Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 262 King Chen’s inscription

Lin Su and Magistrate Yang walked along the road to the dam and stepped onto the dam. On Lin Su's side, Cui Ying followed him with the envious eyes of countless refugee girls. On Magistrate Yang's side, Capt. Sun hugged his official clothes and followed him. Follow.

The main part of the dam has been built, like a long dragon blocking the valley. There is already some water in it, not much, it is mountain spring water.

There has been a severe drought for many days and there is no water in the reservoir, but I think the autumn rain is coming today. When a reservoir of clear water presses down here, the three hundred miles of wasteland below will be regarded as the real paradise on earth.

Magistrate Yang said so.

Lin Su nodded: What are these huge rocks used for?

Put it here. You, the champion, will inscribe the name of the reservoir in your own hand, saying it will be the North Beach of Yishui forever, so that future generations can remember it for eternity. What a merit this is.

It turned out that the big rocks they had just moved onto the dam were used for inscriptions.

In this case, I will choose a name and you will write it! Lin Su said.

Isn't this inappropriate? I am the prefect of Haining after all. Why don't I go to Meiling Prefecture in Chenzhou to write the inscription? Why don't you, the prefect of Meiling, roll your eyes? Otherwise, you should do the inscription yourself.

It's not appropriate for me to ask the question. I'm not the prefect of Meiling, and this land doesn't belong to me... How about letting another person ask the question?

His Royal Highness King Chen?

Lin Su raised his eyes, stared at the cliff behind the reservoir, and slowly smiled: His Royal Highness Chen, you got up very early today. It's not even noon yet. He actually went to the top of the mountain?

His eyesight was extraordinary and he could clearly see that on the top of the mountain behind the reservoir was His Royal Highness King Chen.

Do you want to see him? Magistrate Yang asked.

Anyway, we are not wearing official uniforms today, let's go and meet! Lin Su lifted his feet into the air and shot towards the top of the mountain. Magistrate Yang lagged behind half a step and also shot into the sky.

Sun Baotou and Cui Ying stayed behind.

Sun Captou slowly moved his gaze to Cui Ying's face with a smile: Young lady, sit down on this rock, they may delay you for a while.

Cui Ying was shocked: Brother the head catcher, you... don't call me this, little girl Cui Ying, just call her by her first name...

You don't dare to do that! Sun Captou said, Young mistress is the son of the young master, and the entire Haining government is respected by all the people.

Cui Ying's legs were trembling, her face was red, and she could hardly stand. A voice came from below, which was her rescue...

On the top of the mountain, King Chen looked at the two people coming from the sky, and a smile suddenly appeared on his young face: Mr. Lin...

As soon as Lin Su reached the top of the mountain, he bowed and said, See His Highness King Chen...

Okay, okay, I told you before that there is no need for these etiquettes. Hey, let me ask you, did you jointly set up a factory with my imperial sister?

Your Highness knows? Lin Su smiled.

My imperial sister just sent me a message the day before yesterday! She said that her Qifeng Villa is now crowded with people, she has also found the value of her own existence, and has made a lot of good friends... For this, I have to thank you!

King Chen's eyes were a little moist. At this moment, he no longer looked like a prince, but returned to a brother who was worried about his sister.

The younger sister stayed in the capital, was seriously ill, and had no relatives. She seemed noble, but in fact she was miserable.

As the elder brother, he couldn't help his sister, but the man in front of him did it.

For Princess Yufeng, helping her brother is more satisfying than helping herself.

The same goes for King Chen. Helping his sister makes King Chen happier than helping him.

There are only two of the former royal relatives left. Although they are thousands of miles apart, the emotional connection between brother and sister is unique.

Don't thank me for that. I relied on Her Highness the Princess's valley to run that factory, and the Yishui Beitan here is also based on Your Highness's territory.

King Chen glanced at the valley below: Speaking of this place, I really can't believe my eyes. These days, I come here to look at it every day, and I see the valley changing every day. I can't believe that this is That piece of wasteland I once ignored, the mastery of the Third Young Master is really admirable.”

A good hand has to be useful.

King Chen's eyes narrowed, and his heart moved slightly. He knew what the person in front of him meant, and he also knew his situation. He was obviously extremely talented and had unparalleled skills, but how had he ever put it to use?

Only in these neglected places can he show off his skills.

Today's world is like this, who can change it?

These things passed through his mind and turned into a gentle sigh...

Lin Su also smiled and said: Your Highness, Magistrate Yang and I were discussing the naming of this reservoir just now. Neither he nor I are suitable, so I would like to ask Your Highness to inscribe the name of this reservoir in his own hand.

King Chen was overjoyed: That's great! I'm just saying that if such a big thing happens in my territory, you have to give me a chance. Haha, you name it and I'll write it!

Uigawa Lake!

Yichuan... OK! Dayi mountains and rivers! It just corresponds to... King Chen said: Bring me a pen!

A woman appeared behind her, it was Ge Xin. In Ge Xin's hand was a tray with a piece of gold paper. King Chen picked up his pen and wrote the three characters Yichuan Lake with the king's seal reflected in the lower corner.

Thank you for the title, Your Highness! Lin Suyi bowed: The first batch of osmanthus perfume comes out, I will give it to you!

Okay! Send more. I will also bring some to my sister. Let me tell you, she has sent me a lot of spring tears during these times. It is shameful for me, the elder brother, to always take advantage of her. Come back...Hey, by the way, don't give it to her. If you give it to me, it won't be worth it...

Okay, after I return to Beijing, if I don't bring her a gift, if she asks, I will tell her that her brother won't let her...

You bastard! King Chen shouted: You must bring her a gift when you return to Beijing, but you are not allowed to bring new perfume...

King Chen actually cursed people, which was a surprise to the world.

But there was clearly a smile on his face, which was even more bizarre.

The people behind him were shocked...

Lin Su and Magistrate Yang had already gone, but the smile on King Chen's face had not yet faded. Ge Xin smiled softly: Your Highness, this person is truly extraordinary.

Yes, even in the middle of winter, he is a ray of spring breeze that penetrates the cold!

On the reservoir dam, Cui Ying once again met her partner on the road to escape, Chen Yao.

In the past, after Cui Ying buried her father, she followed the refugees on the long southward journey. Along the way, she met Chen Yao. The two were similar in age and both were well-educated and courteous. They naturally became good sisters and helped each other during the three thousand miles journey.

But now, the good sisters of the past are completely different.

Cui Ying, who became the Third Young Master, was almost the queen of this world in the eyes of everyone.

But Chen Yao is still a refugee who celebrates the New Year with some fresh wild vegetables...

Cui Ying stood on the dam. Chen Yao summoned up the courage to call her, but nothing more happened. She didn't know if this former sister would pretend not to know her...

Cui Ying glanced back and saw Chen Yao. She shouted Sister Yao'er, ran over and hugged Chen Yao tightly.

The dirt all over Chen Yao instantly stained Cui Ying's clothes. Her heart suddenly became hot, and the eyes of the other girl following her lit up...

Sister Yinger...your clothes are stained.

Cui Ying hugged her tighter: Yao'er, how are your family members?

It's much better. Don't worry about me. The young master just announced an order that each family will collect the flowers by themselves. After I meet you, I will collect the flowers with daddy.

The girl behind interrupted: Sister Ying'er, Yao'er's family is having a hard time. Her father is not in good health and can't repair the reservoir, and her younger siblings are too young. At this time, her mother is repairing the reservoir, and it's only for free. Yao'er I always want to go into that factory and do something...Sister Yinger, can you help me?

The factory she was talking about refers to the alkali factory here in Beitan, Yishui. It is actually just a large workshop. It collects weeds and refines alkali. Although it is a hard job, but with 2 taels of silver a month, it is enough. A paradise for all refugees.

Cui Ying was in trouble.

She has never had a hand in her husband's property. She has always positioned herself as a girl.

At this moment, a figure passed by in the air, and Lin Su and Yang Zhifu landed on the dam.

Magistrate Yang arranged for someone to engrave the prince's calligraphy on the dam. As for Lin Su, he turned around and saw three women.

Ying'er, are you your sister?

His warm greeting made the three women's hearts skip a beat.

...This is my best sister on the road of exile, Yao'er. Cui Ying did not call him husband-in-law in front of everyone.

Yao'er knelt down with a bang: Chen Yao has met the young master!

Li Feng'er has met the young master! Another girl also knelt down.

You two girls, since they are Ying'er's sisters, then they are my sisters, get up!

These gentle words made the two women feel like spring breeze.

It also gave Li Feng'er, who was already straightforward, more courage: Master, can you arrange an errand for our sisters?

As soon as these words came out, Chen Yao's heart skipped a beat. She had begged Ying'er just now, but Ying'er was very embarrassed. Now she begged the young master directly. Will the young master refuse? She really needs this job. In a refugee family, food and drink are the first priority. Her sick father, mother who works hard day and night, and her two young siblings do not allow her to be reserved...

Arrange errands? Lin Su smiled: Can't we just let Ying'er handle it?

Cui Ying was slightly shocked and raised her beautiful eyes to look at her husband...

You are in charge of the soap factory. You have the final say on who to hire and how much to pay. Lin Su said.

Cui Ying's eyes brightened: Really?

Of course it's true, just like Sister Chen, Lu Yi and the others. How often do they ask me for advice on these chores?

Just like Sister Chen and Lu Yi!

The identity is the same!

Cui Ying felt as if she was electrified in an instant: Thank you... Sir!

She finally officially called her husband.

Then he turned to Chen Yao and Li Feng'er: Yao'er, Feng'er, please call Yueyue. Follow me back to Haining later and work in the soap factory. The ash factory here is not suitable for women.

This is true. The herbal ash factory here is full of naked men. Suddenly a few young women come in. What happened? If you can't get rid of it yourself, it will also hinder others, right?

Chen Yao and Feng'er all jumped, hugging each other and dancing...

Lin Su pulled Cui Ying aside and changed the marketing strategy of Haining Soap Factory...

The output of Haining Soap Factory is not large. If you take the low-end route, you won't make much money. It is really just a small industry. Therefore, Lin Su plans to adjust and specialize in the high-end route.

All the packaging is copied from Beijing's high-end products, with Haining marked below to show the difference.

With this modification, the daily necessities soap instantly turned into a work of art, and the price also changed from a few cents to one or two silver a box.

Cui Ying was so surprised: Ms. sir, one tael of silver per box, can you sell it?

The old eunuch in charge of purchasing in the palace almost got into a fight over this soap. Are you still worried about not being able to sell it? Not only do you not need to worry about sales, you also have to supply it in limited quantities. The capital only supplies 5,000 boxes of this high-end product every day. , where you are, we can supply up to 2,000 boxes per day, and the excess can be taken to the mid-range route...

Once the route is changed, there are actually many things that need to be changed.

For example, packaging is a new industry. It requires setting up a workshop to make this kind of special wooden boxes. The miscellaneous trees on the North Beach of Yishui are tall and large. Objectively speaking, they also affect the look and feel of the entire garden. Many people have proposed cutting down these useless trees, and now it is time to start construction.

Cui Ying found several sisters and also found Uncle Deng. Uncle Deng paid great attention to the instructions of Cui Ying, the new young lady, and gave an order to establish a new wood processing factory.

The wood processing factory needs a large number of carpenters. There are all kinds of carpenters in the refugee team. In the blink of an eye, a lot of people have been recruited...

And a painter...

Some people also suggested that after all, this place is quite far away from Haining. If the factory gets bigger, the Lin family’s backyard will not be able to accommodate it. Why not settle the soap factory directly in Yishui Beitan?

Everyone's eager eyes fell on Cui Ying, expecting her to nod.

Now the entire refugee team knows what a factory means to Jiangtan. It means a steady stream of money and a huge pull. It is because of the existence of those factories that Haining Jiangtan has become a paradise for refugees. Yishui Beitan If you want to keep up with Shanghai Ningjiangtan, you need factories...

Cui Ying felt hot all over under the gaze of everyone, but she did not dare to express her position on such a big matter. She hurriedly found her husband-in-law on the other side of the dam. When she mentioned her request, Lin Su Nodding, the entire Yishui North Beach exploded...

Yishui Beitan finally welcomed its first real factory.

Once this factory is formed, it will drive the entire Yishui North Beach, and even the surrounding areas. To the north of Yishui North Beach is Meiling. Meiling is close to the bustling Hengshandu city. Hengshandu is far beyond what Haining City can compare with. From then on, not only the pig offal in Haining City was in short supply, but all animal offal and offal with some oil in Hengshandu had a new purpose, making soap.

The Lin family's factory took the first step in cross-state operations, from Quzhou to Chenzhou.

On Haining River Beach, in front of the porcelain kiln, Lu Yi got her first perfume bottle. The exquisite bottle was engraved with the colorful poem Lin Su had just written, which made her heart beat faster. She picked up the bottle and asked Chen sister.

Sister Chen is very busy by the river.

She directed a group of people to place a newly completed waterwheel in the river. The running water of the river drove the blades below to lift the water from the river and send it along the channel to the inside of the river embankment.

Seeing the rushing river water flowing into the canal that had dried up for a long time, Sister Chen's face turned red.

The crowd around cheered loudly...

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