Great Artist

Chapter 956: have fun while busy

956 Silence

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Dominica is located in the east of Hispaniola Island in the Caribbean Sea, bordering the seabed to the west, the Caribbean Sea to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the north, and Puerto Rico to the east across the Mona Strait. This is a small country with a population of less than 50,000 square kilometers and a population of less than 10 million. It is already a long distance from the United States, and the "Pirates of the Caribbean" crew is now on a small island called Bataka in the Caribbean Sea, which is farther away from the hustle and bustle. Therefore, it is normal for Evan Bell to disappear directly in the American entertainment industry.

On Bataka Island, even if the paparazzi have the energy to rush in to dig news, at most they will see countless scenes of scrawny pirates filming, and there will be no breaking points worth digging at all. First, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel crew is now keeping the filming secret, mainly hoping to retain a sense of anticipation for the plot; secondly, Keira Knightley already has a celebrity, and Evan Bell and Orlando Bloom seem to have a relationship with each other. She has no interest, which means that there is no scandal; thirdly, it is Dominica, and the travel expenses alone are a large expense, which seems to be more than worth the loss. Therefore, without the harassment of the media on this isolated island, Evan Bell will naturally miss the noisy awards season in the United States.

Before, Evan Bell has always been a lover of the sea, to be precise, he is a lover of the wild. But at the same time, Evan Bell is also a curious person who always likes to try different new things. So, imagine drifting on the sea for two consecutive months, staring at the endless blue sky, and even if you like the sea, you will vomit. Even on the island, it is still surrounded by the sea. Evan Bell almost felt that he was going to be integrated with the sea. He had long been immune to the sea, and he began to miss the days of mountain climbing.

"Evan, try the support in the past." Gore Verbinski called Evan Bell, who was sitting on the beach gnawing grass roots.

Evan Bell trotted over, looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help laughing, "This bonfire looks like a celebration. I already have a wonderful scene of roasting suckling pigs in my mind, of course, provided that I'm not the so-called 'suckling pig', that's all the better."

The scene to be filmed today is very interesting. Captain Jack Sparrow was captured by a cannibal tribe. Although he became a "chief" by relying on his flickering ability, he still did not escape to be made into a tribe. The fate of the meal. The shooting location is a platform on a high mountain. Although it is not on the edge of a cliff, it is not too far away from the cliff, so the raging wind is hunting and hunting, and there is no need to specify a special location. When you look up, you can see all around The sea, surrounded by mountains, blends emerald green and turquoise blue, and the scenery is pleasant.

At this time, the dry wood has been stacked in the center of the open space, and a half-person-high tree branch has been inserted into the soil on both sides. Obviously, it is only necessary to string the "suckling pig" on the thick branch, and then it can be set on fire. Start to bake. There are all kinds of fruits around the bonfire, coconut, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruit, etc. At first glance, it makes people feel that this is a feast. However, after the surrounding natives entered the picture, they suddenly became unfriendly.

During the filming in Dominica, the crew employed more than 400 local people, and many tribe members believed that the sequel of "Pirates of the Caribbean" would stimulate the local economy, because 70% of the local people were unemployed at home. Therefore, when I heard that the crew was going to hire locals to act as extras, the registration venue was immediately crowded.

You know, there are more than 600 crew members who flew to Dominica themselves, and now there are so many extras hired, which makes the "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel cast more than 1,000 people, which is also Evan Bell. The largest ever in a movie. If you want to feel the power of the cast, meal time is definitely the best place to watch. On average, about 800 people can be seen on the set every day waiting to eat. Hearing that 1,500 eggs are used for one breakfast, Evan Bell can't help but sigh, "Eggs are really popular..." It's just that Three meals a day have exhausted the resources of Bataka Island, and the food is not enough, so it is necessary to deliver additional food from the United States to the local area every week. Such a lineup can indeed be said to be a labor force.

Now, these more than 400 local people have finished makeup, painted their bodies completely black, and then put on the local indigenous folk costumes, with headgear made of banana leaves, animal bones, etc., plus bone weaving The embellishment of the necklace suddenly became grand and grand. Everyone held a spear in their hands. This primitive weapon, matched with the totems on their faces, immediately became "disgusting", and the atmosphere was a bit dangerous in the grand atmosphere.

In fact, not only these extras, but Evan Bell was already dressed up at this time. The typical look of Captain Jack Sparrow has been put into battle, but since Evan Bell had previously cut his hair short for the filming of "Brokeback Mountain", he now had to use a hair extension technique to make Captain Jack Sparrow that. A "hair" is restored. In order to blend in with the local tribal atmosphere, Captain Jack Sparrow also dressed himself up a bit, dazzling his original look.

With his nose as the axis, Captain Jack Sparrow drew a torso with green paint on the nose, and then extended three "short feet" to the left and right cheeks. Painted eyes, so Captain Jack Sparrow has six more eyes on his cheeks, as if crawling on a centipede. What's more, if Captain Jack Sparrow closes his eyes, he will find that the original black eyeshadow is gone, replaced by two other eyes drawn with paint on the eyelids. This is completely the dream of everyone in the school days, to draw eyes on the eyelids, so that even if you close your eyes and sleep in class, no one will notice, because the eyes on the eyelids are still "piercing".

This makeup look is a bit confusing, but after covering most of Evan Bell's handsome face, it did not lose the charm of Captain Jack Sparrow at all. That kind of overflowing personality can be seen everywhere in every gesture. .

In addition, Captain Jack Sparrow also wore a special necklace, all made of "human fingers" strung together. This was drawn by the props team for two days, using silicone When it is made, it strives to be realistic, and some air-dried bloodstains are also made on it. When Evan Bell saw it for the first time, he was really taken aback. Imagine walking around wearing a necklace of fingers. Even the most terrifying serial killers aren't so perverted and blatant.

Looking at Captain Jack Sparrow holding the orchid and shaking his fingers, the staff around him were laughing and laughing. This unique charm is really unique. There is no semicolon. Even if other people put on this outfit and this makeup, it is estimated that they will not be able to control it, and they will only be scolded in the end. Captain Jack Sparrow is not a role anyone can challenge!

"Are you sure you're a suckling pig? Such a thin pig probably doesn't have much meat, so it's not very tasty." Orlando Bloom, who was standing beside him, joked loudly, making everyone around him laugh. Evan Bell has lost a lot of weight before and after filming "Brokeback Mountain" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", and he is indeed much thinner now than a year ago.

Evan Bell stood on the spot at this time, holding a long bamboo pole in his arms, and then stood there obediently, and asked the staff to tie his hands and feet, "With such a thick rope? Make no mistake, bundled games don't have to be so heavy." This meaningful joke made everyone around him laugh even more.

After the hands and feet were tied, the staff lifted Evan Bell directly, and Evan Bell hung his hands and feet on the bamboo pole, becoming a lamb to be slaughtered, and was carried forward. But after only two steps, Evan Bell said, "Stop, put me down first." The staff gently put down the bamboo pole and let Evan Bell put it on his back.

Evan Bell was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, maintaining this position and saying, "It's not easy to exert force. My whole body weight is on my arms and feet, and I can't jump down at all." Because it will become Captain Jack Sparrow needs to save himself, with his hands and feet restrained, jumping off the fire grill and finding a way to escape the tribe. Evan Bell now feels that such a posture makes him unable to exert his strength, and subsequent shooting will be very difficult.

The team of the martial arts instructor quickly approached and discussed After a few simple attempts, I felt that Evan Bell was right. With the current "suckling pig" posture, it is not only difficult to use strength, and can be easily injured. So in the end, it was decided to let Evan Bell lean on the bamboo pole, and then tie his body to the bamboo pole, facing the ground, and then rely on the gravity of the earth and the weight of the body to achieve the ultimate goal.

Just as Evan Bell and the martial arts instructors were discussing how to exert force, there was a loud noise from the periphery of the shooting venue. Evan Bell did not look back, and was still focusing on discussing how to exert force, but the rest of the crew They all turned around to find out what happened.

Jerry Bruckheimer was still investigating the filming location in the famous Tahiti in the Caribbean at this time, but he was not there. So it was Gore Verbinski who handled the situation, and he sent staff to ask what was going on. But before the staff set off, a group of people came over with support, and said something noisy in their mouths.

Evan Bell just turned his head at this time, and saw that more than 400 local people at the scene took the initiative to move out of the way, facing an indigenous person dressed in costume. Judging from the formation of this indigenous person, it is estimated that it is the local indigenous tribe. chief or leader or something.

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