Great Artist

Chapter 884: aristocratic life

4 Noble life

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Eating is a normal thing for anyone, it's just work that needs to be done every day. But under the leadership of Hamandan Mohammed, Evan Bell experienced the life of the nobles for the first time, and also knew that the simple action of "eating" is called a meal in the eyes of the nobles, and it can also become a life enjoyment. a part of.

The transportation for the meal is a submarine, and this alone is enough to make people jaw-dropping.

Evan Bell and his party, led by Hamandan Mohammed, took a submarine together, and then watched the sea water outside the cabin submerge the hull little by little, and entered a port from the sunset and sparkling port. In the dark blue underwater world. Looking up from the window, you can also see a layer of blurred water, where the Burj Al Arab Hotel refracts into a posture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. After a while, the sea water outside the window gradually deepened from transparent blue, until it stopped when it showed crystal blue, and the submarine began to move forward.

I have the opportunity to take a submarine in my life, although there are not many opportunities, but it is not impossible. But the purpose of taking the submarine is just to have a dinner, which is really jaw-dropping. Rao is that the passengers in the submarine cabin are all well-informed people, and they are still a little surprised.

Evan Bell is a very real person. He will not pretend to be reserved in order to hide his inner curiosity, and he will not pretend to be calm because he thinks he shouldn't make a fuss because of his two lives. He has lived for two lifetimes, and he has never taken a submarine to the bottom of the sea to eat. This is a very special experience for the adventurous Evan Bell.

Unlike Carl Callioto and others who suppressed their inner curiosity, but their eyes were a little absent-minded, Evan Bell leaned against the window and looked at the richness of the underwater world outside. The underwater world is always full of countless mysteries and mysteries. Bright and dazzling tropical fish swim leisurely on both sides of the submarine, corals of various colors are looming under the cover of water plants, and small animals such as starfish and crabs bask in the sun on the sand and stones below. . Suddenly, a long fish swam past the window. I don't know if it was an eel or an octopus. Looking at its comfortable swimming posture, it was like a walk after dinner. Looking at the traces of the fish, you can see the traces of the water flowing backward along the submarine. The wisps of water flow remind people of the image description of the word "baby stream".

"Evan, you seem to be very curious about the scenery outside." A voice came from behind, which seemed to be a member of the Samsung Group contractor, because the sound of "v" and "f" when he spoke was really inaccurate. It sounds like it's Korean. With this sound, the slightly quiet passengers in the cabin all turned their attention to Evan Bell. Listening to the tone of this sentence, if it is a little dull, it will be nothing; but if you are a little more sensitive, you can detect the subtext behind the tone: hillbilly, never seen the world.

How could Evan Bell not be able to hear it, but he seemed to be unknown, and he replied casually without even turning his head, "Yes, I am very curious. The beauty of the underwater world is always lingering, so peaceful. Gorgeous scenery, even if you watch it ten or eight times, you won't get tired of it." Speaking of which, Evan Bell turned around and saw the sight that everyone put on him, but he still looked calm, a little " The embarrassment of "the hillbilly" is not too embarrassing. "I have tried diving before, and the underwater world I see through the diving goggles is vivid and lively, but because of the proximity of body temperature, many underwater animals are often shocked. But sitting in a submarine and watching , but it is another scene, the peace and tranquility outside, there is a different taste."

Evan Bell's words made people involuntarily cast their eyes to the window, including the well-informed Hamandan Mohammed. These experiences are nothing to Hamandan Mohammed. The splendor of the seabed has long been unable to arouse his interest, but listening to Evan Bell's description, the vivid picture makes people unable to help themselves. I just want to stand in the perspective of Evan Bell and see how beautiful the world is.

"What's more, I'm not a rich man. This time I made a submarine to have dinner. I don't know when the next time will be. Naturally, I have to take advantage of this unique opportunity." Evan Bell laughed at himself. The words made everyone chuckle. Everyone knows that although Evan Bell can't say the world's top richest person now, but last year's American artist income list, Evan Bell topped the list, and his income was ranked second. Tom Cruise more than three times. So, even if Evan Bell is not rich, he is definitely not as poor as he says.

Among everyone's smiles, the expressions of several members of the Samsung Group's contractor team were not very good. Although they were all smiling, their smiles were far-fetched. Evan Bell ignored the group.

In fact, these people more or less hope to have a good relationship with Hamandan-Mohammed. Putting aside the strategic significance of the business level, it is also a great honor to have a good relationship with a member of the royal family. Therefore, in today's meeting, everyone is giving opinions with a critical attitude - of course, they are correct professional opinions, but more subtle - so that Evan Bell is exhausted, and he is not only angry at the meeting. times.

Now, everyone has the opportunity to share dinner together, and everyone is checking each other, always watching Hamandan Mohammed in the eye. Evan Bell didn't mean to look down on each other, after all, this is one of the social rules, but he didn't think it was necessary for him. What's more, looking at Hamandan Mohammed's demeanor, he has long been accustomed to this kind of situation, and Evan Bell can't be envious of the lack of freedom in the life of the royal family.

In this society, some people are chasing money, some people are chasing power, some people are chasing fame, some people are chasing freedom, some people are chasing dreams... Everyone has what they want, no desire is nothing Relatively speaking, just like Evan Bell, he has no desires and no desires just because he pursues freedom, so he always does what he likes with the media, film companies, and works, but if one day , Let him choose between freedom and Katherine Bell, Teddy Bell, Evan Bell has no need to think, he will stand firmly by his family's side. If Harmandan Mohammed holds the decision-making power of Catherine Bell's "Eleven" brand development in Dubai, Evan Bell estimates that he will also take the initiative to deal with Harmandan Mohammed. In this way, Evan Bell also pursues family affection. Therefore, any one's desires and desires are relative terms.

This reminded Evan Bell of the poor King Louis XVI of France, the imperial power that countless people envied. He had no charm in his eyes, and mastering the power of killing others, glory and wealth had no meaning in his heart. Just want to become a locksmith, what he is chasing is freedom and dreams. However, if the French imperial power really declines, and the nest is overturned, there will be no eggs left, then let alone chasing dreams, Louis XVI will surely walk the road of death. Therefore, even if Louis XVI was irritable with political affairs, he did not dare to leave the burden behind. When the French Revolution broke out, he still made a lot of efforts. It is a pity that in the end, the French First Empire overthrew the Bourbon dynasty, and Louis XVI became the only emperor in history to be executed.

Evan Bell recalled that when he was shooting v at Chambord Castle in Paris, he couldn't help but be very interested in King Louis XVI. He is also quite similar to Ming Xizong in Chinese history - Ming Xizong was good at woodworking. A king who is not in politics, but holds power when the country is in turmoil, will definitely be a fatal blow to this country. So what was the state of mind of Louis XVI at the time? Evan Bell thinks it is a good choice to go back and check historical materials.

"Evan, Evan..." Hamandan Mohammed's voice pulled Evan Bell back into the submarine, and Evan Bell realized that his brain had just gone to other places. After seeing Evan Bell recover, Hamandan Mohamed said with a smile, "We have arrived, and everyone has disembarked."

It took less than five minutes before and after to reach the destination restaurant, and the speed was indeed fast enough. Evan Bell looked out the window and saw that he had entered an isolation enclosure, just like the glass protective fence of Ocean Park, but the blue outside was still as charming.

"What were you thinking just now?" Hamandan-Mohammed seemed to ask politely.

Evan Bell stood up and replied casually, " I just think that the life of the nobles is enviable, but it is not what everyone yearns for, because the life of the nobles is also ordinary people. Unknown trouble, isn't it?" Evan Bell replied casually, but Hamandan Mohammed listened carefully, but his expression did not change, he just stood there with a smile and waited for Evan Bell, As a host, he naturally needs to entertain guests.

Evan Bell walked outside the cabin, and then changed the subject, "I just looked at it roughly and thought it was coming to Ocean Park. But now I go outside and take a look, and I think Ocean Park is still Ocean Park, just We become the animals to be watched, and the tourists are the sea creatures swimming outside.”

Following Evan Bell's words, everyone standing at the door looked up and looked out. All kinds of fish lingered outside the glass cover. It was really like a tourist watching humans. Carl Calloto couldn't bear it. Stop and laugh. It's just that this joke is not understood by everyone. Many people's faces are not very good, and they are even more strange under the blue light.

However, Hamandan-Muhammad showed a smile, "It seems so true, why didn't I notice it before." Seeing that Hamandan-Muhammad laughed, the others could only squeeze out a smile , stand next to each other and make a smile.

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