Great Artist

Chapter 918: Flagship store

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William Wood woke up early today, not for any interview assignments. On the contrary, he had a day off today and didn't need to go to work at all. It's just that he didn't sleep well last night, he tossed and turned, and finally fell asleep in a daze, and not long after Chaoyang came out, he woke up directly, and then he couldn't sleep again.

In fact, William Wood has been out of the society for many years after graduating from University, and since he began to pay attention to Evan Bell at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival, William Wood's interviews have become more and more occasions. A battle-hardened veteran. When Oscar was interviewing this year, interns had begun to follow him behind him. Before he knew it, he had also become a senior, causing many people to look up.

But even so, William Wood was still uncontrollably nervous today, which seriously affected his sleep quality. William Wood couldn't remember the last time he was so nervous.

Today, William Wood was invited to the opening party of the "Eleven" brand flagship store, not as a reporter, but as a guest. It couldn't be easier if William Wood attended with his camera in hand, there really was no difficulty. But now let him dress formally and appear as a guest at such a high-end party, and it is a fashion party that has nothing to do with him, which really makes William Wood panic.

William Wood's treatment is the only one in the media industry without a semicolon. This is not a secret in the industry. Even if his colleagues are envious and jealous, it will not help. There are rumors in the media industry that when Teddy Bell was a clumsy young man, William Wood already knew him, and Teddy Bell's first business card in his life was also in William Wood's hands. Only William Wood can directly contact Teddy Bell unconditionally. This honor is friendship. There are still rumors in the media industry that William-Wood tried to interview Evan Bell when he was still a penniless ** singer. So you can always get an interview with Evan Bell, not because of the glamour of the magazine, but because Evan Bell sells William Wood's face...

William Wood grew up with the Bell brothers. He is now a well-known reporter in the circle. I heard that "Vanity Fair" offered an incredible annual salary to try to poach corners, and "Entertainment Weekly" did everything possible to retain William Wood. But thankfully, William Wood is also a nostalgic person - otherwise he would not insist on spending so much time on Evan Bell, William Wood is now in "Entertainment Weekly" The annual salary is also in addition to the editor-in-chief The well-deserved first person outside, he had a great time in "Entertainment Weekly" and has no plans to leave for the time being.

This time, the "Eleven" brand flagship store was unveiled for a private party. Only p guests were invited to enter the venue. Without an invitation letter, they could not enter. In other words, the media were prohibited from entering. And William - Wood is the only guest on the invitation list whose occupation holds the title of reporter. This was a great honor for William Wood, and it also made him the object of envy of his peers again. Everyone was doing everything possible to try to get in. William Wood got the invitation, and he could enter without any effort, and he was still VIP.

Of course, William Wood entered the arena today as a guest. He was not allowed to bring any photographic, video and audio recording equipment, but he was able to record the whole process with his own eyes. Therefore, all expenses for William Wood's attendance at the unveiling party today were reimbursed by "Entertainment Weekly", including clothing, make-up, styling, etc. It can be seen that "Entertainment Weekly" is satisfied with William Wood.

Other reporters are envious of William - Wood's special, but William - Wood is worried about his poor performance. Thinking about that occasion, big names in various fields appeared one after another, and only one "reporter" was mixed in, which was really nondescript. Besides, William Wood looked worried when he looked at the suit hanging on the hanger.

This suit was specially purchased by William Wood for today's private party. It was produced by "Eleven". This is the winter wear of the season. Although William Wood bought a size 48 that suits him, this is also the "Eleven" store. The largest size that can be bought here, but looking down at the small belly that he has accumulated due to his abnormal diet and irregular work and rest all the year round, he feels that today will be a disaster.

William Wood forced himself to calm down and told himself that this was just an ordinary party. Although there were all glamorous and fashionable people present, he was not a person in front of the scene. As a reporter behind the scenes, what would he do if he was so handsome , As for the lack of fashion sense, this is even less of a problem, even if there are many artists, they are not so good at wearing clothes. He is not the protagonist today, he just appeared as a friend who went to congratulate, and it is enough to keep this in mind.

This kind of psychological suggestion makes William - Wood really less flustered.

After washing, William Wood arrived at the beauty salon for the first time in his life. He usually carried a camera on his back for interviews, and he didn't pay attention to his image. It can't be handsome and compelling, at least it is necessary to be clean and tidy.

After all the tossing was over, the sun had already climbed overhead. No wonder artists always seem to be short on time. It takes at least an hour or two to wash hair, clean face, and dress up in the beauty salon. Like William Wood, who usually doesn't pay attention to dressing up, it naturally takes some time, but relatively speaking, William Wood did not plan to wear makeup today, which saved him a lot of time.

After lunch, William Wood was not idle either, he sat back to his old business, took a laptop in a coffee shop and planned to write today's exclusive in the form of a travelogue. After all, to be able to enter the party of the unveiling ceremony of the flagship store of "Eleven", William Wood's status as a reporter has been removed from his shoulders, so it is obviously more appropriate for him to write this article from the first point of view of a participant. It also proved William Wood's uniqueness afterwards. The article won a lot of praise. Everyone followed William Wood's line of sight into this private party and got a glimpse of the trivial things inside.

Here's the part about private parties in William Wood's article, which has attracted countless eyes on the Internet.

When I arrived on Fifth Avenue, my nerves were tense, and the sounds of cars and pedestrians around me were automatically blocked. I felt like I was going to take the Oscar Walk of Fame. That kind of suffocating tension It felt like a tide flooded me. For God's sake, I'm just a little reporter.

When I got out of the taxi and saw the three-story building in front of me, I felt like I had never been to Fifth Avenue before, which was a ridiculous feeling. I have to go through this road almost every day. However, the building in front of you has a British low-key and French romantic beauty, which is very different from the steel forest in New York. The vitality and charm revealed by the building itself are impressive.

Of course, please forgive me that I don't have any research on architecture, so I can't describe it in better words, so that surprises can be left to all those who come to the "Eleven" flagship store in person.

In fact, I only had time to sigh at the exotic style of the building in front of me, and before I had time to carefully look at what the models in the window looked like, all my attention was occupied by the dense crowd in front of me. This should be the most chaotic scene I have ever seen— I mean, although there are two rows of security guards next to maintain order, and everyone is not too crowded, it just makes people feel that the whole line of sight is full of people. There were about 200 people in front of them, all mixed together, it was unclear who was the reporter and who was Evan's supporter. They don't divide the area like a red carpet audience and then cheer for their favorite entertainer; they don't line up in an orderly way like a signing party. They were standing together in such a chaotic manner, with helpless expressions on their faces, just a quick glance, they could see many signs asking for invitations waving in front of them.

I subconsciously walked in the direction of the crowd - not the gate, but after only taking two steps, I realized that I am not here to work today, and I am also a guest today. I couldn't help touching the invitation letter in the inner pocket of my chest, and my chaotic head suddenly became a lot more awake. At this moment, after getting off the car, the moment of nervousness that disappeared for a short time because I was too surprised to see the crowd swept over. I didn't have the heart to consider how eager the crowd in front of me was to enter the door in front of me. I only felt my feet trembling, almost Can't move.

It's so I am not one of the crowd, but one of the crowd's eyes.

At this moment, the crowd in front of him let out a terrifying scream. To be honest, I used to stand in the crowd and feel the screams pouring out endlessly, but today I face the screaming waves that drown me, this feeling makes me feel that I have changed in an instant. Become as small as an ant.

Of course, these calls were not for me. There were probably not many people who knew me at the scene. I suppressed the tension in my heart, turned my head to look over, and saw Evan at once - he is not the protagonist of today. , Catherine is - but Evan's presence is like an atomic bomb, detonating all enthusiasm in an instant.

Oh, Evan wore a black suit today, I think I saw it at Paris Fashion Week not too long ago, but I couldn't tell the difference. All I know is that Evan is so handsome, and there seems to be an automatic light source beside him, which makes people unable to look away.

"Hey, William." Evan greeted me, which made me a little overwhelmed, and for a moment, I thought it would be more appropriate to run a few steps forward and stand in the crowd.

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