Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 452 A meeting spanning thirteen years

Those who are at the peak of Xiangtian Dharma and Earth have a 30% chance of success. Those who master certain rules and have a glimpse of the realm of 'Source Heaven' have a 50% chance of success.

Like heaven and earth?

Does it have to be at its peak?

Zhang Yiyu and Caizhulian had to step aside.

Among the people he knew, only one person seemed to have achieved it. Who was it? Wu Xue!

This little girl ran away to the west and there is no news...

Even if she comes back, it may be quite difficult to really fool her to that extent. Lin Su is a little unmotivated...

Not many human women can reach this level. How about we give it a try?

Lin Su's eyes lit up at this moment, staring at the peach demon...

Tao Yao chuckled: Do you really think about it? It's useless to think about it. I don't have a body at all, and I'm not a Taoist...

Lin Su sweated profusely, shook his face and ran away, the Peach Demon's wanton laughter came from behind...

Lin Su was finally teased severely by her.

Returning to his true body, Lin Su's two souls continued to split into two, and one of them continued to flow down the river of time and space...

Peach Demon said three methods, and probably only the third one was reliable.

Then continue walking along this road...

Anyway, he has the biggest cheating device, that is, the soul can be divided into two, and one of the souls can be exiled far away. He does not have to think about this at all. Understanding the rules is not difficult for him at all. .

The soul in the long river of time has been abused. However, Lin Su abused himself. Do you have any objections?

The next morning, Lin Su got up early and came to Lu Yi's room. He put his hands around Lu Yi's neck and picked her up. Lu Yi was actually awake, but she wouldn't open her eyes. Eyes, she wanted to see if this bad guy husband dared to do this in broad daylight.

Unexpectedly, Lin Su's hand didn't reach down at all. He just leaned into her ear and asked a question: Baby, I'm going to Beijing. Do you want to come with me?

The beautiful big eyes in green suddenly opened wide, looking at my husband with surprise and joy...

Half an hour later, Lin Su rose into the sky holding green clothes and once again embarked on the road to Beijing.

Cui Ying looked up at the sky for a long time: Sister Chen, why is your husband so anxious this time? He only stayed at home for three days and then left.

There are still things to do in the capital, it's quite urgent. Sister Chen could only say this.

He took the sisters in green with him, so there's probably nothing dangerous going on. Cui Ying was quite relaxed.

She knew her husband well. If there was danger, he would never take Lu Yi, nor any of them. If he took Lu Yi on the road, this trip to the capital would not be too dangerous.

But she definitely didn't know that Lin Su's trip to the capital was not without danger...

Lin Su took Lu Yi with him just because he wanted to fulfill Lu Yi's thirteen-year wish.

Back then, outside Yanmen Pass, the autumn wind roared, and three troubled duckweeds drifted towards their unknown journey...

My sister entered the Taoist gate.

My brother entered the burglary.

The ten-year-old girl, wearing green clothes, stepped into the mountains of the North Country.

From then on, the mountains and rivers were restored, and the sea of ​​people became vast.

They don't know each other's news, and they miss their loved ones day and night.

Now, his brother and sister are already in the capital, and Lin Su can't bear to wait any longer in Lu Yi.

Things are unpredictable, and no one knows which one will come first, the accident or tomorrow.

He must let Lu Yi meet his brother and sister.

Green Yi is very excited...

High in the sky, she was sitting in Lin Su's arms. Under their buttocks was the Weiyang pen...

Weiyang Bi is now more than five feet long, like a light boat, gliding across the sky for thousands of miles, flying straight to the capital...

Ms. sir, what kind of person is my brother?

These words, coming from my sister's mouth, are probably a strange thing in the world.

However, it is so reasonable at this moment.

What kind of person was he before? Lin Su asked.

In the past, when I separated from my elder brother, I was only ten years old. I only knew that when my elder brother was a prince, he was very romantic and unrestrained. Even the maids around him surrounded him. Why do you say that you look so much like your husband, hehe... …

Green Yi threw herself into his arms, hugged his waist and looked up at him.

Lin Su scratched the tip of her nose: Now, he looks a lot like me.

Where is the elephant?

The situation is very similar. A bunch of people want to kill him...

The two of them were talking nonchalantly, and at the end of Weiyang's pen, Little Witch Zhou's heartbeat accelerated...

Lin Su returns to the capital. As a portable plug-in, she will naturally follow her. Because there is an extra green cloth on the pen, she has to be invisible...

Even if Lu Yi was beaten coldly, she would not believe that she and her husband were intimate with each other thousands of feet high in the sky, and there was a person sitting less than two feet away from her.

Little Witch Zhou knew a lot of things...

The green-dressed woman in front of her was the thirteenth princess of the Jin Dynasty in the past. She also had an older brother and an older sister. She was going to meet her older brother and older sister.

This is the great secret!

Although Da Jin was not an enemy of Da Cang, and although Da Jin had died, to the people of Da Yu, these three royal relics were all taboo figures.

He didn't hide any secrets of this level from her!

Zhou Mei didn't know when a warm current quietly emerged in her heart.

Even if her time with him was short, even if the last time he went to Beijing, he deliberately left her and disappeared for two nights, which was a bit strange, even if he was just trying to get rid of her in front of her, and she was very annoyed that he was asked to sing without singing. But from now on, there is no barrier, because he is willing to reveal the secret in front of her, he does not guard against her, he already regards her as his own!

Lin Su's gaze shot through Lu Yi's shoulder to where Zhou Mei was, with a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Mei is the person he strives to become a good person around him. Theoretically, he can confide all kinds of secrets to her, just like all the secrets of King Chen are known to his heart. However, he still has reservations. He did not tell her Lu Yi's brother's true identity, An Xiang's secret is too big and too sensitive...

Three thousand miles away, it only takes half a day.

When the sun sets in the west, the green clothes go up to the west mountain again.

Lingyin Temple, sleeping quietly under the golden sunset.

Living in the middle of the mountain, it is always as quiet as a spring night.

The Zen door knocked and slowly opened, as if opening a piece of history that had been sealed for a long time.

Bi Xuanji stood by the door. At this moment, her always motionless demeanor completely changed. The moment she saw the green clothes, her defense broke.

The body in green clothes was trembling slightly, and Lin Su held her shoulders: You guys, go inside, I'll have a cup of tea outside.

Bi Xuanji and Lu Yi entered the inner room.

As soon as the door was closed, the two sisters hugged each other tightly, hugging each other so tightly that the tears in green clothes wet the skirt of their sister's clothes...

For a long, long time...

Bi Xuanji slowly let go of her: Sister, it's been thirteen years!

The farewell outside Yanmen Pass that day was at Chen hour on the seventh day of the second lunar month, thirteen years, three months and eighteen days ago! Green Yi shed tears like rain.

Bi Xuanji gently wiped away her tears: Do you blame sister? Sister forced you to leave in the first place.

Lu Yi shook his head desperately: I know that my sister is going to embark on a dangerous road. You don't have to ask me to go, you just don't want me to escape death with you...

Lin Su drank a cup of tea, turned around and left the mountainside residence.

The two sisters reunited after a long absence. There were endless topics to talk about and endless tears to shed. There was no need for him to stay here. Lu Yi's safety was his own responsibility, so there was no need for him to worry about it.

He had something to do when he came to Beijing this time.

Now, is the beginning of his layout!

Stepping down the Western Mountain, Lin Su's eyes fell on the jungle on the left, and his heart skipped a beat. He made a very strange discovery.

He found that he could feel Zhou Mei's presence.

Although Zhou Mei was absolutely invisible at the moment, he still drew her outline in his mind.

This was something he couldn't do before.


There is only one reason. Yesterday, his two souls merged. This was the first time since his Qinglian Discussing the Tao. It has been more than three months since Qinglian discussed the Tao. During these more than three months, he was exiled in The soul in the long river of time and space is studying the laws of time and space all the time.

This fusion, the result of three months of enlightenment, was brought to him in a bag...

The laws of time and space are mysterious and unpredictable. He dare not say how deep his understanding is, but even if it is just a little superficial, it is still enough for him to discover the existence of Zhou Mei - no matter what the invisibility technique is, it has an entity after all. It exists in space.

Little witch, you've been out for so long, don't you want to go home?

Little Witch Zhou's voice penetrated into his ears: What? Do you want to take action against Bi Xuanji? I won't affect your affairs. Do you care whether I go home or not?

You're thinking too much! Lin Su said, I just want to be a guest at your house.

What's the plot? Little Witch Zhou suddenly became alert.

You don't want to play with a pair of sisters, you don't go into the princess's palace, you don't bite your lips in Lingyin Temple, but you want to go to her house? Little Witch Zhou was thinking very frivolously for a moment, you don’t really want to do this to me, do you? Or dragging her father onto his pirate ship, no matter which one it is, it's not a big deal.

All must be a cause for alarm.

What could I have planned? It's just that your father was assassinated the night before yesterday and your mother was injured. The quack doctors in the capital may not have the ability to treat injuries like me. I treated your mother's injuries.

ah? Zhou Mei exclaimed and disappeared on the spot.

Together, she passed through half of the capital, passed through the backyard, and appeared silently in her mother's room.

When Zhou Zhang's official seal suddenly lit up, the little witch appeared...

Zhou Mei pounced on her mother, who was lying on the bed with her face as pale as paper, her whole body covered like a mummy.

But even though she was so seriously injured, when Zhou Mei came in, her eyes still opened suddenly, her eyes still filled with murderous intent.

When he saw it was his daughter, the murderous look in his eyes instantly turned into a spring breeze. are you?

My mother has been harmed by your father all her life! Her mother sighed endlessly on the bed: If your mother is really dead, you should seek revenge from your father. If it weren't for him, how could I, a pure and pure fairy, have done this? Falling into the world of mortals and ending up like this?

Zhou Zhang originally had a guilty look on his face, but now his guilt was gone, and he was desperately pulling at his beard.

Zhou Mei chuckled: Mom, you can still joke, it seems that the injury is not serious.

I'm covered all over. Isn't this heavy? How much do you want? You are a heartless little thing. You are exactly the same as your father. You are all out and too lazy to chat with you...

Zhou Mei smiled and said, Mom, I have a conscience now. I'll find a doctor for you and he'll be here right away.

Are you specifically angry with me? Have you forgotten your mother's nickname? The woman on the bed was angry.

Zhou Zhang came over to please her: Mei'er, there's really no need for a doctor. Your mother is known as the 'Invisible Rejuvenator' and is the best doctor herself. She can't even compare to the imperial physician.

My mother's medical skills are better than those of the imperial physician, but compared to him, you are definitely a little behind...

The mother was annoyed and jumped up on the bed: You are seizing the opportunity to make me angry, right? When I get better, I won't be able to beat you to death...

At this moment, someone came quickly outside the house: Master, there are guests visiting.

The sound in the room suddenly stopped.

Zhou Zhang and the person on the bed looked at each other in confusion: Who is it?

Master Inspector Lin Sulin.

Lin Su? Zhou Zhang was a little confused: What is this guy doing here in the middle of the night?

What he was looking at was Zhou Mei. Zhou Mei had been with him during this period and she should know why he came here.

Zhou Mei smiled mysteriously: He is the doctor I invited!

ah? Her parents were confused at the same time...

Lin Su entered Zhou's house and came to Madam's bedside. He raised his finger slightly and pointed at Madam's forehead. Madam's eyes suddenly opened wide. What kind of power is this?

Under the powerful influence of the rejuvenation seedlings, the wounds all over her body squirmed at the same time, and the internal and external injuries entered the countdown at the same time. The lady looked at Lin Su blankly, her eyes slowly closed, and she fell into a sweet dream...

What kind of medicine is this? Zhou Zhang exhaled softly.

This is a rejuvenation seedling, a reward from the temple. Lin Su told the truth.

Did it also cure my poison last time?


Zhou Zhang took a deep breath: Come on, sit over there.

Outside the room is a small courtyard, and near the lotus pond is a small pavilion. Above the small pavilion and under the eaves, there are two words engraved: Tianya.

The three characters Tianya Pavilion are newly engraved, with a round and soft strokes and experienced writing skills. It is obviously written by a great Confucian. At the moment of these three characters, half of the lotus pond is illuminated at night. There is no need for candles at all, and the night itself appears in detail.

Knowing the word Tianya Pavilion, where does the inspiration come from?

Zhou Zhang sat at the main seat and poured Lin Su a cup of tea.

When I came here last time, these three words were not there. I don't know what happened during this period that triggered your inspiration. Lin Su took his teacup.

Zhou Zhang raised his teacup: That day I was pulled back from the gate of hell, and my memories were like dreams. At that time, the legendary poem Tian Jing Sha. Autumn Thoughts that you wrote in the ancient country of Nanyang was introduced to the capital. I have a lot of feelings when I read this word...

In his youth, when he was serving as the magistrate of Hexi County, he happened to meet a Jianghu woman, who was Meier's mother.

From then on, everything in the world of martial arts and officialdom was high-spirited.

However, the cruelty of the world and the intrigues in the officialdom have made Meier's mother tired. She wants to leave everything behind and live in seclusion in the mountains and forests with him, living a life of a small bridge and flowing water.

But he couldn't let it go. After studying hard for more than ten years, he finally succeeded in his studies and entered the officialdom. Who doesn't want to advance bravely? After a dispute, they separated, and she took her daughter away, leaving him with his son.

After that, he rose up the official ranks step by step, entered the capital, got married, and gave birth to a lot of children, but she never married.

The officialdom was exhausting. He was getting higher and higher in the officialdom, and he was exhausted both physically and mentally. He yearned more and more for a family with a small bridge and flowing water. However, he was already stuck in the quagmire of the court, and he had too many burdens on his body, and he could no longer struggle out.

Time flies, flowers fall and flowers fly, and it has been nearly twenty years in the blink of an eye.

When they met again, they were led by the death of their common son...

Both of them regretted it...

Heartbroken people are at the end of the world is their common feeling in the past twenty years...

Therefore, this pavilion is named Tianya Pavilion. This pavilion will remind them every day that life is short and it is not easy to stay together.

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