Great Artist

Chapter 830: Ten thousand fireflies

8.3 million fireflies

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"Hey, can you believe this is all true?" Anne Hathaway gently pushed Evan Bell's left elbow with her right elbow, her eyes full of stars. Even though I have seen countless natural landscapes on the National Geographic Channel, I have heard Evan Bell's description of the aurora, but when I saw it with my own eyes, I still felt incredible, and even thought it was just a dream.

"If you don't believe me, I can pinch you." Evan Bell said solemnly, but what he didn't want to greet him was a small hand twisting his waist, which suddenly made Evan Bell grin, "Annie! "

Anne Hathaway laughed smugly. She used to be fooled, but she was pinched by Evan Bell and burst into tears. "Humph, no, your reaction proves that this is reality."

Evan Bell rubbed his waist that had been turned twice, the expression on his face was not too painful, "I think this is like a picture that only appears in a dream, so many stars, like the whole space. All the planets are clustered together, there should be tens of millions."

"Hehe, do you want to try the task of counting stars?" Anne Hathaway raised her right hand, and the sky was spread out in front of her eyes with low pressure. The bright stars seemed to be within reach. People involuntarily raised their hands and wanted to stir in the sky. "Don't you think these light spots are not like stars, but like fireflies?"

The stars in the sky are not dazzling, the gentle flickering light is not so dazzling white, the elegant and soft green stars are indeed like fireflies flying, and the fireflies that cover the sky are beautiful and difficult to use. language to describe.

Evan Bell couldn't help showing a smile, "Indeed, thousands of fireflies seem to fall from the sky at any time." Listening to Evan Bell's description, Anne Hathaway's raised hand couldn't help but grab again When I grabbed it, although I only caught a piece of air, the "fireflies" that were close at hand were like flowing water, flowing slowly in front of my eyes. The wonderful river of light made all the words lose their color.

In the dark night sky, a snow-white arm stretched straight against the black background, and the firefly-like starlight above filled the sight. Anne Hathaway's childlike behavior made Evan Bell smile.

The lively and jumping sound of the electronic organ appeared in Evan Bell's mind, as if a little bit of starlight was flowing and agile in front of him. The mysterious color with the dream of the night sky made the atmosphere lighten, and the excited mood was brought out again. The dynamic rhythm of the electronic piano sound. "" ads/advertising full text txt download This is a brand new feeling, very different from the music Evan Bell has created before, he is trying to create a dynamism with electronic melody The rhythm, light and bright music style, this kind of agile and wonderful feeling becomes more and more ethereal under the night sky.

"You might not believe your eyes if thousands of fireflies (es) illuminate my whole dream."

Evan Bell was singing softly, and his clear and beautiful voice could not create the effect of electronic sounds in his mind. It was slightly thin and not lively enough. But listening to Anne Hathaway's ears, her brain suddenly lit up. The scene depicted in this lyric is completely the beauty in front of you, and the sentence "tens of thousands of fireflies" seems to be the most wonderful fairy tale. Word.

"Because they're flying in the air and there are tears falling everywhere, you'd think I'm being rude, but I'm just standing and staring. I think I'm convinced that the earth is changing subtly. Feeling so awake again because everything seems to have changed."

Evan Bell's voice did not release all the energy, but fully released the clarity and freshness in his voice. It was like the dew and fragrance on the tip of the grass. The natural atmosphere was intoxicating in his voice. Let the mystery and unpredictability of the night sky be presented in the simplest way, but it is more and more thrilling.

Anne-Hathaway only felt that the beauty in front of her became more and more magnificent, and every sentence of the lyrics was like a poem, so that it was completely outlined in front of her eyes.

"Because I got a thousand hugs, the warmth of the ten thousand fireflies trying to teach me how to dance, waltzing over my head, tap dancing under my bed, and on the line Pulled disco ball."

Hearing this lyric, Anne Hathaway couldn't help but smile. She looked at the stars in the sky as if they were starting to line up with Evan Bell's singing, and the dancing "fireflies" were like cartoons. The same, vividly staged in front of the eyes.

"I think I'm convinced that the earth is subtly changing. I can't express how awake I feel when I'm in a dream because everything seems to have changed."

With a "chi", Anne Hathaway couldn't help laughing. When Evan Bell sang the chorus, the whole song became half-dream and half-awake. The strange, subtle and fresh picture was beautifully interpreted. Diverse, although it is still midsummer, the refreshing comfort under the night sky is refreshing.

"When I'm dreaming, my door is babbling open, please take me out of here, I feel like an insomniac; please take me out of here, why am I tired of counting sheep; please take me out of here , when I'm just too tired to sleep.

I'm so weird in the face of those thousands of fireflies, because I don't want to say goodbye, tears welling up in my eyes when I say goodbye to them, but I'll know they're taking, if my dreams are really weird, it's because I store some in memory boxes. When I'm dreaming, I think I'm convinced that the earth is changing subtly, and I can't express how awake I feel when I'm dreaming because my dreams are burning on the horizon. "

In Evan Bell's singing, the beauty of the night sky seems to have become a postcard, which remains in my mind forever. This kind of picture cannot be recorded even with a camera or a paintbrush, because this night sky The magnificence of his paintings cannot be described in words or words, only memory, only the memory recorded by one's own eyes, is the most real and accurate.

Thinking of this, Anne Hathaway glanced at Evan Bell, who was singing softly beside her. Evan Bell's profile face undulates a curve in the dark night, there is no special smile at the corners of his mouth, and his relaxed comfort makes him look particularly handsome. This face is also embellished in Anne Hathaway's mind. The light of fireflies is heartbreakingly beautiful.

And he, and him, is the most important part of the memory, Anne Hathaway decided. Even if the spectacle of the night sky was recorded with a camera, Evan Bell lying beside him, the clear and ethereal singing, and the wonderful sense of melody and picture cannot be printed and dyed with any technology, only his own memories. , to be able to record this beautiful moment.

Anne Hathaway suddenly thought of "The Notebook". The importance of memory in this film is vivid and vivid. Years will eventually grow old, face will eventually grow old, time will eventually pass, but memory is a picture that never fades. , become the most important part of life. The memory of this moment is the most beautiful frame in Anne Hathaway's memory.

After Evan Bell finished singing, he turned his head with a smile on his face, looked at Anne Hathaway and said, "Aren't these 10,000 fireflies very spectacular?" This is the core idea of ​​his creation of this song, "Fireflies The beauty of (es is breathtaking, and he wanted to share that sentiment with Anne Hathaway.

However, Evan Bell had just turned his head, half of his words, his voice dropped a little bit, because he bumped into Anne Hathaway's beautiful eyes, the eyes of the two people met, and the surrounding The noise was quieted down.

The starry night sky, the singing remaining in the air, and the quiet and ambiguous atmosphere made Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway seem to have wiped away all the messy thoughts in their brains. They were simply pulled by hormones. His face involuntarily approached and approached again.

When the breaths were entangled together, the heat exuding between the lips could already be clearly felt. The eyelids slowly fell, the vision was completely blurred, and the night was about to surround the two. The friction between the skins raised the temperature a little bit, and they could even feel each other's delicate skin on each other's cheeks.

Thick heat waves accumulated between the lips and lips, making people a little dizzy. The closer and closer distance between the lips squeezed out the breath little by little, and when the soft lips almost touched together, the flame-like temperature woke them up.

Almost at the same time both eyes opened. The proximity of the distance made both of them startled, and all the ambiguity was immediately swept away, but the expected embarrassment and strangeness did not come in. The two still maintained such a distance, and their eyes filled with laughter. I mean, it was a smile with a tacit understanding.

The two pulled back a little distance to avoid touching their lips with just one mouth. Now that I think about it, the two of them are very clear about what happened just now. Although there can be various explanations, confusion may be the best "excuse", but neither of them seems to have opened their mouths to the short ten years just now. The intention to explain what happened in a few seconds.

The corner of Evan Bell's mouth was slightly sketched to the left, "Annie, I think you have an answer to your question just now." Anne Hathaway's eyes showed doubts, "What's the problem?" Evan Bell went on to say , "You are indeed a little woman."

Anne Hathaway couldn't help showing a big smile, which was an affirmation of her charm. She lowered her eyelids and said in a teasing tone, "Then shall we continue to be friends?"

Friendship between a man and a woman has never been so easy, has it?

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