Great Artist

Chapter 902: Deafening

902 Deafening

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The movie was over, and on the big screen, tiny snowflakes floated in the gloomy sky of Los Angeles. The city in the distance was still lit, and in the foreground a sinful car burned like a fallen comet. The surrounding children excitedly threw things on the fire, and the flames extended into the distant sky.

Although the screening of the movie has ended, the stormy waves that the movie has set off in the hearts of the audience has only just begun.

Compared with other news media in other places, the local media in Los Angeles focused their attention at the first time, because this is a story that happened in Los Angeles. This multi-ethnic and multi-cultural big city has a unique experience unlike any other. The unique style of a city attracts all kinds of people to seek their dreams here. The movie "Crash" is about thirty-six hours in the city of Los Angeles, and it's about the problems big and small in the city, which makes Los Angeles people feel the same and the discussion heats up.

The "Los Angeles Times" is the perennial top-selling newspaper in the Greater Los Angeles area, and its entertainment section has also received a lot of recognition. For the film review of the movie "Crash", the "Los Angeles Times" expressed its concern at the fastest speed, and also sent their comments to readers at the first time.

"Crash", the word in this movie can be understood as a crash, because the beginning and the end of the movie each have a rear-end collision; it can also be understood as a collision, because the movie runs through people and people. There are conflicts and collisions between whites and whites, blacks and whites, Asians and Arabs, high-class and middle-class, low-class conflict, and the simplest, a person and The collision of another person.

In the midst of these countless collisions, Paul Haggis tells us a story about good and evil with the events happening around us all the time. The collision between justice and evil is not as clear as black and white. , is much more complicated than we thought.

John Lane, a middle-aged patrolman, groaned in the middle of the night because his father's illness was not properly treated, which strained his spirits. So he took his anger out on the innocent director couple, and he used his authority to forcibly search the lady. As his hands swam back and forth on the lady, with tears in the eyes of both the lady and her cowardly husband, the mood of all the audience had gone off the rails of shock and turned into rage.

But when we all thought Ryan was a hateful villain, his helpless expression in the face of his father's pain was filled with warmth, and when he faced a precarious car accident and explosion, he bravely climbed into the car. trying to save lives. But it was only then that I discovered that the owner of the car was the director's wife who was forcibly searched by him last night. She shouted in horror, 'Why you? I don't want to be you! ' At this time, Ryan made a move that surprised everyone. The policeman, who had been subjectively defined as a bad guy, rescued the director's wife desperately. In the roar of the explosion, he held her in a panic. arms. The director's wife, who was supported and drifted away, turned her head to look at Ryan, her eyes were full of complicated feelings: gratitude, or confusion.

In fact, at this moment, the mood of all the audience is also very complicated. The contrast between Lane's before and after makes us feel at a loss, as if the fact we just established was overturned by a very philosophical argument. Ryan, is he a bad guy? Is he a good guy?

The same story happened to Tom Hansen, the young patrolman who was partnered with Ryan. When Lane forcibly searched the director's wife, Hansen's puzzled and shocked eyes flickered in the dim light. Later, Hansen took the initiative to ask to be transferred because of this incident, which also confirmed the audience's perception of him: this is the image of a justice policeman in everyone's mind, and his awe-inspiring righteousness instantly won everyone's favor.

However, Hansen did not expose Ryan's actions in a just and awe-inspiring way, but chose to "admit that he was a stupid megalomaniac" and successfully bid farewell to Ryan's partner, which is confusing again? Why is this! Shouldn't Hansen expose Ryan's bad behavior in front of everyone, and shouldn't he tell the world about Ryan's behavior of insulting ordinary citizens by taking advantage of his position? There is already too much helplessness in reality, but the reality in the movie is even more chilling.

Facing Ryan's "gift" when he was parting, "Wait for a few more years! Do you think you know who you are? You don't know at all." Hansen disagreed. We are wondering, is this really the case?

The next day, Hansen once again met the black TV director he met last night. The director who suffered a huge blow seemed to be venting his anger frantically. He hoped to break through the shackles in his heart and put all cowardice and shame away. It broke out completely, which made the police present feel threatened. However, Hansen calmly persuaded the black director to successfully resolve an accident, which was equivalent to saving a life. Looking at the tearful vulnerability of the black director, "What the **** do you want me to do!" The audience was puzzled. Is Hansen right?

Morally, Hansen was right because he knew what happened to the black director, and he wanted to "salvage" the wrongs that Ryan made yesterday, hoping to atone for it; however, legally, Hansen was a A negligent policeman, because he let his subjective judgment affect the execution of official duties. You must know that the black director who was out of control at that time had a gun behind him.

What the audience sees as the embodiment of justice seems less reliable at this moment.

Sure enough, Hansen took a black gangster on the side of the road, but because of a little conflict in language, Hansen misunderstood the black gangster: dirty sneakers, shabby clothes, sneaky behavior, ridiculing language, Hansen does have "reasons" to misunderstand black gangsters. However, when he saw the black gangster put his hand into his pocket, he thought that the other party was going to take out a pistol, so it was better to strike first. There was a muffled sound of 'bang', and the fact that everyone least wanted to see happened.

In the hands of the black gangster is just a small statue of a saint Christopher - this image is very meaningful, he is a saint carrying Christ, the patron saint of travelers, but in 1969 his name was removed from the Roman Catholic calendar, belief There are only a few left of him.

In a panic, Hansen threw the body out of the car and burned the car. As everyone knows, the hearts of all the audience are also violently churning, which is completely subversive. Is this still the upright Hansen? Is it Hansen who asked to be transferred in the face of Ryan's ugly behavior? Is it the calm and calm Hansen who is not afraid of danger? Are the weaknesses of human nature, without exception, infinitely magnified in the face of extreme fear and difficulty, and appear so unbearable?

If Ryan's contrast is confusing, then Hansen's behavior is completely lost. What is right, what is good, what is good and what is evil, is there a line between justice and evil? ? Also, what is human nature?

In fact, not only the two police officers Ryan and Hansen, but everyone in the entire story is changing roles between good and evil, but what happened to these two contrasting officers was particularly intense.

The upright detective decided to conceal key evidence for the sake of his younger brother and his career, and ended a case against his conscience, but when he finally found his younger brother, it was just a corpse on the side of the road.

The kind but conflicted shop owner ransacked his only shop because of his negligence. In desperation, he picked up a pistol to find Daniel, the locksmith who had nothing to do with the matter, just to get revenge on the locksmith who had an argument with him.

The wife of the high-ranking district attorney has always hated blacks, even making racist remarks in front of her husband's black staff. However, after she accidentally falls down the stairs, she finds that her best friend of 20 years only cares about having fun, and the only one who stays by her side to take care of her is the black nanny she has always ignored.

Black gangsters have nothing to do all day, idle around, and complain about the world and the society. They rob with guns, they steal, but they find a seamless explanation for their behavior. At the end of the story, the black gangsters released the poor people who were imprisoned in the back compartment of the smugglers for free.

The roles are constantly changing, the heart is constantly swaying left and right, and the doubts are expanding indefinitely. The bad guy one second has done good deeds the next; the good guy one moment has fallen into darkness the next second. In this messy society, isn't there something that won't change? Of course, everyone knows that no one in the world can be perfect or evil, but isn't there some belief that balances us?

At the end of the story, Paul Haggis didn't give us the answer, but he used one shot at a time to let himself find the answer. The black policeman picked up the statue of his brother's saint Christopher from the dust and rubbed it on his face; the prosecutor's wife hugged her nanny and shed tears; the black director called himself and said tearfully, "I love you" ; The store owner said to his daughter, I saw an angel; after the black gangster let go of the stowaways, they left their only forty dollars and asked them to buy a bowl of hot soup...

Perhaps, in our lives, there are countless clashes, clashes of culture, clashes of ideas, clashes of morals, clashes of laws, clashes of reason, and of course, clashes of bodies, and each clash will produce a different result. For us From each collision, there is something different to learn.

The "Seven Deadly Sins" tell us that the world is beautiful and worth fighting for. "The Shawshank Redemption" tells us that hope is a good thing and that nothing good dies. "Old Boy" tells us that the sins go away little by little, and the peace and tranquility accumulate little by little.

Now, "Crash" tells us that the trigger of human nature is always in our own hands, and the boundaries between good and evil may not be clear, but the decision-making power has never left our hands. This movie has left a reflection that cannot be dissipated for a long time in our hearts, and no one can make an exception.

The above is a comment from the "Los Angeles Times". This article is more of an analysis from the perspective of the character's transformation between good and evil. Obviously, the movie "Crash" is highly praised. The "Los Angeles Times" even considered this film to be the best one among the films released this year. Such a high praise is indeed somewhat unexpected.

However, judging from the comments of other media, the "Los Angeles Times" view is not without supporters.

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