Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 279 Visitors from the Capital

A voice came from behind: Sister, it's great that you're back. I heard that Wushan is having a sect competition, and I was worried that you would miss the schedule...

Sister! Cai Zhulian turned to her sister Cai Xinlian who came out of the house.

Come, quickly follow your sister to the room to talk.

Dad, I'm going to talk to my sister for a while... Cai Zhulian followed her sister in.

In the room, a large area of ​​red, red boxes, and red quilts filled my sister's embroidery room, which also made her face look bright red, making her look particularly beautiful.

Sister, don't be angry with dad. In fact, dad is doing it for your own good. What's the benefit of practicing poverty and living in a barren mountain and a cold kiln? It is only right for a woman's family to marry a good man...

Cai Zhulian sighed secretly in her heart. If she married a literary genius, she would naturally be considered a good husband. What do you think my father is looking for for me?

She is not a fool and understands her father's thoughts. What he wants is to become a relative of the Holy Family. From then on, the Cai family will have a backer to avoid all kinds of pressure from the court. She is not opposed to marrying the Holy Family. If someone is outstanding in literature, She can be as happy and prepared as her sister to be a descendant of the Holy Family, but she can't marry that trash...

These were just what she was thinking in her heart, so naturally she couldn't mention them. Facing her sister, Cai Zhulian smiled broadly: Sister, I brought you some gifts...

She raised her hand, and four demon storage bags were placed on the table.

What? Cai Xinlian opened the first bag, which contained eleven exquisite small porcelain bottles. Her expression suddenly changed: Spring Tears? So many?

Spring Tears perfume has now become a common pursuit of all the girls waiting to be married all over the world. Let alone girls from poor families. Girls from rich families must wear Spring Tears, but there is usually only one bottle, and only rich families will have two bottles. Anyway, the Caijia family She is also the training envoy of the Yizhou Regiment and a high-ranking official of the third rank. The Cai family just went to the capital some time ago and brought back two bottles of Spring Tears. They are currently locked at the bottom of the box. They are her most precious dowry.

But when my sister came back, she brought eleven bottles with her!

Caizhulian said: Not spring tears, but autumn tears...

It turns out it’s not Spring Tears! The light in Cai Xinlian's eyes went out, and she said that these spring tears are so precious, how could she get so many at once? Sure!

Cai Zhulian said: There are two bottles of Spring Tears and nine bottles of Autumn Tears. Autumn Tears is the latest perfume from the Lin family in Haining. It is better than Spring Tears. Currently, almost no one in Xizhou has gotten it.

What? Cai Xinlian's face suddenly turned red...

This is soap! It is also the latest product of the Lin family, for bathing...

This is the latest porcelain from the Lin family, the most high-end kind. I brought you ten sets...

This is the Lin family's Class A Baiyunbian. I brought three jars with me. Dad likes wine. You can hand it over to him on my behalf...

In the pavilion outside, Cai Lie's expression suddenly changed - although he was still far away, and although he seemed too lazy to look at his little daughter, he was still paying attention with his profound martial arts...

The current wine market has undergone great changes, just as Lin Su originally expected.

Bishui Xianzong launched Bishui fine wine and led the world trend for a period of time, but the good times did not last long. Baixianglou held a wine tasting party in the capital. The senior wine masters tasted the world's famous wines in public. Baiyunbian got the reputation of being pure and pure, while Bi Shuixian Ningbo got a mixed and impure evaluation. As soon as this comment came out, the Blue Water Sect was disgraced, and there was even a rumor among the public that the Blue Water Sect's Blue Water Fairy Brew was stolen from Bai Yunbian, and they didn't learn it properly. Rumors spread that the Blue Water Sect was disgraced, and even knocked down the Blue Water Fairy Brew. altar. It can no longer be compared with Baiyunbian.

Baiyunbian is spread all over the world and is popular all over the world. Cai Lie, a good drinker, naturally drank it and fell in love with it. What he drank was only the third-class Baiyunbian of Class C. The Lin family rarely sells Baiyunbian to the outside world. , and occasionally some of them wandered around the world, all of which were sold at sky-high prices and became the exclusive collection of top immortal sects, royal families, and royal families. He, a regimental trainer, could not even drink it.

He was thinking of sending someone to the capital to get some Grade-A white clouds to add color to his daughter's wedding banquet. He never expected that his youngest daughter would bring back three altars of Grade-A white clouds. With these three altars of Grade-A white clouds, his daughter's wedding banquet would be the most distinguished one. guests, there is wine to drink.

He immediately wanted to rush into his daughter's room and test the authenticity of the white cloud, but he didn't forget that he was angry with his little daughter...

The two sisters in the room didn't know that their father was eavesdropping on their conversation.

Cai Xinlian was extremely surprised: Sister, these things of yours are all things that even money can't buy. How did you get them?

Cai Zhulian said: This is also a very interesting thing. I met a person on the road...

Talking about some things between her and Lin Su, the depression in her heart suddenly disappeared, replaced by a feeling of relaxation and excitement...

After she finished speaking, Cai Xinlian was dumbfounded: I met a charlatan on the road, and then he gave you a bunch of things without even asking for money? Why do I suddenly feel are a bit unreliable?

Cai Zhulian disagreed: It's nothing, right? He has offended me before... He was afraid that I would strangle him to death. Besides, he has admitted it himself, he is a loser...

Even if he is a rich prodigal, he has to be able to buy it. I don't know about anything else. At least this Grade A Baiyunbian can't be bought with money. Tianquan Villa is rich, right? But they last time I was hosting a banquet for distinguished guests, but I didn’t even get a jar of Class-A Baiyunbian. How could I meet someone on the road and just bring three jars of Class-A Baiyunbian?”

Cai Zhulian was also stunned. After hearing what her sister said, it seemed that there was indeed something wrong...

She has already opened a bottle of Qiu Lei, and compared it with the Qiu Lei carried by the group of women she met on the road. She has also used this soap, and the effect is unparalleled. Only wine...

How about opening it and taking a look?

The two women reached a consensus and were about to open the Baiyunbian wine on the spot. Suddenly a man rushed in from outside the room, accompanied by a scolding: What does the little girl know about wine? Opening the jar randomly, what if it is true, wouldn't it be a waste?... Go! go!

It was their father. He raised his hand and carefully opened a small hole in one of the jars of wine. Suddenly the room was filled with a strong aroma of wine. Cai Lie took a deep breath and his eyes were as bright as autumn water...

Xizhou, Lifu!

This name is really correct.

Being far away from the center of Da Cang's political power, isn't it like leaving the mansion?

Before Magistrate Ren Taiyan took office, Lifu was almost a den of robbers. The wanted robbers had no place to run, so they came here because the mountains were high and the emperor was far away.

Several big families took in these bandits, forming one evil force after another. What were these people doing taking in the bandits? By using the force of these bandits to catch mermaids, these families will become prosperous and rich.

The mermaid tribe also retaliates wildly. Anyone who goes to the sea will never leave alive. Within a hundred miles of the seaside, it has become a restricted area for humans. If you dare to stay here, there will always be aquatic tribes that appear from the seaside and rivers to hunt your head away. Experts in spiritual practice and martial arts can fight head-on with mermaids and hunt them, but what about ordinary people?

Eighty percent of the whole government is located near the West Sea. It could have been used to drink water, but it was forced to die by relying on water. Tens of millions of ordinary people in the whole government had to stay away from the water and crowded in the poisonous fog. At the foot of Yandang Mountain, life is precarious.

In a place like this, what way do people have to survive? Everyone wants to leave, they all said, leave the house, only by leaving can you have a family and a house...

After Ren Taiyan took office, he launched a series of iron-fisted actions to crack down on bandits and ban mermaid fishing. In exchange for the goodwill of the mermaid tribe, he signed a trade agreement, which not only won the people the right to live on the seaside, but also used business to promote agriculture, allowing the people to He was applauded, but it also cut off the squire's financial path, angered Shangguan, and separated from Shangguan, becoming an alternative in the officialdom.

Someone has already told him that the Supervision Department of the Capital City has sent an inspection envoy to Xizhou. The day the inspection envoy arrives will be the end of your official career as Ren Taiyan.

As a scholar who was a scholar who read the books of sages and sages, Ren Taiyan still has the character of a scholar. When he heard this, he replied coldly: I have read the books of sages and sages and practiced the way of sages and sages. It’s about sacrificing one’s life for righteousness!

Officially, he may not care much, but as the sun sets, looking at the lights of thousands of houses in Licheng, and looking at the smiles on the faces of the people, Ren Taiyan still has a trace of bitterness on his face. These simple smiling faces have never been seen before when he first came to Licheng. Pass? If he leaves and is replaced by a prefect who is in cahoots with his superiors, so that the government can change its course and return to the past, how much of the smiles on the faces of these simple folks can be retained?

Master! A woman walked over, but she was his concubine. The concubine held a piece of clothing and put it on him: It is almost winter, and the wind is strong at night. Master still has to take care of himself.

Ren Taiyan gently grabbed his concubine's hand: Your hand is a little colder again...

The concubine smiled softly: We, the mermaid clan, will be weak after we go ashore. Master, don't worry. Last time, Elder Gui specially sent some blood tonifying grass...

Yu Ji... Ren Taiyan hesitated to speak.

Yu Ji's wonderful eyes fell on his face: What do you want to say?

It's nothing. You should go back to your room first. I...I will take a walk in the courtyard...

He walked towards a big tree in front of him, Yu Ji's eyes kept circling on his back. Finally, Ren Taiyan turned around and met Yu Ji's eyes...

Do you regret it? Yu Ji said softly.


Yu Ji sighed: Don't hide it from me, I already know that the inspector of the capital is coming soon, and the new Lifu bureau you created will be wiped out, and you will not be able to protect yourself... Master, you shouldn't have saved me in the first place. Me, let alone take me as a concubine...

Don't talk nonsense! Ren Taiyan interrupted her: Even if it turns into ashes tomorrow, I, Ren Taiyan, will have no regrets in this life! I firmly believe that everything I do is in line with the holy way, the will of the people, and the way of heaven!

Yu Ji gently put herself into his arms: Master, if... if things are really bad, you can follow me to the secret realm of the Holy Land...

No! Ren Taiyan shook his head gently.

Master, you have no one in your family for a long time. You have tried your best... The clan leader respects you very much. He has repeatedly told me that if there is any danger, enter the secret realm and the mermaid clan will serve you for life!

Ren Taiyan said: Even if my official position is taken away, as long as my life is still alive, I will travel around the capital in search of righteous scholars. I will never believe in the vast world, the bright universe, and the way of heaven will never come forward!

Suddenly, a voice came from the house behind him: Even if the official position does not exist, I still have to travel around the capital. The prefect is indeed a principled person, but do you really believe that this move is effective?

Ren Taiyan was suddenly startled: Who?

Although he did not use his official seal or literary power, he was still a man of great literary talent and had extraordinary senses. However, he had no idea when the person in the room entered the room.

Yu Ji was even more frightened. Now that things have happened, any disturbance can make her jump with fear, because she knows that the crisis against her and the prefect will come at any time.

Master Magistrate, why don't you come into the house and have a chat?

The door suddenly opened silently. In the dark study room, the lights flickered on. A figure turned his back to the yard and looked at a letter hanging on the wall...

This figure from behind is a Jianghu person!

This calligraphy was handwritten by Ren Taiyan himself.

Ren Taiyan was heartened and walked behind this person: Who is your Excellency?

The man slowly raised his hand, and in his palm was an official seal. The official seal shone slightly, and a small golden sword hovered in the official seal, forming two words: Supervision.

Ren Taiyan was shocked: Inspector of the capital?

Yu Ji, who had just arrived outside the door, felt her heart skip a beat and her face turned pale. What she was most afraid of was the arrival of the inspector from the capital, because she knew that when the inspector arrived, it would be the day when the great changes would begin. It started years ago, step by step, and it looks more and more like a blessed place on earth. All of this will be wiped out with the arrival of the inspector.

And now, the inspector has arrived!

Exactly! Lin Su slowly turned around, and the lone lamp slanted his face, revealing his unparalleled handsomeness.

Ren Taiyan bowed deeply: See you, Lord Inspector!

Lin Su looked at him quietly and did not answer.

Sir, please take a seat!

Lin Su took two steps and sat down in front of the coffee table. Ren Taiyan sat opposite him. Yu Ji came over, picked up the teapot, and poured tea for Lin Su. Her hands were still trembling slightly.

Lin Su just stared at her: The squire from Lifu reported to the government that one of them, the prefect, took a mermaid as a concubine, colluded with foreign tribes, and harmed the people. Is she the one he was referring to?

Yu Ji's hand trembled and she almost knocked over the teapot.

Ren Taiyan was calm: Since you have seen it, sir, there is no need to deny it! However, the laws of Da Cang do not explicitly prohibit marriage with foreign races.

Lin Sudao: There is indeed no such prohibition, but it is clearly stated in the official regulations that officials are not allowed to collude with local wealthy families through marriages, property purchases, etc., protect the wealthy families, and exploit the people... Are the mermaid clan considered a local wealthy family?

Ren Taiyan's expression changed drastically.

The mermaid clan is naturally regarded as the local wealthy clan, the kind with unparalleled wealth.


Xiaguan only signed a mutually beneficial agreement with the mermaid clan. How has he ever exploited the people? On the contrary, the completion of the market has benefited the people of one area. Tens of millions of people in seven counties from the prefecture have all benefited from this market.

He said this with confidence, because he firmly believed in his heart that he was kind to the people, and he never thought of exploiting the people. The market was built, feeding 800,000 people from the city, and indirectly bringing life to tens of millions of people. industry……

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