Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 277 The big distribution caused by perfume

Kexin took out a small bottle, a snow-white bottle, and several women rushed to look at it. Kexin was very anxious: Don't grab it, don't smash it for me. I only have this bottle, why don't I stay in Quzhou? Easy to grab.”

The bottle was opened, and a strange fragrance filled the deck. Several women started to make a fuss. Sprinkle a little on you and a little on me. That Kexin almost cried: What kind of senior sister are you? You are bullying me. Don't sprinkle so much. Ah, leave some for me...

The bottle was finally handed into her hands, only half of it was left.

Kexin quickly plugged the bottle tightly, but just when she was about to put the bottle away, a person suddenly appeared in front of her, and it was Cai Zhulian.

Cai Zhulian stared at the bottle with burning eyes: Girl, can you give me a look?

Kexin looked at Caizhulian and saw that the woman in front of her was not simple and that she had no ill intentions. He hesitated for a moment and handed the bottle to Caizhulian...

Caizhulian's eyes immediately lit up: It's dim, light yellow, soft in nature, and only the fragrance remains far away. Why does it need light green and light red? It is naturally the best among flowers. The plum blossoms are jealous, the chrysanthemums should be shy, and the crown of the painting is open. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, poets can be ruthless in their affairs, so why can’t they come to fruition that year?…Who wrote such a wonderful word?”

Lin Su held his forehead directly.

Your angle is so strange. Others are just smelling, but you are tasting poetry? Still going back to the source?

That Kexin said: This perfume is made by the Lin family. The poem on the Lin family perfume is naturally written by Da Cang Zhuangyuan Lang.

Cai Zhulian's eyes were filled with infinite light: The number one scholar in the world... Any poem written by a scholar must be the one with color... Can you open the bottle and smell it?

Kexin's face was full of tangles: No need, we are all covered with this perfume...

Caizhulian also smelled it and reluctantly returned the bottle to Kexin: You said this perfume is available in Quzhou?

A woman next to him said: Quzhou is the place where this perfume is produced, so it is naturally available for sale. However, this place is three thousand miles away from Quzhou. At noon today, the ship will arrive at Xiling City, the capital of Zhongzhou. Maybe Xiling City can also buy it.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was excited.

Yes! You should be able to buy it in Xiling City, the capital of Zhongzhou!

Let's go buy it!

Xin'er, how much does this bottle of perfume cost?

I bought one hundred and thirty taels, but it must be much more expensive to ship it here, maybe two to three hundred taels.

Is it so expensive? All the women were in a dilemma.

It's too expensive and we can't afford it. Otherwise, let's pool our money to buy a bottle and use it on the day of the sect's grand ceremony...

It seems that they are disciples of the same sect.

Cai Zhulian's eyes lit up. These women couldn't raise enough money. She didn't care about money. It was her decision to go to Zhongzhou to buy perfume.

When the boat arrived at Zhongzhou, all the women got off the boat, Cai Zhulian being the first to get off.

Lin Su finally calmed down.

He kind of hoped that Cai Zhulian would just go away and never come back.

But an hour passed, and Cai Zhulian came back, dejected, sitting opposite Lin Su, and drank two cups of tea without saying a word...

What's going on? Lin Su asked her.

I didn't buy the perfume. I was told that I returned a batch three days ago and it was sold out within an hour.

You don't have to fight with this perfume, right? You are a practitioner.

Normally I don't need it, but... I have to give something to my sister for her wedding...

This is true, her sister is an ordinary person, and she cannot use things like cultivation resources, so high-end perfumes and daily necessities are the most suitable. She originally bought three bottles of Spring Tears, used one bottle herself, and left the rest I planned to give these two bottles as gifts to my sister, but now that a new product has been released, what other gift can be as good as the new product? You need to know that Xizhou is isolated in the western border, and the delivery of supplies is often half a beat slower than other places. At this moment, Qiu Lei has not yet arrived in Xizhou. A bottle of perfume that is not available in the entire Xizhou can make her sister, the bride, look dazzling.

Lin Sudao: Don't be depressed, I'll give you a few bottles...

Caizhulian raised her head suddenly, so surprised...

Lin Su raised her hand, and ten bottles of perfume appeared on the coffee table, all filled with autumn tears.

Cai Zhulian's eyes brightened: You...why do you have so many autumn tears?

Of course I bought it too! Lin Su said: I originally thought that if I walked around the world, I would definitely meet beautiful women. I might have some unexpected gains by preparing some perfume. Now that I have met you, it is a big loss. I will give you everything. you!

Cai Zhulian's eyes flickered: Are you apologizing?

Lin Su's eyes bulged, if you say that, I won't give it to you...

Cai Zhulian waved her hand lightly, and all the perfume on the table disappeared. She said bluntly: Okay, okay, stop staring. Isn't it okay for me to accept it? Our matter is officially over! From now on, you will not owe me anything. Mine, I don’t owe you anything either…”

Okay, we don't owe each other anything! Lin Su could only express his position: Then you can move out, right? I spent money on this house, and I don't even have a bed to sleep on. Is that ridiculous?

Oh, let me go! Cai Zhulian disappeared.

Lin Su watched her ride the waves with his own eyes, and he felt relieved.

A violent woman who always used her hair as a knife finally left, and a second-generation official who was related to Xizhou officialdom and could turn into a spy at any time left, relaxed and free.

He held his hands together, and a green bamboo appeared in his palm. Lin Su used a knife to dig holes in it. What was he doing?

He wanted to make a bamboo flute.

While walking around the world, one of the most profound images in his memory was that of Huang Laoxie in The Legend of the Condor Heroes, holding a bamboo flute in his hand, stepping on vast expanse of blue waves, and playing the song Blue Sea Tide. How cool and unrestrained was that?

He couldn't play the blue sea tide song, but he could play the minor tunes of that world.

The flute slowly took shape. Lin Su raised the flute horizontally and was about to play a tune. Suddenly he thought of something. As soon as the gold paper came out, seal!

Wen Daowei blocked the surrounding area of ​​the room.

During this day, Lin Su tried out the sound and used all three pieces of green bamboo he brought with him. Finally, he made a flute that met the requirements. The staff in his memory also clearly emerged in his mind, and he officially started playing. I felt a completely different feeling than before. His breath was infinitely long, and all kinds of complicated turns were impossible to do in the past. Now I am very familiar with it. The sound is sealed in this small space, which is almost equivalent to a recording studio, and the effect is unparalleled.

Homesickness, Green Island Serenade, Going Home...

He played it over and over again, and the familiar melody gradually made him lose track of where he was...

Suddenly, he felt something strange.

As soon as the flute was put away, the power of Wen Dao was withdrawn, and the door knocked. Lin Su was a little stunned. The sky was actually filled with stars...

He opened the door, and the little maid who had no presence the day before appeared at the door, holding a tray: Young hero, please have some dinner.


The dinner fee is also included in the room rate. It costs five taels of silver for three days, with a room, a bed, a maid, and dinner included. In fact, it is not cheap. You need to know that the purchasing power of five taels of silver is quite amazing in this world. The average monthly income of workers in several factories in Jiangtan, Haining, is two and a half taels, which is a rare high wage in the entire country.

Lin Su was having dinner there, and the maid beside her was blushing and heartbeating.

She fell in love with Lin Su for two key reasons. First, the young hero was so good-looking. She felt like she was being betrayed by serving other guests. If she served him... she felt like she would be getting the glory. one party. Secondly, this young hero is so generous and lives in such a good room when he comes. I am afraid that if he is not the young master of a certain villa, he may be rewarded if he serves him well.

Her great plan was put on hold yesterday because a shameless woman suddenly appeared and forced herself into the same room with him.

Today, that woman finally left...

However, after Lin Su finished eating, he waved her hand and drove her away. The reason was simple, I wanted to practice.

It is normal for practitioners to practice Qigong.

Lin Su is usually not that diligent. If the maid were replaced by Lu Yi, An Ye, and Sister Chen, he would have no choice but to practice, but with his little wives gone, he would have no choice but to practice.

How could he not understand the little maid's fancy thoughts? But how could a maid who was an ordinary person on the ship and had served countless people come under his eyes?

Practicing Qigong is the best choice.

He has now reached the eighth level of Wuji, and is about to reach the last level. After reaching the ninth level, he will face a big hurdle: the realm of peeking into people.

When he reaches the state of spying on people, his body is reorganized, and the nine profound entrances and the two yin and yang orifices no longer exist. Therefore, before entering the realm of spying on people, he needs to open all the meridians in the nine profound entrances and the two yin and yang orifices to perfection, leaving no hidden dangers.

A person who is perfect makes his martial arts path full of difficulties.

Because the meridians are almost endless, nine main meridians are opened, and there are hundreds of small meridians, and the thin meridians are opened, and there are tens of thousands of micro meridians...

He has been working on this huge project for half a year. So far, he has entered the stage of opening up the micro meridians. These micro meridians are what he needs to complete before he can spy on people.

It was midnight again, and Lin Su opened her eyes. It was the darkest time before dawn. Lin Su took out the soap, put the box on the table, and entered the river to take a bath.

Just as he disappeared, a figure appeared in his room, and it turned out to be Cai Zhulian who had already left.

Caizhulian grabbed the box on the table and was attracted by the poem on the box. She was obsessed with it for a long time. She opened the box and took a look. There was an unused soap inside. She smelled it and touched it. Radiant...

What is this?

Whatever it is, it’s good stuff!

As she expected, this boy looked generous, but he was actually very cunning. He was afraid that she would strangle him, so he used ten bottles of perfume to get rid of himself, but he still kept a bunch of good things.

I will drain you completely!

Who made you so bad...

Lin Su came out of the river and saw a man sitting on his bed. He was startled: You... didn't you leave?

Caizhulian curled her lips and said, I will come if you want to come, and leave if you want... What is this? Yang Yang held the box in his hand.

Soap, for bathing. You don't even like this, do you?

I'm interested in it. Give me a few boxes... I can buy it with money!

Because of your change of attitude, the money will be waived. I'll give you a few boxes...

Lin Su raised her hand and gave her ten boxes.

Cai Zhulian was in full bloom. Now, the gifts for her sister were complete, including perfume and soap, all of which were good things that money could not buy.

Just after putting away this pile of things, she sat down again and stared at Lin Su with burning eyes: What else is in your storage bag?

Holy shit! You robbed...

I'm just a little curious. I will never want anything from you. Keep your word! Cai Zhulian assured her, patting her chest.

Okay, I only have a few jars of wine in this storage bag, and there's nothing left...

And there's wine? Let's have two drinks.

Lin Su raised his hand, and a jar appeared in his palm. He then took out two white porcelain cups and poured two cups.

Cai Zhulian picked up the cup and took a sip, her eyes regained a familiar light: Give me a few jars of your wine...

Lin Su slapped her forehead directly. Didn't you say no? Didn’t you pat your chest to ensure it?

Cai Zhulian was also a little embarrassed, but she had an excuse. My sister was getting married. It was a big day. A big day naturally requires the best wine, not too much. Just give two or three jars to entertain the distinguished guests.

Okay, okay! Lin Su was convinced: There are only three altars...

He gave her three altars.

Cai Zhulian accepted it with satisfaction, held up the wine glass and looked left and right: Hey, I haven't paid attention yet. This glass is so strange. This one belongs to me...

Boo! Lin Su hit his head on the pillar behind him.

Cai Zhulian was very dissatisfied with his performance: Isn't it just a cup? Are you still banging your head? Oh, by the way... This cup needs to be in a set. How many do you have with you? Give me a few sets...

Lin Su continued to bang his head.

After giving her three sets of cups, each with ten pieces, and two sets of bowls with eight pieces each, Caizhulian's storage bag bulged, and a smile finally appeared on her face.

Now that you've got everything you need to search for, is it time to go? Lin Su was helpless.

Cai Zhulian rolled her eyes slightly: I think you might have something good...

Lin Su collapsed: Sister, how much do I owe you? Can you give me an accurate figure and I can just give you a bank check?

Caizhulian burst into laughter. Her smile, which Lin Su saw for the first time, was like a flower blooming at midnight...

She didn't leave and poured another glass of wine.

Lin Su couldn't do anything to her.

After all, he had seen her naked body before, and he always felt a little guilty in front of her...

What is your identity?

Didn't I already tell you?

You told me, but I can't remember any family named Su that is a wealthy martial arts family.

Who told you that my family is rich?

When you travel around the world, you bring a bunch of Baiyunbian and Qiulei with you, but you don't have any money?...Don't think I don't know how expensive Baiyunbian and Qiulei are...

Let's be honest! I sold all the things left by my ancestors for eight generations and scraped together money to buy a bunch of novelties. I just wanted to go to the world to seduce a few women... I didn't expect that as soon as I stepped out of the world, I met someone. When I saw a female robber who looked like a fairy and robbed all my things, I felt like dying...

Cai Zhulian's smile was as bright as a flower, as if she was happy.

At dawn, the group of students came out again and sat on the bow of the boat, talking and laughing.

There was a familiar blurry color in Caizhulian's eyes again: Hey, when you were walking around the world that day, you wore a set of scholar's clothes. Do you also envy the scholar?

Um? Are you mentioning the same day again? Didn’t I fill up the small gap with so many gifts? Lin Su glanced at her:'s really not the case! At that time, I had a feud with the Bishui Sect, and I just wanted to not get entangled with them and just change my clothes at will.

Why don't you practice literature?

Isn't this strange? There are people all over the world who practice literature, and naturally there are also people who practice martial arts. Everyone has their own choice.

Cai Zhulian glanced at him: Is it difficult for you to admit that you have no literary talent? Do you need to make excuses?

Okay, I admit that I have no literary talent.

Look, isn’t this just chatting to death?

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