Great Artist

Chapter 926: street tour

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Jersey City is the second largest city in New Jersey, after Newark. **New Jersey is known as the Garden State and is the most densely populated state in the United States. Although the pharmaceutical industry and technology in the state are very developed, the reputation of "the state of invention" can be seen, but more often, New Jersey is the Known as an annex of New York.

New Jersey is located in the center of the Boston-Washington city belt, a mega-region group, and is surrounded by metropolitan areas such as New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and the state has no obvious personality in terms of economy and culture. It's easy to overlook. Just next to New Jersey, New York, because the rent in the city is expensive, many people who work in New York City put their homes in New Jersey, because the rent in New Jersey is low and the standard of living is also low. That's what the Hathaways are like. So, a lot of times, New Jersey comes along with New York.

In fact, Jersey City is less than twenty-five miles from JFK International Airport, making it easier to get to the airport from here than from New York City. It's no wonder that many people use Jersey City as a stopover after arriving in New York. In a sense, many people regard Jersey City as a subsidiary city of New York City, living on the bustling world capital. So it's no surprise that New Jersey has the highest density of surface transportation lines in the nation—just think about the surrounding metropolis.

Sebrina-Tinaia is a middle school student in Jersey City. She has just entered the tenth grade this year. The school curriculum is not a problem, but she dislikes Jersey City more and more. What she yearns for It's a big city like New York, don't live in Jersey City like the countryside. Sebrina-Tinaia couldn't understand why it was only a twenty-minute drive away, and New York, which was dozens of miles away, was so prosperous, while Jersey City, where she lived, was completely rural. Is there such a big difference in a twenty minute drive?

Today, Sebrina-Tinaia was in a particularly irritable mood, because in the morning, the news of Evan Bell's street concert in New York was uploaded on the Internet, and she was all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred. Just imagine. On the street where you live, any passerby can see the live performance of Evan Bell, but Evan Bell, the idol of girls all over the world, can be seen on the street so easily , which is enough to make Sebrina Tinaya go crazy with envy.

What's more, Evan Bell lives at No. 11, Prince Street, New York. Even if you can't see Evan Bell every day, as long as you stand on Prince Street, imagine yourself and Evan Bell breathing the air of the same space, It was enough to get her excited. ....this is New York, a city where all dreams come true. But what about Jersey City...

Thinking of this, Sebrina-Tinaya was discouraged. Jersey City is a transit station. Even if Evan-Bell was passing by Highway 95 outside, he would not be willing to stop in this country for an afternoon. A: Because there is nothing here worthy of his presence.

"Damn Jersey!" Sebrina-Tinaia said angrily, even if the bell rang for the end of get out of class, it couldn't ease her depression.

"Sebrina, what's the matter? You're in a bad mood." Good friend Fabienne Jones packed her books and came over, "Ever since I told you that Evan was performing on the streets of New York this morning, you've been in a bad mood. Complete mess."

"God, Evan's street performance, what a rare opportunity, I don't have to mess with my dad to get home at night, and I don't have to pay my mom my pocket money, just stand on the street and see it. But , but I'm in Jersey and Evan is in New York, God, that's New, I can't see how wonderful it should be, I can't see..." Seb All the depression in Reina-Tinaya's heart burst out.

Fabiana Jones watched her friend vent out her inner dissatisfaction recklessly. She could only stand by to comfort him. Sebrina Tinaya's yearning for New York is not a matter of a day or two, especially after she fell in love with Evan Bell, it was even more out of control. In fact, Fabienne Jones also wants to go to New York. The bustling metropolis always has endless attraction for adolescent girls, but she is not as urgent as her friends.

Like all adolescent girls, the two little girls complained about everything around them and went to the school cafeteria to queue up to buy a sandwich: in order to lose weight, they should not eat too much for lunch, and then took the sandwich and walked outside the school . Instead of staying in the crowded cafeteria for lunch, it's better to eat outside the school and get some fresh air.

"You know, even in another hundred years, Evan won't come to Jersey, because it's dead and there's almost nothing to yearn for..." Saibrena-Tinaia said angrily, but just At this moment, a dark red truck slowly drove past, attracting all the attention of Fabienne Jones, which also made the anger on the face of Sebrina v Tinaia suddenly stuck. , could not help but also turned his head to look at the street.

This dark red truck is really broken, the paint on the front compartment has been mottled, and the dark red of the rear body is covered by a layer of gray, and the original color cannot be seen at all. However, the engine seems to have been replaced, and there is no annoying roar, but with a dynamic sense of lightness. There was a lot of stuff in the back of the truck, and a group of people stood there, and since the truck wasn't much faster than the bike, the scene above was clearly felt.

However, since the people on the back of the car were not facing the direction of Sebrina-Tinaia, they couldn't see their faces, only the huge drum set on the car, and an electronic organ, and the musical instruments stacked beside them. Being able to see a corner makes people's first reaction guess that this is a ** band wandering around.

But the judgment has only had time to be generated in the brain, and it has not had time to connect with the scene in the car, and then you can see a group of people behind the truck, about twenty or thirty people, screaming and shouting while running, due to the speed of the truck. It's not fast, and the people behind are almost at the level of walking, and the noisy sound immediately covers it.

"Evan...ah...I love you..." Such fragmentary voices occasionally shouted, and the faces of the crowd who followed were full of excitement.

Sebrina-Tinaia and Fabienne-Jones didn't even have time to look at each other, and before their heads could react, the young man in the car turned around, this was a blond teenager with blond hair. With the oncoming strong wind blowing away, with excitement and excitement on his face, "Hey, there will be a street performance next to Green Street in a while, welcome to participate." Green Street, just five minutes away from Liberty State Park, is very important for Ze For the residents of West City, it is all too familiar.

"Oh, God, that's Abner!" Sebrina-Tinaia felt that this voice was not her own, and was shaking violently because she was too excited, her vocal cords seemed to be crawling with countless ants generally. How could she not know this blond boy, that was Abner Alfred, the drummer of the Outlaws. "Oh, no, that's Callisto." Another sturdy young man turned around in the car, with a small smile on his face, but still with an eagerness to try, he moved towards Saibu. Reina-Tinaya waved her hand in the direction and made a "follow up" gesture.

"Callisto asked me to follow, Callisto...cough..." Sebrina-Tinaia choked on her own saliva because she was too excited, and she was in the same place. He was jumping up and down like an idiot, but he couldn't say anything, just kept pulling Fabiana-Jones's hand and shaking it.

Callisto lk Moss, guitarist of the Outlaws.

As for who the Outlaws are... Evan v Bell fans will say the answer out loud, the Outlaws are not a rock band, they are Evan Bell's exclusive backing band. At this time, the appearance of the extrajudicial fanatics meant nothing more than obvious: Evan Bell appeared!

In fact, Fabiana Jones was also completely shocked. She naturally knew the extrajudicial fanatic. The one who had his back turned to Callisto Moss, looking at his slightly stronger figure, knew that he was the twin. His older brother, Diego, slammed Moss, and Andre Lindbergh was standing on the other side of the truck with a general profile.

Why the extrajudicial fanatics are here, and the crowd behind the truck are shouting "Evan", then the truth seems to be in sight. However, neither Sebrina Tinaia nor Fabiana Jones had time to think about the so-called " because their eyes were on the truck, motionless, and there was no room for their brains. Can provide them with thinking.

Sebrina Tinaia took Fabienne Jones's hand and kept beating. She couldn't speak a complete sentence. She could only continue to babble the tone particles like a fool. Fabiana Jones was like a puppet, standing there and letting her friends jump up and down. However, the two of them didn't have any "ideas" to run forward, and just stood there stupidly.

Imagine living in a "village" where the so-called stars seem to be very close, but they are actually very far away. The stars on the spotlight are like people from another world. But suddenly one day, a superstar known all over the world appeared in the town, and he was also his idol. This is a huge shock to anyone, enough to make a normal person lose all judgment ability. That kind of excitement is enough to take one's breath away.

Suddenly, Sebrina-Tinaia's voice found an outlet, "Evan!" After she finished shouting, she ran forward with all her strength, as if chasing her own sun, chasing her own dreams In general, run hard.

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