Great Artist

Chapter 866: long aftertaste

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"For the past to be forgotten or to indulge? This is a subjective proposition with no answer. [Very literary]. But "Mystery Skin" tells us that whether it is forgotten or indulged, life will go on, and there is nothing we can do about the past, We can only keep going on the road in the future.

Looking at 'Mysterious Skin, looking at Neil, looking at Brian, looking at Wendy and Avalian, it's heart-wrenching, heart-wrenching, heart-palpitating. In a trance, it was as if I saw my youth, the wind whistling wildly in my ears, and the crystal tears disappeared with the wind. Listening to the music of slawdwe and rde, and savoring the film carefully, along with the blue and blue picture, the despair deepens continuously, as if a boulder is tied to the ankle and sinks continuously in the sea. The soundtrack in the movie, whether it is slawdwm or rde, is irresistible, which almost becomes the footnote of the story of Neil and Brian, just as the lonely but quiet world in the music wall cannot be rejected.

Infatuation with this film is as real as the desire for loneliness and true love.

Watching Brian lying on Neil's lap, watching Neil hug Brian tightly, watching them swallowed by the black tide like two angels, suddenly seemed to see all the innocent people who were once innocent. The young man was weeping in a low voice, weeping the memories of their passing. When the curtain falls and the song ends, we find ourselves unable to breathe, vulnerable and helpless, and our lives will continue like this. "

This is a film review from Chris Fairbanks in "Film Review". As a representative of the United States, it appeared on the review list of the Venice Film Festival for the first time. Although Chris Fairbank still disagreed with Evan Bell taking on "Brokeback Mountain", he still maintained an objective stance and sent his own praise on "Mysterious Skin".

When Evan Bell was filming "Mysterious Skin", the media were actually not optimistic about a film with such a sensitive subject matter. After all, it is not easy to control the "degree" and shoot such a subject well. . But it turns out that Evan Bell not only completed this work, but also completed it well, and even showed a more mature and profound momentum than "Love Notebook", which made everyone look at him.

Corresponding to the "Film Review°" in the United States, the famous British film magazine "Audio & Sound" also published a comment at the first time. For Evan - Bell is always sought after, this time is no exception. ...

"After watching 'Mysterious Skin, I sat quietly in my seat for four minutes before I realized I was going to give a standing ovation. After the screening, I left the Deco Theater and I sat by the sea all night, looking at the sky. The morning sun rose slowly. The feeling that I couldn't tell whether it was warmth, sourness, or pain slowly spread in my heart, and penetrated little by little through the wound at the top of my heart.

Warmth, unrelated to the theme of the film, is just a purely personal sense. The movie is like a beautiful scene in a dream, and it seems to be a full and full shot. Every look of Neil seems to be performing the soundtrack of the movie, giving me an unprecedented sense of substitution, as if reading a novel, being able to search for another story that only belongs to me behind those lazy words . It warms my heart because Neil's story, Brian's story, is actually my own story.

It turns out that in addition to the pure picture and sound, the movie also has a tactile weight. The familiar feeling that is entangled in the memory and can't disappear is probably the weight of the movie on the shoulders. The weight of this life makes the warmth in my heart heavy and some can't breathe.

Sour, this is the touch of the movie. The years are passing by, and we are gradually growing, from being ignorant to being sensible, to being familiar with the rules of this society, and finally to unconsciously helpless, indifferent, and drifting with the flow. The injuries we suffered in the process of growing up gradually lost their original colors under the erosion of time, but when we thought we were far away from those injuries, we still struggled, repeated and circulated under the shadows of those pains. why is that? It is an indelible imprint in our life. It will settle into the deepest part of our memory with time. Not only will it not disappear, but it will slowly ferment, expand, spread, and spread again. Until we turn these pains into growth medicine, then learn to tolerate, learn to let go, and learn to let go.

This sourness is the experience of Neil and Brian, and it is also the blankness in our eyes when we stand in place and look back. Only then did we realize that before we knew it, we were no longer ourselves, and the youth that had passed could not come back. Only the scars left in our minds by the years left a mark that could never be erased.

Pain, this is my reflection. The wound will always heal one day, the struggle will end one day, and the pain will disappear one day, but this process is tormenting his nerves all the time. The five hours that Brian lost in his memory was a huge wound, like a bottomless pit, eating away all his life little by little. In his pure and transparent eyes, the wound was dripping with blood, but it never healed. The summer in Neil's memory was a huge black hole that devoured all his hopes, his unruly, his debauchery, his fragility, his radiance... it was all just a faint ray of light around that swarthy hole, and he would never Will know: what is true love.

Looking at Neil's empty eyes with blood all over his face, he shouted hoarsely 'Mom,'; watching Neil's thin shoulders trembling slightly, even his cry was so humble; watching Brian's uncontrollable convulsions , Nosebleeds... The growing pains are too violent for us to bear.

At the end of the film, Neil says, 'I wish we could go back in time and erase everything, but that's impossible. There is nothing we can do. , There was no fierce conflict, but the dark night devoured the two skinny teenagers bit by bit.

Wantless youth without regrets, for us, how much pain we have to bear in order to grow up, no one can answer. Evan Bell grasped this thought too deeply, too deeply, any analysis is powerless. Even the gorgeous morning sun on the horizon couldn't cheer me up, and the powerlessness in my heart was still like the night. "

The review of "Sight and Sound" is very profound, and Evan Bell's theme through "Mysterious Skin" has been vividly reflected in this film review. Evan Bell considers himself lucky not only to be praised for his films, but also to be moved by the ideas he expresses

This is the most important.

France's most famous professional film magazine "Cinebook" will not miss this feast. This time, their views on "mysterious skin" are surprisingly consistent with the American "Film Review" and the British "Sight and Sound". These three world-renowned professional magazines have expressed one unanimous voice. The point of view and the high degree of consistency have also brought the reputation of "mysterious skin" to a whole new level.

"Rabbling, fantasy, delusion, fear, pain, mourning, are intertwined into countless pictures, pieced together to form the 'mysterious skin'. Many scenes in the film reproduce the power of this fear with a blue picture, For a moment, you will feel the misery, fatigue, danger, grief, horror, cruelty of the world... This is enough to make people lose hope in the world. But in another moment, you will feel that that is love, because danger or the verge of a certain It's a cold and chilling place where there is suffocating love.

There has never been a movie that sums it all up so perfectly. That feeling is like the feeling of taking a hot bath in winter, walking out of the bathroom, surrounded by cold, goose bumps on your skin still uncontrollably popping up, you long to be embraced by this world, but you are really afraid. The unruly and loneliness of growing up are like two opposite contradictions, but they are fatally entangled together, turning the river overturned. By the end, even the fear was numb.

So, this movie is better than 'Boys Don't Cry,' better than 'The Uninhibited Sky', better than all the gorgeous rhetoric and beautiful confession.

The end of the film is beautifully tragic, with a sense of tragic ritual, Neil and Brian get into that room, and the final scene begins. Neil said, 'I was the love of his life, even though he passed countless other boys. , Neil also said, 'I want to go back in time and erase it all, but I can't one person can't remember and another person can't forget. Finally, I end my thoughts with Neil's words: I pray with all my heart that we can leave this world like two beautiful angels, fly into the night sky, and disappear. "

The review of "Cinebook" is undoubtedly the highest praise, they compared "Mysterious Skin" to "Boys Don't Cry" and "The Unruly Sky", which have received numerous praises, and even thought that "Mystic Skin" was better . This shows their respect for the film.

In fact, not only the media in Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom and France, but also Germany, China, Japan, Canada and other countries are full of praise for the film. Of course, it is very difficult to get one-sided support in any situation. After "Mysterious Skin" was screened at the Venice Film Festival, a small number of media believed that the film was not profound enough, especially the Italian media, which had high hopes for their own films, were still slightly conservative in their comments.

However, in general, "Mysterious Skin" has received most of the support, and a sentence of "long aftertaste" is enough to summarize the impact of this movie. At the same time, Evan Bell, as a director, has proved his ability even more!

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