Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 295: The evil man plots rebellion and takes the initiative

Lin Su said coldly: Before I left the capital, I heard someone in the official circles say that Tianquan Villa in Xizhou colluded with the Yandang garrison, collected people from all walks of life, and infiltrated government offices at all levels with the intention of treason. I don't believe it yet, but I witnessed it with my own eyes today, and I’m afraid it’s really not groundless! A figure in the world just randomly assigned the prefect to do things, and the prefect actually followed the orders. Could it be that the Xizhou government has gone against the grain and become a slave of the Tianquan Mountain Villa?

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was petrified. Rebellion? Tianquan Villa is rebellious? …

Chen Dongqi was shocked. Did I hear it correctly? Are you saying I'm treason? Where is this going? How come I don’t know?

The prefect was completely confused...

Zhang Chun, who was sitting on the second floor, suddenly stood up and shot his sharp gaze at Lin Su. Lin Su also happened to raise his gaze at this moment and meet him. Zhang Chun's gaze was as sharp as a sword, while Lin Su's gaze was as calm as a sword. The spring water seems to have no sparks, but in fact, just one glance can stir up countless waves.

Zhang Chun recognized him!

finally come!

He came to Xizhou and finally took action for the first time!

The move he made was so cunning, treason?

Who are you? Wufeng Magistrate shouted...

Yes, everyone, including Cai Zhulian, suddenly had a question deep in their hearts at this moment, who is he? Why did he bring up such a terrible topic, why did he say he was leaving Beijing...

Lin Su suddenly raised his hand, and a golden seal appeared in his palm!

The golden seal crossed the sky, a long sword crossed the golden seal, and the word supervision swept across the entire manor!

Capital Inspector! Wufeng Magistrate was shocked all over!

Li Liang on the second floor also stood up suddenly...

Chen Dongqi's heart was beating wildly. The person who killed his son was actually the inspector of the capital...

Cai Lie's eyes suddenly lit up...

Cai Zhulian was confused, staring at the golden seal, completely unable to believe her eyes.

He is actually an official!

And he’s also the inspector of the capital!

How can this be?

His every move, his songs, his swordsmanship, and his martial arts talent, how do they resemble an official?

But he clearly holds the Golden Seal of Supervision in his hand!

Lin Su stared at Chen Dongqi: Chen Dongqi, I am holding a supervisory order and inspecting Xizhou on orders, but your son wants to kill the envoy to seize the seal. The entire process is recorded in the official seal. There is irrefutable evidence. Combined with the fact that you want to rebel, I have reason to suspect that your son was assigned by you to seize my supervisory gold seal and control the entire Xizhou political arena.

As soon as these words came out, all the officials were sweating on their backs.

Lin Su's words are too poisonous. He is the supervisor. If someone wants to rebel, there is really a reason to seize his gold seal, because this gold seal can influence local politics...

Chen Dongqi's whole body was surging with torrents. Why did he feel that he was suddenly being sucked deeper and deeper into the whirlpool of rebellion?

Lin Su stared at him and said: Looking at your posture, you want to kill people and silence them. Then there is only one question left... Are your troops, equipment, supplies, and rebel flags ready?

Chen Dongqi suddenly raised his head: Master Zhizhou, the supervisor has repeatedly slandered people, and it is difficult for the common people to defend themselves. I hope that Master Zhizhou will make decisions for the common people!

Zhang Chun slowly raised his head, and everyone below was staring at him.

Lin Su also stared at him: Master Zhizhou, now is the time for you to prove your innocence.

Everyone's hearts were beating wildly...

What do you mean, sir? Zhang Chun said coldly.

You asked me what I mean, but I want to ask you what you mean! Lin Su said: Under the supervision order, local officials should greet them with a grand ceremony. My gold seal was lit for half a quarter of an hour, but the senior officials in Xizhou still remained I am on the second floor, with the supervision order under my feet! I really don’t know it until I see it, and I am shocked when I see it! I only need to upload this scene, and I am afraid that His Majesty will also suspect that Xizhou is no longer Da Cang’s Xizhou. , no longer afraid of the imperial power and laws.

Zhang Chun's brows twitched slightly. He finally experienced what it was like to face Lin Su. How can I describe this feeling? It’s so annoying!

Cai Lie strode forward and bowed deeply: Your Majesty Cai Lie, please see the Golden Seal of Supervision!

Zhang Chun and Yiying officials came down from the second floor at the same time. Zhang Chun's face was as gloomy as water, and he saw the golden seal of supervision...

Everyone was dumbfounded, Cai Zhulian's wonderful eyes flashed, looking at all this, she still couldn't believe it. She had already made the worst plan for what happened tonight, but as soon as he took action, everything was completely changed, and he had firmly Take control of things.

Lin Su faced all the officials in Xizhou and didn't seem to notice them. His eyes fell on Chen Dongqi's face: Chen Dongqi! It seems that you are not completely ready. At least so far, you have not completely controlled the political arena in Xizhou!

Chen Dongqi's chest rose and fell sharply. He felt like he was about to burst. But how do you ask him to argue with this? Could it be that he actually lost control?

Lin Su also wanted to stimulate him: Your son is dead. What's so exciting about a loser? There will be more of this kind of thing in the future. You will get used to it gradually!

Chen Dongqi's eyes were firmly fixed on Lin Su's face, and the air seemed to be completely frozen. He slowly said, What do you mean?

Lin Sudao: It means... I will comprehensively investigate the evil deeds committed by you at Tianquan Villa. Once verified, it will not be the death of a young master of your Tianquan Villa, but your Chen family and the nine clans will be punished together!

The whole place was in an uproar, this was a direct challenge!

Tianquan Villa is a gathering of heroes from all walks of life, with the support of the Zhizhou and the Holy Family, but the supervisory envoy from the capital faces him head-on and is unparalleled in his toughness.

Then let's wait and see! Chen Dongqi suddenly turned around, moved his feet, and rose into the sky. With a bang, there was a loud bang in the air, like a sonic boom...

Chen Dongqi left. Lin Su slowly lowered his head and looked at the heads in front of him. He seemed to suddenly think of them. He quickly stepped forward and helped Zhang Chun up: Master Zhang, what are you doing? Your Excellency is a second-grade official. I'm only in the fifth rank, and I'm honored by all of you, how dare you accept it? My Lords, please, please...

All the big shots are full of MMP...

Cai Lie didn't know whether to laugh or cry: My lords, please take a seat upstairs...

A storm was resolved like this. The process was exciting and the result was satisfactory. It was all settled. Several people were out of sorts. Li Aoran, Li Wuji, Huo Donglai, Cai Xinchao...

The one who was most out of shape was Caizhulian.

Her eyes followed the familiar figure walking beside her father, and an unfamiliar feeling suddenly arose in her heart. He had never looked like a Jianghu person. She had long felt that he should be a member of a higher group. Member, for example, the literati group, it came true today. He is really not a Jianghu person, but he does not belong to the literati group as she imagined, but to the officialdom...

His back was getting farther and farther away. After all, he and she were not in the same world...

The dangerous situation just now left only a little wave in her heart...

The lively and prosperous wedding continued, but she suddenly felt a little lonely and a little confused...

Lin Su went up to the second floor, and Cai Lie seated him next to Master Zhizhou.

There are five people at this table.

Zhang Chun, the governor of the state, Li Liang, the governor, Li Yujing, the master of Qingran Pavilion, the first disciple of the Holy Family, and now Lin Su is added.

Lin Su sat down directly, and the Qingran Pavilion Master opposite him slowly raised his head: Although it is natural for young people to be sharp, they need to know that they are easy to break, and arrogant people are easy to die!

Lin Su nodded: What the Pavilion Master said makes sense! But I don't know if the Pavilion Master has heard another explanation...

Pavilion Master Qingran was slightly surprised. This boy was actually talking. Did he know who he was facing?

At this moment, he could only maintain his demeanor: What do you mean?

Lin Sudao: Quietness and inaction support each other. People in the world can accept quiet inaction because it is independent of the world and does not cause much harm to anyone. However, if one side promotes its own quietness and inaction, the other side will Not willing to be left alone, I want to have a hand in everything, and the final result may be that the fairy falls into a brothel!

Pavilion Master Qingran's face suddenly sank: What do you mean?

Lin Su stared into his eyes and said, It means that a fairy who smells like a human being, no matter how much she advertises herself or how she tries to cover it up, is a rotten person!

This is already a blatant challenge to the Holy Family, pointing directly at the Taoist Holy Family's interference in mortal affairs...

What a big dog, daring to discuss the rights and wrongs of the Holy Family!

Qingran Pavilion Master's eyes shone brightly: Sir, do you have any thoughts about the Taoist Holy Family?

Pavilion Master, you, the Taoist Holy Family, have some thoughts about Hongchen?

It's still tit-for-tat, and they won't give in even a step.

Pavilion Master Qingran looked into his eyes for a long time. Slowly, he closed his eyes: Your Excellency, you are young and hold a fifth-grade official position. Your future is so bright. But for some reason, you have to destroy your future.

I follow my own path, and my path is my future!

Li Yujing spoke: I don't know what your approach is, but what is it?

Lin Su's eyes moved to his face: It's definitely not your way!

Of course not! Li Yujing said: You are not worthy of my way!

Lin Su smiled. Although his smile was gentle, there was a very obvious contempt in it...

Li Yujing was immediately angered and shouted: Your Excellency, do you want to learn from me?

This sudden attack not only shocked all the dignitaries on the three tables on the second floor, but also half of the people on the first floor heard it.

Everyone was always paying attention to the situation on the second floor. They were all shocked when they heard this. Did the first disciple of the Taoist Holy Family have a dispute with him?

Cai Zhulian was just about to enter the backyard, but stopped at this moment.

Of course you can learn from me! In any field! Lin Su said: I really want to know who gave you the courage to learn from me!

His voice is not quiet either.

Everything below exploded for a moment...

What is this nonsense? Does he know who he is facing?

The entire Xizhou Wendao ceiling!

It can even be said that even if you get the whole world, the person in front of you is also a countless literary and moral hero, truly the idol of millions of people, the kind that even Huo Donglai, a poetry maniac, looks up to endlessly...

He actually said, who gave him the courage? Challenge him!

This contempt can be heard across the entire Xizhou...

Li Yujing had never suffered such contempt in his life, and he laughed angrily: What an ignorant person! I will write a poem right now to let you see the real way of literature!

Writing poetry? Lin Su said: Are you worthy?

Li Yujing held his hands together, and a piece of gold paper flew out of the air, flew around the field and returned to his hand!

Extremely arrogant! This is also the answer to Lin Su!

He lifted up his pen and started writing: I once sailed across the rivers and seas. I stopped the sound of rain in the Western Regions. My hair turned white in shock in front of Yandang Mountain. I will not waste the eternal flow of mountains and rivers.

The pen fell, and the colorful glow illuminated the entire hall.

The people below were bathed in the glow, and their eyes were all blurred...

Caishi! Huo Donglai suddenly stood up, his chest heaving.

He is known as a poetry madman, but nine out of ten of his poems are silver or golden poems, and he has never crossed the threshold of colorful poems.

The person in front of him, just by putting pen to paper, is the ceiling that he has not reached in thirty years.

Li Wuji said: Colorful poems are hard to come by, not to mention this poem is so heroic. In time, with thousands of people singing it, it may become colorful!

Zhou Yujing sighed: We are both in Yujing, but today we know that this Yujing is not the other Yujing. This poem can surpass Xizhou for hundreds of years!

This is the sigh of a distinguished literati...

The sighs of everyone in the hall became even deeper, they are so lucky! Lucky for you! I was actually able to see the birth of Cai Shi with my own eyes.

Cai Zhulian stared blankly at the words flowing in the air, her heart was infinitely complicated. This poem was so good that it was unparalleled. In the past, she should have taken a note and written it down immediately, but today, he was targeting...him!

She didn't know whether to be happy or sad...

Several long rows of maids were officially serving wine and food. They walked through the hall and could not move their feet. They were also shocked by this colorful poem that appeared out of nowhere. Colorful poems, in this world, have the magic power to shock people's hearts, no matter what. Literary, spiritual, or martial arts, it doesn’t matter whether the audience is a literary person who understands the meaning of each word, or an ordinary person who doesn’t understand the artistic conception at all...

Can you compare to this poem? Li Yujing said coldly.

Everyone's eyes turned to Lin Su...

Lin Sudao: Colorful poems are enough for ordinary occasions, but when it comes to me, they obviously still need a little more heat!

Everyone opened their eyes wide, what?

Li Yujing laughed loudly: Everyone knows how to brag about cowhide, but it's better not to brag about cowhide that will be broken in a blink of an eye!

Yes, yes, now is the time to meet Zhenzhang...

Lin Su stared at Li Yujing: It seems that you really don't know who I am!

Li Yujing was slightly startled...

Lin Su stood up slowly: Miss Cai, you and I have been traveling together all the way. In fact, you don't know who I am, right?

Caizhulian slowly opened her eyes and looked at him...

Lin Sudao: As a fellow traveler, I have received your care and concern. I will give you a poem!

Cai Zhulian's face turned red suddenly. He gave her a poem?

Lin Su raised his hand, holding the gold paper, and he wrote...

Once upon a time, the sea was difficult to overcome, but Wushan was not the cloud. I looked back lazily at the flowers, half destined to practice Taoism and half destined to be a king!... A song Journey to the Rivers and Lakes is given to Caizhulian!

When Li Yujing saw it halfway, his expression changed.

After reading them all, sweat suddenly broke out on his back.

The colored light on the gold paper was flowing, like five colors or seven colors, but the people in the field stood up at the same time. Oh my god, another colorful poem?

How can this be?

Caizhulian's heart was even more distraught. She had been fond of literature and Taoism since she was a child. She once called herself a practitioner who loved poetry the most. She remembered all Cai Zhulian's poems. Even when walking in the rivers and lakes, only some of them were She would excerpt the few poems she said in her little book, which was called: Collected Treasures from Jianghu.

She regards any poem as a precious treasure, and she dreams that someone can write a poem for her.

But now, a man she has fallen in love with has written a poem specifically for her, and it is also a colorful poem. I must be dreaming...

Suddenly, the colorful light in the sky disappeared and turned into a green light...

Oh my god, it's passed down from generation to generation! someone shouted...

There was a huge earthquake all over the place. A girl knocked over the tray in her hand, but no one noticed. Li Yujing's face turned pale...

Green lotuses blossomed between heaven and earth, and a green light swept across the sky, reaching hundreds of miles away...

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