Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 102 True Color Wenshan

Could it be that we can’t get through it after all?

No! who I am?

Rush it to me!

He roared and continued!

With a click, the gold page under his feet broke into a crack. Even the gold page under his feet could not bear it. This was simply unbelievable.

Finally, he saw Jinshan!

A big golden mountain was suspended above his head. It only took one impact to step on it!

Jinshan, here I come!

Lin Su concentrated his energy and was about to launch his final charge.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a Wenshan Mountain on top of the Jinshan Mountain. This Wenshan Mountain was very strange. It had no colorful colors. It was just an ordinary hill, just like a real mountain in nature.

What kind of text is this?

Why completely break out of Wenshan rules? There is no well-known Wenshan color? But is it similar to a mountain in nature?

Which one to take?

If Lin Jialiang were here, he would definitely choose Jinshan without hesitation.

The legendary Jinshan is only one step away.

But Lin Su looked at the real mountain above for a long time...

When I step into this world, I have to follow my own path after all! Take a gamble! My damn preference for natural scenery has nowhere to rest...

Lin Su's two war poems were launched at the same time, and he suddenly rose up, stepping onto the unremarkable hill...

With a bang, the hill cracked and turned into a mountain peak that merged into his body, releasing a strange force in his body. This force instantly passed through the mountains and seas, firmly enveloping his literary roots and literary world.

There was a loud bang in Lin Su's head, and dust fell from nine days away...

Lin Jialiang had just landed slowly when he suddenly saw Lin Su falling above him. He was shocked and stretched out his hand to catch his brother.

When he caught it, he was stunned. The brother weighed nothing at all. He seemed as light as a feather. With such a weight, even if he didn't reach out to catch it, he would definitely not be injured.

Lin Su opened his eyes slowly, with a look of pain on his face.

Third brother, is your Wenshan purple or...

Qiu Zixiu's sigh came from the sky: Sir Young Master Lin, I have already warned you, just give up when you are ready. If you refuse to step in front of Zishan, you will have to fall down and turn into dust! Alas, how stupid the world is!

Lin Jialiang's whole body was shaken, but everyone around him suddenly felt like he had received a shot in the arm...

Lin Su, failed in the fight for Wenshan? You bastard has this day too!

Lin Su! Fu Xiaochun said with a smile: I can confirm that your Wenshan is not purple or blue. Is it green or cyan?

He saw Lin Su fall from him with his own eyes, and he did not touch Wenshan in the purple or blue areas.

What the hell does it matter? Lin Su said: Including you, Fu Xiaochun, everyone owes me ten thousand taels! Get the money!

Sangong Lin's literary career has come to an end. It's extremely sad. What if I give you a congratulatory gift? Fu Xiaochun raised his hand and held 10,000 taels of silver notes in his palm.

That's right. Quzhou Huiyuan may be a great businessman in the future. I'll give you these ten thousand taels as capital! Du Zhou handed over ten thousand taels.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 people who had bet with him had all received ten thousand taels each. I have to admit that these young men are really rich.

Outside the Confucian Temple, a person stood quietly, and it was Li Yezhou.

He raised his hand and held ten thousand taels in his palm: Lin Su, I want to ask you a question.


Li Yezhou smiled softly: Today's bet, in your opinion, do you win or lose?

Tell me these ten thousand taels of silver, I won. Lin Su said: Brother Li, do you have any questions?

I really hope that after three years, you can still give such an answer. Li Yezhou turned around and left. He did not advance after all, and once again chose his eternal pursuit of Huiyuan.

Fourth Brother Li might as well ask again in three years!

Li Yezhou turned around suddenly, his cold gaze seemed to be piercing him, but in the end, he still strode away.

Qiuzi showed off her hands and wrote a big word on the gold paper: Sheng!

He stepped on the golden paper, and the golden paper rose into the air, carrying him high and flying away to obtain Wenshan. He was already a man, and the power of Wen Dao was enough for him to rise out of thin air.

Together, it is taller than the surrounding buildings, which also shows that he is different.

Other literati also followed his example. Writing the word Sheng could send them several feet above the ground, but their elegance and naturalness were far inferior to his.

This is where Purple Wenshan is stronger than ordinary Wenshan.

Third brother, let's... Lin Jialiang looked at Lin Su, somewhat distressed.

The third brother, Hui Yuan, was supposed to be the most glorious person today, but he missed Zi Wenshan...

Let's go! Lin Su strode away.

He was the only one walking out of the crowd.

No, three!

Lin Jialiang accompanied him, and another person was Zeng Shigui.

As soon as Zeng Shigui came out of the crowd, he hugged his wife tightly...

When Lin Su walked into the crowd, everyone looked at him with eager eyes. Mr. Hui Yuan, is he so close to the people? Lin Su smiled at them, quickened his pace, and disappeared from the street in an instant.

The next moment, he appeared outside the rental courtyard. Lin Jialiang chased him from behind. The two brothers walked side by side towards the courtyard.

At the entrance of the small courtyard, Sister Chen and Xiaoxue were waiting with green clothes on their hands. When they saw the two brothers saluting at the same time:

Congratulations to both gentlemen for high school!

All three faces were red.

Especially Sister Chen, she is really happier that the Lin brothers are in high school than her own brothers are in high school - if she still has brothers alive.

Lin Su helped Lu Yi up: Is the injury okay?

Before Lu Yi could speak, Sister Chen spoke first: Lu Yi's injury is actually not healed yet, but she said that she must welcome the young master home.

Why are you doing this? Come on, go back and lie Where is Xiaojiu?

All the women laughed: When the Holy Light came out just now, the Ninth Princess showed her true form. The tail was all over the place. I don't know if I can take it back now...


A shout came from the room: Xiaoxue, you are talking nonsense! Who has a tail?

Xiaojiu jumped out, and sure enough, he had no tail.

She spun around and jumped to Lin Su's side, pulling her sleeves and shouting: Mr.

The tone of her voice turned upward, and her mouth also turned upward, making her coquettish, coquettish, and coquettish...

Lin Su immediately became alert when he saw this expression: What are you trying to do with me again?

Ms. Gong, tell them quickly that your song The Sapphire Case. Yuan Xi was written for me...

The Sapphire Case? Yuan Xi? Do you know what day Yuan Xi is? Did I know who you were at that time? I wrote this for you, my imagination is too rich...

Xiaojiu's little mouth was raised eight feet high, and everyone around him laughed.

Lin Su pulled her over and pressed her little mouth down: Stop talking so sarcastically, can I promise you to write a song specifically for you?

ah? Xiaojiu jumped up and hugged his neck, Sir, dear husband, please carry me into the room...

The people next to me ran away all of a sudden...

Lin Su awkwardly carried her into the room, and Xiaojiu was still hanging on him...

We have business to do!

No! Xiaojiu twisted in his arms.

The scientific examination is over. Do you not want the task your mother gave you?

I am comfortable serving my husband-in-law. My husband-in-law is not a heartless man, so I am not worried...

Are you serving me? It's just torture... If you don't come down, I will let you enter Qingtan Pass for three years...

Ah... Xiaojiu bounced away.

She was still a little scared after all.

After leaving the door, I took some tea and put it on Lin Su's desk. Then I raised my chin and asked him, what on earth was what you told my mother?


Formation? Xiaojiu was excited.

She is the princess of the demon clan. Others don't know the formation, so why doesn't she know it? A few days ago, thirty-six demon kings gathered in the Qiandao Islands and used a mysterious formation to destroy the powerful Qiandao bandits. The world said that this was a strange formation of the demon clan. She asked her mother, but her mother kept it secret. Not to mention, but now, his mother is asking him for the formation. Could it be said that this formation actually belongs to him?

You have to keep this matter a secret, otherwise, your husband's head may be lost! Lin Su warned her seriously, staring into her eyes.

Xiaojiu raised his hand and swore!

If I leak it, you can fuck me ten thousand times!

Lin Su looked at her with contempt.

Xiaojiu pouted her lips with a smile and tapped a little on his lips: My husband, you are my husband, how can I be willing to put you in danger? Don't worry.

Watch the surroundings and be careful not to be monitored!

Xiaojiu's tail suddenly bounced up, and the house was surrounded by furry curtains.

Lin Su began to draw a formation diagram, and a formation diagram was completed in the blink of an eye and handed into Xiaojiu's hands.

This formation diagram is a formation to trap the enemy, which is a level higher than the formation to resist the enemy obtained by the Bishui Immortal Sect.

Of course, Lin Su did not dare to hand over the killing formation to anyone.

The power of this formation is too terrifying. If they apply this killing formation to the human world, even super sects will be massacred by them.

This killing array requires very harsh conditions. He can't set it up himself, but the demon clan can.

Third brother!

The second brother's call came from far outside the door.

This was all Xiaojiu's doing. Xiaojiu put on a posture that would make it impossible for him to do anything in broad daylight. Sister Chen and Xiaoxue did not dare to approach, and Lin Jialiang could only call from a distance.

Lin Su stood up and quickly walked out of the door. He intentionally opened the door wide to show that he had done nothing.

Is something wrong? Second brother.

Lin Jialiang said: Brother Zeng Shigui and his wife are here.

Lin Su came to the living room. Zeng Shigui and his wife Xiu Niang were at the door. Zeng Shigui bowed deeply, while Xiu Niang knelt directly on the ground.

Sister-in-law, you can't do this! Brother Zeng... you don't need to be polite...

Zeng Shigui said: Today in the Confucian Temple, the officials were almost doomed. Fortunately, Brother Lin offered a helping hand. I dare not not repay this kindness, so I came here with Zhuo Jing to express my gratitude!

Don't forget the friendship between the poor and the lowly. A poor wife will not leave the house. My brother is also quite touched by Brother Zeng's deep affection for his wife... Xiaoxue, bring some drinks.

After a few polite drinks, Zeng Shigui said that he came today just to say thank you and that he would return to his hometown soon. He promised to return home with his wife in fine clothes.

The imperial examination will be held in May next year. When will Brother Zeng go to Beijing? Lin Jialiang asked.

Zeng Shigui sighed: Zeng came last in the scientific examination this time. He knows that his foundation is shallow. Even if he participates in the palace examination next year, he will definitely fail. Maybe I should find a county government job in my hometown, and in the world, Follow the eternal glory of the two Lin brothers...

Farewell this time, or farewell forever!

From then on, the vast rivers and lakes were separated from each other, and people fell into ruin.

Lin Su gently held up the wine glass: It is a way of life to get a low-level job in the county government in my hometown, but I always feel that Brother Zeng is not this kind of person.

The officialdom is dark, especially at the grassroots level. Above are the county magistrates, and below are the common people. Being caught in the middle is the most difficult thing. Zeng Shigui knew how to take pictures, and at the same time maintained the integrity of a scholar. In that kind of environment, it would be difficult even for a day.

Zeng Shigui said: Of course I know that my ambition is incompatible with the lower-level officials, but what else can I do? Xiu Niang has been with me for seven years, and I can't let her suffer in the cold kiln...

Xiu Niang stood up suddenly: Husband, don't worry about Xiu Niang. You should study for a few more years. Xiu Niang is willing to be trapped in a cold kiln for the rest of her life!

Lin Sudao: Brother Zeng, you don't need to think about the worries of life, just take it!

He raised his hand and handed a small bag into Zeng Shigui's hand.

Zeng Shigui opened it and was shocked.

There were about one hundred taels of silver in the bag, and there was also a silver note worth one thousand taels.

Brother Lin, how... how can this be done?

Brother Zeng, you probably don't know my family background. A thousand taels of silver is just a day's harvest for me! I also know that Brother Zeng is not used to accepting gifts. This money is considered to be lent to you by me. Brother Zeng became rich in his year. Although Give it back to me!”

Zeng Shigui hesitated for a long time and sighed: Zeng did not dare to accept gifts from others. Brother Lin borrowed money from others, but Shigui was disrespectful! Thank you Brother Lin!

Bow deeply.

Wait a minute, Brother Zeng, I want to discuss something with my third brother, please wait a moment...

Lin Jialiang pulled Lin Su up, and the two brothers arrived next door.

Here, Zeng Shigui's face was uncertain. Could it be that Mr. Lin did not agree to the loan? He didn't plan to borrow money when he came today, but he had already borrowed it just now, and he also agreed. If he regretted it, he would be embarrassed.

When Lin Su arrived next door, he understood when he saw his second brother's face: Second brother, do you want to help him with his studies?

Lin Jialiang nodded: Third brother, I never thought that I would be able to reach ninth place in high school this time. It is all due to my third brother's strategy and poetry. Can I give him those twenty essays of yours?

Give it to him! Also, tell him to write more words. Hongyan will pass it to me and I will revise it for him!

Lin Jialiang was overjoyed and ran to the next door to tell Zeng Shigui. Zeng Shigui's heart was pounding. Twenty policy papers? A classic? Can you still let Master Lin modify the lyrics?

What a rare treat is this?

You need to know that Lin Sangongzi has already established his position as a master in the world of Ci with a poem that has been handed down from generation to generation. With him changing the lyrics, there is no need to worry about his Ci skills! With his strategies, next year’s palace examination may not necessarily fail!

His literary career, which had originally been discontinued, has now taken a turn for the worse.

The couple walked out of the small courtyard, turned back at the same time, knelt down and bowed, got up and left, returning to his hometown in Jicheng Mansion.

Lin Su watched the couple leave and was about to return to the room.

An official has arrived.

Lin Su and Lin Jialiang walked out of the small courtyard at the same time and met the officials rushing over at the door.

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