Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 284 Entering the West Sea

Cai Xinlian’s eyes are bright...

Cai Zhulian turned around suddenly and looked at him in surprise...

I really don't know where I went wrong. I used my own money to buy things. I lost a lot and my flesh ached. I had to bring you a bunch of gifts to comfort you. Where are you? You should comfort me...

I told you not to buy it. An ordinary mermaid costs 110,000 taels. Let's see how much she is worth. She... Caizhulian's eyes fell on the mermaid's face. The mermaid girl looked at it quietly with a pair of extremely pure eyes. Looking at her, Cai Zhulian suddenly couldn't speak anymore.

No matter what, this mermaid is always innocent. She is just a commodity. The high and low prices have nothing to do with her. She cannot unconscionably say that this mermaid is not good. To be honest, this mermaid is indeed very beautiful.

Okay, I'm leaving, goodbye!

Lin Su stuffed the bag into Cai Zhulian's hand and floated away with the mermaid.

Cai Xinlian's face suddenly turned red when she opened the bag. It was really full of white clouds. It was all grade A, a total of twenty jars!

The best wine at the wedding is ready!

This process was too fantasy. Four people entered the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce to grab goods, but they were alone. When they failed, they met a random person on the road and gave them twenty altars with a raised hand!

Grade A Baiyunbian, the market price is as high as 500 taels per jar, how much is twenty jars? Ten thousand taels of silver! Even if it is sold on site here, it can still sell for ten thousand taels. Oh my God, who is this? How is it possible to have such financial resources?

younger sister……

Cai Zhulian glanced at it and suddenly whispered: Oh no!

He handed the bag in his hand to his sister and said, Sister, please go back first while I go out...


Cai Zhulian suddenly thought that this bastard still had another crisis that was not over yet. When the young master of Tianquan Villa left, she saw his fierce eyes.

No matter what, she couldn't watch him die!

Lin Su led the mermaid, and with a movement of her feet, like the wind blowing, she walked out of the street and out of the city...

In the far south, Haining Tower is home to countless merchants from all over the world. They are all gathered here today, and they all come for the same thing, Autumn Tears.

New perfume products will soon receive orders from suppliers and sellers from all over the world.

Three of them are extremely excited, because they have been well prepared in the early stage and have received inside information. There will be much more autumn tears than spring tears this year, and they Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce will have a good quota.

By winning this share, the three of them will become heroes of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, receive large rewards, and receive special appreciation from the president.

There was a commotion below. A group of veterans went upstairs and divided into two sides, leaving a gap in the middle. Two women strolled upstairs. It was Lu Yi and Cui Ying. As soon as they arrived, Ding Hai, the owner of Haining Tower, personally greeted them and brought them in. They were sent to the main seat, and all the merchants present were silent, because they knew who the two women in front of them were. They were named the heads of the Lin Mansion's industries. They were actually Lin Su's concubines, and they were extremely favored. As long as they said a word , can determine whether major shopping malls will make a lot of money or lose everything.

Businessmen value profits, and they will show the greatest respect to anyone in the Lin family, even more respect than they do to the prefect, because at most the prefect will not cause them trouble, but the Lin family can make them really rich.

First of all, let me tell you some good news. The yield of Autumn Tears is ten times that of Spring Tears, so everyone will have a good harvest!

As soon as Lu Yi announced this sentence, all the merchants went crazy. The biggest bottleneck for Lin's perfume is production. As long as the production increases, all participants will really make a fortune...

Now announce the Autumn Tears quota...

Everyone is attentive...

You can hear a needle drop in a restaurant...

Suddenly, a figure flashed, and a figure appeared in front of Lu Yi: Wait a minute!

The green man raised his eyes and was slightly startled: Sister Chen...

Sister Chen raised her eyes: Young Master has an order! Block the entire Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce!

What? The three people stood up suddenly. They were the three senior figures from the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce who had been stationed in Haining for a long time. When they heard the news, they were instantly confused...

Sister Chen's eyes moved to them: What I'm saying is: Young Master has issued a shopping mall ban order to ban all Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce! From now on, you will not be able to get any of the Lin family's products, including Baiyunbian, perfume, coal, porcelain, and soap. By the way, I have already summoned the capital to block the Jade Body Soap, Huichang Lin Family's five-foot-long cloth, and Qu Family's high-end clothing, and the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce has also been banned.

There was a huge uproar!

All the merchants in the entire restaurant were shocked and overjoyed. The Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce was a giant. For some reason, it had offended the Lin family. The mall was banned. A whale fell, everything was born. The Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce was blocked, and the opportunities for other merchants increased greatly...

Only the three members of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce were sweating on their backs: Why? Why is this?

I also want to know how bold you are to offend my young master? My young master personally issued a ban on the shopping mall. Even if the emperor comes, there is no way to reverse it! Now, get out of here!

Ding Hai raised his hand and with a bang, the three Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce representatives were expelled directly.

The three representatives immediately took out the demon communicator and contacted the president directly.

As soon as the president heard their report, his expression suddenly changed, and he directly contacted various bosses. In the blink of an eye, 72 bosses from three countries had received urgent summons from the president, including Sun Ce, the head of the Xizhou Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce. .

I just received a notice that the Haining Lin family has issued a ban on the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce! Perfume, soap, coal, porcelain, Baiyunbian wine, five-foot cloth, and Qujia Gaobu are all banned! The Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce will lose all top and high-end products. The consequences are so serious that it is truly a disaster! The president sat in the pavilion, his face as cold as frost: I need to know who offended Young Master Lin!

All the bosses were shocked, how could such a thing happen?

The Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce takes a high-end route and pursues what others don’t have. I have to have it. What others are low-end, I am high-end. It is because of this that we can make a prosperous business all over the world, and the Lin family’s products are theirs. The lifeline of Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce was immediately relegated from the first-rate to the third-rate without the Lin family’s products.

Who offended Mr. Lin?

Come forward quickly!

The Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce must not be shut out by the Lin family, it must get the high end, there is no middle way, there is no room for bargaining...

Sun Ce's back was instantly covered in cold sweat...

Everyone had only heard about the banning order, but he was the only one who had seen the banning order with his own eyes. He had just appeared in front of him. He was dressed as a warrior but had the skills of a scholar. Could it be that this person was really Lin Su?

Sun Ce, is that you? came the cold voice of the president.

Sun Ce knelt down with a bang: President... I don't dare to hide it...

Tell what happened. The president's ghastly sharp eyes seemed to penetrate thousands of miles of void and locked firmly on Sun Ce: This association's century-old plan is ruined in the hands of a fool like you! Sun Ce, find the third young master immediately and plead with him. You can cut off your own head. Okay, let’s just send your wife and daughter to his bed. What I want is to lift the banning order. If you can’t do it within a month, you will see how I deal with you!”

As soon as the voice fell, the president suddenly stood up. The pavilion behind him turned into powder with a bang and floated behind him like a huge eagle. The strong sense of oppression made all the bosses shiver at the same time.

Sun Ce rushed out of the room frantically and rushed to the high-end mermaid area on the second floor. He didn't see Lin Su.

He turned around and went downstairs. There was no one on the first floor.

He rushed to the trading floor, scanning the whole place with eyes like an eagle, searching for that figure. No, he did not waste a moment. He sent a bunch of people to shuttle through various stores to guard the door, but people on each line successively Feedback, not found...

Sun Ce's forehead was dripping with sweat, and his whole body was cold...

Lin Su had already left the city and reached the ten-mile slope outside the city. He stopped and looked towards the mermaid. The mermaid girl was also looking at him, her eyes still pure.

Now tell me, what's your name?

The mermaid girl looked at him, still speechless.

Elder Chun asked me to come here!

As soon as the words Elder Spring came out, the mermaid girl's eyes finally changed. Although they were still clean and pure, they were a little more turbulent, like spring water surging.

Now tell me, who are you?

The mermaid finally spoke: Yingying!

Sure enough, it's you! Lin Su let out a long breath: I really don't understand. You were very calm when you were arrested, and you didn't seem very happy after being rescued by me. Don't you really understand what happened to you? What happened?

After a long conversation, before Yingying had time to answer, someone else answered first.

When she is locked up, she may be ravaged by others. If she is bought back by you, she may be ravaged by you. Let me ask you, why does she have to be happy? Where is her excitement?

Lin Su turned around, followed by Cai Zhulian. Her clothes had been changed into orthodox Jianghu clothes.

Her face was still stern, and twenty jars of wine seemed to have not smoothed it out.

Lin Su smiled: Of course there is a difference. If she is locked up, she will be ravaged by others, but if she is bought by me, she will not. I will send her back to the West Sea.

Caizhu Lianju was surprised: Are you sure?

Absolutely certain!

One hundred and ten thousand taels of silver...

What? Are you underestimating my financial strength? Lin Su said: Don't force me to say classic quotes...

And there are classic quotes? Tell me!

You can insult my character, but you can't insult my financial resources!

Depend on! Caizhulian’s fist is really itchy...

Lin Su slowly turned around and looked at Princess Yingying who was watching their bickering with curiosity: Hey girl, you are not interesting enough... I have already made it clear that I will send you back to the clan intact, you still Don’t you show a happy expression?”

Yingying's pure eyes shot towards him, as if asking him, what makes him happy?

Lin Su held her hand and pointed to the hillside: Look, that's the West Sea. You just need to smile at me and I'll throw you in. You can swim back to your place happily. Home……

Yingying smiled!

Her smile is extraordinarily beautiful...

Lin Su was stupid: Do you understand completely now? You reacted so quickly...

Yingying nodded.

Lin Su raised his hand and slapped his forehead: ...Go!

Suddenly, Cai Zhulian spoke: Wait a minute!

... Lin Su just wanted to ask why, but suddenly his eyes were fixed on the hillside...

Cai Zhulian said: When traveling in the world, you must not reveal your money, and you must not make enemies with local powerful forces. Didn't your parents tell you this?

My elders are not in the world of martial arts... Lin Su murmured.

Ha ha ha ha……

A harsh laughter suddenly sounded, and before the laughter ended, more than ten figures fell around them at the same time, tightly surrounding them at the core.

With a swish sound, a person in front opened the folding fan and strolled over. It was the young man in rich clothes whom he had just met at the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, Chen Haibo, the young master of Tianquan Villa.

Boy, do you know why I don't compete with you? It's just because I suddenly figured out something... Everything you own is mine, what do I have to fight for?

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes: You want to block the road and rob someone today?

Hahahaha... I tell you clearly, my young master, today I just blocked the road and robbed people, killed people and stole goods. You went to the underworld, you might as well file a complaint with the Lord of Hell...

Better... go ahead and sue! When Lin Su said the last word, his hands suddenly moved together and the sword was unsheathed...

With a chirp, Chen Haibo's head flew up!

No one can explain the magnificence of this sword and the extreme speed of this sword...

No one even saw the sword...

Looking for death! The bodies of the three old men shook violently, and strong winds blew up the entire hillside. They were all spying masters, and when they were caught off guard, the young master was killed, so they attacked with all their strength.

Just as the three men drew out their swords, a sword shadow suddenly appeared in front of their throats. The speed was unparalleled.

The three of them retreated suddenly...

The sword shadow suddenly shot out three feet of cold light...

Sword intent...

Phew, three heads rose into the air at the same time.

With a swish sound, eight people around him moved together...

Cai Zhulian spun on the spot, her hair flew up, and the eight corpses were frozen in the air. They exploded with a bang, and the blood mist also solidified in the air...


Ten miles away from the city edge, a golden light shot straight into the sky...

Cai Zhulian's expression changed: Let's go!

She reached out suddenly and grabbed Lin Su. Lin Su reached out suddenly and grabbed Yingying...

One ups and downs, shooting towards the West Sea.

This place is only a stone's throw away from the West Sea. It was only a step under their feet, but a strange pressure came from above, accompanied by a deep roar: Death!

When Lin Su sent out his thoughts, he was about to call up the legendary poem Manjianghong that he had written. It was a matter of life and death, and he could no longer care about it. However, a strange force field controlled his whole body. The belt he carried with him actually refused to obey his orders. Literary power cannot be exerted...

At this moment, a wave suddenly appeared in the West Sea, rising ten feet out of thin air. A huge fish tail suddenly flipped up and hit the sky with one tail...

With a bang, the pressure in the sky was shattered by the fish tail, and the fish tail turned into raindrops and returned to the West Sea.

In the mist, a strange ship appeared in front of Lin Su, accompanied by an urgent cry: Come in quickly!

Lin Su raised his eyes and saw that it was Elder Chun...

They entered the dark strange ship. The strange ship went straight to the bottom of the western sea. The seawater flowed rapidly through the window, bringing with it a ray of magical white light. The white light reflected the face of Elder Chun, which flickered brightly and darkly...

Elder Chun, don't worry, isn't the clan leader here? Yingying spoke.

The clan leader is in seclusion to continue his life, how can he get out? I just used the holy talisman! Elder Chun said: ... Your Highness, your mischief this time is too dangerous, and you must never do it again in the future!

The holy talisman was left behind by the mermaid clan's most amazing generation of geniuses and the seventh patriarch a thousand years ago. Each talisman has the power of heaven and earth. It is really better to use one less than one. Unless it is absolutely necessary, no one Willing to use it.

Okay! Yingying replied.

Just one word.

Lin Su's eyes swept across her face, but he still couldn't find any expression of embarrassment on her face. She was really calm. She got into a big disaster by herself, and everyone in the circle was implicated. She just said Okay Words end everything...

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