Great Artist

Chapter 981: 20 years

981 Twenty Years

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William Bell's childhood memories are really vague. .. // Exquisite tea sets, gorgeous costumes, elegant gatherings, beautiful gardens, reserved rich ladies... Those pictures became fragments when he was ten years old. He was born in 1960. The Second World War brought the United Kingdom to the bottom of history, but the family from the upper class, because of the continuous decline of the economy, caused the father to go bankrupt, and finally committed suicide by suicide, and the mother subsequently hanged her life.

Ten-year-old William Bell went from a rich boy to a poor boy overnight.

Life in the orphanage was not easy. He even broke his head for a steamed bun; he almost died because he didn't have a cotton-padded jacket for the winter. Fortunately, the disastrous life in the orphanage ended at the age of thirteen, and he became an apprentice in a tailor-made suit shop, which was his means of survival. Of course it wasn't Savile Row. The apprentices of the high-level facade were carefully selected, and he was not his turn.

The trick of fate did not make William Bell lose his confidence. There are many ways to look at the suffering of life. The life experience of falling from heaven to the earth made William Bell more and more know how to enjoy life. Many times, enjoying life does not mean spending money. After dinner, sitting at the door of the store to watch the sunset, and counting the beauties passing by on the street is actually a way of enjoying.

From the age of thirteen to nineteen, William Bell grew from an ignorant child to a handsome teenager. When William Bell, who was originally handsome and extraordinary, grew up, his eyebrows and eyes seemed to be drawn with a paintbrush. Even the cotton T-shirt on his body could not hide his light. 〓 William Bell gradually found that many times, he did not even need to What more you can do, you only need to cast a glance, and you can make those rich ladies too embarrassed to raise their heads. His every move seems to have great magic power, what's more, the good education in his childhood has imprinted a deep elegance in him, which makes William Bell have an attraction that is completely inconsistent with the tailor's apprenticeship .

Since having his first girl at the age of sixteen, William Bell's life has become splendid, even as an apprentice, he can still enjoy life to the fullest. Youth is like the splendid sunshine in the sky, which transforms into colorful rays of light, and is reckless in the breeze. Those years were full of all kinds of laughter, beautiful faces, and drunken parties. ////(

William Bell knows that they are just having fun, so what, because he is just having fun, he doesn't need to worry about the future, he doesn't need to worry about life, he just needs to enjoy himself and that's enough. But all this has changed because of one woman, earth-shaking changes.

William Bell remembered that he was nineteen years old that year. It was an afternoon. There was rarely sunshine in London that day. It was the kind of thin but still golden sunshine. The haze can at least make people feel a little brilliance.

William Bell was going to Savile Row that day to do some errands. Although the tailor he worked in was not on Savile Row, and the store was not big, it was still a time-honored brand, but Savile Row was not yet fully established. The scale was formed, and their business was not that big, so they did not move to Savile Row.

Just around the corner of Savile Row, William Bell saw her, the one who fascinated him. She was wearing a small white dress that day, and her golden curly hair was casually draped over her shoulders. With the breeze, she was bathed in the thin sunlight, like an elf princess, stepping on the clouds.

At this moment, William Bell was nailed to the spot, like a silly boy, standing there dumbfounded, he only felt that his breathing stopped at this moment.

She also noticed the strange gaze around her, and turned her head to look over. Then William Bell saw those beautiful eyes, blue like an ocean, and people couldn't help but have the idea of ​​wandering in them. When she saw William Bell, she also stood there, her eyes full of inquiry.

William Bell was quickly stunned, he stepped forward, and showed a bright smile, "Miss, where is No. 8 Savile Row, please?"

This is their first conversation.

Later, William Bell learned her name, Catherine Hawks; later, William Bell turned down all party invitations and came to Savile Row to find her whenever he had free time; and then they fell in love, Like flames, everything burned wildly; and later, they eloped.

This is the power of love, William Bell is willing to take care of Katherine Hawks, he gave up an entire forest, and is willing to only guard this magnificent tree. Catherine Hawks "conquered" William Bell, but she also gave up a comfortable and beautiful family life and moved towards an unknown future.

It's just that when love and reality meet, the winner is often reality.

After becoming Mrs. Bell, Catherine Bell and William Bell had a happy year and welcomed their first son, little Teddy.

But then the problem came. William Bell was not an excellent tailor. Although the apprentice was a teacher, in the tailoring world, experience is the first factor, so William Bell's salary is not high. And Catherine Bell is the eldest lady who does not touch the sun. Her understanding of life is very different from William Bell. As a result, chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea have become an insurmountable natural moat for the young couple.

The two were originally young and vigorous, and a little quarrel could be magnified infinitely. In this case, Catherine Bell became pregnant again. The situation in Bell's family was already very difficult. William Bell couldn't bear the burden of another child. He didn't need his wife to give birth to the child. This was an accident. Unexpected surprises. As a result, the two people's quarrel transitioned from love to life, and the situation got worse and worse. Catherine Bell had fetal inflation twice before and after, and there was a risk of miscarriage. Although she still lost the baby in the end, Katherine Bell's body was not as good as before.

When the second child was eight months old, William Bell didn't even remember why they had an argument on that day, as if it was just a little burnt toast at dinner or something, but the argument went out of control. Angrily, William Bell slammed the door and left the house.

William Bell came to the bar, got himself drunk, he needed a little space, a little space to breathe. He loves Catherine Bell, even if he is oppressed by life, he still loves her, but life cannot rely on love to fill his stomach. Adding the burden of a child again, William Bell doesn't know how long love can keep the two of them together. Love is a consumable and a luxury.

This is not the first time William Bell has lamented what would have happened if his family hadn't gone bankrupt; what if he could have gone from apprentice to master earlier in the past few years; Anything from Mr. Kes, what would happen then... In the face of the pressure of life, William Bell couldn't help but question his game in the past few years.

But what about this? After drinking, he still has to go home, even if he quarrels, even if it is a cold war, he still has to face it, unless he is willing to divorce and leave Catherine Bell... Once, William Bell thought about walking away, he thought about it Just leave the mess and enjoy his happy life again, but William Bell doesn't want to, he doesn't want to leave Catherine Bell. Difficulties in life are everywhere, but escaping is no way to solve the problem, it still needs to be faced.

When he left the bar, it was already late at night, and the darkness of the night made William Bell's steps seem a little hesitant. The rich alcohol made William Bell's brain chaotic. He felt that his head was so heavy that he couldn't even shake it. The center of gravity of his body kept shifting to the side...

Suddenly, a beam of lights shined behind him, and William Bell felt the sound of the horn, and he felt that the lights had completely enveloped him, and he had no time to turn his head, and a huge momentum came to his back. . Next, William Bell felt like a bird, put on his wings, flew high, and then everything lost consciousness.

"Car accident?" Teddy Bell's voice was full of doubts.

Evan Bell even said directly, "Is this a soap opera plot? Nick Garmore has definite evidence?" Mainly because this is too bizarre, making it not like life at all, but like It's a soap opera, and it's the kind of soap opera where the writers don't have a good head.

Eden Hudson did not laugh, he took out a stack of documents from his briefcase, "This is the document when the hospital received William at the time ∝ The driver took William to the But William There is nothing on his body that can prove his identity. Presumably when he left home, he only brought cash. The information registration at that time was registered with an anonymous name. In order to connect the time points, it is necessary to find the driver who caused the accident to confirm, Nick After spending a lot of time in London, it was established that this anonymous person was William."

Teddy Bell took the information and read it.

"When William woke up, he had amnesia symptoms due to a lump in his head, and he couldn't even remember his name. Since he had no contact person and no identification, after the hospital completed the treatment, he did not continue the follow-up treatment. ." Eden Hudson introduced quickly, "After he left the hospital, there was no follow-up news."

"Then why are you able to confirm that Edward is William?" Evan Bell frowned. In other words, after William Bell left the hospital, he disappeared as a prostitute because he didn't remember his name, and he didn't have any personal I.D. And from now on, he has not recovered his memory. Then, there is no reason to connect the two.

Did Eden Hudson do a DNA test?

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