Great Artist

Chapter 890: step by step

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"Why do you think Pixar should establish its own business, or cooperate with Eleven Studio?" Steve Jobs keenly grasped a little bit of information casually leaked in Evan Bell's words just now, and asked meaningfully, " You know, it's not easy to stick to ten years of development like DreamWorks did, and what's more, DreamWorks is almost unable to continue."

"Steve, I don't know what you think is the biggest characteristic of Pixar?" Facing this godfather who is all-powerful in the mall, Evan Bell is no longer excited when he first met. He can be calm and comfortable. In small talk, he can also laugh at a few words. What's more, Steve Jobs, who was lying on the hospital bed at this time, had a sharp drop in his attack power compared to the office, which also made Evan Bell more relaxed.

Steve Jobs raised his eyebrows, not intending to answer. He is very clear that at this time it is a question of controlling the initiative of the conversation. He asked a question, but Evan Bell did not answer, but asked another question. If he answered, then no matter what he said, he would follow Evan. Wen - Bell's train of thought went on. So, Steve Jobs didn't speak, just looked at Evan Bell's azure blue eyes and cast a questioning look.

Evan Bell didn't mind Steve Jobs' vigilance, and said with a smile, "I always think that Pixar's greatest wealth is not technology or talent, but a relaxed working atmosphere and a steady stream of ideas. When I mention Pixar for the first time, I will think of the first time I visited there." During the speech, Evan Bell's eyes seemed to start to recall, and two casual sentences outlined the atmosphere of the Pixar studio, "Games can be seen everywhere, and there is no company model. Especially when I entered the conference room to join the discussion, they didn't reject me because I was an outsider. They humbly accepted my opinion. What's more , and a young intern beside him also joined the discussion, this equal and free way of getting along with each other makes everyone's thoughts collide, and then a charming spark bursts out."

Indeed, the most touching thing about a movie is always the story. It's like "Transformers" was a big box office hit, but the story's thinness made the audience complain. Apart from the fighting scenes and technical special effects, there is nothing left; in the same way, the reason why "The Lord of the Rings" has swept the eleven Golden Man trophies is because the story itself is fascinating enough.

Disney has always believed that the fundamental reason for their backwardness in the 3D computer animation market is technology. certainly. Technology must be one of the reasons, because 2D animation can no longer meet the visual needs of the audience, but the story is more important. Even Dream Engineering has launched the anti-traditional "Shrek". If Disney still stays in the fairy tale script of "Snow White", then their road to revival is still a long way off.

Listening to Evan Bell's words, Steve Jobs didn't agree, but he didn't object, his quiet eyes made it impossible to see the inner activity. Evan Bell continued, "If Pixar wants to continue to make great work, it's very important to keep yourself alive. That's why I would say, maybe it's a good idea for Pixar to stand on its own."

This is also true. After Disney acquired Pixar in the last life, Pixar did not move, nor did its management structure change. It still maintained its original style and attitude, and only then did a series of excellent works appear. However, Pixar is also inevitably influenced by Disney. Although the "Brave" launched in 2012 is still good, the story is already a little Disney-like. been criticized a lot.

"Being independent. Simply put. Pixar is different from DreamWorks, but very similar to Eleven Studios. We don't have our own distribution channels, so we still need to rely on a distribution company. Besides, we are just a small studio and cannot Take so many risks, otherwise the status quo of DreamWorks is our future.” Steve Jobs’s remarks are just an objective analysis of Pixar’s situation, and anyone in the market can analyze it, which is what Disney has always been. One of the reasons for not being in a hurry, but the slight change in his attitude shows that Steve Jobs was discussing this with Evan Bell. Otherwise, with Steve Jobs' personality, he would simply ignore the past if he didn't want to talk about it.

But these words came to Evan Bell's heart, and his smile was very dazzling, "That's why I just said, maybe it's a good idea to cooperate with Eleven Studio." Evan Bell looked at it carefully. I took a look at Steve Jobs and found that he was still listening intently, and then he continued, "In fact, we need to look at two questions to start our own business. The first is, what happened to the DreamWorks model? question."

DreamWorks, by the director Steven Spielberg, who is loved by audiences all over the world, the animation wizard Jeffrey Katzenberg, who served as the executive director of Disney films, and the Godfather of American music David Grid Founded by the three Finns in 1994, different from large companies with financial support behind them, DreamWorks is the first studio established by the three of them. They hope to combine their achievements in the fields of film, music and animation. Create a state-of-the-art movie kingdom that is free from consortia, and compete with a number of major movie companies in Hollywood.

In the past ten years, DreamWorks has risen rapidly. Movies such as "Saving Private Ryan", "American Beauty" and "Gladiator" have brought DreamWorks fame and fortune. The days of the box office and the golden statues are not good; Animations such as "Shrek" and "Madagascar" have made DreamWorks a top animation company that can compete with Disney. For a time, DreamWorks became the absolute representative of the national film company.

The rise of Eleven Studios in recent years has also become the "Second DreamWorks", but at present, Eleven Studios is still unable to compare with DreamWorks in terms of performance, whether it is the box office, word of mouth, awards, or directors and actors. , the lineup of screenwriters, and Eleven Studios are some distance away from DreamWorks.

But at present, the situation of DreamWorks is very bad. They have already carried more than 800 million US dollars in debt, which makes the once-prominent DreamWorks suddenly become wind and rain. There are rumors in the entertainment industry that the three founders of DreamWorks are not too concerned about the company. If next year's two films "Red Eye Flight" and "Escape from the Clone Island" fail again, the company may not be able to continue.

Evan Bell specifically took DreamWorks as an example. On the one hand, it is indeed because Studio Eleven is very similar to the original DreamWorks. As a professional production company, it does not accept capital injection from consortia, nor does it accept other people's finger-pointing. Focus on making the works you like; on the other hand, because of the development model of DreamWorks, it is worth learning from Eleven Studio and Pixar Studio, but it is also worth being vigilant.

When Steve Jobs heard Evan Bell's question, he actually already had the answer in his mind, but he didn't speak, but listened intently. Evan Bell said, "DreamWorks' ambitions are too big. They have launched a full-scale attack on TV, movies, music, and the Internet from the beginning, but the problem is that the targets are too broad and the funds are scattered, which makes them not supported by consortia. The dilemma is exposed, even if the ability of the three founders is great, there is still a place beyond their reach. After 1999, DreamWorks has been shrinking its front, which can be proved. If DreamWorks takes every step and wins After the position has been consolidated and then expanded to other positions, it will not be the current situation.”

Steve Jobs nodded secretly in his heart. The decline of DreamWorks really started from the fact that the funds were too scattered and the turnover was ineffective. And think about Eleven Studios, although Eleven Studios has always been in full bloom, music, TV, film, design, etc., but their pace has always been steady and step by step. Evan Bell's lack of business does not mean that the goal is too broad. On the contrary, every time Evan Bell focuses on one field, he is bound to do the best work and present the best side. This stable development directly As a result, although Eleven Studios did not grow as fast as in the first five years after DreamWorks was founded in 1994, their foundations were stronger, and their development momentum was better.

Evan Bell went on to analyze that he actually understood these things in his heart, and he and Teddy Bell also talked many Because Eleven Studio was called the "Second DreamWorks" for no reason , and they do not want Eleven Studio to embark on the old road of DreamWorks because of blind confidence. "In addition, DreamWorks has indeed produced many hit movies in the past ten years, but there are also many losers. As a major film company, they can't spend a lot of money without financial support. It must be managed carefully, and the fiasco of a few works can make It has collapsed. Look at Disney. In recent years, movies have lost money, theme parks have lost money, and cartoons have become outdated, but they still have TV stations and other subsidiaries. They can help each other and be able to survive Difficulties. And DreamWorks can't, it's a small company, even if it makes money, it still can't afford to pay."

Three films make money, and it is possible that one film will be lost. This is the media's analysis of the status quo of DreamWorks. In the past ten years, DreamWorks has produced a total of fifty-nine films, but only a limited number of films have made big hits at the box office. The development of DreamWorks in the past ten years has always been stumbling, but now it is almost unable to withstand it, and the decline is obvious.

Steve Jobs knew what Evan Bell was analyzing, he couldn't have been more clear, but he still didn't react, just continued to listen to Evan Bell say, "The second self-made man The question is, what should the future development model of Pixar be? How to choose distribution channels, and how to protect the interests of Pixar?”

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