Great Artist

Chapter 837: lifesaver

837 Life-saving straw

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Lydia Alison stood on the edge of the beach, in a dilemma. On the one hand, her job was to convince Evan Bell to participate in the activities organized by the city this afternoon, but Evan Bell was not obliged to participate in these activities. , so she didn't know what reason to use; on the other hand, she looked at Evan Bell, who was smiling and sweating on the beach, and had an urge to break free from all restraints and join the carnival, but her reason told herself : Not so.

After a moment of hesitation, Lydia Alison turned and left. She can't be as free and unrestrained as Evan Bell, at least she can watch it quietly and don't disturb this happiness. After returning to the hotel, Lydia Alison told Dubai Municipality staff that Evan Bell was not found. No one was suspicious. After all, it was not easy to find someone in the crowd. If Evan Bell consciously avoided it, it would be even more difficult.

Finally put aside the turbulence of the bidding meeting for a while, Evan Bell continued to enjoy the joy of sweating in the sun.

Although Evan Bale is famous all over the world, for these young people who come to Dubai for holiday, the excitement of seeing Evan Bale is quickly replaced by the hot summer sun and the charm of beach volleyball. Instead, everyone enjoys the leisure and happiness of vacation at the seaside.

At this time, there were not many people on the beach, but there were not many people, but no one noticed that Evan Bell was playing volleyball there so loudly, and the laughter was unbridled in the sea breeze.

Compared with the depression of the Dubai Municipal Government, the comfort of the designers of the bidding competition, and the joy of Evan Bell, Michael Amter is indeed a little dejected.

Michael Amter loosened his tie, then took it off directly, then unbuttoned the top two buttons of his white shirt, stood in the shade and fanned with his hands, there was no wind, only a A wave of heat hit his face. The whole back was soaked, and the shirt was sticking to the skin, which was really uncomfortable.

"What the **** am I doing here!" Michael Armt was in a bad mood and threw his tie on the ground angrily. Looking at that ugly bluish-black mass, like a mass of aquatic plants, is really disgusting.

Michael-Amter himself has no idea what has happened in the past week. It seems that he has not sorted his mind. He is already standing on the soil of Dubai, from New York to Los Angeles and back to Algeria. Burke, then flew to Chicago to Dubai. 《》Advertising txt download

Michael Armt, who just turned 30 this year, graduated from the film department of New York University. After graduation, he worked as an assistant director for three years. Then, as he entered the 21st century, he chose to become a a screenwriter. In May 2000, it took him only three days to write his first script "Little Sunshine", which gave him a little confidence in the screenwriting industry.

The story of "Little Miss Sunshine" is very simple. The six members of the Hoover family have weird personalities. Everyone has their own problems, but at the same time, everyone is reluctant to spend time listening to other people's problems, because the dinner table at home often becomes a quarrel. battlefield. Until one day, when the seven-year-old daughter Oliver heard the news of the "Miss Sunshine" beauty contest on the radio in the interval between everyone's quarrels, she screamed excitedly, and this moment of screaming finally subsided temporarily. Ongoing heated quarrel. With Oliver's hard work, the Hoover family decided to accompany the little **** a collective dream-seeking journey.

This is a film about the warmth between family members, without the ups and downs of contradictions, without wonderful visual effects. Michael-Amter hopes that through this film, he can convey the concept of the importance of family in his heart. In his opinion, this story is the truth in the bland, and movies of this kind can find a place in Hollywood.

Unfortunately, the truth is not as expected, Michael - Armit found that after the script was completed, the nightmare began.

The script of "Little Sunshine" couldn't find an investor at all, because the subject matter was too dull and there were not too many bright spots to attract big-name stars and big-name directors to join, so the script was delayed. After the script changed hands several times, it was finally picked up by the well-known Focus Pictures, a subsidiary of Universal Pictures that produces and distributes high-end art films.

Originally, Michael Armt thought that this was the destination of "Little Sunshine", but until 2004, Focus Films planned to start the filming of the film three times, but finally gave up for the same reason - - The script is too bland. Focus Films, which took a fancy to the script, has always been reluctant to spend enough money to start it. For five years before and after, "Little Sunshine Beauty" could not be turned on.

A week ago, Michael Armt received an ultimatum: Focus Pictures officially dropped the "Little Sunshine" script for the same reason: the script was too bland.

What this means for Michael Armt, it means that his efforts over the past four years, and waiting, have been nullified! Over the past four years, Michael Armt has done some work behind the scenes on and off to not starve to death, but the script of "Little Miss Sunshine" is his only hope, and he hasn't written anything else in four years. Any script, if this script is broken, it means that he has not achieved anything for the past four years.

This blow made Michael - Amter suddenly blinded, he returned to New York, overwhelmed, not even knowing what to do in the future. The feeling was very clear, the dream that had persisted for four years was suddenly shattered, years of hard work were all in vain, my mind was completely blank, and I didn't even want to move a finger.

This decadent and desolate state lasted for two days, and then Focus Pictures brought him good news. A producer in Los Angeles was interested in the script and was sincere. Michael-Amter was hesitant at first, but he followed the advice of Focus Pictures and flew to Los Angeles to meet with the producer.

The producer named Mark Tetotu is indeed very sincere. He is willing to buy the film adaptation rights of the story for $250,000. This price can be said to be "super low", but because " The script of "Little Sunshine" has been silent for five years, and it has been despised again and again. Although this price is very helpless, Michael Amter agreed to it after consideration.

But Marc Tetotu is tough on investment, and he has his own ideas for road trips in the script. In the script, Michael-Armter describes a journey from Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico, to California to participate in the game, but Mark-Tettou wants to go to Canada for filming, which is similar to Michael-Arm Te's ideas are in conflict.

At Michael Amter's insistence, the two of them traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico, for a field trip. But after nearly two days of investigation, in the end Mark Tetotu insisted on his choice. He hoped to move the filming location to Canada. This makes Michael - Armit very tangled.

On the one hand, Michael Amter originally wrote this script to show the scenery from the central to the south of the United States through road trips. It was originally one of the purposes. Now moving to Canada is not in line with the original intention; but on the other hand, the script has been After five years of silence, this seems to be the only opportunity. After missing it, I don't know when to wait.

The conflict between ideals and reality once again caused Michael Amter to suffer in his heart.

However, before waiting for Michael Amter to come up with a result, Mark Tetotu made a choice for Michael Amter. He believes that the budget of the film should be controlled within three million, otherwise it will be so dull It is difficult for the script to attract investment from the company or the producer.

Although Michael Armt knew that the cost of ** movies has always been more restrained, his estimated cost of "Little Miss Sunshine" was about seven million, and Mark Tetotu cut it in half. This also means that when filming starts in the future, the director will have to split one dollar into two dollars for filming, which is not good news for "Little Sunshine Beauty". Originally, because the script was bland, it could not attract more attention. If the director is stretched because of investment problems, it is estimated that whether the film can be successfully completed will become a problem.

After that, Michael Armt did not hesitate to turn down the investment from Mark Tetotu.

Mark Tetotu is very disdainful of Michael Armt's "persistence". You must know that the script of "Little Miss Sunshine" has been silent for five years. In the ever-changing Hollywood, what does it mean for a script to be ignored for four years , it couldn't be clearer.

Michael Armt, who was stimulated by Mark Tetotu's last, thought of Eleven Studio, one of the most famous ** studios in the United States. , and this studio is even more flamboyant because of the existence of Evan Bell. The name of Evan Bell is the first thing that comes to mind in Michael Amter's mind. Even if all producers are not optimistic about him, at least Evan Bell will give him affirmation, which is the only thought in Michael Amter's mind.

Hearing the news that Evan Bell had arrived in Dubai, Michael Amter, who was already very cash-strapped, didn't think much of it. He bought a plane ticket and flew over directly, and ran to the Middle East desert with a rush of anger. Find a way out for the hard work of the past four years.

After arriving in Dubai, Michael Amter realized that if Evan Bell did not give him approval, then his savings from childhood would turn into debt - this time, he also asked his parents for help for the plane ticket, in other words After all, this is his last chance, life-saving straw! If he misses it, then maybe his dream is over.

However, after wandering around in Dubai all day, Michael Amter still did not find Evan Bell, and he realized his recklessness, and the hot weather made him embarrassed, looking at the front The vast sandy beach and sea, his eyes were blank.

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