Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 121 Entering the world alone

You mean... you don't pay attention to the Narcissus Brew?


Ding Hai breathed out softly: I know what you are paying attention to! I never told you. In fact, I was afraid that you would be too impulsive.

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat.

We found out the whereabouts of An Ye three days ago. She went to the 'Wuding Mountain'. According to old legend, there is a road there that leads to the Pathless Abyss. Therefore, she wanted to enter the Pathless Abyss from there...

Lin Sudao: You can't contact her?

There is no fixed mountain, there are no fixed rules, all the information cannot be transmitted, there are many ancient ruins, and no one can enter. Maybe she has died in the formation, maybe she has found the way and entered the abyss of no path, no matter No matter what, Third Young Master, you shouldn’t go. The only thing you can do is to pass the palace examination and obtain the rank of Jinshi. You will be a great scholar with a literary heart, whether it is to break into Wuding Mountain or directly face the Abyss of Wuding when the Tao Sect opens. You all have certain bargaining chips in negotiations, and at this time, you are not in a good position to do anything.

Objectively speaking, what Ding Hai said was his responsibility.

Wuding Mountain is a forbidden area in the world!

Even if a quasi-sage enters, he may fall.

With Lin Su's current ability, he could break into Wuding Mountain and escape death.

The most ideal way is to pass the palace examination first and gain a literary heart. Once you have a literary heart, you will be a great scholar and at least have some means to use to force your way into Wuding Mountain.

There is still a way to go without breaking into Wuding Mountain. He can even directly negotiate with Wuding Abyss. If An Ye really enters Wuding Abyss, he can use some exchange methods to get her back...

But right now, Lin Su, a small official, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with others?

Sister Chen, tell my mother when you go back that I want to take a walk in the world...

Sir... Sister Chen suddenly appeared behind the carriage, her face pale.

She is in danger because of me. She may die every day. I can't spend the New Year at home leisurely, then go to take the scientific examination, and then symbolically look for her after everything is ready. ...Sister Chen, I know you don’t want me to go, but you should also know that I can’t do it!”

Young master, you... If you go, you will escape death...

Then...a narrow escape from death!

As soon as the six words were finished, Lin Su suddenly disappeared into the wind and snow. With Sister Chen's eyesight, she couldn't even see where he went.

As soon as Lin Su left the carriage and galloped into the wind and snow, he arrived in the east of the city in a short time. He took thirty taels of silver and picked up a horse. The horse galloped out with the snow flying, and he embarked on his journey to the world.

Today is already the end of November, and there is no difference between the old calendar and the Gregorian calendar in this world. In other words, with only one month left before the Spring Festival, he stepped out of his house and plunged into the unpredictable world.

Walking through the rivers and lakes is a path that many people will take. With Lin Su's magical flying knife skills, he could have walked it, but he had never planned to walk because he had not forgotten that his main job was a scholar, and he had to finish it first. With all his literary skills, after obtaining the rank of Jinshi and becoming a great scholar, he can truly have the power to protect himself in troubled times.

After all, he has offended too many people, and each one of them is powerful. He is huddled in the Lin Mansion, protected by the official seal of the prefect, and lives in the attic with an autumn water painting screen all year round. Few people can be against him, but when he steps out of Haining City, Just give others a chance.

But today, no matter whether he is fully prepared or not, no matter if there are only a few months left for the imperial examination, whether the students taking the examination should go out, he must go out.

Because of the dark night.

This is his real little wife. The little wife has finally been found. If she doesn't go, will she still be a man?

No one should have noticed his sudden appearance in the world, right?

But Lin Su would never have imagined that as soon as he left, someone would send the message out.

Two tails followed behind him. His horse was galloping down the official road. On the mountain on the left, two figures were like civet cats in the mountains. They leaped ten feet and flew over walls and walls much faster than he did.

In a guest room in Haining City, a middle-aged man suddenly sat up with a fierce look in his eyes.

He is the Bishui Sect elder who has been to Jiangtan.

That day, he sent his disciples to Jiangtan to supervise the winter planting, but Lin Su rushed out and killed his disciples on the spot. He had no time to stop him. Later, he was slapped into the deep space by Elder Hu Feng.

His disciple died on the outskirts of Haining, he lost his riverbank planting site, he suffered setbacks at the hands of Lin Su, and was scolded bloody by the sect leader. How could the dignified elders of the Immortal Sect endure this?

The most unbearable thing is that the woman his brother Du Qing likes was snatched away by this boy!

His brother also died in Haining later, and there are signs that he died in the Lin family.

Of course Du Fei had to take revenge and cut the entire Lin family into pieces!

But just when he was about to break into Lin's house, he suddenly discovered that there was a master hidden in the attic.

This master must be the one who killed his brother.

Du Fei was extremely experienced in the world. As soon as he realized something was wrong, he withdrew immediately. He would never dare to take another step into the Lin family. He hid in Haining City and sent two third-generation disciples to keep an eye on Lin Su. As long as Lin Su left Haining, it would be his chance. .

Lin Su rarely went out of the city, and even when he did, he only went to Jiangtan, and Jiangtan was still closer to Haining City. Judging from the fact that Lin Su could summon the prefect by flying letters, Lin Su had a close relationship with Haining Prefect Yang, and Prefect Yang could Du Fei arrived at the place at any time, but he still didn't dare to take action. Magistrate Yang was a man of literary integrity, and he held the official seal. He was invincible in Haining.

Just now, the third generation of disciples summoned Lin Su out of Haining, mounted a fast horse and crossed Hengtang Road.

After passing Hengtang Road, even beyond the boundaries of Haining, the official seal of Governor Yang was beyond reach.

Very good, you kid is looking for death!

With a chirping sound, Du Fei walked out of the patio and went straight into the sky...

Lin Su galloped all the way towards Wuding Mountain.

Wuding Mountain is on the border of Dingzhou, thousands of miles away from Haining. It will take three days and three nights to travel at all costs. There are three ways to reach it, one is by boat, the other is by horseback riding to Guazhou Ferry and crosses the Chu River, and the third is Climb Wuzhi Mountain.

Taking a boat was too slow and climbing Wuzhi Mountain was too dangerous, so Lin Su decided to adopt the second plan, riding to Guazhou Crossing and abandoning the horse to cross the river.

As soon as the horse's head turned, Lin Suchi headed towards the east branch road. The horse's hooves picked up the snow on the roadside, and the heavy snow in the sky was still falling.

Suddenly, Lin Su's heart was shaken. He felt someone following him all the way in the jungle on the right.


Lin Su's Qiandu Eyes opened, and through the heavy snow, he captured the people he was following. They were two men in white. They looked like ghosts in the snow, changing their shapes and moving at extremely fast speeds.

As the horse galloped, his Thousand Degree Eyes firmly locked on the person he was following. The physical features of the person he was following were deciphered layer by layer in his Thousand Degree Eyes. Lin Su recognized them. These were the people who escaped on the river beach that day. Two of them are disciples of the Bishui Sect.

This may be another legendary part of the Thousand Degrees of Eyes, deciphered layer by layer! Never forget!

People from the Bishui Sect!

Lin Su is not afraid of disciple-level figures, but these two people are obviously not planning to kill him, but are following him to control his whereabouts. Once the opponent's masters arrive, he will die without a burial place!

In this case, cut off the tail first!

Lin Su moved his fingers, and two flying knives came to his fingertips.

The fast horse jumped through the curve in front, and the two disciples of the Bishui Sect also jumped up suddenly and went straight up the hillside. Just as they arrived, with a chirp, two flying knives accurately pierced their throats.

The two disciples' eyes widened suddenly, they fell from the air and fell to the snow with a thud.

Suddenly a strong wind rose in the sky, and the snowflakes on the mountainside seemed to be swept away. A figure came through the sky, it was Du Fei. He landed in front of the two disciples, his face was ashen: Lin Su!

As soon as the roar came out, the snow within a radius of ten miles shook, and the road in front of Lin Su was suddenly blocked.

Lin Su was startled, and suddenly jumped up from the horse and went straight up to the big tree next to him.

With a chirping sound, his horse was cut in two with one sword!

Next to the horse corpse, Du Fei appeared silently. He suddenly raised his head and stared at Lin Su on the tree.

The elder of the Bishui Sect is here too? Why are you here because the elder blocked the way? Lin Su stood on the big tree with his hands clasped in fists, looking calm.

I want to ask you something! Did my brother die in the Lin family?

The elder's question is strange. I don't even know who your brother is.

You brought the cauldron that he was determined to win into the Lin family. He entered the Lin family to bring it back. I have already checked it and found that the Lin family courtyard wall was destroyed by his hands. How dare you deny that he died in your Lin family?

Lin Su's heart brightened: I wonder who that Y disciple is, it turns out to be your brother! Sure enough, only a low-level sect like the Bishui Sect can raise a scumbag like you.

Du Fei's eyes were as cold as swords: Sure enough, he died in the Lin family! Who killed him?

Lin Su laughed loudly: So what? Do you still dare to cause trouble for her?

Who is it? Du Fei's voice sounded, and the big tree under Lin Su's feet shook violently.

Lin Su said: Of course... His Majesty the Demon Emperor!

Du Fei's heart was shocked. The last time he was knocked into the deep space by Hu Feng, the elder of the Fox Clan, he had already concluded in his heart that this kid had an affair with the Qingqiu Demon Emperor. There might be a master of the Demon Clan hidden in the attic. , now this kid actually said that the demon emperor himself is hiding in the attic...

The Demon King is hiding in your attic, boy, do you think I believe it or not?

If you don't believe it, why don't you look back? Lin Su's voice was extremely leisurely...

Du Fei was shocked and turned around...

There is a vast expanse of white behind him, where is the Demon King?

Lin Su moved his hands together and pointed the flying knife directly at Du Fei's back.

His flying knife was already close to the Tao. When attacking from the front, no one in the four realms could dodge his knife. But in front of this person, he had no chance to make a move. The person in front of him was like facing the sea of ​​stars. , which is a symbol of a realm far higher than his.

So, he has to create opportunities.

The Demon King was his chance.

If he told Du Fei that the person in the attic was a painting of autumn water, it would not be a deterrent to him, but saying he was the Demon King would certainly shock him. As long as he turned around, he would have given Lin Su a chance to deliver a fatal blow.

This sword contains all Lin Su's skills. The skills of the cathode and the anode are combined into one. It is silent and has no murderous intent. It is ten feet wide and the sword is not expected to arrive.

Even Du Fei, who is a five-level Taoist, seems to have no room to dodge.

Seeing that this knife was about to penetrate Du Fei.

The long sword in Du Fei's hand suddenly came out of its sheath.

Only half an inch out!

The half-inch sword was unsheathed, and a ball of blue flowers filled his body. The flying knife hit the blue flowers and turned into blue smoke.

Lin Su's heart sank suddenly, and her heart was as cold as autumn water...

Du Fei slowly turned around: Five Realm Daohua, do you think you can make a sneak attack?

Lin Su looked at the sky behind Du Fei: Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, stop teasing him and kill him as soon as possible. I will write you a good poem now!

His hands are together, holding precious paper and pen.

Du Fei's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the Demon King is really here? Otherwise, why is this kid really not panicking? He really plans to write poetry. If the Demon Emperor is around, he really won't be able to find it, but his domain can...

His sword suddenly came out of its sheath, and a blue flower filled the air from the tip of the sword. In an instant, his space was all within a radius of ten feet.

There is nothing abnormal in space...

On the gold paper in front of Lin Su, four lines of poetry had been written like lightning:

There are many new ghosts crying in war, and the old man is crying sadly. The clouds are low in the evening, and the snow is dancing in the wind.

When the poem was completed, the colorful light disappeared in a flash, and suddenly the whole forest was filled with ghosts crying, wolf howling, chaotic clouds flying across, and rapid snow swirling...

Want to run away? Du Fei sneered, and his territory suddenly expanded, covering the entire mountain forest. He could no longer see clearly where Lin Su was, but with just one blow, no matter where he was, he would definitely die...

Lin Su had already shot at a big rock immediately. The big rock exploded violently. Lin Su flew high like a kite with a broken string and fell off the cliff. For a moment, he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north...

Among the chaotic clouds, a figure suddenly appeared where he was just now, looking at the cliff below.

On the cliff below, there is a colorful waterfall. The water mist is transpiring but does not dissipate in the air, covering half of the river in clouds and mist.

Du Fei suddenly positioned himself the moment he leapt down, and his expression slowly changed...

There was something strange down here. Before he even got close, he felt his heart skip a beat. Looking carefully at the colorful waterfall, a layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back. The colorful colors were not the colors of the waterfall, but phoenixes made up of water vapor. of phoenix.

It emits five colors, turns its energy into a's her!

With a bang, Lin Su crashed into the deep pool. The moment he hit, he felt that all the bones in his body were falling apart. His clothes were also torn to pieces. His back was bloody and bloody. Du Fei's blow , fortunately the big rock behind blocked him, otherwise, he would have turned into a pile of minced meat.

He has plunged into a deep pool. Can he hide here for a while?

That elder is a five-level Daoist, on the same level as Zhang Yiyu. He is determined to hunt him down. How can he escape? Although it was just a short moment, he had already used all his skills, the flying knife was used to the extreme, and he even used the method of deceiving the enemy, but it was ineffective! He was forced to write poetry. In the past, as long as he wrote poetry, he would immediately turn the situation around, but today it didn't work either.

Now that he was knocked down into the deep pool, that bitch must be waiting for him to show up at the edge of the pool. The crisis is imminent.

Suddenly, his Thousand Degree Eyes saw formation patterns.

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat.

Is there a formation in this deep pool?

His Thousand Degree Eyes were fully opened to capture every formation pattern in the deep pool, and the King Wen Bagua Formation in his brain was also activated. Corresponding to this formation, this formation was not profound and was a hidden formation.

What is hidden?

The crack in the stone is the gap in the formation.

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