reporters dizzy, "I'm very honored to play Captain Jack Sparrow, I don't want to Missed this opportunity. Or do you think you're tired of seeing me play Captain Jack Sparrow on the big screen, so that's why you made a list of the actors you'd like to see?"

For Evan Bell's ridicule, the reporters did not care, but then seized the loophole in Evan Bell's words and asked, "Dispute, what is the dispute?"

"It's very simple, you know, for example, I hope the plot can be a little clearer, and Jerry hopes to add some new characters, that is, some discussion of the script." Evan Bell coped with ease, and made some comments on the content of the script. The specious answers made the reporters feel helpless, because the content of this answer simply did not allow reporters to make an article.

"However, do you have any specific requirements for the story of 'Pirates of the Caribbean'?" The reporter asked again.

"Of course, I still hope to dedicate a wonderful story to the audience. After all, when everyone walks into the cinema, not only do they want to see magnificent visual effects, but it is also a good thing to have a good-looking story, isn't it?" Evan Bell seems to Some of the answers were wrong, but when he said this, he was very serious. In fact, this is his message to Jerry Bruckheimer: his requirements for the script will not change.

Seeing that Evan Bell was so indifferent, the reporter could only sigh. However, Evan Bell's point of view is also very clear. The previous news of the "News of the World" seems to be fake news. Even if there is any internal conflict between Evan Bell and Jerry Bruckheimer, if the two sides agree to the outside world, it will be very difficult for reporters to continue to dig deep content.

"Evan, is there really no problem with the preparations for the sequel of 'Pirates of the Caribbean'?" The reporter still seemed unwilling to give up.

"No." Evan Bell made a final call, putting an end to the incident. But then, Evan Bell smiled again, "Actually, there are," this sentence suddenly swayed the reporter's heart again, and then they heard Evan Bell say, "Because our crew is now It's really a big problem to have a headache about how to deliver a good story to the audience."

Tricked again! Reporters can only be so helpless.

"Evan, not long ago you had a scandal with Scarlett Johansson, and then Scarlett and Jake Gyllenhaal were in a relationship, and now you're working with Jake on a movie... It’s still a love movie, do you have any special feelings?” Suddenly a reporter came forward and asked a completely irrelevant question, which made other reporters stunned, but after listening to it, everyone realized the problem "interesting".

The triangular relationship between Evan Bell and Jake Gyllenhaal competing for Scarlett Johansson was originally just a rumor of two men fighting for one woman, but because these two men are now going to have a romantic relationship in a movie, And become more interesting. This is the real triangular relationship, which can form a two-two relationship triangle, which is definitely a must-see!

If there was no reporter's reminder, Evan Bell hardly remembered this matter, and now he thinks it is very interesting, he can't help laughing, "First of all, the scandal is a scandal, I am friends with Scarlett and Jack. Secondly, I and Jack wants to work together in a movie, this is really a very fresh attempt, I think we all need time to run in."

Evan Bell didn’t fall into the reporter’s trap. He clearly separated the questions, and then separated the questions, which made the reporters feel boring. They still prefer the flamboyant Evan Bell, at least he has an explosive point. no. It's really a disappointment to see Evan Bell and everyone have been doing Tai Chi today.

Evan Bell didn't care whether the reporter cared or not. After he asked questions, he left Shi Shiran, completely unhurried. However, Evan Bell was thinking, what happened to Scarlett Johansson and Jake Gyllenhaal? Will this little girl come to visit the class? That's the real fun.

The reporter's interview with Evan Bell also brought the "Pirates of the Caribbean" actor replacement storm to a close. Confirmed by Evan Bell, the public opinion on the Internet against Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney finally But obviously these audiences are still closely watching the sequel of "Pirates of the Caribbean" , If there is a little trouble, it is estimated that there will be waves again.

From this result, everyone can clearly see that even with the news of "Brokeback Mountain" that violates Hollywood's unspoken rules, Evan Bell's momentum remains unabated. Obviously, his personality label has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even with outrageous moves and choices, it's not surprising to everyone.

However, for Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Inas, the matter is not over, because they successfully received the message from Evan Bell through the media: I will not give up on the script!

Evan Bell's toughness makes Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Inaston, who are used to being strong, feel useless, but how they will deal with it, we can only wait and see. Judging from the current situation, both of them feel a little ashamed and did not contact the Bell Brothers immediately. As for when to contact, it depends on Jerry Bruckheimer, the gold medal producer.

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