Great Artist

Chapter 953: backyard fire


backyard fire

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The 62nd Golden Globe Awards is getting closer and closer. How the various awards belong to this year and what kind of achievements Evan Bell will achieve have become the focus of media attention. However, just one day before the awards ceremony, Fox, which is currently one of the four major TV networks, stood up and bluntly questioned the authority of the Golden Globe Awards, pointing directly at Hollywood, which organizes the awards. Foreign Correspondents Association. This year's Golden Globe Awards has not yet been announced, but it has been deeply embarrassed and has become a major laughing stock in the American entertainment industry.

In fact, after entering the 21st century, the days of the Golden Globe Awards have become more and more difficult.

In the beginning, the Golden Globes were actually the representatives of "mavericks". They stood outside the Academy's judges, helped the audience speak, and awarded awards to some mainstream works and actors whose themes were insulated from the Oscars. Oscar complements the presence. But then, for commercial interests, the Golden Globes began to shift direction, appearing in the image of the Oscar weathervane.

However, in recent years, the distribution of the Golden Globe Awards has gradually deviates more and more from the Oscars, and it is not "maverick" like the original, but a deviation in the psychology of speculating on the Academy of Oscars, still according to the Oscars. The taste awards, but repeatedly failed to "guess". Instead, the National Critics Association Awards, the North American Broadcasting Film Critics Association Awards have risen successively, and the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards, Boston Film Critics Association Awards and other award ceremonies have won more and more. more recognition. The authority of these awards ceremony awards has gradually been established. While the coincidence rate with the Oscars has increased, the selection of "non-coincident" awards has also been affirmed, which has constantly challenged the authority of the Golden Globe Awards.

The absence of big-name stars at the past two Golden Globes has also afflicted the Golden Globes. Especially last year, Sean Penn gave no face to the Golden Globes and was absent directly, but the Golden Globes still awarded the best actor award to Sean Penn, who had an outstanding performance in "Mystic River". In contrast, Sean Penn has shown enough attention to Oscar, not only attending in person, but also showing enough respect in his acceptance speech. This stark contrast also makes the Golden Globes look dull. Sean Penn is just an example, so is Evan Bell. He has missed the Golden Globes for two consecutive years. Moreover, this is not an isolated case. This is the case in the whole of Hollywood, which makes the Golden Globes situation. Very embarrassing.

In recent years, ridicule about the Golden Globes has intensified

As a comprehensive award, the Golden Globe Awards includes two parts: film and television, but audiences and industry insiders believe that there are Oscars for film awards and Emmy awards for TV awards. The Golden Globes are like a hodgepodge of Not as delicate and delicious as others specialize in. The Golden Globe Awards are more like a chicken rib, tasteless to eat, and a pity to abandon.

Of course, although the professional authority of the Golden Globe Awards is constantly being questioned, due to the success of commercial operations, the Golden Globe Awards is still a very important award in the world. Being able to attend the Golden Globe Awards can still attract the attention of the world. Compared with the National Critics Association Awards and the North American Broadcasting Film Critics Association Awards, which are highly praised professionally, the Golden Globe Awards still have sufficient advantages in terms of business, popularity and attention. Therefore, the Golden Globes are still the most watched awards ceremony besides the Oscars.

The year before last, there was a documentary titled "Golden Globe Awards: Hollywood's Dirty Little Secrets", saying that most of the members of this association work for some unknown publications and online media, and they are at the bottom of the film industry. Unexpectedly, this year, the Golden Globes have been exposed again. This time, the organizer of the Golden Globes, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, has been caught in the whirlpool of doubts. This time, Fox TV launched a violent attack on the Hollywood Foreign Press Association with the title "Golden Globe Voters Have a Moisturizing Day". In the article, Fox TV said without any face, "The Golden Globe Award is neither The Oscars, and not the Screen Actors Guild Awards, do not represent the real mainstream opinion in Hollywood."

In fact, this view is not new, just look at the questioned professionalism of the Golden Globe Awards in recent years.

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which organizes the Golden Globe Awards, has only 93 members. Not to mention the 6,000-member lineup of the Oscars, even the Directors Guild of America has far more members than this number. . More importantly, the members of the association are neither real foreigners nor real journalists, they are just commentators or brokers active in Hollywood. It is this part of the people who know everything behind the scenes in Hollywood, especially the rules of the game in the entertainment industry. Therefore, although they are not real film practitioners, they have long had a subtle influence on Hollywood's schedule that cannot be ignored, so they have the power to kill the fate of actors or the future of movies. This is the true face of the Golden Globe Awards.

Therefore, for a long time, the Golden Globe Awards have been sandwiched between the Emmy Awards and the Oscars, and professionalism has not been recognized, and real professionals will not have too many views on the Golden Globe Awards. Just look at the comments of the media, everyone will put special emphasis on "Oscar Best Actress", but will not report on the title of "Golden Globe Best Actress"; look at Martin Scorsese has always been for the Oscars Fighting for the best director is not because what you can't get is the best, but because it is indeed the highest evaluation in the industry.

Like the Golden Globes themselves, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association is essentially a for-profit organization, and they currently hold about $30 million in fortune, and just last year they had a partnership with n

The c-broadcaster has renewed a ten-year TV contract, which is expected to bring in a lot of money. Because the Golden Globes is currently the most well-received awards ceremony besides the Oscars, Emmys, and Grammys, this achievement is enough to prove its success in the business field.

Of course, compared with powerful companies, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association is not rich, but their well-run business is the envy of many people. The awarding time of the Golden Globe Awards was adjusted in 2002 and moved forward by half a month, so it has become the current situation: after the Golden Globe Awards are over, Oscar will announce the nomination list, which makes the Golden Globe Awards in a certain sense. It has become the largest publicity platform for the Oscars, which is often the most favored by Hollywood production companies. Therefore, even if the professional authority of the Golden Globe Awards is insufficient, there are still a large number of film companies flocking to it. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association holds this great business opportunity to fully exploit the commercial aspects of the Golden Globes.

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association is registered with the US federal government as an association of charitable foundations, so the fees they charge include last year from n

The $6 million that CTV received was tax-free -- a bargain. The association's tax returns to the federal government last year show that last year's Golden Globes cost a total of $2 million, including $500,000 in ceremonies and $500,000 in employee labor costs. Where exactly one million dollars was spent is a murky account. Considering that the association has only ninety-three members and only a handful of real employees, these costs have to be called into question.

It's no wonder that Fox News ran an article with the headline "Golden Globe Voters Have a Moisturizing Day." In its report, Fox TV not only disclosed these figures, but also interviewed Magna Brericon, the former president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, in which she said, "Nine years ago, I advocate interruption and n

c's contract, I was therefore forced to surrender the chairmanship. It's a funny phenomenon that those people are wasting their money on lavish dinners and trips, they're flying around, and they're happy to organize all kinds of press conferences and receptions, if they're really all 'expats' ', so why are they so busy flying out of America to go around the world? Why can't they focus more on American movies? Do so many movies in the United States have to be criticized by a group of non-professionals who claim to be foreigners? "

These remarks immediately put the Hollywood Foreign Press Association on the fire, and the association at the center of the conflict was embarrassed by such sharp criticism, but what was even more speechless was that no one in the association came forward to clarify this. thing. It is really thought-provoking that the current president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, Lorezo Sorry, and media liaison Michael Roselle, both refused to express any opinions in the face of media siege.

Could it be that there is really something tricky within the Hollywood Foreign Press Association? Could it be that the members of the association are really enriching themselves in the use of "charitable funds"? Are all the Golden Globe awards smelling like money?

Of course, there are also Hollywood veterans who believe that this contradiction reflects Fox and n

Intense competition between c TV stations because the two TV agencies are now on a close platform, especially when n

C TV station has suffered heavy losses in the TV drama market in the past year, and Fox TV station took the opportunity to rise, which also made the two TV stations full of gunpowder. Facing the Golden Globes telecast, this tempting piece of cake has long been n

In the situation controlled by C TV station, Fox TV station is naturally unwilling. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that Fox TV seized the possibility of making a big fuss about the problem at a critical moment.

But from the current situation, whether n

Neither c-TV nor the Hollywood Foreign Press Association has made any statement, but just let the rumors in the market become more and more noisy. Is this laissez-faire attitude waiting for the situation of "clearing people to clear themselves"? But it's not really convincing. Therefore, it is inevitable that the authority of the Golden Globe Awards will further decline.

Twenty-four hours later, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which was on fire in the backyard, still held the 62nd Golden Globe Awards ceremony as scheduled at the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.

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