Great Artist

Chapter 900: interweaving

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It turned out that the locksmith Daniel's family originally lived in an impoverished area where gun battles occurred every day. One day, a bullet went through the window of their house, terrifying the young daughter. Although now through Daniel's efforts, the family has moved out of the area, but the youngest daughter still hides under the bed to sleep every day because she is afraid of the sound of gunfire.

Daniel, who was distressed for his daughter, also lay on the floor, keeping his eyes on the same level as his daughter. In order to comfort a woman's young heart, Daniel told a "story you would never believe". He said that when he was five years old, he had a fairy Went to his room and gave him an invisible cloak, saying it was indestructible. Therefore, he has never been shot or knifed in his life. Daniel then untied the "invisible cloak" and tied it around his daughter's neck. Then the daughter lay on the bed with peace of mind and fell asleep quietly.

On the other hand, two black robbers drove the car they had just robbed from the prosecutor and the couple to sell the stolen goods in the black neighborhood, not wanting to accidentally hit a Chinese who was driving a white truck on the road. They threw the **** Chinese in front of the hospital and ran away.

Tom Hansen, who returned to the police station, told his black boss that he wanted to change his partner. John Lane's racism is no secret in the police department, and black bosses are clearly aware of it. It's a pity that Officer Hansen, who is full of blood, prides himself on justice, and is not far from collaborating, is a fledgling rookie. He doesn't know the unspoken rules of this society, so he is reprimanded and ridiculed by his black boss with a gun and a stick, unless Hansen is willing to admit that he is a "runaway megalomaniac", otherwise there is no way for him to change partners.

The old Iranian man called the locksmith to fix it. After Daniel left his daughter's room for the family's livelihood, he rushed over immediately. Replaced a lock for the back door of the store. But in fact, Daniel found. This door is broken. Replacing the lock is no way to solve the problem, the door must be repaired. But the old Iranian man thought it was a fraud, and the locksmith and another door repairer colluded to defraud him of money. The old Iranian man was furious, thinking the locksmith was incapable of fixing the lock. Angrily, the locksmith left without receiving the money.

Graham and the white female police officer are actually a couple. The relationship between the two people is not so harmonious because of race issues, what's more, they are still colleagues. at the same time. His mother was delirious and alcoholic. She always called him in the middle of the night, because she put the responsibility of her youngest son running away from home on his head. This made Graham also deal with the dizzy.

Officer Lane came home, his father was suffering from a urinary tract infection, and his life was clearly not easy. Seeing Ryan worried about his father, the "big villain" who abused the director's wife Christina just now became less annoying, and the whole image became warmer.

For the audience. They seemed to sense a little bit of the director's intentions. Everyone vents the unhappiness of their own lives on others, at the same time. Good and evil are not absolute two things. The development of the plot so far, everyone has their own story, their own life, and then inextricably linked in the city of Los Angeles, making all audiences feel the indifference, cruelty, hardship, and race of life Discrimination, social dislocation, cultural differences, and everything else collide in a thought-provoking chemical effect. And now it seems, perhaps, this movie is even more profound than imagined.

Day two.

TV director Cameron once again felt the pressure from white producers on the set. He believed that a black man speaking in a white tone was not good for the work. White people are the ones who should be smarter, and producers want Cameron to reshoot. Facing the producer's unreasonable request, Cameron was a little stunned, but under pressure, Cameron agreed to the request for reshooting.

After witnessing his father's pain, Officer Lane went to the insurance company in person, hoping to solve the problem through an interview. However, it was still difficult for Ryan to change his racial discrimination. He spoke rudely and sarcastically to the black woman who held the power of his father's life and death insurance, which immediately angered the other party.

But in fact, Ryan's father was a very kind person. He opened a cleaning company, all of which hired black employees, gave them equal wages, and was recognized by the government. But unfortunately, an accident finally made Ryan's father bankrupt and lost everything. Only now will it be reduced to a tug of war between need and health insurance.

The black lady was moved by Ryan's story about his father, but Ryan's condescending arrogance still angered the other, and the black lady said, "If it was your father who came here today, maybe I would approve, but he didn't come, you came, What a pity." In anger, Ryan left the office.

The old Iranian man came to his shop early in the morning and found that the lock on the back door was broken, the shop was looted, and there were a lot of slogans cursing Arabs written on the walls. The insurance company believes that the locksmith reminded him to change the door, and the loss was caused by the negligence of the old Iranian man himself, and no compensation will be paid. But the old Iranian man did not accept this statement. He believed that the locksmith did not fix the lock properly, so he angrily asked the lock replacement company to tell him Daniel's name, phone number and address, but the lock replacement company ignored his request. The Iranian old man's whole life was ruined, he lost his mind, and he found Daniel's contact information in the trash can.

Hansen was eventually transferred, leaving Ryan. Before Hansen left, Ryan said meaningfully, "Wait a few more years, what do you think you are, ah? You don't understand at all." Facing Ryan's "provocation", the young and energetic Hansen looked very unconvinced and stubborn. In his clear eyes, the stubbornness of right and wrong, unwilling to join forces, is very clear.

Hansen's ability to move out shows that he admitted that he needed to change teams because of his "arrogance", and did not report what Lane did to the director and his wife that night. Hansen's behavior was the right choice in his own opinion, but in the eyes of other colleagues, he mocked him as a coward, "21-l-23, we heard a strange noise from your car, is it you? Did the mic forgot to turn it off?" An angry Hansen smashed the radio directly into the passenger seat.

The TV director's wife, Christina, came to the set to find her husband and tried to make peace. Unfortunately, the two clashed again, and the wife drove away in a trance.

Christina was caught in a car accident at the entrance to the freeway, and a patrol car drove up with the officer Lane who "legally molested" her last night. Officer Ryan climbed into the overturned carriage and tried to get Christina out, but Christina recognized him and screamed desperately, she refused Officer Ryan's touch, "You can't, you can't! Don't touch me, don't touch me! "

Officer Ryan showed a completely different courage at this time. He explained the situation in detail, finally obtained Christina's understanding, and then got under her and moved her carefully. Christina finally turned her attention to her life safety, "Will you save me?"

"Yes, I will save you out." Officer Ryan promised.

At this moment, the leaked gasoline caught fire, and the situation was very critical. Officer Ryan was dragged out of the car by his colleagues. Looking at Christina who was struggling in the thick smoke, Ryan climbed in again and finally rescued the poor woman before the car exploded. Everyone's fate seems to have undergone a huge reversal from this moment.

Watching Christina threw herself in Officer Ryan's arms and wept bitterly, the medical staff helped her to the ambulance, Ryan knelt in place with lingering fears, and Christina looked back at her savior. At this moment, under the vast sky, Ryan's figure was set off in the thick smoke and mist, making him look taller and more heroic.

At this moment, everyone was bewildered. Twenty minutes ago, the man who everyone thought was a bad guy heroically rescued the woman who was "legally molested" by him. His dedication and warmth to his father, his bravery in the face of danger And decisive, in sharp contrast to the previous strong nausea image, violent sparks collided in the minds of all audiences. The bad guy in the impression becomes a hero; then, what about the good guy in the impression?

Graham was summoned by the prosecutor's aide in connection with the shooting he was investigating: a white drug cop who shot and killed another black cop who said he mistook him for a criminal and was about to shoot himself, who was just self defense. But in fact, this is the third time that anti-narcotics police have been involved in a black shooting case. The drug cop had escaped guilt twice before, but this time, the prosecutor's aide wanted to know whether it was complicated or simple.

And Graham just found three hundred thousand dollars in cash in the trunk of the black policeman's car, and the car was not registered in the name of the black policeman. Obviously, things will be more complicated. Maybe this black cop was doing a dark drug deal with money in the back of the car from unknown sources.

If it is said that this black policeman robbed someone else's car, and the money behind the car is unknown; this also means that this anti-drug policeman may really be "self-defense", then he will Will get away with it for the third time. Obviously, the prosecutor who had just been robbed by a black man wanted to reconnect with the black man. First, the prosecutor needed to convict the white anti-drug police officer, because this anti-drug police officer had shot and killed a black man for the third time; The officer's chief investigator is retiring, and he wants to hire a black man as a kind message to the public.

The prosecutor's aide offered Graham a deal, Graham convicted drug cops, concealed money from black cops' trunks, made black cops heroes, and Graham could not only be the prosecutor's lead investigator, His brother's criminal record could also be written off.

Graham agreed to the deal for the sake of his future and his younger brother.

Justice is not necessarily justice; evil is not necessarily evil, everyone has their own secrets under the surface. "Crash" is revealing the truest side of society in the most direct and **** way bit by bit.

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