Great Artist

Chapter 985: his life

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Katherine Bell's brain is processing huge amounts of information, and what she learns today has had a huge impact on her understanding of the past two decades. In fact, a long time ago, Katherine Bell no longer thought of William Bell, because whether it was complaining about grudges or regretting grief, it was useless, at least these emotions could not fill the stomach of their family of three.

In fact, Katherine Bell was repeatedly harassed while working in the dry cleaners in Greenwich Village, always thinking, what would have happened if William hadn't left? She took all the faults to William for granted, and for the definition of William, she fixed it on betrayal and abandonment. So, when she saw the face of "Edward Schmidt" again, she lost control, and she couldn't even control the turbulence in her heart, the kind that was hidden in her heart for 20 years. Resentment broke out completely.

But what about now? Everything was overturned. Katherine Bell takes a moment to process the complex information.

At this time, it was only after 8:00 in the morning. The neighborhoods around Prince Street were getting lively bit by bit, and after being lazy all winter, the sun finally started to get up early. However, the sunlight at this time was not strong, just a thin layer of light. The thin golden color sprinkled on the balcony on the third floor of No. 11 Prince Street is not dazzling, but only brings a faint smell of sunshine, mixed with the aroma of mint and rose black tea.

Catherine Bell did not speak, nor did the three people sitting next to her.

Evan Bell knows that mothers need a little time to digest and think. In fact, even if Katherine Bell got up and left and returned to the room at this time, Evan Bell would not stop her, because Katherine Bell needed a space to be alone** thinking♀ is her memory, even if he is hers son. Not part of that history either. Evan Bell has no way to say. "Catherine, I understand you..." Because it's inaccurate, he doesn't understand Catherine Bell's state of mind, nor does Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson. So the three of them didn't speak, just leaving time to Catherine Bell herself.

"That's it." Catherine Bell said a word after being silent for a long time, causing all three to raise their heads. Looking at the relieved smile on Katherine Bell's face, it seemed that she finally figured it out.

"What?" Teddy Bell didn't seem to understand Katherine Bell's words. asked suspiciously. Eden Hudson didn't quite get it either. His eyes were locked on Catherine Bell. Only Evan Bell looked back thoughtfully.

Catherine Bell glanced at her worried eldest son and smiled, "I said that's it. When I was in Paris the year before, Evan wrote a song, 'That's it (s)'. I think. That's how it is now."

The song "That's it", Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson naturally knew it ♀ The song was included in "Three" and officially released. However, the single has not been released yet, and everyone has begun to recall the deep meaning of this song.

"I mean, now he's Edward, not William anymore, isn't he?" Katherine Bell didn't have the nervousness she had when she first met Edward Schmidt, and she didn't hear about William- Bell's panic and surprise when he heard the news was only calm, and the look in those eyes was somewhat similar to Evan Bell.

Perhaps, Catherine Bell really wanted to understand, saw it clearly, and really let go. It has been more than 20 years, and until now, after knowing the truth, Catherine Bell really let go, and the big stone pressing on her heart no longer exists.

"Although we all know that he is William, the fact is that the life he has now belongs to Edward, not William's ♀ is his life, his name is ** Dehua, he is a fashion buyer, He owns an apartment in New York...these lives are his, Edward's, not William's. Since those memories of William's are gone, let it go, why bother."

Katherine Bell said with a smile, the relief at the corners of her mouth was soft and beautiful. She looked at Evan Bell, her youngest son. Many times, she feels that Evan has a pair of eyes that see through the world, and he can look at his life from an indifferent perspective, so he can enjoy life to the fullest. Now, she also has to learn like a young son, learn to let go of the distant past, learn to let go of unnecessary obsessions, and learn to enjoy life from the bottom of her heart.

Edward Schmidt is William Bell, but that was a life that has disappeared. Now William Bell no longer exists, and it is Edward Schmidt who appears in front of everyone ↓As Katherine Bell said, this is Edward Schmidt's life, their relationship with this life, is only the pursuer and the pursued, there is no more relationship.

If Katherine Bell insists on treating Edward Schmidt as William Bell, what does she get, and what can she get? No, there is nothing, except for his own emptiness and pain [in front of him is William Bell, but it should be Edward Schmidt, a brand new life.

"What if Edward's memory came back?" Teddy Bell was still a little worried. He knew what Katherine Bell meant, but the fact that Edward Schmidt was William Bell could not be erased. Now Edward Schmidt doesn't know, so it's a matter of course that everyone treats him as ** Edward Schmidt, but after his memory comes back? How should it be?

Catherine Bell was not worried at all, but chuckled softly, "So? So what should it be?" This sentence made Teddy Bell ask him down. He opened his mouth, but said nothing. "Even if he's William now, so what? He was right back then, and I didn't need to blame him; and now, we've been apart for over twenty years, I'm used to life without him, he's right, I'm not wrong, so what's there to worry about? Even if William is really 'back', I can treat him as an old friend who hasn't seen each other in 20 years. As for the two of you, are you willing to call him? Say 'father' and it's up to you."

Indeed, after understanding what happened that year, the hatred in Kathryn Bell's heart has disappeared 〓Lian Bell is not wrong, but Kathryn Bell is not wrong either. Both of them ushered in a new life, and after a lot of hardships, they got back on their feet. So, what happens when we meet again? No matter what, no hatred, no interests, no entanglement, it should be like a reunion of old friends who have known each other for many years.

Therefore, Catherine Bell is very open, but the Bell brothers are a little embarrassed. If William Bell did nothing wrong, should they really call him "father"? Because in terms of blood, it is true. However, although it's not William Bell's fault, it's just a car accident and fate, but he didn't appear in the Bell brothers' growing up. It's a fact, he is a complete stranger to the Bell brothers, the phrase "father" It's not that easy to speak up.

Eden Hudson also seemed to want to understand, and looked at the Bell brothers with a hint of ridicule.

Catherine Bell figured out that they didn't need to disturb Edward Schmidt's life and force Edward Schmidt to remember the fact that he was William Bell. So, things are much simpler. Life is like this. There is never a hurdle that cannot be overcome. Everyone is just tossing himself. If you are willing to relax your mind or take a step back, you can see a brand new world.

"Then are you still willing to accept Edward's pursuit?" Evan Bell directly ignored Eden Hudson's look, and could only say that this guy became excited as long as he encountered a little gossip.

When it comes to this question, Catherine Bell is still stunned. Sure enough, it was Evan Bell, and his point of view on the issue captured the key at once.

Edward Schmidt also fell in love with her at first sight. It all seemed like reincarnation more than 20 years ago, and she also knew that Edward Schmidt was William Bell. It was really difficult for her to keep an objective attitude and look at Edward. -Schmidt's quest. "Forget it for now."

It can be seen from Catherine Bell's answer that today's information still has a considerable impact on her♀ It is indeed a very strange thing, it is not strange to see her ex-husband dangling in front of her, but it is strange Yes, she has to keep telling herself that this is no longer her ex-husband, but a whole new person - still someone who is pursuing herself♀ It is indeed a bit weird, even Evan Bell will find it a bit difficult to accept .

Katherine Bell knew she needed to stay away from Edward Schmidt these days so she could really digest the shock of the news.

"Isn't your movie filming?" Catherine Bell has been busy with Paris Fashion Week Always thought that Evan Bell was shooting "Pirates of the Caribbean 2".

Evan Bell smiled, "The second part is finished, and the third part will start in early March. It's time to start an adventure at sea again."

Catherine Bell suddenly realized, "What about the two of you? It's been busy since the end of last year, isn't it over yet? My Paris Fashion Week is over, and the two of you are still tossing." This "you" naturally refers to It's Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson.

Eden Hudson is completely at ease now, he can feel that he belongs here, "It's over after the Oscars are over. Catherine, you don't know, those association members, it's really too much trouble. , it hurts just to think about it..."

"Eden, are you serious? Are you serious? I think you enjoy every social occasion..." Teddy Bell interrupted Eden Hudson's complaint.

The four of them were sitting on the balcony, drinking rose black tea, bathing in the morning sun, chatting, with bright smiles on their faces, simple but happy.

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