Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 470 Literary Trap: Abandoned Beast

Lin Su smiled lightly and said: It seems that the last time you and I met was not Qinglian Discussing Taoism, but the Chujiang boundary a month ago.

Wu Xinyue smiled: Grandmaster Lin really believes that when you and Qu Feiyan were arguing over the Yangtze River, I was right next to you?

That's natural. If it weren't for your sacred treasure, the Snow Mountain Night Moon, Qu Feiyan would have died on the Yangtze River that day.

Actually, Grandmaster Lin still doesn't know something! Wu Xinyue said: His literary heart was stained, and I cleaned it up for him.

So what? Lin Su said: To cleanse his literary mind, it also promotes his early death. Wu Xinyue, you can't stop what I want to do! Including Qinglian Luntao, including Qu Feiyan The fate of our country also includes today’s border battle situation.”

The situation at the border... Well, let me take a look at Grandmaster Lin's military background! The bright moon above Wu Xinyue's head suddenly circled and flew up.

Under the bright moon, the battle that just happened was repeated under his bright moon.

The whole army was shocked!

This is a blatant collection of battlefield intelligence, and what is collected is top-secret military tactics!

If this person escapes from Raging Fire City, all the secrets of the Da Cang Army will be mastered by the other party.

This person must not be left here!

Du Yuting thought so, and so did Zhang Haoran and others...

But Wu Xinyue didn't seem to notice the strange movements of the people at all. He looked at all the military information and nodded lightly: The sound of Thirty-six Stratagems to attack the east and the west, and Capture the Thief and Capture the King, these two tactics defeated the 30,000-strong army. , Grandmaster Lin really deserves to be a grandmaster, amazing! Really amazing! I take my leave!

With the sound, the snow-capped mountains above his head magnified, and Wu Xinyue stepped towards the snow-capped mountains.

Zhang Haoran suddenly shouted: Stay!

Four golden papers broke through the air at the same time...

The holy light flourished, and a silver moon merged with three snow moons to form a super moon, locking towards Wu Xinyue.

Four great scholars, Zhang Haoran, Huo Qi, Qiu Mochi, and Li Yangxin, took action at the same time.

This blood moon combined the lifelong literary and Taoist cultivation of the four great scholars. Even a generation of demon emperors did not dare to face it directly. However, the silver moon, like splitting the sky and splitting the earth, reached Wu Xinyue's neck and suddenly disappeared.

Wu Xinyue smiled faintly and had already left the ground.

Suddenly, a vague shadow came behind him, and with a soft sound, it shattered into pieces.

Among the crowd, a sergeant was shaking all over.

Wu Xinyue glanced over: You even have Taoist shadow skills? Under Grandmaster Lin, it's really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger...

Stepping into the snow-capped mountains, the snow-capped mountains fly away.

Zhang Haoran and the other four people's faces were ashen.

Du Yuting and other generals were even more pale-faced.

They created unprecedented results, and just when morale was at its peak, Wu Xinyue's coming and going suddenly pushed the morale of the entire army into a low ebb.

Among the thousands of troops, he can come and go when he wants. He regards the combined attacks of the great scholars as a breeze, and ignores the attacks of the mysterious killer. Such a person is the god of the army.

At this moment, even Lin Su's limelight was stolen by him.

Brother Lin, are you just going to watch him leave like this? Qiu Mochi was a little unhappy.

What should we do if we don't let him leave? Lin Su said: This is a holy treasure!

He turned and entered the room behind him.

Several brothers looked at each other...

Holy Treasure, there's really nothing we can do about it. Even if we are in the literary world, we can't do anything about the Holy Treasure. Zhang Haoran let out a long sigh.

Maybe it's because his performance in the past was too good. I always placed too high expectations on him, forgetting that manpower will eventually be exhausted. Qiu Mochi blamed himself a little.

Everyone, don't be like this... Huo Qi shouted: We won a big victory, not a defeat. You can't say that Wu Xinyue came over and made us feel depressed, right? Then we just fell into this thief's trick. I suspect that the thief came here specifically to undermine our morale today.

Exactly! Li Yangxin said: I know that the Holy Treasure Snow Mountain Night Moon Picture is not an offensive Holy Treasure. Since it is not offensive, what's so scary about it? He likes to see it, so let him watch the defeat of Osumi's army. Make this bastard so angry.

The morale of the brothers has been re-energized...

In the room, Lin Su slowly withdrew his fingers from Bi Xuanji's eyebrows: You can rest in peace and don't think about anything.

Bi Xuanji launched a shadow attack on Wu Xinyue, but was blocked by Wu Xinyue's holy treasure. Although she was not injured, she was still injured after all. This kind of injury is very strange, but also very stubborn. The rejuvenation mother alone is really It couldn't be cured. Fortunately, Lin Su still possessed the secret technique of mental power. After careful adjustment, the chaotic shadows in Bi Xuanji's brain returned to their original positions. She could not use the shadow technique for the next time.

Bi Xuanji sat cross-legged, but her beautiful big eyes kept staring at him: I just want to ask a question, and you can help me answer it. I promise not to think about anything.

Say it.

Wu Xinyue, are you really helpless?

A smile appeared on Lin Su's lips: Don't worry!

Pat her shoulder.

Bi Xuanji smiled sweetly and closed his eyes.

Rest overnight.

The next day, it’s Dadu River!

The waves of the Dadu River are rolling, and both sides of the river are covered with cliffs. On the other side of the cliff is Doufang City.

The soldiers of Doufang City are always watching the Dadu River.

Any army that wants to cross the Dadu River must sacrifice its life.

On that day, Li Xiaotian's first northern expedition was to fill the river with his life. Fifteen thousand armored troops were buried in the deep pool under the cliff. Moreover, after this battle, all horses were lost, so that in the subsequent battles , the Flying Dragon Legion lost its ability to move quickly and suffered a large amount of damage.

From then on, the Dadu River was the sad river for the Flying Dragon Legion.

During this year's Qingming Festival, Li Xiaotian made a special trip to the Dadu River to pay homage to the souls of those who died in battle.

Speaking of this, Du Yuting's voice was low.

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at the wide river: Then let these brothers in the river valley see how the Flying Dragon Legion can avenge them today.

Exactly! Zhang Haoran said: We will be responsible for sending the brothers across the river. Brother Lin, you are responsible for resisting possible attacks in Doufang City.


Zhang Haoran looked up to the sky and shouted: He was so angry that he drove a long chariot through the Helan Mountains...

Four pieces of gold paper broke through the sky at the same time, and the sky lit up...

With a bang, a huge chariot appeared out of thin air and landed at the feet of the three thousand troops.

The cart jumped up and carried three thousand troops across the long river.

This is the way to cross the river today. We no longer risk our lives, but use a poem handed down from ancient times to turn it into a boat to transport troops and forcefully cross the long river...

On the way to the boat, countless soldiers suddenly appeared from the top of Doufang City, and a huge military flag filled the sky with wind...


The devastating attack came from the top of the city, and the water of the Dadu River seemed to have stopped flowing at this moment.

Lin Su raised his hand and pointed directly at the mad rush ahead: In the Jin Dynasty, there was a bright moon at Dacang Pass, and the people who marched thousands of miles have not returned, but the flying generals of Dragon City are here, and they will not teach Hu Ma to cross the Yin Mountains!

This loud shout spread to heaven and earth.

This loud shout was extremely tragic.

His war poem handed down from generation to generation did not exert its true power until this moment, because he truly felt the tragedy of the long march of thousands of miles that has not yet been returned...

The three thousand soldiers on the boat all had tears in their eyes. They had heard Li Xiaotian recite this Zhan Qing poem, and they also knew that this Zhan Qing poem was given to Li Xiaotian by Lin Su.

But now, Li Xiaotian can't come back.

But the author of Zhan Qingshi is here.

They will follow the path Li Xiaotian has walked and start a new long march of thousands of miles.

It doesn't matter whether they return it or not. Not teaching Huma how to cross the Yinshan Mountains is their ultimate mission...

A Great Wall spans hundreds of miles, and the power of countless military formations hits this Great Wall without causing a single ripple. Outside the Great Wall, the flying boat is safe and sound.

In the blink of an eye, the Great Wall approached the city head. The defenders on the city head collided behind them, and the city head was completely cleared.

With a roar, the giant carriage of Wenqi landed at the top of the city, and three thousand soldiers went directly to Doufang City.


As soon as Du Yuting landed, he raised the flag high...

The Osumi defenders in front of them turned around and ran away.

Pursue! Three thousand soldiers formed ten military formations and chased for several miles in the blink of an eye, killing thousands of people.

Du Yuting suddenly realized something was wrong.

Why are there so few enemies?

Not many people even fought with them head-on, and seemed to have given up resistance. This was not in line with the character of the Osumi Army. The Osumi Army was a prairie barbarian, and its ferocity was by no means inferior to that of the Da Cang Border Army. Apart from the Feilong Legion, there were almost no legions. Dare to confront them head-on when the number of people is equal.

Today, the remnants of the Flying Dragon Legion went to Doufang City, and the enemy simply fled?

is it possible?

Lin Su's brows also shrank suddenly: Stop!

Du Yuting raised his flag and the whole army stopped.

Lin Sudao: It seems that our opponents have also begun to learn the art of war.

Zhang Haoran's heart skipped a beat: What kind of art of war? The art of war is generally dismissed by literati, as long as it is connected with the military. But now, Zhang Haoran has completely changed his concept. It is not just about talking about art of war. He is very excited about the art of war, and will be frightened when he hears the other party's art of war, because he knows how terrifying the art of war is.

Lin Sudao: There is a very strange energy, surrounding it from all directions, it is not human!

The words just fell...

A sharp whistle sounded suddenly.

The whistle was extremely sharp, and the sound waves reverberated in the brain, carrying a breathtaking magical power.

As soon as the whistle sounded, countless black shadows appeared in all directions. They jumped ten feet and came through the air. It was a strange creature. It looked like a wolf and was ten times bigger than a wolf. It looked like a lion and was eight times uglier than a lion. It looked like a monkey and was ten times more agile than a monkey. times.

As they jumped, the earth shook, and the entire city seemed like a lone boat in the storm.

Wisps of black energy emanated from them, and for a moment, the whole city was covered with darkness.

Bi Xuanji stepped to Lin Su's side: No, this is an abandoned beast in the wasteland!

At this moment, she could no longer hide herself.

Because the abandoned beast in the wilderness is the filthiest beast in the world. It was born in the filthiest place, eats the filthiest food, and vomits the filthiest things. It is cruel and lustful by nature. No matter what level it is, it is The opposite of the Holy Path, so the Holy Path is deeply disgusted, so it abandons them, and they are called abandoned beasts.

Think about it, even the holy way, which claims to use sages to rule the world and teach all things, has simply given up on this kind of creature. It shows how hopeless this kind of creature is?

However, everything has two sides.

This creature also has counterattacks against the Holy Path.

The disgust in it can weaken the power of literature.

If there are hundreds of abandoned beasts appearing in a city at the same time, basically the power of Wen Dao cannot be applied in the city.

At this moment, there are more than a hundred abandoned beasts in Doufang City? Thousands!

In an instant, Wen Dao's power was completely eliminated in Da Cang's team.

This was Osumi's killer move tailor-made for Lin Su.

This is where the information Wu Xinyue brought back came into play.

Because the art of war is also the art of literature.

Under the attack of thousands of troops and horses, Lin Su can defeat the enemy with military tactics. Surrounded by thousands of abandoned beasts, military tactics cannot work.

The battlefield combat power of three thousand soldiers and horses alone is far from the opponent of the same number of abandoned beasts. Any adult abandoned beast would be a nightmare for Wu Ji to encounter.

The Da Cang Army needs to escape quickly...

This was Bi Xuanji's thought for a moment.

Shrink the military formation to protect you! Du Yuting shouted, and the ten military formations suddenly retracted, surrounding Lin Su and five other literati in the center.

Just as they were surrounding them, the abandoned beast had already pounced on them.

With a loud bang and heavy impact, the first military formation on the left was knocked back ten feet. The blood of the three hundred soldiers surged, but they held firm, not trying to defeat the enemy, but just holding on.

Abandoning beasts is particularly harmful to literati. All the adults are literati. At this moment, their literary cultivation is completely ruined, and they can only provide protection.

But how long they can protect them, the soldiers have no idea. The abandoned beasts are extremely powerful and are as big as a giant bear. One impact is tens of millions of kilograms of force. As long as ten abandoned beasts can easily defeat a military formation of 300 people, the situation is too great. It's terrible, the method adopted by Ohsumi's army is too cruel.

At this moment, Bi Xuanji gave the order!


More than twenty figures flew up at the same time, killing in all directions. Dao fruits flew up, with endless mysteries, and they shot out of the air with unparalleled power...

In an instant, hundreds of abandoned beasts were killed, and black blood flowed all over the ground. The air was filled with a disgusting smell, which was ten thousand times worse than the smell of a latrine. This was second to none, but the key point was this. The blood was full of maggots. Zhang Haoran only looked at it and his face turned pale. Huo Qi even held his mouth. The worst thing was Li Yangxin. This kid was usually a troublemaker and dressed up very delicately. His makeup was fragrant. Drilling was a normal part of his life. How had he ever seen such a scene before? I really can't help it...

These are next.

The most important thing is Wenshan!

They suddenly felt that their surroundings were covered with black threads.

Zhang Haoran suddenly took out the gold paper, intending to write Sacrifice to Heaven to drive away the evil.

However, as soon as he took out the gold paper, it suddenly turned into black paper, shining with a strange dark luster...

Zhang Haoran's hand trembled, and the gold paper fell to the ground. In a moment, it was covered with maggots.

Huo Qi beside him screamed: It's over, I'm covered in dust!

After abandoning the beast, a laugh came and was heard throughout the audience: Haha, Lin Su, didn't you expect that? Today you will be buried in Doufang City.

Lin Su looked away from a castle on the left and shot in the direction of the sound. Behind the black mist, he saw a large group of soldiers, numbering four to five thousand people.

These people are the defenders of Doufang City. They do not fight head-on with the remnants of Feilong and let the abandoned beasts take the lead. After all their military formations are broken through, it is time for them to go to the battlefield. They are the reserve team after the abandoned beasts. I think highly of them.

Lin Su said coldly: Are you worthy of deciding my life or death?

The general outside the circle looked up to the sky and laughed: You have used your military skills. Let's see how much power you can still exert in this abandoned place of Wen Dao!

Ten percent of the power is enough to deal with you! Lin Su said coldly: The 'Li Daitao Zhan' from Thirty-Six Strategies!

As soon as the voice fell, a ray of holy light suddenly shot out with him as the center, or to be precise, with his eyebrows as the center!

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