Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 435 Expelled from Yuping Mountain

Yang Dong is clearly using this move to show his loyalty to Zhao Xun!

Another ten sticks, a smile appeared on Yang Dong's face. With this move, wouldn't Mr. Zhao be favored? It's time for me, the head catcher, to become the chief catcher in Zhongzhou.

People must be good at seizing opportunities.

As long as you seize the right opportunity once, your future will be completely different.

How can you, a little fourth-grade official, come down to handle a case and really make a huge difference?

Therefore, he did not take Lin Su seriously at all.

In the blink of an eye, with a crackling sound, twenty-six canes were struck!

When the twenty-seventh staff was going down, Lin Su suddenly stretched out his hand, and the staff in the catcher's hand fell into his hand.

How many sticks are left? Lin Su asked.

The policeman was a little panicked: There are four more sticks!

Okay, I will do the next four sticks myself! Lin Su raised his hand and shouted...

As soon as the stick fell, Yang Dong let out a scream that was extremely piercing. The scream stopped suddenly. He tilted his head and passed out...

A trace of cold sweat broke out on everyone's back at the same time...

With this stick, Yang Dong's upper body was almost broken into two pieces!

What is certain is that all the bones and tendons are absolutely broken, and they are pulverized...

Yang Dong is useless, forever!

Lin Su didn't seem to pay attention to Yang Dong's injury at all, and asked calmly: Yang Baotou, there are three more staffs next, can you still take my place?

Yang Dong had already fainted and was naturally silent.

If Yang Dong doesn't say anything, he can't take his place again! Lin Su said: You two, are you willing to take your place? If you are willing, I will also give you a chance to please the Zhao family?

His eyes moved towards the two detectives who had just executed.

The expressions of the two detectives changed at the same time and they backed away.

The scene was extremely quiet.

Everyone felt a kind of fear coming from the bottom of their hearts. The official in front of them was so cruel. He could obviously refuse Yang Dongdai’s request to be punished, but he just went ahead and stood aside and watched indifferently as he received the twenty-six sticks. It was only on the twenty-seventh stroke that he took action and destroyed it with one stroke.

And it happened to leave three sticks behind.

These three sticks are special and are reserved for three people, the two executioners, plus Mrs. Zhao!

With his strength and determination, the next three sticks will definitely be one stick at a time, and no one can withstand the second stick.

This kind of calmness, this kind of orderliness is far more frightening than his raging anger!

It seems that these two are no longer in charge! Zhao Zhengyan, it's your turn! Lin Su raised his staff high with his hands together...

Suddenly, a figure flashed in the sky, and a figure came through the sky and appeared in front of Lin Su: Mr. Lin, wait a minute...

The person who suddenly appeared was a man wearing a fourth-grade official uniform. He was about forty years old, with a dignified appearance and dignity.

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at the person in front of him: Who is it?

The official in front of him raised his hand, and the official seal was in his hand: I am Li Han, the prefect of Hexi Province.

It turns out it's the prefect! Lin Su said calmly: Does Master Li also want to stop me from enforcing the law?

How dare you! Li Han said: As the father and mother of this mansion, I respect the highly respected country squires. Please do not be reckless about today's matter. Mr. Lin, please put down your staff and consider the long term.

Lin Su said: Prefect Li wants this thief to be exempted from the magic staff. Come on, come on, you will take his place!

Li Han's face suddenly stiffened.

What? Mr. Li! Lin Su said: You changed the county magistrate privately that day, aren't you used to being a dog for the Zhao family? Now your old man is in trouble, and you need to step forward, but you don't dare?

You... Li Han's expression changed drastically.

Lin Su's face suddenly darkened: I enforce the laws of Da Cang and act in accordance with the rules and regulations! If you want to take my place, get down, if you don't want to take my place, just get out!

Li Han was completely caught in a dilemma...

At this moment, his official seal suddenly lit up, and a shadow rose into the sky, it was Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun appears!

The entire tense atmosphere in the Zhao family was instantly eliminated!

Li Zhiyuan and Zeng Shigui raised their eyes and stared at the figure in the sky, while cold sweat broke out on their backs.

A second-rank official, a truly high-ranking official in the court, and also a confidant of His Majesty.

Who in the officialdom can afford to offend such a person?

Zhao Xun didn't even look at the people in the field. He only stared at Lin Su: Master Lin, you are really majestic today.

Lin Sudao: To be honest with Mr. Zhao, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!

As soon as these words came out, there were stitches and seams.

Mr. Lin, can you lend me a moment to speak? Zhao Xun took a deep breath.

When a man is established in this world, he can tell everyone everything he wants, so why bother? If you have something to say, just say it!

Zhao Xun was silent for a long time: Mr. Lin, although Yuping Mountain is not the ancestral property of the Zhao family, over the past twenty or thirty years, two generations have built up the foundation they have today. It is unreasonable and unreasonable for you to let the Zhao family give up like this. .”

In the past 20 to 30 years, the Zhao family has used all kinds of despicable means to force the villagers out of Yuping Mountain, resulting in 300,000 people becoming homeless and tens of thousands of people buried in the black swamp. Mr. Zhao said For the foundation...don’t you think this foundation is a bit bloody?”

Zhao Xun said slowly: In the past, the right and wrong can no longer be distinguished. Mr. Lin, how about we adopt a compromise method? The Zhao family paid for the deed of the land in your hands. In addition, give some money to the people who have left Yuping Mountain in recent years. In order to settle down and establish a life, Mr. Lin has the nature of caring about the world, so he should know that this is the best way.

Zeng Shigui and Li Zhiyuan looked at each other with excitement in their eyes. This method might really be a good idea.

Yuping Mountain has been de facto surnamed Zhao. It is almost impossible to forcefully seize food from the tiger's mouth. The Zhao family is forced to relent and compensate the villagers. As long as the compensation is enough, it will be a great blessing!

Sorry, I won't sell it! Lin Su replied decisively.

Zhao Xun's expression changed: Mr. Lin didn't even listen to what price I offered and just refused?

No matter how much you offer, you won't sell it! Lin Su said: Just because the evil done by your Zhao family cannot be compensated for by money!

Zhao Xun's face darkened: What do you want?

I will drive your Zhao family out of Yuping Mountain and move your family's ancestral graves out of Yuping Mountain. I just want your Zhao family to taste what it's like to leave your hometown!

Lin Su! Zhao Xun stood up, already furious. As a second-grade high-ranking official, he begged him in a low voice for a long time, but what he got in return was a decisive decision without any room for mercy. This was a disregard for him, and it was also a disrespect for him. Insult!

How can he endure it?

Lin Su said coldly: The law of Da Cang is current. I will enforce the law now! Someone comes and takes down Zhao Zhengyan who refuses to move! Let's finish beating the remaining three magic staffs!

Li Li took the first step forward to arrest him.

Zhao Zhengyan's whole body was filled with purple energy, and he was still debating whether to resist or not.

Lin Su's eyes were like daggers, locked firmly. As long as Zhao Zhengyan dared to resist, he would kill him directly!

Everything is out of control...

Just when Zhao Zhengyan's eyes suddenly opened, a loud shout suddenly came from the air: Move!

Capt. Li stopped, Zhao Zhengyan's body was crumbling, and everyone in the venue felt like they were being cramped and felt powerless...

The moment just now was thrilling.

If Zhao Xun doesn't turn around, things will be out of control.

Zhao Zhengyan will definitely resist, but Lin Suzhen knows how to kill...

Zhao Xun is soft!

Lin Su, you are cruel! My Zhao family... is moving!

Lin Su raised his head, stared at the red eyes in the official seal, and said calmly: Master Zhao can really lift it up and let it go. Well, I will give the Zhao family one night. I don't want to be here tomorrow morning. If Yupingshan sees any Zhao family members, they don’t want to see Zhao family dogs!”

After saying that, he turned around.

Zhao Xun's shadow in the sky disappeared.

The old man of the Zhao family shook his feet and rose into the sky. Seven green bricks on the ground were broken!

His kick was an outlet for all the frustration he felt today.

But Lin Su completely ignored this. His eyes slowly moved to the group of policemen on the right, and he gently circled his hand: County Magistrate Zeng, please fire all these people!

According to the order! Zeng Shigui held his hands together, and the wooden plaques around the waists of these agents broke at the same time. From then on, they were no longer Beichuan agents.

The policemen were all anxious and knelt down to beg for mercy.

But all three adults were far away.

There is only one person, and theoretically this person is no less important than the three just now, because he is Li Han, the prefect of Hexi who is in charge of Beichuan County.

Unfortunately, Li Han has collapsed.

When Lin Su told him to get lost in front of thousands of people, all Li Han's energy and energy collapsed.

This night, Beichuan County, which had been quiet for a long time, became lively.

Yuping Mountain is very lively, and the Zhao family is busy moving...

Black Marsh was very lively. When the villagers heard the news that Li Zhiyuan brought back, they were overjoyed at first, and then burst into tears. Over the years, they had been forced out of Yuping Mountain and the prosperity of the county, and came to Black Marsh to fight against the sky. Fighting with the ground and crocodiles, how many children accidentally died in the swamp, how many good men died in the mouth of the crocodile? How many elderly people have left their beloved relatives and walked into Wutan's deathbed alone, just to leave a hope of survival for their descendants?

But now, everything has changed.

Three days ago, the demon king of Wutan was killed.

The black fish soup has not been finished, and the villagers' excitement has not passed. They once again received greater good news. The Zhao family, which had been in Yuping Mountain for thirty years and had committed all kinds of evil, was driven out of Yuping Mountain. The villagers could If you live on Yuping Mountain, the fertile black land will be distributed to the villagers for planting, and they will escape from the hellish black swamp!

Are these scenes that even the villagers could not have dreamed of in their dreams, could they be true?

Not to mention that the villagers were dubious, even Li Zhiyuan's wife pulled her husband into the room to ask for confirmation again and again. The girl from his family was also outside the door, blinking her big eyes, eavesdropping on her brother's answer...

Li Zhiyuan let out a long sigh, which made both his sister-in-law feel cold at the same time...

Li Zhiyuan sighed: No wonder Zeng Shigui always said that if there is one person who can solve the deadlock in Beichuan, it is undoubtedly him. He is the kind of person who specializes in solving the most difficult problems.

The aunts and sisters were all stunned. You haven't answered directly yet whether what you just said is true or false.

Li Zhiyuan smiled: Madam, don't doubt me. Everything I said to my husband is not a lie. Good times are coming for the folks, and it may be much better than expected.

Ah, my wife jumped up!

The girl outside the door wants to find a stick to beat her brother to pieces. Why are you sighing because it's okay? Do you know that your tone just now almost made this girl have a heart attack...

The folks from Black Marsh left Black Marsh overnight, and at dawn the next day, tens of thousands of people arrived at the foot of Yuping Mountain.

The rest are also coming one after another.

The gate of Beichuan City opened, and a team of policemen came out from inside. At the front of the policemen were two figures, Lin Su and Zeng Shigui. Li Zhiyuan greeted them, and the three officials formed the same formation as yesterday. , then go up to Yuping Mountain.

As soon as they reached Yuping Mountain, everyone's expressions were quite strange...

The majestic and luxurious manor of yesterday is gone...

The courtyard wall was torn down, the house was in ruins, the luxurious mahogany furniture was burned to black charcoal, and some even smoked. Lin Su walked past the ruins, and the pond in front was filled with all kinds of waste. It was so dirty that a police officer came to report that there were more than 20 wells around here, all of which had been filled up.

Li Zhiyuan's face was extremely ugly, and he muttered something vaguely: Small means are too small, and others will cause trouble...

In his view, since things have reached this stage, you can just move openly. After moving, you will completely destroy your home and even fill up the wells, for fear that others will get any benefit from you. How can such a family have any point? Can you speak of magnanimity?

Lin Su's expression did not change. He could predict this outcome. If Zhao Xun was at home, he might really leave quietly. But unfortunately he was not here. The head of the family was a former water pirate leader. What can you expect from such a person? What's the size?

Pushing down courtyard walls and filling wells is a waste, but not poisoning the wells is considered good.

Until there is new news from outside...

All the fruit trees on the mountain were cut down, and the grapevines that had been growing for several years were also cut down. Even the roots were dug up and the roots were burned...

As soon as the news came, everyone was angry!

Zhao family, so vicious?

The Zhao family is incapable of doing things...

The Zhao family harms others but does not benefit oneself...

Why is Yuping Mountain so fascinating? In addition to the rich soil and meat, there is also the fragrance of melons and fruits. The villagers originally thought that once the Zhao family was driven away, the villagers could also live a happy life as melon and fruit farmers, but the Zhao family was beyond their imagination. , unwilling to let the villagers take any advantage, they had no choice but to leave Yuping Mountain. Before leaving, they destroyed the fruit trees all over the mountain, knocked down all the buildings, and left the villagers in ruins.

Everyone was angry.

Some of them are not angry, but sad.

Farmers feel heartbroken when they see mature crops being destroyed, even if these things are not theirs at all.

At this moment, they were really sad to face the destruction of these fruit trees that were already bearing fruit.

Lin Su smiled: That's fine! As the saying goes, if you don't destroy, you don't build. After you destroy, you build. Now that Yuping Mountain has been cleared, we can just make a new layout!

Zeng Shigui's eyes lit up, and Li Zhiyuan's eyes flickered, a glimmer of hope clearly rising from the bottom of his heart.

Brother Zeng! Lin Su said: Do you know the complete transformation process of Haining River Beach?

Zeng Shigui said: I know!

He is considered a competent county magistrate. Before he took office, he had already thought about how to govern after taking office. Therefore, he spent two months conducting comprehensive research on Haining Jiangtan and understanding all the reconstruction processes of Haining Jiangtan.

Just follow the model of Haining River Beach. First make a comprehensive plan... Come, let's take a walk...

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