Great Artist

Chapter 847: difficult kiss scene

847 Difficult kiss scene

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Anne Hathaway glanced at Michelle Williams, who had just walked by her side. The two actresses have not played a role recently, but they are also in the stage of hard study in the crew. Michelle Williams often Sexually disappeared and seemed a little out of place, so Anne Hathaway was not too familiar with her.

Anne-Hathaway turned her gaze to the filming location, "Their kissing scene is about to start. It's probably going to be exciting to see their nervous expressions." Anne-Hathaway's face had a gloating expression on her face. It's not often that Evan Bell is so nervous.

Since the last time the two of them looked at the stars together, there seemed to be some changes between the two of them, but it was not obvious, but the feeling of being more than a friend and not a full lover did not make the two of them awkward and jerky, and they were still as harmonious and natural as before. . This is a good start for Anne Hathaway.

"Hehe, seeing two super handsome guys kissing, it is estimated that the hearts of countless girls will be broken." Michelle Williams also responded with a smile on her face. It can be seen that she is in the same mood as these two. The weather is just as bright.

"No, no, from the perspective of the picture, this is very beautiful, of course, the premise is that it is not his own man." Anne Hathaway and Evan Bell have been together for a long time, and this kind of humor is also a lot of handy, let Mi Shelly Williams laughed outright and said directly, "Fortunately, neither Evan nor Jack really likes men, otherwise countless women would be really sad."

Hearing Michelle Williams' words, Anne Hathaway also laughed, and when her eyes fell on Evan Bell, she laughed even more happily.

Anne Hathaway and Michelle Williams were very comfortable as bystanders, but Evan Bell and Jake Gyllenhaal were not so comfortable. The two knelt at the entrance of the tent, The theater manager was standing outside the tent, talking to two people. The tent was originally limited space, there was a photographer standing inside, and two big men went in, it was really overwhelmed, so the drama management had to stand outside.

"Ennis, put your left hand over and embrace Jack first." The show manager had already started talking about the show, so he used the name in the show, "Be more casual, it looks like it's just turning over when you're sleeping, inadvertently playing with it. past……"

Evan Bell nodded, this scene was clearly written in the original novel, and he still remembers it to this day, but he was not sure how Ang Lee wanted to shoot, "Then, do you want to shoot this scene of Jack holding my hand? "

This passage in the original novel is roughly like this. Ennis, who stayed in the camp because he was drunk, did not go up the mountain to take care of the sheep all night. He couldn’t bear the cold outside, so he went into the tent to warm up. Ennis, who was sleepy, put his own Putting his hand on Jack's body, Jack couldn't hold back his lustful teasing. He took the hand that Ennis had put on him and stretched it towards his lower body. This made Ennis startled, and he and Jack both sat up. The two young people who suppressed their love in their hearts, jerky and nervous, confused and repulsive, began to **** for sex. The two were attracted to each other, but contradicted each other, but in the end, they gave in to their instincts. Jack unbuttoned his pants, while Ennis directly turned Jack over, spit into his palm, and wiped it on his lower body. entered directly.

In the original book, the description of this episode is very explicit, because it is the moment when all the emotions of the two men explode, and it is also an important moment of emotional transformation. But Evan Bell cut the plot down a bit in his adaptation, highlighting the jerky and confused two people groping for each other, and the struggle between reason and emotion. However, after Ang Lee has read the script, how to show it is the director's responsibility, so Evan Bell will ask this question.

The production manager said without pausing, "Jack is going to do this action under the quilt, but we won't be filming. When you feel your hands are down and the position is almost there, you are frightened and sit up directly." , The drama manager paused for a while and glanced at Jake Gyllenhaal, "As for the action under the quilt, you can discuss it yourself."

This joke made Evan Bell and Jake Gyllenhaal roll their eyes at the same time. It seems that shooting a **** movie directly led to the whole crew constantly making jokes about them. Just look at Anne Hathaway and Michelle Williams, who are standing next to the show.

After laughing, the production manager went on to say, "Jack, you have to try to get close to Ennis, you are the active party. But Ennis, you have to push Jack away, you two have to struggle, don't go too far. Jack, you can immediately Start unbuttoning your pants, and soon Ennis you're losing your mind because of the alcohol...get it? That's the main direction. We shoot with one long take, preferably in one go."

The drama manager wanted to say something more, but Ang Lee's voice came from the side, "Don't say more, let's try it out first." Ang Lee believes that Evan Bell and Jake Gyllenhaal are two This tension and jerkyness of the individual itself is the state of Ennis and Jack, so it doesn't require much elaboration, and it is best to express it in its original form.

Li An took the show manager and left, Evan Bell looked back at Jake Gyllenhaal, and both of them were immediately embarrassed. Evan Bell, who had just said "follow me", was inevitably a little overwhelmed at this time. However, Evan Bell has filmed "Mysterious Skin" before, and is used to this kind of outrageous scene, so he is more proactive, "Just follow your own state first, see how it goes, and then make adjustments. ."

Jake Gyllenhaal nodded, took a deep breath, found his place in the tent, and lay down facing the cameraman sitting in the innermost part of the tent. The cameraman began to adjust the lights. Since the scene took place in the middle of the night, and the light in the tent was dim, only scattered moonlight and starlight came in, so the whole picture was dark, and only two figures could be seen doing it. Action, the faint blue light cannot even depict the curves of the face. This puts forward new requirements for the videographer's image capture ability. As for the two leading actors, they can't relax, even if the camera can't capture the facial expressions, their performances can't be separated and must be integrated, so they still have to go all out.

After everything was ready, Ang Lee didn't give the two actors more time to prepare, and just called to start.

Because there was a rehearsal, the beginning went smoothly. Ennis put his hand on Jack, Jack grabbed Ennis's hand and pulled it down, and then Enniston sat up sensitively, and Jack also sat next to him. stand up. But just as Jack got closer to Ennis, Ennis pushed Jack away directly. Jack was not prepared enough, and he fell to the ground.

"Card," Li An's voice undoubtedly came over, but he didn't explain or explain, just said, "Ennis's strength is lighter, and Jack's strength is stronger. Start again in a minute. "

After restarting, Jack successfully approached Ennis, Ennis asked a little confusedly, "What are you doing?" Then Jack took Ennis' face and kissed it fiercely. But before he could get close to Ennis' face, a huge force came from his shoulders, and the whole person stepped back again. Although he did not fall, he had already lost his center of gravity and had no way to move forward.

"Ka! You are lovers, lovers! Although you are not sure, you are lovers! Not wrestlers! Come again!" Ang Lee's voice caused the crew to laugh softly, Anne Hathaway and Mi Shel Williams was even more delighted by the side, and it was indeed a very interesting thing to watch two big men tangled there.

Evan Bell reluctantly looked at Jake Gyllenhaal. In the darkness, the eyes of the two of them were a little blurry, "I'll take a little more strength." Jake Gyllenhaal smiled helplessly. Laughing, Evan Bell's power was indeed something he didn't expect, but what the director of this scene wanted was the most primitive and natural state of the two, so the two had to keep exploring.

After the filming started again, the two protagonists who were groping forward obviously had a better understanding. Jack successfully approached Ennis, and Ennis's hand on Jack's shoulder, although still strong, was not so firm. Ang Lee can't help but nodded secretly, Evan Bell's interpretation of Ennis' inner struggle is getting more and more accurate, although only one of his hands can be seen on the camera, but the feeling of conflict is very clear.

Jack held Ennis' face and stared hard at his eyes. All the **** in his heart erupted like a volcano. He pushed forward abruptly. Ennis's resistance was not timely. Their lips collided directly. Yes, they just bumped into each other.

There was a muffled sound of "bang" Evan Bell and Jake Gyllenhaal were not sure about the correctness of the manoeuvre. Anne-Hathaway and Michelle-Williams stood next to each other and looked at each other. They never thought that this kissing scene would happen like this. And the "first kiss" of the two big men was born in this way. To be honest, this kiss really made people laugh and cry.

Evan Bell couldn't help covering his mouth, God, the first time I kissed a man, the spark hit the earth, this feeling is too painful. It's better to kiss a woman.

"Turn on the lights." Li An hurriedly shouted, "Aren't you two injured?" He could hear the muffled sound just now through the monitor. If his lips were hurt, it would be bad.

Evan Bell shook his head. There was no blood in his mouth, indicating that there was no broken skin or injury. As soon as the lights were turned on, the line of sight was a little uncomfortable. Seeing Jake Gyllenhaal, who was shaking his head with his mouth covered, the two people's eyes met, and they felt very happy and couldn't help laughing.

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