Great Artist

Chapter 904: 3 tears

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The media's commentary on "Crash" came and went, and it was a lot of fun. In fact, this is normal, at least not unusual. This happens every time a widely watched movie comes out. Praise, criticize, watch the excitement, it's a spectacle of prosperity. It would be a disaster for the movie if the media was dead after the movie was released.

What's more, "Crash" itself is a movie based on racial discrimination and cultural differences, which will inevitably attract the attention of various groups, and the controversy will be even greater. For example, white people are very dissatisfied with the description of prosecutors in the movie, and they are not willing to accept such **** prosecutors; for example, black people have a lot of criticism about the two black gangsters, they are not so "cheeky"; For another example, the Chinese will protest that everyone in the movie thinks that the Asian couple of traffickers are Chinese, but in fact they are Korean, because at the end of the movie they talk in Korean; Likewise, Koreans will protest that the movie smears their image...

These conflicts take place in "crash", as well as in life. Everyone will soon discover this wonderful scene. What just happened in the movie is actually played out in real life, and Paul Haggis' sensitive capture of this cultural conflict is even more magical.

There was praise from the "Los Angeles Times" before, and then there was a scuffle of reviews such as "Premier", "Entertainment Weekly", "Movie Review", etc. "Crash", a small-cost film that did not have many people's attention, stood in an instant. On the cusp of the storm, it has become the focus of media comments from all sides. Even some politicians and social pages have commented on the social phenomenon reflected in the "crash". Obviously, this movie is really on fire.

but. Unlike all other media reviews, Neil D'Arcy of The New York Times interpreted the film from a different angle. people. Neil D'Arcy focuses on people. It's the most important part of the movie. It's not racism, it's not your skin color, it's not your race, it's not your ancestral home and your life status. but "people" themselves. Neil D'Arcy wrote this review specifically for "Crash" under the title "Three Drops of Tears."

"Everyone watched the movie. The question of racism is definitely in the back of your mind, the 'niggers', the discrimination against Asians versus Arabs, it's all too obvious. Indeed. People have Quan understands it this way. But Evan Bell said in an interview with reporters that this is actually a movie that cares about personal psychology. Yes, maybe everyone will think of Evan's psychological background, but if you look closely at this movie, You will find that what Evan said is indeed the truth.

Everyone in the movie faces tough questions. Or too much crime involved, or a crazy coworker. Or being humiliated, deprived of self-esteem, deprived of wealth, but everyone reacts differently when faced with adversity, which also creates a very different outcome. The difficulties of life are endless, but the point is how you deal with it, so the problem is not always with the 'problem', but with ourselves.

There are three moments in this film that filled my eyes with tears, three tears, which became the best interpretation of "people" in this film.

The first tear belonged to the daughter of Daniel, the locksmith. Daniel put on an "invisible cloak" for his daughter, because it can block all disasters and dangers. Daniel carefully tied the non-existent rope around his daughter's neck, and his heart could not help shrinking. I know that well-meaning deceit does not give her real protection in the face of danger. What I foresee is a tragic ending for what should have been a pure and simple fairy tale. I began to imagine what kind of pain she would experience, physical or mental? When the evil bullets really roared, when she finally understood the cruelty of reality, at that time, how piercing her father would be. Thinking of this, I can't help myself.

When the shop owner who had lost everything showed up with the pistol he just bought, the answer seemed to be ready. He pointed a gun at the panicked Daniel, but Daniel yelled not to let the daughter in the house come out. The little daughter, who was standing at the door, watched what was happening in front of her, and she worriedly said, 'Dad doesn't have a cape, I have. ’ Then she rushed out the door desperately. Just as she pounced on Daniel, gunshots rang out.

At this moment, all time loses its meaning. The colorful fairy tale loses all its colors and becomes a terrifying and helpless black and white world. My heart vibrated violently, and tears fell down like this.

There have been so many gunshots that have made me feel unacceptable, the gunshot of 'Dead Poets Society' Rinier's suicide, the gunshot of 'Dancer in the Dark' Risama wounding a police officer, in this In the movie, Hansen missed the shot that killed the black man. Because I know, we all know, what the gunshots mean. Although we all knew what was going to happen, I still didn't want that to happen. The breath of death that followed was long and cold, making me lose the consciousness of breathing and just wait for the suffocation to drown myself.

Daniel was insane, he roared in pain, and his heart pierced; his wife was slumped on the ground in anguish. Faced with this sudden accident, the store owner's mouth was trembling and he was at a loss.

When Daniel cried out in pain, he heard his daughter's heavenly voice: 'It's okay, Dad, I will protect you. ' I didn't wait for the moment that suffocated me, but I waited for a sentence that was never mentioned in tears. A beautiful ode flowed from the bottom of my heart and turned into a rippling liquid in my eyes. I can't help laughing at my sophistication. He just locked his blurry vision tightly on the little girl's face. I know I am redeemed in this miracle. The person who saved me was an angel.

I cried uncontrollably, completely unstoppable. I still remember the good-natured gasp that erupted from the audience when they saw the scene where my little daughter was safe, while tears filled my eyes and blurred the screen in the dark. This seems to be a man's characteristic, no matter when you can't let yourself cry, no matter how eager you are, you have to swallow the tears back in your stomach. 'This cloak is so good! ’ The words that my daughter said innocently and innocently destroyed my strength and persistence without a trace. The little girl is holy like an angel, even in front of the dark muzzle.

The second tear belongs to the black director Cameron. The director and his wife had tears in their eyes as they faced the power of the police. But could not make any resistance, the director apologized humiliatingly. Compromise. But his wife could not appreciate his good intentions. It is even more impossible to feel the pressure he bears in this society as a black man. So, he exploded, and he unbridled his anger at the police with guns, like a madman bent on death.

When Cameron said to Hansen in front of him, "What do you want from me?" All the oppression in this society broke out at this moment, not only racial discrimination, not only cultural conflict, not only class conflict. It is more of the pain and hardship that we, as an individual, have to go through in life.

When the story was over, Cameron called his wife. in the sky of fire. The flickering flames are extraordinarily coquettish under the night sky of Los Angeles. He said, 'I love you'. She smiled on the other end of the phone. No more words, but in fact they have already forgiven each other. Life is too hard, it's too lonely without people to walk with, they have to learn to understand each other.

The magnificent flame behind him. Burn all the ashes away. Tears fell from his eyes again. What this time, grateful. Fortunately, or something else, I can't tell the difference. I just felt that in the smiles of Cameron and his wife, the heart gradually calmed down and warmed up. After experiencing the critical moment of life and death, they all know how to cherish more. However, do we have to have such an experience before we can learn to cherish it? Life cannot always be turbulent. If we ignore the trivial bits and pieces that are usually trivial, I am afraid that it will be too late to regret when the waves are really rough. Fortunately, the director and his wife had time to cherish it. I am equally lucky.

The third tear belonged to Tom Hansen, a young white police officer. In this film, Hansen represents all the audience who watch the film, in short, social ethics. When the audience walks into the movie theater, they need a perspective, an angle that represents themselves into the story, and only in this way can they feel the work more closely. Most of the time, the audience's point of view is the first protagonist of the movie, and in this movie, it is Tom Hansen.

Hansen was dismissive of his partner Ryan's actions, and the justice in his heart was rolling, because social ethics told him: this is wrong; Hansen asked to change his partner in a rage, but under the power of his boss, he Dare not to resist, nor to report Ryan, he can only admit that this is a personal reason, because social ethics told him: life is helpless; Hansen persuaded his colleagues to let the raging Cameron go, he thought he After completing the redemption, he thought he had rescued Cameron, and he thought he had done the right thing, because social ethics told him that people make mistakes and are impulsive...

Hansen represents the audience's Seeing all this from a condescending perspective of justice, the audience can easily find their own moral attribution in him. However, everyone has their own dark side, and the line between good and evil has long been blurred.

When Hansen raised his pistol vigilantly and shot and killed the black gangster by mistake, all the audience would immediately distance themselves: this is not himself, this is just Hansen! Because none of them thought they would be 'so stupid'. But the truth is that Hansen was wary of shooting because social ethics told him that blacks and whites are different after all. Dirty shoes, tattered forehead clothes, aimless hitchhiking, vulgar language level on the black gangster, all these are the reasons for Hansen's vigilance. It is not so much that Hansen killed the black gangster by mistake, but the ethics of this society, that is, the concept of the whole society, made him press the trigger.

At this moment, Hansen's face hidden in light and shadow, panic, confusion, timidity, fear... let my tears fall for the third time. This is the real critique of human nature. Hansen represents you, me, and all ordinary people. Instead, we're sitting in that car, and on that occasion, would we pull the trigger?

Three tears, but the heart is always smiling, this is the true meaning of "crash"! "

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