Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 154 The target of public criticism

This man's name is Zhou Tong. He was originally a poetic genius in the ancient Nanyang Kingdom. Because he was ostracized by his clan, he went to Da Cang. As soon as he entered the country, he was spotted by the people of Dingnanhou Mansion and was accepted as one of the seventy-two masters. First, Lin Su once wrote Last Night, which was written by him. It was only because he traveled far away from home and missed his wife at home that he thought deeply about it, so that he could create a peerless poem...

That day, Marquis Dingnan promised him that as long as he wrote a peerless poem, he would let him go home. However, he did not expect that Marquis Dingnan, with his ferocious heart, drained all their literary value, and then poisoned his seven children. Eleven companions died tragically in the border area. He was lucky enough to escape death because of his ability to detoxify.

He came to the capital a few days ago and complained to the Ministry of War. He didn't know that Marquis Dingnan had already revealed the incident. After learning that Marquis Dingnan had been beheaded by His Majesty, he looked up to the sky and shouted three times, The sky has eyes...

The whole building exploded.

Zhao Yuanxiong shouted angrily in a deep voice: Such cruelty and despicable actions are not the actions of a human being. Ding Nanhou is not worthy of being a human being!

Lu Yujing was also furious. Previously, he thought that although the Lin family was in trouble, they had some merits after all. But now it seems that they are useless, literary thieves!

The crowd was excited for a while, and everyone pointed their fingers at Lin Su and criticized him. Some criticized the underlings of Dingnanhou's house, and some criticized the literary thieves. The atmosphere gradually reached a climax.

Qu Jin's face turned blue and white, and he finally spoke: Although the Qu and Lin families are related by marriage, they don't know much about him after all. If it is true as Brother Zhang said... the Qu family is determined not to associate with him...

The moment he opened his mouth, his lethality became even greater.

He is related to the Lin family, and even the relatives of the Lin family cannot look down upon him. This shows how unbearable Lin Su is...

Two people looked on with cold eyes.

One is Qiu Zixiu and the other is Zhang Haoran.

Qiu Zixiu may be born like this and doesn't like to agree with anyone or anything, but Zhang Haoran just doesn't believe it!

You say he is a literary thief, and his writing style is indeed changeable. However, just yesterday, Lin Su wrote a colorful poem at Green Willow Villa. White clouds are flying on the top of the Jiugong Mountain, the emperor rides on the wind to blow down the green weeping trees, and there are thousands of spotted bamboos. Tears, red clouds, hundreds of flowers and thousands of clothes... Which of the seventy-two masters has been to Jiugong Mountain? Who has ever heard of his great-grandfather’s immortal shadow falling into the mortal world when he attained enlightenment? Who has seen Bamboo? Who has seen the red leaves of bamboo?

Yesterday he was able to touch the scene with emotion and paint it in colorful colors. Who can guarantee that he couldn't do it before?

If he recited yesterday's poem, he would probably be able to create a rhythm. However, before leaving, his grandfather specifically told him to listen more, speak less, and never blindly take sides.

Zhang Haoran said nothing and watched coldly.

Just as the atmosphere was getting heated, a voice suddenly came from below: Mr. Lin Sulin has arrived!

Zhaixing Tower suddenly became quiet.

The real owner who started a wave of craze has arrived.

Zhao Yuanxiong turned around suddenly. In today's meeting, he regarded himself as the protagonist because he was the Duke of Huiyuan in the imperial examination.

The Jingfu Huixi Huiyuan is superior to the state Huiyuan.

Wang Chengcheng's face on the stage slowly relaxed, and he once again showed the unique high profile of a literary scholar. When he mentioned Lin Su just now, black lines ran across his face, because Lin Su had offended him, but as a literary scholar, , must not be arrogant, he forced himself to calm down.

Zhang Haoran stared at the stairs, his face more serious than ever.

He sensitively felt that today's game of chess had been arranged very carefully by those people and was extraordinary. It might be the biggest challenge he would ever face in the capital. Can he handle it?

Inside the gauze curtain, the three women looked at each other and saw something strange in each other's eyes.

Xie Xiaoyan's face was slightly red. She was excited in her heart. She could finally see the young man who wrote, The clothes are getting wider and I will never regret it. I feel haggard because of Yi. Before Lin Su set foot in the capital, he said goodbye to Haining. The song Spring Sorrow he wrote to his colleagues in the brothel had already entered the capital city before him. As soon as he arrived in the capital, he conquered all the brothel girls with his graceful style, including this peerless courtesan. From that moment on, she wanted to see this legend. figure.

Lu Youwei, on the other hand, was nervous. She originally hoped to see him. In order to see him, she arranged her clothes last night and got up at dawn today. But now, she doesn't want him to show up because she knows that a group of people have laid a trap. , eyeing him, including her brother Lu Yujing. She secretly sent a note to her brother, hoping that he would not participate, but his brother ignored her, so what could she do?

Only Bi Xuanji didn't look any different, but her eyes were a little brighter. This was the biggest difference in the eyes of the two best friends. Everyone knew that Bi Xuanji was the calmest one. It was recognized by everyone in the capital that Bai Xuanji was the most calm one. Xie Xiaoyan changes in a thousand illusions, remains as immobile as a mountain to complete the mystery, and the weak willow supports the wind Lu Youwei. It is the most realistic portrayal of these three people.

The footsteps came closer, and even closer, a person came up the stairs, the eyes of the three women lit up, they were so charming!

When people in the capital publicize Lin Su, they tend to focus on his literary skills, and few people mention his elegant demeanor. But when they saw him today, everyone suddenly discovered that this literary legend was also extremely elegant in terms of appearance alone.

He has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a high bridge of nose, and is handsome and handsome.

His figure is neither fat nor thin, and he has the unique aura of a martial artist.

What makes people even more addicted are his eyes. His eyes are as bright as autumn water, but they are as calm as the breeze and the moon are not caring at all.

Lin Su turned his eyes, glanced over the faces of the people in the building, nodded slightly to Qu Jin, then landed on Zhang Haoran's face, walked past and came to Zhang Haoran: Brother Zhang, when did you arrive?

A wry smile appeared on Zhang Haoran's face: Brother Lin, please sit down!

You avoided answering his questions, so why did you have the nerve to ask others when they arrived? Didn't you see that Wang Chengcheng's face turned a little blue again on the stage? When he lectures, people avoid him. This is a slap in the face to the great Confucian!

Lin Su walked towards Zhang Haoran and was about to sit down. Suddenly, a person appeared in front of him: Is this Mr. Lin Sulin?

Lin Su looked at the young master in front of him and smiled slightly: Exactly, Your Excellency is...

I, Chenzhou Huiyuan Zuo Chunlang!

Nice to meet you! Lin Su gently cupped his hands and sat down.

He sat down, but Zuo Chunlang did not leave, staring at him coldly. Everyone in the room stared at him. Lin Su raised his eyes in surprise.

Zuo Chunlang said coldly: Your Excellency, do you really dare to sit down?

Lin Su said: Why don't you dare?

Zuo Chunlang said: On the fifth floor of Zhaixing Tower, there are all literary geniuses, literary thieves who deceive the world and steal their reputation. How dare they sit down? How dare they sit down?

Lin Su's face suddenly darkened: Brother Zuo, why did you say this?

Why do you say that? Haha... you probably don't know yet, right? Brother Zhang Hong and Zhang just revealed a secret case from the Ministry of War, involving the 72nd Master of the Dingnan Marquis Mansion in the past. All the poems you wrote before were What your master did...

He repeated what Zhang Hong had just said, and the atmosphere in the whole building was strange.

Lin Su's eyes passed through Zuo Chunlang in front of him, and slowly moved to Zhang Hong's face. He might not know the others, but he knew Zhang Hong, because this was the person he wanted to target, and he had already studied it in all aspects. Pass.

Zhang Hong looked at him calmly.

Is this Zhang Hong? Lin Su raised his finger and pointed at Zhang Hong.

Zhang Hong stepped forward and came to him.

Lin Su cupped his hands and said, Master Zhang, I'm disrespectful. I never thought that Master Zhang could actually devise such a plot. Seventy-two masters poisoned seventy-one and left only one. Not bad! Very clever! If all seventy-two are dead, others won’t believe it. Only one left alone can create suspense and story, right?”

Zhang Hongdao: This is called the way of heaven. Retribution is not good. Marquis Dingnan has done many evil things, so he has his own warning from heaven...

Let's put the slogan aside for now... Can the poor survivor come over and confront him? Lin Su interrupted.

I've known for a long time that you won't shed tears until you see the coffin. Come, take Zhou Tong with you!

Everyone in the building was shocked. Is there really Zhou Tong? Are all the things Zhang Hong said true?

In a moment, two red flag guards took a pale middle-aged scribe to the fifth floor. As soon as the man arrived, he knelt down and sternly complained about the inhumane treatment he suffered in captivity that day. Dingnan Hou personally went to the secret room and gave strict orders. Each of them wrote a poem every month. If he couldn't write it out, the soldiers' swords and sticks crossed each other, and he lifted up his clothes to reveal shocking scars. No one could bear to look directly at them. At this point, even those who had doubts at first began to believe it. Yeah, these injuries are really hurt...

As soon as he heard that Marquis Dingnan's son was at the scene, the man's eyes were bloodshot and he rushed towards Lin Su with all his strength, wanting to eat Lin Su's flesh and drink his blood. His anger and hatred were moving.

Two red flag guards held him, preventing him from getting close. The man couldn't break free, crying loudly, crying about his experience, crying about his companions, crying about his distant wife...

Everyone's angry eyes turned to Lin Su. Lin Su slowly drank the wine in his glass and stood up slowly: Sir, can I ask you a few questions?

I can't wait to eat your flesh alive...

I know, I know! Lin Su said: Before you eat my flesh, you straighten out some details so that I, a literary thief, can be more undisputed. Isn't it in line with your wishes?

Everyone was slightly shocked. This was true. Based on the evidence in front of them, it was basically possible to identify him as a literary thief, but after all, it was not 100% conclusive evidence. Wouldn't it be better if the details could be perfected and he was completely nailed?

Lin Su asked the first question: You said that if you can't write poetry, you will be hit by soldiers with swords and sticks. All the scars on your body were caused by soldiers holding swords and sticks?

Exactly! Who would have thought that the famous Marquis of Dingnan would be so cruel to us powerless scholars? There were tears in Zhou Tong's eyes again.

When did you hit him?

Last February! It was just before this traitor was brought to justice.

Lin Sudao: Are you sure what you are telling the truth?

“The sun can teach us a lesson!”

What a lesson! Lin Su said coldly: Although the person who taught you these words is a talented storyteller, he doesn't understand medicine at all. How about I tell you an iron fact?... The injury on your body was not formed in February last year. It only lasted for two months at most. Please tell me how my father crawled out from the ground and beat you like this two months ago when the grave was already covered with grass. What does it look like? Although Lin Su is not a medical professional, he is also a knowledgeable person. Some of the injuries on this person's body have not been completely healed. They are definitely not old injuries for more than a year, and there are definitely new injuries.

The whole building was shocked!

Is this a detail?

There were scars all over that man's back, which were shocking to look at. Others were aroused with anger, but he saw something deeper through the scars? Determine the specific time?

Zhou Tong yelled: You are talking nonsense, why do you...

It's easy to determine this. Just find an evildoer and test it.

A clear voice came, but it was Zhang Haoran.

Suddenly a voice came from the window: Some people may tell lies with their eyes open if they are looking for disobedience. Let me verify it!

In silence, a person suddenly appeared on the fifth floor. As soon as this person appeared, it was like flowers blooming all over the room. It was Zhang Yiyu. Zhang Yiyu used his hands together and tore to the ground with a sound. The clothes on Zhou Tong's back tore open, revealing his back with countless scars. , Zhang Yiyu hit Zhou Tong on the back with a whip, causing the skin to rip open.

Zhou Tong screamed loudly, Zhang Yiyu waved his hand gently, and Zhou Tong was restrained in place, unable to move or scream.

This is the secret medicine of the Jade Water Immortal Sect. It is a hundred times more effective than ordinary medicines. One drop of the medicine will be equivalent to two months of the treatment effect of ordinary gold medicine. Let's just wait and see how this scar changes.

As the medicine went on, the bloody wound changed. It quickly closed to stop the bleeding, then changed again. In about half a cup of hot tea, the wound took shape.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked. The wound that Zhang Yiyu made with the whip was exactly the same as the old wound on his back.

It's verified that Mr. Lin is right! The injury on this back is only two months old. This person is lying! Zhang Yiyu released Zhou Tong's restraint with a gentle wave of his hand. Zhou Tong shivered under the suspicious eyes of everyone. trembling.

There was an uproar throughout the building.

Zhang Hong sighed softly: After this person escaped from prison, he traveled all the way to the capital. During this period, he encountered many robbers. It is normal for him to have some new injuries. Why should Fairy Zhang do this and allow this bullied person to be tortured again? ...Zhou Tong, although Fairy Zhang caused you to suffer new injuries, she did it to verify the facts and also gave you the elixir, so you must not resent her.

Zhou Tong thanked Zhang Yiyu: I don't dare to resent Fairy Zhang. I only hate the thief Lin Jiawen. My Last Night was stolen by him. I will never rest in peace!

Lin Su smiled: Did you write Last Night?

Zhou Tong looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: You didn't expect it, did you? The Last Night you used to pass the provincial examination, today you bumped into me as the real protagonist...

You are talking nonsense! Zhou Tong, you can only convince the public by telling me how you created Last Night! Zhang Hong said.

Zhao Yuanxiong said: Exactly! How can a colorful poem be formed without relevant experiences, experiences and thoughts? You can steal poetry, but can you steal other people's experiences?

Zhou Tong started his lecture. He lived in Xiuyi Town, an ancient country in Nanyang. His family was originally well-off and had a painting hall and a gui hall. After he left home, he missed his deceased wife...

This speech was vivid and detailed, and everyone was moved.

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