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Chapter 871: ended successfully

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"Vera Drake" ended with the audience's scolding - abortion is absolutely unacceptable to Catholic believers, but it was greeted by countless film critics such as cháo, Mike Lee It is the kind of director who truly presents our lives on the screen, which may be unacceptable to the audience, but it is undeniable that digging out subtle differences through his lens can arouse our reflection. Book Group 4∴8065 This is actually what Evan Bell has been pursuing, whether it is "Love Notebook" or "Mysterious Skin". du

After watching "Vera Drake," Evan Bell fell into a rumination, which may be the power of the movie. As a kind of food for the gods, movies can bring people many different things. Epic movies like "The Lord of the Rings" have visual impact, war thorns, and magical charm; action movies like "Spider-Man" have the satisfaction of heroism, the spectacle of special effects, and the relief of stress... ...Similarly, heavy stories like "Vera-Drake" and "Mysterious Skin" can also bring something to people, maybe just a little reflection, maybe just a little precipitation, but it can give us a whole new perspective on life know.

For Evan Bell, this kind of thinking is another upgrade to a higher level. Although he has always had similar ideas before, it is not as clear as this time. It can be seen that the movie "Vera Drake" and Mike Lee still have a lot of inspiration for Evan Bell.

In a subsequent interview with the media, Evan Bell directly expressed his admiration for Mike Lee and believed that "Vera Drake" was a strong contender for the Golden Lion Award for Best Film this year. Of course, the Italian media naturally urged Evan Bell to comment on the two local works of "Room Key" and "Slow Work". Personally, Evan Bell prefers the "slow work" movie. Evan Bell's praise was also published by many Italian media as headlines, "'Slow work' is more beautiful than 'mysterious skin'! Director Evan Bell himself admitted", looking at the Italian media so impatiently, Evan Bell couldn't help but smile, but he didn't bother with the media about the details.

The Venice Film Festival itself is a feast for movie lovers, and it's also a feast for Evan Bell, who spent two days with Blake Lively, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ryan Gosling and more Watching movies everywhere, without covering up their tracks, they are like ordinary audience members who come to participate in film festivals.

Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep starring in the "Spy Network**" can only be said to be quite satisfactory. There is not much room for these two actors and actresses to play. Evan Bell I also had lunch with Meryl Streep once. Since the "adaptation of the script", the two have been in touch on and off.

The arrival of Scarlett Johansson made the media very excited, especially Evan Bell, who did not shy away from appearing exclusively in Scarlett Johansson and John Travolta's "For Bobby". -Lang's Love Song" premiere, the two of them hugged each other generously, which also made the media lively for a while. Even the news that John Travolta and the shadow danced together on the red carpet failed to attract the attention of the media.

Tom Cruise once again proved that Jiang is old and hot. He has the same high popularity as Evan Bell and won a warm welcome from the film. "Murder by Knife" was well received in Venice, which made Tom even more so. - Cruise saw the hope of a breakthrough in acting, and became more and more happy.

Reese Witherspoon's "Vanity Fair" received a cold reception in Venice, but the American media is obviously very optimistic about the breakthrough of this American sweetheart this time, and may win more support in the United States. The subsequent arrivals of Nicole Kidman, Jack Nicholson and others also pushed the atmosphere of the Venice Film Festival to another **.

Obviously, Marco Mueller's efforts have successfully made the 61st Venice Film Festival the most lively film festival, and when the film festival ended, everyone looked back at the past eleven days and found that although Mar Co-Müller's keen reforms made the festival fall into hunluàn, but fortunately nothing was an irreparable mistake. The film festival came to a successful conclusion.

If we go back to the film itself, some media commented that the general impression of this Venice Film Festival is, "Although the films in each unit are not outstanding and shocking works, the overall level is very high. The daily screenings It will bring one or two surprises to the audience." Obviously, the films in this year's Venice Film Festival competition unit have strong personalities in terms of subject matter, content and film style. If you have to give an example of a surprise, the "mysterious skin" offered by Evan Bell, who is only 21 years old, can barely be said to be a surprise, not to say that the overall quality of the film is above other competitors, but Because Evan Bell, as a rookie director, his ability to grasp the work is really surprising. And "Mysterious Skin" as the opening film has indeed won everyone's praise.

In addition to "Vera Drake", there are two other films that impressed Evan Bell at this Venice Film Festival. The Land", a "World" from the famous Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke.

As a well-known German director, Wenm Wenders, "Paris in Texas" and "Wings of **" have important influences around the world, and this time he brought the work "Abundant Land", Looking at the modern United States from two completely different perspectives: one is a veteran who participated in the Vietnam War, and the other is a pure and kind-hearted young nv. The two men started an unexpected investigation with different beliefs.

In this film, the director presents the United States to the audience as desolate and lonely, which is very different from the conceited and proud image commonly seen in American films, just like other works of Wenm Wenders, "rich "Land" also has profound philosophical connotations. Wenm-Wenders said in an interview, "I want people to see that even in a rich and powerful country like the United States, there is actually serious poverty inside. This is not only material, but also Politically and culturally present, but also lack of communication. Americans are effectively isolated from the world.”

Wenm Wenders was very interested in Evan Bell, and the two talked for nearly half an hour after the premiere of "The Land of Riches", and "Mysterious Skin" reflected the decadent and desolate scene in Kansas , and more importantly, the desolation of the local people's hearts is also fully displayed in the blue light of the film. This made Wenm Wenders admire Evan Bell very much.

As for Jia Zhangke, a Chinese director, Evan Bell knows it very well. Films such as "The Good Man of the Three Gorges", "Xiao Wu" and "Platform" have won very high praise, and have been praised by European and American critics as "Asian Best Films" A ray of hope that shines like lightning."

"The World" is a realistic comedy with a unique sense of humor. In fact, this film, which takes Beijing World Park as the story location, tells the story of a group of outsiders in Beijing, a competitive city, trying to survive in order to survive. A story of struggle with love, they interpret the same sad and happy life as most of the foreigners floating in Beijing in their small world.

After its premiere, the film also won accolades like cháo and became a contender for the Golden Lion for Best Picture.

Of course, Evan Bell also went to watch "Going to the Sea," which tells the true story of a Spaniard named Roman Sampero, who has been devoted to the struggle to support euthanasia for three decades, and has worked hard to Fight for his right to die. This movie is indeed very colorful, not inferior to the feeling that "Vera Drake" brought to Evan Bell. This kind of shock comes from ordinary events in life, which is far better than the special effects and magnificent scenes. The shock is far more profound.

This time, there are also several Korean films that have attracted huge attention. Up-and-coming director Kim Ki-duk came to Venice with his work "Empty Room". The director who won the Silver Bear Award for Best Director at this year's Berlin Film Festival, After the media saw this movie, it caused a sensation, and they all said that "this movie will never come back empty-handed". However, the "assertions" of the media are always endless, and they also said before that "mysterious skin" "can definitely become the biggest highlight of this year's film So, when the awards ceremony is coming, the media's remarks Don't worry, it's up to the judges to choose.

This year's closing ceremony actually left Lido Island for the first time and will return to the magnificent Finnis Theater on the main island. The sixty golden lion statues that Marco Müller spent a lot of money and effort to build just waited at the entrance of the Deco Theater, looking a little lonely. On the outer wall of the press center, the history of the Venice Film Festival is slowly flowing through with the help of the projector. After two weeks of noise, this ancient film festival has gone through the most different session for her. , and what will next year bring to those who have been hoping for her to be rejuvenated? What did Marko-Mueller's reform bring and what was lost? Is such a reform a success or a failure? These are all thoughts left for everyone after the closing ceremony.

After eleven days of excitement, the 61st Venice Film Festival is coming to an end. Many booths in Lido Island began to withdraw, and the audience also left the island. The noise gradually dissipated, and the The quietness of the resort island is also given to the land. On the other side of Lido Island, the award ceremony is about to begin, and whoever wins the grand prize has become the focus of everyone's attention.

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