Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 268 The colorful words on Tingyu Pavilion

Although the Quzhou incident has subsided, its influence will still last long in the officialdom.

The two governors of the state had troubles one after another.

One was beheaded by everyone in his family, and the other was even more outrageous and was killed by the Demon King.

The time interval is only more than a month.

Who is Zhizhou? A second-grade high-ranking official, a talented person who can further dominate and assist, and a step back can still be regarded as a prince. Such two big figures lost their wings in Quzhou, and Quzhou became a taboo place in the officialdom.

So much so that when the court selected a new magistrate, the court was uncharacteristically different. Instead of competing among all parties and urging people from their own faction to take over the position, the court remained silent collectively.

Your Majesty has weighed for a long time and still cannot decide on this candidate for governor.

In the end, the prime minister nominated him, and Song Du, the Minister of Civil Affairs, took over as the magistrate.

When the news came out, the reactions from all parties were very subtle.

His Highness the Prince was a little happy. Song Du was also considered to be on his line, and Quzhou occupied a very important position in the Prince's industrial chain. With him guarding it, he felt relieved.

Lu Tiancong wanted to watch the fun, why?

This old fox sees deeper than others. He always vaguely sees Lin Su's figure behind the incident of the two magistrates. Not to mention Qin Fangweng, everyone in the world knows that it was at the hands of Lin Su, and Yang Dezhi Death, there is Lin Su behind him. Although no one can blame Lin Su for this matter on the table, it does not prevent Lu Tiancong from trying to figure it out with the greatest malice.

If, just say if...

If you, Lin Su, killed these two magistrates, now let a special person give you eye drops...

What is the specialness of Song Dynasty?

First, he is a relative of the Lin family, and he is quite close.

Secondly, he was not of the same mind as the Lin family. When he dealt with the Lin family, he was three points worse than others. With Lin Su's intelligence, he already knew what kind of thing he was.

Thirdly, Song Du is still a very scheming and skillful person. It will not be easy for anyone to plot against him. His usual tenet of doing things is that when he learns that others are dissatisfied with him, he will attack others first.

It's wonderful to use the capital of Song Dynasty to deal with Lin Su. What's so wonderful about it? Song Du had no problem with Lin Su, but there were obstacles for Lin Su to oppose Song Du. He would not be able to pass the old lady of the Lin family. Even if she passed, it would create a lot of damage to Lin Su's reputation in the future. What a big blow - this guy even did it to his uncle. He was so disrespectful and ruthless...

Lin Su didn't know any of this.

After he played the big game of Quzhou, he took a peaceful vacation.

Basking in the warm autumn sun, reviewing the new osmanthus perfume, tasting the newly acquired Cui Ying, and occasionally teasing the autumn water painting screen in the attic, my life was very happy.

In the blink of an eye, September has passed.

The autumn rain finally fell, and it seemed to make up for the drought throughout the summer, and it rained endlessly.

The weather is getting cooler day by day, and by mid-September, it is already comparable to late autumn.

All lines of the Lin family are in a prosperous situation. The porcelain has basically completed the top-level replacement, and the products have begun to leave the country and flow to the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States.

Once the osmanthus perfume was launched, it quickly conquered women all over the world with its refreshing and elegant style.

Haining Soap has gradually become one of the two pinnacles in the soap industry, and is on par with the top Jade Skin in Beijing. Even because this soap is an authentic Lin family industry, it has a bit more celebrity status than Dingge Jade Skin.

As the weather turns cooler, coal sales begin to boom, and businessmen from all over the country gather in Haining to compete for quotas this winter.

The Lin family is making money every day, but for today's Lin family, it is basically indifferent, isn't it a common saying? If you have too much money, it is just a number.

Haha, Versailles can be found in any era.

What gives the Lin family the most sense of accomplishment are two things. First, the Lin family is about to have a new child. Qu Xiu's due date is early October, less than a month away, and Yulou is also pregnant. The old lady has to visit her daughter-in-law every day, and she can't close her eyes every day. The last time Lin Jialiang went back to his hometown to visit relatives, she was also beaten by the old lady. The wife took her to pay homage to her ancestors. This child was of extraordinary significance to the Lin family. In the early days of the Lin family, the number of people had dropped sharply, and they had been doing subtractions. But now, they have finally begun to add.

What about the second one? Just one autumn rain completely changes the appearance of Yishui North Beach.

Yichuan Lake has accumulated water, and the autumn water in the lake has become a new landscape.

Lin Su was very fond of the lake's ever-growing autumn water. She had gone boating on the lake three times, of course, taking a different woman with her each time.

Sister Chen, Lu Yi, and Cui Ying each went there once and followed their husband on the lake while boating. The husband's hands flirted with them very dishonestly, which became their best memory.

On September 18, it rained again early in the morning.

In the continuous autumn rain, Sister Chen, Lu Yi, and Cui Ying all put on autumn clothes. Listening to the rain in the pavilion was very interesting.

Lin Su woke up naturally and walked leisurely to Tingyu Pavilion.

Tingyu Pavilion is located on the bank of the Yangtze River. It was named after Lu Yi. Lin Su wrote it in his own handwriting on the gate tower in his own style. It has become a representative building of the Lin family. What does it represent? It represents the Lin family's transition from martial arts to literature.

The Lin family was originally the residence of a marquis, and had been a general for two hundred years. There was little culture in the garden.

But now, after two hundred years, the gate has been transformed into the Number One Scholar's Mansion, so it is natural that there should be some changes. This pavilion, elegant and elegant, with the title personally signed by the Number One Scholar, has become a sacred place of literature and Taoism.

Official receptions and cultural exchanges usually took place in this pavilion.

Of course, so far, the Lin family has not had many official guests or literary friends, except for Magistrate Yang, Baoshan, Zeng Shigui, and the Lin brothers...

As soon as Lin Su arrived, the green clothes jumped up and hugged Lin Su's arm: Mr. sir...

What's wrong? I think there's something wrong with your expression...

This girl, whenever she gets together like this, she usually wants something...

The two women in the pavilion all laughed.

Lu Yi raised her face and said: They two don't want to find a husband, so they have to let me tell them...

You're telling me...

Luyi said: Sisters all feel that there is something missing in Tingyuting...


Poetry! Sir, the two walls of Tingyu Pavilion are empty. It doesn't look like a reception place for a poetry maniac.

Oh, I want poetry!

Lin Su scratched his head: Why are you so interested again today?

No, it's mainly Miss Cui Ying. She said that my husband writes poems to every woman, but he doesn't write them to her. She said that my husband just plays with her and doesn't love her...

Cui Ying jumped up: I didn't say...

You don't have to argue, you know it's Lu Yi who is causing trouble. Well, you are probably afraid that my hands will become raw if I don't write poems for a long time. Okay, I'll write one for Ying'er. There's one condition...

Cui Ying was so happy: Ms. sir, you said...

Kiss me! Lin Su pointed to her lips.

Cui Ying's face turned red...

Go quickly! Lu Yi pulled Cui Ying and put her into Lin Su's arms.

After a deep kiss, Cui Ying ran to Sister Chen and slapped her on the shoulder...

Sister Chen is both angry and funny. If you kiss your husband-in-law and jump over to hit me, you have no conscience. I didn’t say I don’t want you to kiss me...

Kiss you, please write a poem quickly. Green clothes began to urge...

Ying'er, do you want a poem or lyrics? Turn over the brand and order some food!

Cui Ying's little mouth opened wide, Mr., you are still as arrogant as ever...

Ci! Die Lian Hua! Cui Ying ordered.

Okay, Die Lian Hua! Lin Su picked up the pen and spread the gold paper...

The eyes of the three women were all shining brightly. The Qiushui Painting Screen in the attic also looked away from the painting in front of her and stared at the tip of his pen. Her eyes also shone with light.

She understood the theme of Lu Yi's poem today.

How many peerless geniuses have fallen into a long-term slump after reaching a high level. Lu Yi is worried that he has also fallen into a bottleneck. After all, he has not written poetry during this period of time. Even boating on the Long Lake, he has not seen such a good poetry writing scene. Writing poetry requires stimulation to keep him in shape.

So, can he still write colorful paintings?

Pen down:

The ancient and modern rivers and mountains have no fixed basis. Amid the sound of horns, herding horses come and go frequently. Who can say anything about the desolation? The west wind blows the old red maple trees. There have always been countless grievances, the iron horse is fighting, the road to the green tomb at dusk, how deep is the love, The sunset in the deep mountains and the deep autumn rain.”

After finishing the poem, the colorful glow fills the air.

Tingyuting looked like a dream in the glow, and the eyes of the three women were full of confusion.

The rain outside the pavilion seems to have given a new meaning at this moment...

Under the Guitang, an old man held a child of about twelve or thirteen years old, quietly watching the haze...

Dad, is this the master you want me to be?

Yes! Chun'er, with his poems that make the world cry and his pen with colorful lights, he is the most amazing number one scholar in the literary world of Da Cang!

This old man was Magistrate Yang. After receiving Lin Su's promise, he sent people back to his hometown and brought his son to Haining to worship under Lin Su's sect.

The girls in the pavilion knew nothing about his arrival.

Ms. sir! Sister Chen said softly: Have you thought of the eldest son?

Green clothes also gently snuggled into his arms: Perhaps my husband is thinking of the north, the Osumi Kingdom, where herds of horses frequently go south, and the battle situation in Dragon City is in danger. It is really an iron horse fighting, and the road to the Qingzhong at dusk. She is the one who lost her country. As a person, she is most sensitive to the war situation in the north and has paid attention to a lot of information in this area intentionally or unintentionally.

Cui Ying also held her husband's hand: My husband, your period of rest is almost over, right? Are you going to Beijing tomorrow?

Yes, I will go to Beijing tomorrow afternoon. The happy and carefree vacation is coming to an end. I can only miss my babies in the distant capital... Lin Su smiled softly: But don't worry, in the future I often make mistakes, your Majesty may give me a long vacation soon.

The three women laughed at the same time. After laughing, they realized that this topic was not funny at all, but rather sad...

Lin Su looked at this and that, and smiled softly: What? You don't like this poem very much?

No! We like your husband's words as much as we like them. We just think that our husband will go to Beijing alone and we can't help him. We feel a little uncomfortable... Cui Ying almost shed tears.

Who said we can't help? Lin Su held up her face: A person traveling across the rivers and lakes is like a boat traveling thousands of miles. When I think of you at home, I know that I have a warm harbor. This is the sense of home for the soul.

The autumn water painting screen in the attic, a gentle sigh...

Such beautiful words are really not poetry, but better than poetry...

It's a pity that these words were not meant for her...

If he could get him to say a word to her, it wouldn't be in vain for her to live in the Lin family for more than a year...

Green's eyes gently raised and swept across the attic. Through the boundless rain and mist, she seemed to see an autumn water painting screen...

Ms. sir, you still owe another person a word, do you understand?


Green Yi smiled sweetly: Sister Huaping! Write a song for her too... It just so happens that there is still one song missing on these two walls.

Qiushui Huaping's heart stopped beating for an instant. At this moment, she somewhat believed that there was telepathy between people. Green Yi seemed to understand her thoughts.

Lin Su raised her head, glanced at the attic, and smiled: Girl Huaping, do you want it?

This sentence suddenly shattered Qiu Shui Huaping's restraint. She appeared in Tingyu Pavilion silently...

How lucky it is to be able to write poems for the third son of Menglin? Why don't you do it?

Okay then, poetry or lyrics? Order a dish!

Although it is the cold autumn season, Qiushui Huaping's whole body is feeling hot, and the tip of his nose is almost sweating: Since it is on both sides of the wall, the number of words must be the same to look good, so it should be the words! Butterfly Love Flower!

Lin Su smiled and said: You guys are having sex with Die Lianhua, okay! It's still Die Lianhua!

There are too many poems about painting a screen. Painting a screen can be included in poetry in itself. He really has a lot of choices. Since he chose Dielianhua, let’s go to...

I remember the first time we met at the painting screen. The sweet dream came back. I looked across the Hengtang Road, and the swallows flew back and forth. The screen window showed the spring twilight several times. That day, where the embroidered curtains met, I lowered my eyes and pretended to walk, and smiled to fill the fragrance of the clouds. Chunshan is shy and silent, and it is difficult to express his deep feelings in front of others.

When the word is finished, the colorful glow comes again.

I am obsessed with painting the screen in Qiu Shui. I remember the first time we met on the screen. I was startled by a good dream and looked back at the Duanhengtang Road... It is difficult to express the deep meaning in front of people... Every sentence, every word, is so wonderful and fragrant, and it penetrates deeply. Her heart...

Luyi breathed a sigh of relief. Although the song Die Lian Hua. Modern and Ancient Rivers and Mountains was incomparable in its exquisiteness, she was also slightly uneasy. Therefore, she asked her husband to write another song, this one Die Lian Hua. The First Meeting of Flowers and Painting Screens is full of affection, which is the state of mind he should have at this moment.

This kind of husband is the husband she is familiar with.

Only by going on the road with this state of mind can she feel at ease.

But her eyes swept away, I C! Something big is going to happen, the painting screen has changed its appearance, this is the rhythm that will be harmed by him...

Did he accidentally create another sister?

It will be hard to explain when An Ye comes back... She has only been away for a few months, and she has already had one more child. It seems that she may have another one...

Outside the pavilion, a voice suddenly came: Haha, two poems a day called Colorful Butterflies and Love Flowers. They have different styles, but they both interpret the ultimate beauty of literature and art. Mr. Lin, the third son of the poet, is really a master of poetry.

All the girls were startled at the same time and stood up together: Master Prefect.

Lin Su stared at the little boy held by Magistrate Yang a little strangely: Mr. Yang, you... what are you...

Third Young Master, this is Yang Chun, the dog, and you agreed to it that day! Chun'er, hurry up and pay your respects to Master!

Yang Chun knelt down directly: Disciple, pay homage to the master!

Boom boom!

The girls were happy and surprised to see that the husband finally started to accept disciples.

But the little guy suddenly turned around and said, Disciple, pay homage to Master Wife!

Boom boom…

The faces of the girls suddenly changed, and they were all dumbfounded...

Ah...Sister Chen ran away.

The green shirt slipped away.

Qiu Shui Huaping was still immersed in the wonderful mood of remembering Huaping's first meeting. He didn't react for a moment and was quickly kowtowed several times by this little guy. Qiu Shui Huaping's face turned red: Ah, I'm not...


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