Great Artist

Chapter 888: face ups and downs

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"I once read this set of books when I was reading. When I read it for the first time, it took me nearly two years. Believe me, it's not because the two million words are too long, but because I can't read it every time. At one page I would start dozing off. At that time, I understood why it must be read after being sick, because then there will be a lot of boring time to pass, otherwise it will not be able to calm down at all.” Evan- Bell said with a smile that he was not joking, it was a fact, "But the second time I watched it, the speed was very fast. I saw it in only three months, and the third time took less than a week."

"You're serious, you read it three times?" Steve Jobs looked surprised, he didn't expect Evan Bell to read the tome three times, "No wonder you've been studying at Harvard. , it seems that you really like studying."

"Of course, I am very curious, I want to try this one, and that one is very eager to play, so learning itself is a kind of fun." Evan Bell has never been shy about his unprofessional work, but rather quoted Proud look. However, no one in the media dares to say that he is "not doing a proper job" anymore. Looking at Evan Bell's achievements in various fields, even the director industry that he has just dabble in can come back with a Silver Lion Award, and the media can say more. what? "Four times, in fact, 'Reminiscence of the past, I read it four times, and the fourth time was to learn French and forced myself to read the original French version. It's interesting that the original French version and the English version are different, unfortunately My French is still not good enough, and I struggled to read it. I always wanted to find a time to read the French version again, but I still haven’t found the time.”

Steve Jobs seemed to be a little less alert because he was lying on the hospital bed. He had a richer expression than when he met before, and he smiled again when he heard Evan Bell's words. "It seems that you gave me this set of books today, not just hoping that I can fall asleep smoothly."

Steve Jobs quickly understood that a smart man like Evan Bell would naturally not be in vain when he gave gifts, otherwise a bouquet of flowers and a basket of fruits would be enough. He specially gave this book, naturally it would not be Because of that joke above.

Evan Bell was not complacent, nor was he panicked, just nodded generously, "Proust believes that the most real life in our lives can only be formed in the memories, because the life in the memories is more than the life in the memories. Real life on the ground was more realistic at the time, and we can only feel in the past what we don’t see now.”

In fact, this truth is not difficult to understand. Taking history as a mirror, only by understanding the mistakes of the past can we avoid the mistakes of the present; only by understanding everything in the past can we understand the meaning of the present.

"The only real paradise is the paradise that people lose, and the happy years are the lost years." Evan Bell said a very esoteric sentence that made Steve Jobs look at him a little more inquisitively. -Bell didn't seem to notice, "Many times life is moving forward slowly, we often forget what happened in the past, and often recalling the past days can make us see the essence of life more clearly." said At this point, Evan Belt paused and looked at Steve Jobs, "Maybe, this is what this book tells me. However, this is just my personal opinion, you can read this book What you feel is another story.

Evan Bell's feelings are actually very real. However, the book "Reminiscence of the Lost Years" gave him a lot of feelings, including the feelings of the previous life, and the prospect of the future in this life. This is a personal experience and a very personal feeling. Evan Bell sent this book to Steve Jobs just hoping he could read it too Maybe, maybe one day Steve Jobs will find that his paranoia is the magic weapon of success, but it will also be his One of the obstacles in life. If Steve Jobs can understand all this, maybe his disease can still be saved, at least now that he has undergone surgery and is willing to cooperate with the treatment, maybe this world-changing godfather will not leave this world in 2011. .

Evan Bell has always known that as a reborn butterfly, the effect he can cause in this world is still too weak, but he will still do his best to make some efforts, at least to be able to fulfill his wish, which is also good. of.

Evan Bell and Steve Jobs had too little friendship, of course he couldn't just say "Oh, you can't do this, you have to listen to the doctor" or something like that, so he chose this way, the gentleman's way, Gave it to Steve Jobs with a copy of "Reminiscence of the Past" as a gift. As for whether the other party will read, and whether they will accept Evan Bell's kindness, and whether it will be effective after reading, it is not a problem that Evan Bell needs to consider.

Steve Jobs looked at the heavy "Reminiscence of the Past" in his hand. In fact, he had already vaguely noticed the problem. When he was diagnosed with a tumor, he actually didn't want to believe it. His ostrich mentality Let him go alone, reject the opinions of doctors and family members, and choose to ignore the "possibility of not undergoing surgery". It's like, when you don't want something to exist, you will have some strange ideas: maybe through diet therapy able to treat.

Although this idea is not clear enough at present, but Steve Jobs is a smart man, he is just a fan of the authorities, he will soon understand his mistake, and he will also understand: running away, can not solve the problem. After listening to Evan Bell's narration just now, the fog in Steve Jobs' mind became clearer, and the weight of the book in his hand became heavier.

When looking at Evan Bell again, the smile on Steve Jobs' face quickly covered his mind, "The media only see your beauty, but never know that you are such a profound person. .I think if journalists are willing to go to Harvard and interview your alumni, there will be a lot of surprises.”

Evan Bell deliberately showed a surprised smile, "Am I very deep? This should be the best compliment I have heard this year." In fact, the media did not know, but chose not to know. Because Evan Bell's depth and no news breaking point, everyone knows that he is a top student at Harvard University, and the architectural design and psychology majors are blooming, so there is no need to report. The media also selectively forgets this point, always accusing Evan Bell of choosing works that are not sensible, unprofessional, flamboyant, etc. Only in this way can they continue to survive.

"The last time I heard, you and John brought up a new script, and the Pixar studio was in a lot of trouble, and everyone was calling your whimsy-thinking." Steve Jobs did not continue on this topic. Going down, he put the book "Reminiscence of the Past" on the bedside, because it was too heavy to hold in his hand, "Brad and Andrew are both saying, fortunately you didn't give this idea to Blue Sky Work room."

John Lasseter, Brad Bird, Andrew Stanton, all of the top names at Pixar, and Evan Bell is now quite familiar with them.

Evan Bell shook his head with a smile, "No, no, I mentioned this idea to Blue Sky Studio, but they are currently working on two works at the same time, and they really have no other resources." Blue Sky Studio is now working on "Glacier" The production of Century and "Robot Adventures" has been overloaded for Blue Sky Studio, which is short on staff, and they really have no other people to come up with new works. "I told Blue Sky and Pixar the idea at the same time. , luckily, you were the first to respond to me. "It's like a screenwriter's contribution, casting a wide net, and whichever company responds first will take the lead. It's as simple as that.

Steve Jobs knew that Evan Bell was telling the truth, but it was also polite, and judging from the situation Evan Bell and Pixar studio got along with, they were very harmonious, "You can put a dirty mouse and a French Combining cooking is really a bold idea.”

The dirty pronoun living in the gutter, the mouse; one of the representatives of the world's top cuisine, French cuisine. It is an incredible idea that there will be sparks between the two. In fact, Evan Bell's idea came from the idea of ​​the Pixar cartoon "Ratatouille" in his previous life. This cartoon is about a mouse who cooks the world's top food like a chef. It can indeed be said that It's wild.

Evan Bell just mentioned this idea accidentally when he was chatting with John Lasseter. He thought that Pixar Studios had already started the production of this work at this time. It seems that "Ratatouille" is a Released in 2007, UU Reading is a year earlier than "Robot Wall-E", and now "Robot Wall-E" has begun production, how can "Ratatouille" even have no script. But the fact is that Evan Bell's words suddenly ignited the spark of John Lasseter, to be precise, made Brad Bird directly excited.

So, the script of "Ratatouille" began to be created, and Evan Bell accidentally became the provider of the script's plot ideas. Fortunately, he was not the main writer, he was only responsible for delivering the ideas to the door. Although Pixar and Disney fell out, work and life still have to continue. Pixar's production of cartoons has not stopped. Even if Disney does not release, I hope that there are many companies that distribute Pixar cartoons.

For Steve Jobs' praise, Evan Bell said with a smile, "Nowadays, creativity is the most important thing in this society. Didn't Disney just announce that they would ** make their first computer animation work, and Pixar has never had any. Let your guard down, even without my creativity, I believe you will not be short of good stories."

Evan Bell originally just said casually, but it made Steve Jobs smile slightly, and the corner of his mouth was a little more disdainful. It seems that Disney is still a taboo topic.

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