Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 474 The mystery brought by the eternal mourning poems

Where are they? Lin Su got up from the bed.

them? Zhang Haoran and the others?

Bi Xuanji smiled softly. They drank at least a hundred altars of white clouds last night, danced all night around the fire burning the enemy's flag, and sang all night. Do you know what they were singing? Under the Qingcheng Mountain, although the border town soldiers all applauded it, I still have to say that they played Bai Suzhen to death. This singing style is really completely different from Bai Suzhen's floating out of the world...

Lin Su laughed loudly: These brothers are really passionate. Could you have guessed this ending when we first left the capital? We also brought hundreds of white clouds with us.

Bi Xuanji glanced at him: Bring a hundred altars of Baiyunbian? Is it possible? If you think about it with your toes, you can also know where the Baiyunbian they drink comes from...

Lin Su pressed her hand on her waist, I'm C!

You guys, are you too outrageous? I am exhausted, and you are plundering my white clouds to drink without waiting for me...

Seeing his constipated face touching up and down, Bi Xuanji was happy: What are you dancing there for? You have too many white clouds on your body, thousands of them, and they only took a hundred from you. …”

This is true!

Lin Su casually opened a jar of Baiyunbian and poured a cup each for himself and Bi Xuanji: Has your identity been exposed during this long trip to the border?

No! Bi Xuanji held up the wine glass: Except for you, no one knows my identity, including the people I brought.

She always behaves like a man in front of others, and when she controls these twenty-odd people, she only acts according to the token. The secret organization's fine tradition of the subordinates do not know the superiors is still maintained.

They may not know who you are, but you should not underestimate the enemy. You may have fallen into their sights after the murder of the Seventh Prince Osumi.

Bi Xuanji smiled mysteriously: I have already thought of this, so I played a little trick. This time I left Beijing, there is Bi Xuanji who has been living in the middle of Xishan Mountain.

Lin Su's eyes widened: You sent someone to pretend to be you?

It's easiest to pretend to be me, because in the eyes of the world, Bi Xuanji is a Buddhist disciple. If a Buddhist disciple meditates behind closed doors, who would bother him?


Lin Su was impressed!

It has to be said that the hatred of subjugating a country and annihilating a clan can change a person. Even if she was a royal princess before and had a mission to sneak into the world, she did everything to the extreme.

Lin Su left the commander's office, and four brothers came side by side. Behind them were more than a dozen generals headed by Du Yuting, and behind them were the remnants of three thousand Helan troops.

Brother Lin, last night's carnival was just the joy of regaining lost ground. Brother Li must have been watching with a smile, Zhang Haoran said.

Du Yuting gave a military salute: The altar has been set up. Three thousand soldiers have entrusted the future to invite Master Lin. Master Lin, please come and offer this first incense stick!

Behind Helan City, halfway up Yanhui Peak, an incense altar is looming under the white clouds.

Lin Su held a stick of incense in his hand and walked ahead, followed closely by Zhang Haoran, four others, and seventeen generals...

On June 27th of the seventh year of Yuanfeng, Dayu's army captured the border. Longcheng flying general Li Xiaotian led his troops of 31,321 people and died in Helan City. The sky was filled with tears and Gaofeng Yan returned. Thirteen days later Lin Su, the capital supervisory envoy, led Helan's remaining 3,017 people to seize Qiyangguan and Lihuo City, cross the Dadu River, conquer Fangshan, and descend to Helan City, recapture four northern towns, and set up a special altar. Go to the altar and sacrifice 30,000 heroic spirits...

Zhang Haoran unfolded a piece of gold paper and read his handwritten memorial text.

Du Yuting raised his hand slightly, and the swords and spears in the hands of the three thousand soldiers were pointed directly at the sky.


Two rows of soldiers performed a military salute at the same time.

White clouds are fluttering, and the military flags are fluttering on Helan City...

In the deep valley below, the clouds were rolling, and thousands of heroic spirits seemed to be awakened.

Lin Su held the incense in his hand, walked forward step by step, and inserted the incense in his hand into the incense burner: Brother Li, you and I met in the capital. We hit it off like old friends and became brothers. I promise you that I will come to the border town within three years. What do you say, if If you are here, you will laugh. If you are not here, let me come to the highest Yanhui Peak and you can see me! I am here today, can you see me?

His desolate voice covered the entire Helan City, and all three thousand soldiers shed tears.

Brother Li, I once told you that I would give you a gift. This gift is the Art of War Thirty-Six Strategies. How I hope that you can use this Thirty-Six Strategies to defend the border city of Da Cang and become a Osumi's military's nightmare, however, things are always unpredictable...

In the commander's mansion, Bi Xuanji gently raised his hand, put it on his chest, and said silently: Li Xiaotian, with the Thirty-Six Stratagems of his art of war, he cleared out the 120,000 troops in the four northern towns with only 3,000 remnants. Do you know ?The gift he promised to give you has finally been delivered!

Brother Li, you and I are both literati, but I didn't have time to discuss poetry with you formally. Now in front of your soul, I write a poem to send your soul to rest in peace!

His hands are together, the gold paper is in his hand, and the pen is falling...

Wandering together in dreams at night,

When I wake up in the morning, I will shed tears.

You buried your bones in the mud under the spring,

I leave the world with a head full of snow.

When the writing stopped, the colorful glow filled Yanhui Peak...

With a flick of Lin Su's hand, the priceless original colorful poem ignited into flames and burned on the altar.

The burning gold paper rises in the wind and turns into a rainbow in the sky.

Just as everyone was marveling, the golden paper suddenly flew towards Helan City and turned into a butterfly on top of the city. The butterfly flapped its wings slightly, as if traveling through time and space...

The siege battle that day was reenacted in front of everyone...

The city was broken, Osumi's army swarmed in, the battlefield was tragic, and 30,000 soldiers died in batches...

At the top of the city, Li Xiaotian killed the enemy with his war poem The River is Red. However, a large flag flew up from the sky. Li Xiaotian rolled out and rolled on the ground for a hundred times. In the sky, a lion and wolf king as big as a giant house with sharp claws appeared. Falling, this claw, with extremely sharp black light, was like a mountain and a pool. Boom, the earth shook and the mountain shook. This sharp claw fell heavily, landing on the head of Li Xiaotian, and half of the city collapsed...

On the Lion Wolf King's back was King Lu Bin, the commander-in-chief of Osumi.

This lion and wolf king is his mount, the demon king controlled by secret techniques.

Zhang Haoran closed his eyes...

Lin Su's colorful poem, with a sense of sadness deep in his bones, aroused the literary power and re-enacted the siege battle that day. He finally knew how Li Xiaotian died. He died on King Lu Bin's mount. Under the claws.

This damn mount, this damn enemy commander, all died in the peerless killing array yesterday. Revenge was finally avenged, but he still couldn't face the tragic death of his best friend.

Lin Su's eyes also closed suddenly...

With a shout, there was another person beside him, it was Bi Xuanji...

The ground-covering butterfly shadow?

Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened, and he saw Bi Xuanji's surprised eyes: Look at the light around this sharp claw. This is left by the 'earth-covering butterfly'. If this kind of strange butterfly appears, Li Xiaotian Maybe he’s not dead!”

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat, and she waved her hand lightly: Return!

The scene that had just passed returned under the power of Wen Dao. Lin Su stared at the stream of light under this sharp claw for a long time. This stream of light was very strange, like a butterfly, and like thousands of mountains collapsing and reorganizing, changing in a moment. Countless forms of earth, mountains and rivers...

Zhang Haoran rushed over: The shadow of the butterfly covering the ground? What is the shadow of the butterfly covering the ground?

Bi Xuanji took a deep breath and explained in a normal tone...

There are countless butterflies in the world, but there are four ancient strange butterflies that are extremely legendary...

Sky-splitting butterfly, ground-covering butterfly, spring water butterfly, bathing fire butterfly...

The ground-covering butterfly is closely related to the soil. As long as there is soil, it is its world. When it appears in the soil, no one can know its traces. When it breaks out of the soil and launches attacks, no one can stop it. Once it becomes angry, the earth will turn over, just like the end of the world... …

If the Sky-Splitting Butterfly has the power to open up the sky, then it has the power to open up the earth...

The adult ground-covering butterfly is as famous as the ancient dragon and phoenix...

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

For a long time, Lin Su slowly turned sideways: Beyond the border is the grassland. Jiuzhou Strange Things records that a strange thing happened in the Yinshan Valley a hundred years ago...

Zhang Haoran's eyes flashed: Are you talking about the incident where Zhemo Mountain disappeared out of thin air?

Exactly! Zhemo Mountain is the place where the Wasteland Wolf Clan has lived for generations. There was also a demon king. Within a radius of a thousand miles, people died and animals died. But overnight, the earth turned over and Zhemo Mountain was destroyed. Moshan disappeared out of thin air and was replaced by the most beautiful sea of ​​grassland and flowers, and even a sky lake.

Huo Qidao: If this is really what the Earth-covering Butterfly did, this Earth-covering Butterfly seems to have some intention of punishing evil and promoting good. Is it possible for it to rescue Li Xiaotian?

Bi Xuanji shook his head gently: In the world of ancient Qidian, there is no good or evil, only interest. Don't be too optimistic.

What special preferences does it have? Lin Su asked.

Bi Xuanji said...

The four ancient exotic butterflies all have special hobbies...

The ground-covering butterfly likes the waning moon best. On the night of the waning moon, it may be unearthed and dance under the moon. It will also choose a large lake to dance while enjoying its reflection in the lake water...

The eyes of the five great talents shone at the same time.

Why do they think this is a very poetic picture?

Lin Su's gaze slowly turned sideways: Today is the fifth day of July, when the waning moon is about to begin. Maybe I should take a trip to the prairie to appreciate the waning moon above the Tianhu Lake.

Okay, let's go together! Zhang Haoran was excited.

But Bi Xuanji poured a basin of cold water on him, no!

Although the ground-covering butterfly is an ancient curiosity, it is still a butterfly after all. Butterflies like silence. If there are too many people there, it may not appear at all.


The four brothers stayed in Helan City, while Lin Su and Bi Xuanji went.

With a shout, the two flew away, passing by Yanhui Peak and straight into the prairie...

The four brothers looked at each other...

Huo Qidao: What's that general's name?

His eyes moved to Du Yuting.

Du Yuting's eyes widened: Master Huo, isn't he with you? The general doesn't know him.

ah? Zhang Haoran and the other four were shocked: You don't know him? We don't know him either. There are more than twenty masters of practice who have shown their power on the battlefield these days. They seem to be following his orders. Where are those people?

Several generals turned back and looked around, and all the twenty people were gone.

Upon inquiry, it was found that these twenty people had not entered the city at all. They left as soon as the war was over!

Zhang Haoran and other four brothers, look at me and I look at you: It seems that our brother has some other methods. Forget it, from his perspective, there should be some loyal subordinates to help him. He doesn't If you are willing to tell us, let’s not ask, and don’t mention it after we return to Beijing!”

Flying over Helan City, you will see the green grassland below you.

Bi Xuanji's heart beat a little faster involuntarily.

She didn't know what was wrong with her and why she wanted to be alone with him.

She really doesn't know whether the butterfly likes crowds of people, but she knows that she doesn't like crowds of people...

So, she grabbed an opportunity, what opportunity? Others don't understand the Ground Butterfly, but she understands it. She said that the Ground Butterfly doesn't like crowds of people. If you don't accept it, you little butterfly will jump out to argue with me...

Flying thousands of miles on the grassland, there are no crowds or residents below. It seems that they are the only two people on the grassland that is as beautiful as a dream home.

There are only white clouds in the sky.

Finally, as far as the eye could see, a large lake appeared in front of them.

The lake water is as clear as a mirror, reflecting the sky.

From this angle, it is no longer clear which is the sky and which is the earth...

It seems that the Osumi Dynasty's touch has not extended here. Lin Su said.

Maybe it's just because there are ground-covering butterflies here!

Also, if the ground-covering butterfly gets angry and flaps its wings slightly, the whole land will turn over. No matter how many cities you build on it, they will all be buried in the soil. How many armies there are on the grassland will all be buried. Who dares to do anything to this land? Covet?

That's why it's so peaceful here.

The sun's shadow moved westward, and the two waited quietly.

They were very careful, because the ground-covering butterfly was extraordinary. It was an ancient rare thing, and no one could know its nature. If it suddenly appeared and faced the two of them with a killing move, they would also be in doom.

Time passes little by little...

The sun sets in the west and darkness envelopes the prairie.

The stars twinkled in the night, and the beautiful sea of ​​flowers swayed in the wind, as beautiful as a dream.

Above the sky lake, there are rippling waves, and occasionally a few fish jump out of the water and write their free spirits on the lake.

On the top of Yinshan Mountain in the west, there is a flash of light, which is the rising waning moon.

The waning moon rises higher and higher, and finally, the first ray of moonlight shines into the sky lake...

Without the ground-covering butterflies, the prairie seems to have fallen into a deep sleep at this moment, and nothing is willing to disturb its tranquility...

Lin Su searched the entire lake with his Qiandu Eyes, but found nothing...

How about you play a song?

Bi Xuanji's voice came to his ears.


Bi Xuanji's eyes flashed: Although the ground-covering butterfly is an ancient butterfly, it is still a butterfly after all. Butterflies singing and dancing among flowers have a legacy. There is no butterfly that doesn't like music. Try it. Anyway, idleness is idle...

Lin Su tilted his head and glanced at her: Why do I think it's you who wants to listen to the music? Okay, as you said, idle time is idle, what should you play? Just play Prairie Night... …”

Hands together, flute in hand, a ray of bass swept across the long lake...

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