Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 404 Kidnapping the Mohist Saint

Lin Mansion, Xiao Zhou brought this breaking news back.

Sister Chen, Lu Yi and Cui Ying jumped up at the same time: The entire Jiangwu Division has been wiped out? Even that Du Si is dead?


The three women's faces turned pale at the same time.

The old lady who had just stepped out of the room swayed and almost fell down.

Xiao Zhou quickly took a step forward: Madam, don't worry, the news from the prefecture is that... the young master is just supervising normally. When he asked Du Quan whether his subordinates had committed any crimes, the officials were afraid that they would do it. The evil was exposed, he suddenly attacked and killed Du Quan on the spot, which had nothing to do with the young master.

Is that true? the lady said tremblingly.

That's true. All the processes are under the supervision of the official seal. No one else can use this as an excuse to throw dirty water on the young master.

That's good, that's good... Madam's whole body went limp. Sister Chen and Lu Yi came over and helped her into the room.

The two men's eyes occasionally met over the lady's shoulder, and they both caught suspicion in each other's eyes.

Is this really the case?

Why do they still feel frightened?

Lin Su walked through Haining City, feeling a little excited.

What about the formal institutions of the imperial court?

If you dare to come to Haining to put eye drops on me, I will operate on you, court officials, emperors, haha, if I don't give you some color, you don't know what I, Lin, do!

In front is Haining Building.

Just when Lin Su was slightly hesitant to chat with Ding Hai, a voice suddenly came from behind him: I have some doubts that this matter was caused by some magic trick, but I have no evidence.

The voice is soft, crisp, and somewhat high-pitched...

Lin Su turned around suddenly and saw a person. His eyes widened. Who is this? Mo Qing!

The Mohist saint Mo Qing was one of the people who impressed him deeply during the Qinglian discussion that just ended. The first time he saw her, he was deeply impressed because she was sitting on the bank of Qinglian Lake walking her dog. , and the dog she was walking was not an ordinary dog, but a robot dog. This puppy with pure white fur was in her arms at the moment. Its eyes were very flexible, and it looked very much like a real dog.

Saint Mo, how could it be you?

Didn't you expect that I would come to Haining? Mo Qing smiled softly: Actually, I came earlier. When your concubine was discussing in private whether you were running away with Li Guihan, I was hiding nearby and listening.

Lin Su had the urge to touch his forehead: Do high-level people like you all have a hobby of voyeurism?

Maybe? If you look at the world with a cold eye, you can still find a lot of interesting things. For example, today's events, I think it's quite interesting...

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: What do you mean?

Because you just said before that when Jiang Wuji is cleared up, then Jiangwuji is really clean up. Nothing in this world is such a coincidence.

Is there any evidence? Lin Su's tone was a little bad.

No! Mo Qing smiled sweetly: If you treat me to a meal, I won't even have this doubt.

Lin Sudao: Shengyun: Wouldn't it be nice to have friends from far away? Come, this is the best restaurant in Haining...

Lin Su can be regarded as the most distinguished guest of Haining Tower. There are three reasons. First, Haining Tower became famous because of him. Second, Haining Tower became rich because of him. And thirdly? He didn't come very often, but in everyone's memory, Lin Su could count the number of times he came in the past two years.

So, as soon as they saw him coming in, all the waiters were excited and immediately went to find his boss Ding Hai. Lin Su stopped him and said that I brought friends here for dinner and talk today, so don’t disturb Ding Hai’s family. , the others don’t need to wait on me, just give me a quiet place and give me some home-cooked food.

On the third floor, the room is close to the Yangtze River, with top-notch configuration. Through the window, you can see the vast river waves, and you can also see Lin Su's world-famous poem, The old friend left Haining Tower in the West, and fireworks descended from Quzhou in March...

The food and wine have been served, and the maid has withdrawn...

Lin Su raised his glass: You must have drank from Baiyunbian, but you may not have drank from Grade A. Come on, let me toast you.

Mo Qing raised his glass, took a sip, and nodded lightly: It's really delicious. I never knew there was such a wonderful wine in the world until I visited Haining City.

These home-cooked dishes are not delicacies from mountains and seas, but they are what I like and recommend to others. I hope you will like them too.

Fresh and crisp, refreshing and sweet... Mo Qing tasted each one: You and I really have the same taste.

What are you doing in Haining? Lin Su asked in six words.

There is no honorific, no standard wording for literary experts, it is just a greeting between ordinary people, but this tone and tone can make people more relaxed.

Mo Qing said: I came here specifically to see you.

What do you want from me?

I want to ask you whether the round-square problem you solved when you were picking up things in the Taoist Garden was luck.

Lin Su was slightly startled: You came all the way just for a question?

The problem of a circle and a square may be just a difficult problem in arithmetic for you, but for me and the Mohists, it has a different meaning...

Lin Su nodded slowly: The Mohist family is proficient in manufacturing, and the question of round and square is a truly practical knowledge in the Mohist family. Do you understand it that way?

Would you like to hear a story? Mo Qing's voice was a little strange.

you say……

Twenty years ago, Xilie Prefecture faced the threat of demons from outside the territory. There was a city stuck at the gateway from Xilie Prefecture to outside the territory, called Guancheng.

The defenders of Guancheng came thousands of miles away and asked the Mohist family to build a strong city for them to control the demons. The Mohist family agreed and sent a top elder there.

It took them ten years to finally build a defensive formation that combined the essence of the Mohist family. This defensive formation required covering the altar with a radius of ten thousand feet with colorful cloud crystals in order to activate the avenue of heaven and earth and activate the entire formation. These colorful cloud crystals are very precious and come from the distant Demon State. The top elder made calculations through many years of experience and determined that a total of 1.3 million cloud crystals were needed. After spending countless manpower and material resources, he finally obtained all the cloud crystals from the Demon State. The required cloud crystals were needed, but after laying them on, an accident happened.

The calculation was wrong and eighty-seven cloud crystals were missing.

At that time, the demon army had arrived, and they had no choice but to use eighty-seven pieces of water cloud crystals to replace them. The formation was successfully activated, but in the end, hidden dangers were left.

Because of this almost negligible error, Guancheng was lost, the demon army invaded, and millions of soldiers and civilians in Guancheng lost their lives.

No one blames Mr. Mo, because everyone knows that controlling a number in the millions and controlling the error below 100 is a top-notch method. It was just an unintentional mistake on his part.

However, this elder was still brooding over the deaths of millions of soldiers and civilians, so he sealed himself in the Moxin Lake Self-examination Pavilion and did not see the light of day for ten years.

Do you know who this elder is? He is my father!

The wine glass in Lin Su's hand suddenly positioned itself in the air.

Mo Qing drank the wine in her hand and stared into Lin Su's eyes: Can you tell me now, is it really just luck that you decrypted the Yuanfang problem that day?

Lin Su sighed: I've always had bad luck.

Mo Qing's eyes suddenly brightened: Can you tell me how to solve the problem of a round square?

Lin Su reached out and poured another glass. The wine glass turned gently in his hand, and he was speechless for a moment...

Grandmaster Lin, I also know not to pass it lightly. Grandmaster Lin just asks if you need it.

Lin Su shook his head gently: There is no saying here that 'the Tao should not be taught lightly'. My Tao can be spread as much as possible, but please forgive me, my arithmetic is a unique system. You know nothing about this arithmetic. You can't possibly understand it.

Mo Qing's brain was suddenly filled with an emotion, which could be called depression or dissatisfaction...

She said quietly: Does Grandmaster Lin despise the Mohist way? Although arithmetic is not the main way of the Mohist school, it is also a compulsory subject. Mo Qing's research on the way of arithmetic should be no less than that of Grandmaster Xie of Qinglian in your country. Grandmaster Lin made it clear Can’t Mo Qing understand the idea of ​​solving the problem?”

Don't misunderstand Saint Mo. I'm not looking down on your arithmetic foundation. I'm just saying that my arithmetic is self-contained. If you don't understand the basic parts in front, you won't be able to understand the evolution behind it. You must know that tall buildings rise from the ground.

Tall buildings rise from the ground! Although it is common sense, it is also the truth! Mo Qing said: Grandmaster Lin has his own arithmetic system. Mo Qing is becoming more and more interested. I wonder if I can give a demonstration?

Lin Su smiled slightly: You mentioned Xie Yun just now, what do you think of his Qianji Arithmetic?

“Ingeniously conceived and quite innovative.”

Lin Sudao: Then let me show you a tool, which is similar to Qian Ji Calculation.

Mo Qing's eyes brightened...

It is said that people from the Mo family are good at making instruments. Can you make this tool for me?

Draw a sketch!

Lin Su stretched out his hand, a drop of wine touched his finger, and he drew an abacus...

Mo Qing raised her hand, and a ruler appeared in her palm. An abacus suddenly appeared on the ruler. It was neither gold nor wood, but it was very delicate.

Lin Su was dumbfounded, shocked by the unpredictable artifact skills of the Mo family.

Is this what you want?

The skills of the Mohists are unpredictable, I admire you! Lin Su said: Now please come up with a question to test Lin...

Mo Qing casually mentioned some numbers, starting with two digits, then three digits, and finally adding four digits...

Lin Su moved the abacus beads in his hand and added them up. After all the eighteen groups of numbers were reported, Lin Su did not hesitate for a second and directly gave the answer: 5291!

Mo Qing stared at him blankly, completely dumbfounded.

Do you need to verify the accuracy of this number? Lin Su said.

Mo Qing let out a long breath: No need to verify, you are right, because the number I quoted is the number of ink lotus on the eighteen ink heart pillars in Moxin Lake. I know that the total number is exactly 5291.

Lin Su smiled softly: How about a deal?

you say!

Lin Sudao: I ran an arithmetic class at Haining University. I took two main courses: Chinese and arithmetic. Arithmetic is the basic part of my arithmetic system. I wonder if you can put down your life and live there for a while.

I don't know what the expression was on Mo Qing's face: You want me to be a student in a magic class you run?

No! It's to be a teacher! Lin Su said: You teach the children three months, one lesson a day, half an hour is enough, specializing in utensil making, and the reward is that you can get what I give them The arithmetic textbooks I wrote are the keys to my unique arithmetic. After three months, I guarantee that you will be able to solve any round or square problem easily.

The situation on Mo Qing's face changed.

She is a Mohist saint, a master in the literary world. She has almost reached the pinnacle in the literary world. People like her are shackles of status. Even if she has always been friendly, it does not mean that she has nothing to do with her. There is no bottom line. At least she goes to a small elementary school to learn the same knowledge from the children. She can't stand it, but this arithmetic is so mysterious and magical...

And he also said it himself that after three months, he promised that she would be able to solve the round-square problem, and any round-square problem! ! !

She pondered for a long time: Does this textbook include the abacus you just demonstrated?

In her opinion, this abacus is much more magical than the Thousand Machine Arithmetic seen in Qinglian Lundao, and she is interested in it.

It's not in the textbook, but I can go and teach them this lesson now, and you can come and listen.

Lin Su teaches in person?

Mo Qing's heart was pounding wildly. She had not forgotten Qinglian's discussion that day. Feng Wu and Li Guihan both guessed what he would discuss. Novels, poems, and arithmetic all appeared in their mouths.

Teaching in person is also a type of discussion, but this time he will be discussing arithmetic...

Mo Qing agreed!

After a simple lunch, the two of them rose into the air at the same time and shot towards Haining Academy - by the way, Mo Qing disguised himself and turned into a middle-aged man.

When Lin Su arrived at Haining Academy's arithmetic class, everyone knelt down to greet him. Lin Su said: Everyone gather together, I will teach you a new arithmetic.

All the students jumped with excitement and shouted at the same time: Thank you, Master, for preaching!

The cry broke through the sky.

Even Baoshan, Ding Chengru and Ren Taiyan next door were alarmed...

Lin Su wants to preach?

Is it preaching or calculating?

You have to listen to it!

On the huge square, Lin Su raised his hand, and the abacus in his hand clattered: Everyone, the object in my hand is called an 'abacus'. Its structure is extremely simple. Anyone can make it, but you may not be able to imagine it. As long as you master this skill, the calculation speed will increase ten to twenty times...

As soon as Wen Dao's power came out, a huge abacus projection appeared in the sky.

Lin Su began to explain the basic composition of the abacus, the operation rules, and the operation formulas...

As he explained, he demonstrated casually, and countless strange symbols appeared in the sky - of course, these were just strange symbols in Mo Qing's eyes, but everyone present knew that this was the Da Cang Talisman created by Lin Su...

The explanation gradually deepened, and Lin Su's eloquence was fragrant. On the huge square, golden lotuses were blooming. Lin Su walked on the high platform, and lotuses grew at every step...

Baoshan and Ren Taiyan had already been shocked. They had been focusing on teaching classes for a long time, but this did not mean that they did not understand arithmetic. It was precisely because they knew arithmetic that they really understood the horror of Lin Su's magical tool. As he said, this abacus is a Out, the computing speed is increased ten to twenty times, which is a great merit for the world!

He turned his attention to Ding Chengru. Ding Chengru was a godless person. Who was the most stubborn in Haining Academy? It is undoubtedly this old man. In his eyes, the holy way is equal to the classic works of sages, and reading is for scientific examination. He has never paid attention to arithmetic and other things that are not involved in scientific examination. But today, his inherent concept has been overturned, because Lin Su was talking about arithmetic, and lotuses were born every step of the way. The temple considered this a great merit, so who would dare to deny it?

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