Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 272 Defending Qing Shi

The wine glass in Lin Su's hand stopped.

Zhang Haoran said: You're surprised, right? I'm surprised too!

Tell me, what's going on?

Zhang Haoran said...

Qin Fangweng was arrested by imperial decree that day and sent to prison. Everyone in the Qin family was also detained, and he was only one step away from being executed.

However, His Majesty did not execute him directly. Instead, he was interrogated by Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment.

At this trial, things completely changed.

Qin Fangweng said that he was completely unaware of what was going on in his hometown in Zezhou. He had not been back to his hometown for five years, and he had no information exchange with his hometown. Shengyun, those who do not know are not guilty...

The four major ministers of Dali Temple, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of War jointly submitted a memorial, saying that Qin Fangweng had guarded Quzhou for His Majesty for the past five years and had made great achievements. He should not suffer unreasonable disasters because someone in his hometown violated the national law. His Majesty ruled the world with benevolence. It should not be cold. The heart of a hero...

Suddenly, the whole court echoed, and the calls for Qin Fangweng to be released became louder and louder...

Lin Su's face was full of anger: Your Majesty agreed?

No one knows what your Majesty's attitude is, but there are various signs that Qin Fangweng's matter is serious. His family members have been released, and His Highness the Crown Prince personally found a place for him... The whole city is spreading that after the Autumn Festival, Qin Fangweng Fang Weng will be released and may even return to court.

The Autumn Festival, along with the Spring Festival, is one of the two major national festivals in Da Cang.

Spring Festival, offering sacrifices to the spirits of ancestors in heaven.

The autumn festival is dedicated to the gods of heaven and earth, thanking the gods for blessings with good weather and good harvests.

This year is actually not a good harvest year. Floods were raging at the turn of spring and summer, and drought was raging after summer and autumn. Many state capitals had no harvests, and victims were everywhere. However, we still have to have the proper attitude. Not only can we not skip the autumn festival, but we have to increase it, even if It’s too late this year, so it’s good to pray for good weather in the coming year.

How to increase the amount?

Zhang Haoran told Lin Su that His Majesty specially invited people from the Holy Family of Nong Sheng to come and host the Autumn Festival. It was said that the people who came were top-notch figures from the Holy Family.

What day is the Autumn Festival?

Half a month later. Zhang Haoran said: The scale of this autumn festival is unprecedented. It is said that His Majesty has invited a lot of holy families and princes from other places. Even the third prince, King Ruyang, who has just left Beijing, is allowed to return. Beijing. Therefore, Concubine Li in the palace tried her best to take this opportunity to let the third prince stay in Beijing. Haha, a great drama of palace and court battles is about to begin. You have to...

Lin Su: They are fighting with each other. I don't want to watch the excitement.

Zhang Haoran was so surprised: You want to leave Beijing?

Yes, a month ago, I received an order from the Supervision Department to go to Xizhou to investigate a case. I will go there tomorrow.

Zhang Haoran was silent for a long time, and finally smiled: It's okay if you go! Their big fight, no matter what the outcome is, it will be frustrating for you.

Um? Why?

Lin Su squinted.

Zhang Haoran sighed: You went to the rivers and lakes to find out the evidence of Qin Fangweng's crime, but it is up to others to judge how useful this evidence is; you rose up in Xishan and took the evidence of the third prince's crime, but the third prince was still exiled. Jing, it's just a matter of your Majesty's thoughts. Even if you are extremely talented and resourceful, you will not be able to change the world.

Lin Su looked into the distance: Do you believe a word? Everything depends on human effort!

Zhang Haoran was slightly shocked: What are you going to do?

What I want to do depends on what they do! If they really have no bottom line, then I will have to do something crooked! Lin Su said: Forget it, let's not talk about this... Say something inspiring, What news is there about Li Xiaotian?

Zhang Haoran was in high spirits, and Li Xiaotian was really excited.

This boy is really good at training troops. He has turned the Dragon City Army into an elite force of iron-blooded soldiers. Over the past month or so, the results have been brilliant...

In the battle of Beiyuan, 50,000 enemies were killed!

Detouring out of the Snow Valley and attacking the Great Fog Pass from behind, the Xiongguan Pass in the North that was lost five years ago is back in the sky!

He has the convenience of the Great Fog Pass, overlooking the four towns, and the four towns' Dayu cavalry are like thorns on their backs, not daring to step out of the pass!

The name of Dragon City Flying General shocked everyone.

Lin Su held his hands together: Brother Zhang, let's invite him to drink this glass of wine.


Lin Su's official seal lit up, and the northern scenery appeared in the void...

In the vast land, the pass is like iron, and the war iron is flying. A young man in armor stands tall and tall, standing at the highest point of the pass, it is Li Xiaotian.

Brother Lin, Brother Zhang! Li Xiaotian's eyes were bright.

Brother Li, Brother Lin is at Green Willow Villa at the moment. The two of us are not interested in drinking together. I invite you to have a drink together. Zhang Haoran said.

What are you talking about? I don't have any wine here. You guys are drinking good wine by the white clouds. What should I drink? Can't I drink water? Li Xiaotian shouted.

Lin Su smiled: Zhuangzhi eats the meat of Hulu when he is hungry, and drinks the blood of slaves when he is thirsty. Blood can be used as wine, so why not water?

Well said! I will use water as wine and have a drink with the two brothers!

Li Xiaotian moved his hands together, and a large piece of ice flew into the sky and turned into heavy rain, and the rainwater fell into his mouth...

Zhang Haoran picked up the wine pot on the table and drank from the pot. He said with great pride: You can't drink wine without poetry. Brother Lin, where is the poetry?

Lin Su laughed: That's exactly what I meant!

With his hands together, gold paper came out...

On the other side, Zhang Yiyu and her sister-in-law Du Yanran were holding hands and chatting...

Du Yanran was very excited: Does your brother have a good relationship with him?

We have similar odors! How can that be bad? Zhang Yiyu curled his lips disdainfully, expressing his disdain insincerely.

Du Yanran smiled: Sister, what you say is hard to hear...

Unpleasant? There is something even more unpleasant that I am too lazy to tell you. Zhang Yiyu wants to say, do you really think that my brother is a gentleman? He is very bad. He sold his sister and his hands were not soft at all...

He wants to write poetry! Du Yanran suddenly noticed the gold paper in Lin Su's hand: I heard that whenever the number one scholar in the world writes colorful poems, is it true?

This little scoundrel is so arrogant now. He said last time that he was too lazy to play with colorful poems. Do you think this is what people say? I want to see if he can write colorful poems today...

Little villain?

Du Yanran stared at her blushing face and seemed to understand something...

Lin Su’s writings are already full of colorful clouds...

Both women were stunned, they really excelled...

Zhang Haoran was beside him, his expression suddenly changed...

Crossing the Fortress, in the Jin Dynasty, the Mingyue Dacang Pass, the people who marched thousands of miles have not returned, but the Dragon City Flying General is here, and he will not teach Hu Ma to cross the Yin Mountain! It is given to the Dragon City Flying General Li Xiaotian.

The Mingyue Dacang Pass in the Jin Dynasty!

One sentence tells the vicissitudes of history...

Outside Dragon City, it used to be the land of the Jin Dynasty. After the demise of the Jin Dynasty, it became the battlefield between Da Yu and Da Cang. The changes in history are presented in seven characters.

The long march of thousands of miles has not yet returned, and it even writes about the heroism and desolation of the battlefield.

The most subtle thing is the last two sentences, but the Dragon City Flying General is here and does not teach Hu Ma to cross the Yin Mountain, which just corresponds to Li Xiaotian's nickname, Dragon City Flying General.

Is such an exquisite poem colorful or colorful? The colorful light is hovering, yet to be determined.

This is completely different from the poems he wrote before.

Suddenly, green light filled the air, and blossoming green lotuses filled the sky...

The wine glass in Zhang Haoran's hand shattered into pieces with a bang, and he jumped up suddenly...

Zhang Yiyu and Du Yanran also stood up suddenly and looked at each other...

Legendary poetry! Zhang Yiyu exclaimed, his voice changing its tone.

Du Yanran's mouth opened wide, completely confused...

who is she?

Where is she?

What did she see?

She witnessed with her own eyes the birth of a poem that has been handed down from generation to generation...

There are hundreds of millions of people in the world, how many of them have witnessed the birth of the immortal poem?

Li Xiaotian was also completely stunned...

The green lotus all over the sky suddenly retracted, turned into a green line and penetrated into the official seal, arriving in front of Li Xiaotian in an instant...

Silently, a ten-foot-tall blue Great Wall appeared in front of him, stretching across the front...

Li Xiaotian's whole body was shaken: Zhan Qingshi!

What can be turned into the Great Wall at once, and can be turned into a solid fortification with the power of literature and art, is naturally a war poem! Once this blue Great Wall comes out, it can block thousands of troops and horses. Its power is unparalleled, an effect that can only be achieved by Qing Shi.

Lin Sudao: Exactly! I have indicated that this poem is for you. In this world, only you and me can maximize its effect. Brother Li, you are fighting on the battlefield, and your life and death are hanging by a thread. One point of capital, one point of vitality, take care of yourself!

Brother Lin is so kind, how can I express my kindness? Li Xiaotian stood up and bowed.

Lin Su also stood up and bowed back, Zhang Haoran also stood up, and the three of them bowed across the official seal projection...

With this bow, Da Cang Border has added another sharp weapon - the Man Jiang Hong of the past gave them the spear to pierce the enemy, and today's Crossing the Fortress gave them the shield to block the enemy's attack.

The spear is a green poem, and the shield is a green poem.

All are top quality!

Lin Su left Green Willow Villa, and Zhang Yiyu saw him off...

Are you really going to Xizhou?

What? You want to come with me? Lin Su quietly reached out and held her hand.

If it were normal times, Zhang Yiyu would definitely throw her away, but today, there was no one around, so she let him hold her hand: I... I want to go back to the sect. The sect competition has not officially started yet.

That's a pity. Don't worry, I'm an imperial envoy when I go out. The government will arrange wine to pick you up along the way, and I'll pay tribute to people in the countryside like I pay homage to my ancestors. This is the treatment of a capital official.

Zhang Yiyu glanced at him: You know how to coax me! I don't know you yet. Those court officials all want to kill you. You are always in danger wherever you go. If someone really pays tribute to you, it must be for you. You have to be more cautious when trying to set up a trap...

It's really good to have you caring about me! Lin Su said: I'm going to kiss you when there's no one around. Anyway, I'm idle...

What a beautiful idea! Zhang Yiyu waved his hand and drove him away. He flew away, and a voice came from above: Don't flirt with women anymore. You will die if you leave her...

She flew.

Lin Su stared at the sky blankly. It would be easy to die without a woman, but there is no fun. That would be worse than death...

We have reached the foot of Xishan Mountain. Do you want to go up to Xishan Mountain?

Lu Youwei didn't know what she was doing now, and there was Bi Xuanji, the elder sister in green clothes...

And Her Royal Highness, her brother is of the same type as Zhang Haoran. She was afraid that he would treat his sister badly, so she gave him an order to bring her some gifts when he came to Beijing. However, this brother also said that the elder brother must be the first. deliver……

The osmanthus perfume probably arrived at Prince Chen's Mansion at this time. When can he deliver it?

Forget it, before the Autumn Festival in the capital, it was quite chaotic. In the chaos, Lin Su was too lazy to participate. Let's decentralize it and go to Xizhou to get Zhang Wenyuan's people. His eldest son Zhang Chunrong was promoted to the governor of Xizhou. I guess it has been arranged there. Hongmen Banquet, I always don’t go to the banquet, it will be bad if the food is cold...

Lin Su turned around and entered the city gate.

Zhang Yiyu, who was hiding in the dark, breathed a sigh of relief. What she was thinking was that this little villain would definitely go to Xishan to flirt with Lu Youwei and Bi Xuanji. The little villain was quite good today, so it would be good if he didn't go.

Go on the road by yourself, and then set rules with him after you win the first direct inheritance position.

She really flew away and returned to the sect.

Lin Su entered the Supervision Department.

Supervisory Department Zhu Shiyun looked at the subordinate in front of him, his expression was not good-looking.

As a boss, he has not forgotten that Lin Su pointed at his nose and told him that since I dare to point my sword at Qin Fangweng, I absolutely don't care about one more Zhu Shiyun.

Who can accept this?

Therefore, it took a long time for him to slowly come out of this sentence and slowly adapt to the days without Lin Su in the Supervision Department. But this guy took office again and gave him a very friendly gesture. Bow, Mr. Zhu, how are you?

Although Zhu Shiyun was in a bad mood, his many years of experience in officialdom still gave him a deep sense of self-cultivation. He smiled and said, Master Lin is taking a break from bathing this time. He is still working on official affairs. He is both a demon and a scheming person. It’s really hard work.”

Lin Su chose not to understand the insinuations of these words: Although I am resting, my heart is concerned about the court. It is my duty to do things that are within the scope of the ministers. Your Excellency, I will not reward you!

You are always concerned about the court. Master Lin is really a role model for officials. Zhu Shiyun praised: The petition to the government in Xizhou is getting more and more intense. Master Lin, please work hard again and go to Xizhou to leave. Mansion.

Lin Su was slightly surprised: My lord mentioned this matter that day. It has been nearly two months, but still no one has gone?

It's not that there is no one to send. The key is that Mr. Lei has already arranged this matter for you, Mr. Lin. How can the rest of my colleagues compete with Mr. Lin for this job? In official circles, this is very taboo...

Lin Su understood: This is my job. After all, I can only do it. If I change someone else, it will appear that I, Lin Su, am not qualified for this job... I understand. My colleagues are really friendly. They are so considerate. Please express my gratitude to all my colleagues. Thank you. Over there in Xizhou, I will be on my way today.

Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Lin! Zhu Shiyun said, Please repay me before the New Year.


Lin Su bowed and left the Supervision Department.

Zhu Shiyun went to Lei Zheng's office as usual. Lei Zheng was sitting under the window, looking at Lin Su who was going out through the curtains...

He agreed and will leave for Xizhou today. Zhu Shiyun said.

A smile slowly appeared on Lei Zheng's face: Very good!

Lin Su walked along the official road, and a sedan behind him just came out of the official department...

This is a newly made sedan with one word written on it: Song.

According to the rules of the court, only second-rank officials can get up from the sedan chair at the public gate. A second-rank official named Song?

Who could it be?

Lin Su's thousand-degree eyes glanced at it and he guessed who it was.

The sedan speeded up and passed him. Lin Su sided to avoid it. The sedan stopped under a big tree in front. The curtains in the sedan opened, revealing the face of an official.

It is the capital of Song Dynasty.

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