Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 458 Ledao Ziyi

Zhang Haoran let out a long breath: Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest. Why not whistling and walking slowly? The bamboo stick and mango shoes are lighter than the horse. Who is afraid of living in a misty raincoat for the rest of your life... Free and easy, chic, and heroic, all of them have been expressed. Extremely, this is his best word, right?

I don't know if it is his best word, but I know that it should be the truest portrayal of himself! I have always wanted to express his experience in the past two years in one word, but I don't have the talent. Today he gave his own answer, that is...a new song will set the storm! Huo Qidao.

On the Western Mountain, tears in green clothes are flowing...

My husband, I know how heroic you are, and I also know how many miserable winds and rains you have encountered, but why do I still want to cry when I hear this poem?

The people all over the city were shouting loudly, and the literati all over the city were obsessed...

No matter how much hatred they had for Lin Su in the past, at this moment, they were still deeply moved by this unique poem...

He stared at the green lotus in the sky for an inexplicable long time, and smiled softly: Looking back to the desolate place, when I go back, there is neither wind, rain, nor sunshine!... In fact, between you and me, there is also 'there is neither wind, rain, nor sunshine', It’s time for me to go back!”

As soon as the voice fell, the nine steps under his feet turned into a passage, extending to Lin Su's feet. At the barrier of poetry, he was resigned to being inferior, and used his own words to build a passage for him to pass.

The holy voice came from the sky: Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest, why not whistling and walking slowly... The Qing Dynasty poem Ding Feng Bo has been handed down from generation to generation. The poem has been passed down to the world, and I will give it to Qi Wenbao Ding Feng Plate!

The green lotus in the sky suddenly retracted and turned into a blue roulette, which shot down with a chirping sound...

Got in...

It got into the inexplicable eyebrows!

Everyone was stunned.

The most stupid one is Lin Su!

I C! I am the one who wrote down the storm, but the treasure you gave me was given to inexplicable people. What does that mean?

Inexplicably, I was stunned: What do you mean?

Lin Su slapped himself on the forehead: Understood, I just said that this song Ding Fengbo is given to you! So Wen Bao is given to you... Actually...

Stopped abruptly.

He didn't say what he said next, but who in the city didn't understand?

The sentence he said at the beginning, I will give you the song Ding Feng Bo, really means: teach you a lesson!

However, the temple interpreted his words as a normal gift and gave the Wen Bao to Mo Wei.

Oh my god, what's going on?


Holy gift of cultural treasure!

Why am I not the enemy?

Everyone in the city was in a state of shock, and many people were even wondering whether they should jump out and find something with Lin. Even if you can't match his poetic talent, as long as you hear his words, maybe the fruits of his labor will belong to you. Thinking about such a beautiful thing makes your blood boil...

He smiled inexplicably: Don't tell me, you actually regret it.

The figure flashed and ran away.

Lin Su looked at the sky, which was a little far away, and at the ground, which was also a little far away. He looked at the Rainbow Bridge under his feet, shook his head and walked over...

The five women on the West Mountain look at me and I look at you, they are all a little confused...

Now that the challenge is here, apart from the excitement, do you sisters have any new feelings? Bi Xuanji asked.

I saw a very magical sense of joy... Xie Xiaoyan said: Being his opponent will bring unexpected gains. Will this stimulate people all over the world to surround him and seek death?

All the women stared at her.

Xie Xiaoyan consciously reached out and held her mouth...

Lin Su stepped out of the poetry barrier and sounded a soft sound. It was just a soft sound, opening up a quiet and beautiful new world...

In front of him, there is a lotus pond, and on the side of the lotus pond, there is a red pavilion. In the red pavilion, there is a purple figure, holding a Yaoqin in his hand. It is the man in purple who was standing inexplicably with the white man just now.

Le Dao? Xie Xiaoyan's eyes widened: Gee, you can enjoy his new songs now. I hope this opponent is strong enough to force out his best songs...

As soon as this was said, why was the surrounding area so quiet?

Xie Xiaoyan glanced at her with four pairs of eyes that wanted to kill her, damn! Wrong thing to say again! She quickly explained that I really wasn't cursing him to lose. I just wanted to listen to good songs. Don't look at me like that. I'm in the same camp as you. I saw his little heart was the same. Thump thump thump, no rebellion, really...

In the illusion of the lotus pond on the Rainbow Bridge, the sound of the piano sounds...

With the sound of the piano, the lotus leaves in the pond are moving with the wind, and the fish jump out of the water, bringing endless movement to the music of the piano...

People all over the city closed their eyes almost at the same time, listening quietly to this wonderful music that seemed to come from the sky...

Pedestrians on the road were silent.

The fish in the pond are silent.

The cows grazing at the foot of the Western Mountain are silent.

The farmer driving the cattle swung his whip in the air, and the sound of the whip disappeared.

There is only the wind, the wind is blowing, and the butterflies in the wind are flying, interpreting a strange rhythm that does not belong to nature. Everything in the world has entered a silent mode at this moment, there is only the wind, the wind is blowing, the wind is singing...

On the Western Mountain, all the girls also closed their eyes, their chests rising and falling gently...

They are all people who are proficient in music. They were introduced into an unknown world by this magical music, but they also retained a sense of clarity. They knew clearly that the depth of their knowledge in this music had reached an incredible level. Realm, Lin Su, is in trouble!

Immersed in the beautiful music, no one knows how long it has passed...

The sound of the piano passed through a beautiful clear sound and went straight to the sky. The silent world became a sound world, and all kinds of sounds came...

Pedestrians on the street let out a long breath and came to life again...

The five women on the Western Mountain slowly opened their eyes...

Lu Youwei's sighing voice came: This is the famous song Listen to the Sing of the Wind! Dragons don't sing, phoenixes don't sing, mountains don't sing, water doesn't sing, only the wind sings! You see!

Green Yi breathed out slowly: Listen to the Sing of the Wind, I heard that... only people with a literary background can exert the power of the music. This person should not come from White Deer Academy!

Exactly, among the thirty-one literary schools of White Deer Academy, there is no one who is proficient in music! Lu Youwei said: Then, where will he come from?

The girls looked at each other, all shocked.

Lin Su faced the challenge of White Deer Academy. After defeating many of the top elders of White Deer Academy, two young people suddenly appeared. The one named Inexplicable had such profound attainments in poetry, and the man in purple also had the same attainments in the art of music. Profound, they don't fit in with everyone's perception of White Deer Academy.

Among the young people at Bailu Academy, no one has written colorful poems.

There are no young people who can reach the realm of literary skills and perform Listen to the Wind Sing, an extremely difficult divine song, to the point where the whole city is obsessed with it.

Could it be said that White Deer Academy still invites foreign aid?

If we ask for foreign aid, where will it come from?

What forces in the world are qualified to help White Deer Academy?

Lin Su slowly raised his head and stared at the man in purple across the lotus pond: What's the name of this good song?

Listen to the wind! The man on the opposite side said: I heard that when Grandmaster Lin was discussing Taoism in Qinglian in the past, a transverse flute and a beautiful tune crossed the Nishiliu Pass, and his grace was boundless. I wonder if I am lucky enough to hear this music today?

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