Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 349 Nine Cities in One Day

The army is getting closer and closer, the city is shaking, and the sergeants on the top of the city are also gathering...

A hundred meters away from the city, the army suddenly stopped.

Three horses galloped out slowly, it was Qi Dong, Qi Yao and Lin Su.

Qi Dong is in front, Qi Yao and Lin Su are behind.

Qi Yao's eyes flashed, and a voice came into Lin Su's ears: Another big head is here, and this big head is not the same big head as yesterday.

No matter which head he has, I will make him headless today!

Qi Yao smiled: Mr., you are bragging. The top think tanks are all the people protected by the other party. Everyone is carrying the top Immortal Sect escape weapon. No one can take it.

This is the truth. These think-tank-type people are not combatants at all, but they are the key protection targets of the opponent. Even if you break through the city, they can escape at any time, and the Flowing Light Escape they use is extremely advanced. Even Qi Yao can't. Can't stop it.

Lin Su and the others slowly approached, only ten feet away from the city wall.

Several military flags at the top of the city were all raised. Above the military flags, there was a shadow of swords. At such a distance, they were already under the hunting flags, but no one attacked because the leader in the city had not yet given the order.

Are you that bastard deputy commander Qi Dong of the Cangshan Army? Du Tiansinger pointed downwards at the top of the city with a contemptuous tone.

Qi Dong stared at him: Who are you?

Wenxin Pavilion, Du Tiange!

Wenxin Pavilion? Qi Dong's face darkened: In the past, the head of the seventy-two tribes in Cangshan betrayed his homeland and betrayed his ancestors and actually established Wenxin Pavilion? You guys should really ask your conscience to see if there is anything left Half of it remains.”

You also know that the Seventy-two Cangshan tribes should be headed by the head? In the past, the head had already decided to lead the Cangshan seventy-two tribes on the right path. It was your Xiangbu who coveted the glory and wealth of the world and gave you a title for a king. Disregarding the safety of the Seventy-Two Ministries...

There has always been controversy about the Cangshan Seventy-Two Division. In Xiang Bu’s view, it was Touou who betrayed Da Cang. In Touou’s view, Cangshan did not originally belong to Da Cang, but to the Cangshan Seventy-Two Division. Xiang Bu betrayed Da Cang Mountain, and Qi Fu took advantage of it to become the king. This is a typical greed for glory and wealth. This person is extremely talented, and his words are extremely inflammatory. You need to know that the following five thousand A considerable part of the army does not belong to the Xiang Department, but to other departments.

Qi Yao was in a panic, and a voice came to Lin Su: My lord, we cannot let him confuse right and wrong like this in front of the two armies...

Lin Su smiled slightly, and a voice came back: Then kill him?

how to do?

Lin Su said: Just do it like this! His Wenshan suddenly lit up, and above the Wenshan, four words flew out, which was the borrowed knife to kill in Thirty-Six Stratagems.

The holy light traveled through ten feet of space and shot into Yang Fei's body.

Yang Fei suddenly drew his sword...


When the knife came out, the eyes of Du Tiange, who was talking eloquently, suddenly opened wide, Boom! His huge head rolled down...

All of a sudden the city was in chaos...

The general killed the military advisor!

What happened?

Lin Su shouted loudly: General Yang, you have done great service to Da Cang by killing thieves and dedicating the city to Da Cang. After joining Da Cang, your Majesty will definitely give you the position of Marquis that he promised you!

As soon as these words came out, the whole city heard about it, and all the soldiers were stunned...

The general rebelled...

Rebel Yang Fei, kill him! the supervisor over there roared, starting the mode of internal strife.

And below the city, a large number of soldiers suddenly attacked the city. This was still the art of war of encircling a quiet place to save oneself, using the art of war to interpret the fierce siege. The city head was now completely in chaos. The generals rebelled, and the generals in the city did not know how to choose. The army's spearheads don't know where they are pointing...

At this time, the army was attacking the city, and the guards at the top of the city didn't know whether they should resist the foreign enemies first or kill the traitors first.

In the midst of chaos, the Cangshan army secretly crossed Chencang and entered Li City...

The exact same scene as in Dinggu City was staged again...

It only took two hours to break the city, and the eight thousand Red Army troops who came from Pojun City didn't even take a sip of the soup, and they all went to the guillotine.

Lin Su didn't even take action at all. He squatted in front of a corpse and carefully searched for the deceased's belongings.

Qi Yao was leaning against a big tree, not wanting to look at him...

My husband, you are rich and talented, and you are still an official. Don't you think it's a bit too much to openly plunder a dead person's property like this?

Lin Su raised his eyes and smiled on his face...

What did you find? Qi Yao couldn't hold back.

Look, it's a good thing! Lin Su shook a piece of jade gently in his hand.

Put it away quickly!

A piece of jade, if you succeed like this, you will be embarrassed to death if others see it...

Lin Su put the jade away and felt really happy.

Qi Yao thought he was happy for the jade. Only he knew what this jade meant.

Hahahaha... A loud laugh came from the distance. Qi Dong climbed up step by step and came to the top of the city: The destruction of Li City is ten times easier than that of Dinggu City. Do you know what makes people happier?

What? Qi Yao jumped up.

These sergeants in Li Cheng are not from this city. They come from Pojun City ten miles away... What do you think this means? Qi Dong said.

Lin Su smiled: It means breaking the army city, but it is an empty city at the moment! Maybe it will not only break the army city...

Qi Dong laughed loudly: If I were to destroy ten cities in one day, do you think the Red Army would be frightened when they hear my name from now on?

Lin Su rolled his eyes: Then I guess your name can be used to diagnose and treat children who cry at night if they get it from Chiguo!

Ha ha ha ha……

Qi Dong laughed, and half the Cangshan Army in the city laughed...

In the distant city of Qicheng, the purple-armored general Marshal Ding jumped up suddenly, and the big-headed elder also stood up suddenly. The two looked at each other, and they both saw panic in each other's eyes...

Yang Fei...Why did Yang Fei kill Mr. Tiange? Marshal Ding said slowly.

The Art of War! This is an art of war! Elder Big Head's lips trembled: It is such a magical art of war...

This time is different from Ding Gucheng. They supervised all the scenes that happened this time through the military flag. They saw Yang Fei kill Du Tiange with their own eyes. In the eyes of ordinary people, this was Yang Fei's rebellion.

But this Wenxin Pavilion elder was extraordinary. He could see that this was an art of war.

Seeing this is the scariest thing.

Because he never thought that there was such a terrifying art of war in this world.

Compared with this art of war, all the military books in Wenxin Pavilion are almost useless paper!

No wonder they can slaughter an army of fifty thousand with only three thousand soldiers and horses. With this art of war, it is not unusual to kill many people. Once the art of war is revealed, the army will kill each other. No matter how many people you have, what's the use?

After this truth was explained thoroughly, Marshal Ding's expression changed.

This art of war uses the enemy's sword to kill the enemy. Oh my god, who can ensure safety in this way? Can the elder in front of me be safe? No, what if Qi Dong borrows Marshal Ding's sword? Marshal Ding will kill everyone around him with one strike!

Shrink the city immediately, withdraw all the troops from the remaining eight cities, and move them into Qicheng! Do not confront the Cangshan Army head-on!

Marshal Ding broke into a cold sweat at the elder's suggestion: Elder, all troops on this line must be withdrawn. What if he comes to Qicheng?

Marshal, don't worry, Qicheng can't be approached by military means. You need to know that we still have...

Marshal Ding's eyes suddenly brightened: Can the formation resist the art of war?

The formation, the law of heaven, and the art of war are nothing more than the law of the holy way. The way of heaven is above and the holy way is below. He absolutely cannot break through this strange formation. The art of war cannot break the city. We are in an invincible position. It is just a good time to take advantage of it. This is a good opportunity to plan a counterattack.

Counterattack strategy...

Marshal Ding nodded slowly. The most powerful opponent was not his actual combat power, but Qi Dong! As long as a super master is sent to kill Qi Dong unexpectedly, the opponent's 5,000 troops will rush to the city, which is not enough to feed the 80,000 troops in the city.

One day and one night, Qi Dong led an army of 5,000 men and marched down nine cities.

From the moment he broke through the military city, he encountered no decent resistance. When he reached the next few cities, he simply left them alone...

The Cangshan Army was in high spirits, but Qi Dong was becoming more and more uneasy.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

But where is the demon? He didn't see it.

As the sun set the next day, he stood on the top of a high mountain and looked at Qicheng in the distance. He clearly saw the dense army above Qicheng.

It seems that they really want to have a decisive battle with me in Qingcheng.

Yes! Lin Su said, Maybe there are other ideas.

What do you think? Qi Dong was slightly startled. After a series of battles, he was already convinced of his brother-in-law.

Lin Sudao: In their view, the five thousand army is not a problem at all. The real threat is you, Deputy Commander Qi. Maybe they will send some super master to kill you first!

What else? Qi Dong's eyes flashed slightly.

Also...that is the Immortal Sect's method. Maybe a certain Immortal Sect will use the Immortal Sect's magic weapon to protect Qingcheng.

Chiguo is called Qicheng, but Lin Su always calls it Qingcheng.

In the dispute between the two countries, it is taboo for the Immortal Sect to interfere. I really don't know which Immortal Sect must be involved in it. Qi Dong sighed softly.

There are always some scum, try it first and see for yourself!

How to try?

The three of us will go outside Qingcheng now to test our military skills!

With a shout, the three people rose into the air, shot toward Qingcheng, and landed outside Qingcheng.

Qi Dong stretched out his hand suddenly, and in his palm was a piece of gold paper. This gold paper was the stratagem of borrowing a knife to kill someone. He had not yet fully understood the essence of the stratagem of borrowing a knife to kill someone, but he could use this piece of paper to Gold paper to cast.

As soon as the gold paper came out, a golden light suddenly shot towards a general at the top of the city. He wanted to use the general's sword to kill the soldiers next to him.

Just when the golden light was about to arrive, there was a sudden buzz and the golden paper turned into powder...

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat, Oh!

He turned his hand around and grabbed Qi Dong: Let's go!

With a chirp, the three of them flew through the air, finding nothing, and even lost a piece of gold paper on the Art of War...

The three of them returned to the army.

Cheers erupted across the city...

The God of War, who had been rumored to be miraculous these days, came to Qicheng and was defeated with just one blow.

As long as the art of war doesn't work, what's the point of having five thousand people in the Cangshan Army?

Marshal Ding was both happy and worried. What he was happy about was that this formation was indeed effective and victory was expected.

The worrying thing is, why are these three people so alert? The masters on their side had just prepared to go out and carry out the beheading operation, but they ran away and only stayed in front of the city for a moment...

What kind of magic weapon is this? Do you see it clearly? Qi Dong's heart was pounding. He also realized an important problem, that is, if the art of war cannot defeat Qicheng, it would be impossible for Cangshan to capture Qicheng. Otherwise, Speaking of the little that has been brought so far, even if the entire Cangshan Army comes together, there will only be less than 80,000 people, and there are close to 100,000 troops in Qicheng.

With the art of war, you can defeat more with less, but if the art of war doesn't work, you must follow the rules of siege. If 100,000 people defend a city, it will take at least 200,000 troops to capture it.

The formation to resist the enemy! Lin Su said: I am the Eighth Generation of T's ancestor, the Bishui Sect. It turns out that this sect is working for us!

If it were another formation, Lin Su might not be able to recognize it, but how could he not recognize the enemy-resistance formation that he drew with his own hands? You Bishui Sect, you have repeatedly exceeded my bottom line in the early stage, and I haven't settled the score with you yet. Now, you have betrayed the country. You really do everything except doing nothing for others!

It's true that formations and military tactics can't break through? Qi Dong said.

It doesn't mean that we can never break through. It's just a matter of level. These thirty-six strategies have not been completed yet and are just a semi-finished product. However, this enemy-resistance formation is a perfect formation of heavenly law to break Qingcheng. The art of war cannot possibly work.”

As soon as he confirmed this, all the Qi family brothers and sisters were depressed.

After three days and three nights of bloody battle, we finally reached the point where we were only one step away from victory, but we encountered a huge formation that was impossible to break through. How could we be willing to do so?

This feeling of failure is really frustrating.

What should we do? Withdraw our troops?

Lin Su slowly raised his head: No! Move troops! I need thirty-six complete military flag phalanxes!

Qi Dong shook his head: The Thirty-six Army Flag Square, only 10,800 people, is easy to put together. However, you need to know that in Qingcheng, there are nearly 100,000 troops. The Cangshan Army fights on the ground, with one against two. No problem, but in the siege battle, even if all 10,800 people die, we still can’t take Qicheng, and even if all the legions join, we still can’t take it!”

Thirty-six military flag phalanxes are not used to gather the numbers to attack the city, but are a set of formations!

Qi Dong's eyes suddenly brightened: Do you still know the formation?

Lin Su nodded.

Can your formation be compared with this great formation to protect the city?

How powerful it is, you will know once you try it! Lin Su said: Give me the order, let the brothers from the Cangshan Army come over with ten thousand people!

Okay! Qi Dong jumped up and went to the Chinese army's account.

A few days ago, he would not have been so impulsive, but now, he obeyed Lin Su's words.

He went, and there were only two people left on the hillside, Lin Su and Qi Yao.

Ms. sir, can it really happen?

Lin Su grabbed her hand: Believe me!

Qi Yao gently snuggled into his arms: I always believe in you! I'm just a little sad...

Why are you sad?

The Cangshan Army originally had nothing to do with you, but now it has become a burden to you. You have been planning so hard all these days for the Cangshan Army. I know I can't help you, but I didn't expect that even my brother would help you. I can’t help you...

Who said the Cangshan Army can't help me? Lin Su smiled and said, I really want to thank the Cangshan Army. Without them, I might not be able to fight on the battlefield and verify the theory of the art of war in my life.

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