Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 486 Traveling around the world and entering Yandang

Lin Su stepped directly on the demon pig's back. The hair on the demon pig's back turned into a sharp blade and stabbed Lin Su. However, it softened when it got close to his clothes. The demon pig screamed as if it had been raped. Lin Su obtained The first complete imprint of brain waves, however, his doubts came. This demon pig has clearly reached the demon star level, and even its demon pill has been vaguely formed. It stands to reason that it can transform, but why has it not transformed? The initial state appears?

One, two, three...

Lin Sulian killed three monsters and reached a dead end. One of the three monsters was already a monster king, and its inner elixir was fully formed, but it also did not transform.

Monsters in this world can transform into human form after forming their inner elixir. Could this rule not apply to Yandang Mountain?

There are rumors in the world that Yandang Mountain is strange and unparalleled, and it is a forbidden place on earth. There are some reasons for this. Lin Su felt a little more alert and continued to delve deeper.

After traveling hundreds of miles into the mountains, he met his first real opponent.

An iron-backed wolf!

This wolf is as big as a giant elephant and moves as fast as the wind. With one claw, half of the mountain is gone. The eternal bluestone is like tofu under its claws. What's more terrible is that its body is as strong as iron, and Lin Su's sword and fruit are all If it comes out, it can only cut off a layer of hair on its body.

One man and one wolf rolled and rolled through hundreds of miles of mountains and forests. Wherever they went, mountains collapsed and the ground cracked.

In the end, Lin Su gathered all his true energy on the long sword. The wonderful fruit on the long sword was as big as a watermelon, and used the fifth and most powerful sword of the Dugu Nine Swords, the Heavenly Sword Style...

With one strike of the sword, the head of the iron-backed wolf was broken open, and a strange demon pill that had transformed into a wolf shape soared into the sky and disappeared into the jungle.

Lin Su's face turned pale when he looked at the demon pill.

My day! Demon King!

The demon elixir transforms into its true form, which is the characteristic of the demon emperor!

What did I do, fight with a demon king in the middle of the night, and win?

If he had known that this was a demon emperor, Lin Su would have fled for his life immediately. The demon emperor, who has reached the seventh level of cultivation, is on par with human beings like heaven and earth. If he does not use the power of literature and art, he is no match for him. In fact, entering Yandang Mountain, he couldn't use the mighty power of literature and art at all. The energy here was abnormal, and it was absolutely connected to heaven and earth.

After this battle, Lin Su's swordsmanship improved by leaps and bounds. After actual combat, he gradually became proficient in the Dugu Nine Swords he learned from Li Zexi, especially the Heavenly Sword Style, which was already quite powerful.

In addition, there was another case that made Lin Su extremely excited.

That is, he suddenly felt that his level of cultivation had dropped. It turned out that he was in the late stage of peering and almost reached the peak, but now, he felt that his level of cultivation was only in the middle stage of peering.

Some people may say, shouldn't you cry when your cultivation level drops? Still having fun?

Only those who are truly discerning practitioners know that the lower the level of cultivation, the better, as long as the combat power of the body is not reduced.


This means your foundation is stronger!

It means you have a better chance of going backwards and forward!

Having a high level of cultivation does not mean you are a genius, but going backwards and forward does!

In the past, Caizhulian used her early Daoshan cultivation to defeat her senior fellow disciples who had later Daoshan cultivation. This was the reason why the head of the Wushan Sect was overjoyed and praised her as a saint.

At this moment, Lin Su, with his cultivation in the middle stage of spying on people, can beat himself who had reached the peak of spying on people a few days ago. Just tell me how great the harvest is!

Lin Su understood this and felt extremely relieved...

This handsome guy fights all the way in, striving to bring his own cultivation level to the early stage of spying, and his opponent's cultivation level to the top level of Demon King, creating a miracle in the history of cultivation...

Haha, the most exciting thing about Yandang Mountain is that you can catch the Demon Emperor and torture him to death. Anyway, this thing can't change its body. The physical body is so powerful that you can't use the Demon Emperor's magic. The terror level drops by 90%. Don't be a flesh-eater. Who will be the shield? I picked up one of the Demon Emperor's demon pills, took it out and showed it off, and made all the Demon Emperors in the world angry to death...

With the great dream, Lin Su swept all the way, three hundred miles away, and gradually approached the core of Yandang Mountain.

Along the way, his swordsmanship was improving every moment, his cultivation was being consolidated every moment, his combat power was improving every moment, and his morale was also rising every moment. Unfortunately, he could not catch the Demon Emperor's demon elixir after all. Every time the demon emperor's body was broken, the demon pill ran away. The moment the demon pill left the body, it seemed to regain three parts of the demon emperor's power. Lin Su really couldn't catch it.

Just when he was about to try his best again and get a Demon Emperor Pill to satisfy his addiction, he suddenly heard a wisp of singing...

Lin Su raised his eyes and looked at a mountain peak in front of him.

The dark night is about to pass, and dawn is about to arrive. There is a faint glow of rising sunlight on the mountain peak. The sunlight is different from the outside world. It seems more like a ray of blood.

The singing was ethereal, as if coming from the mountain peak, and also seemed to come from the valley below.

This singing voice is also exquisitely melodious, not like the voice of the human world.

A legend suddenly emerged from Lin Su's mind...

Rumor has it that the former mermaid Yanji was trapped in Yandang Mountain, and someone heard her singing...

Mermaid Yanji is Yingying’s mother...

Lin Su moved his feet and shot towards the mountain...

The singing is getting closer...

Just as he was approaching the source of the singing, a huge black head suddenly protruded from the valley below. It was a giant snake and it swallowed Lin Su in one bite.

Lin Su suddenly pulled out the sword in his hand, and the fog that filled the valley seemed to be drawn out by him at the same time. With a bang, a sword came down from the top, as if it was the beginning of the world. The giant snake's head was split into two. Lin Su raised the tip of the sword, and a demon... Dan rotated lightly along with the wonderful fruit at the tip of the sword, and together with his body, he landed on the mountain peak.

Although this demon pill has not yet completely transformed into a snake shape, it is still vaguely taking shape.

Very good, this is the tenth Demon King Demon Pill he collected tonight, and it is also the best one in the hierarchy.

Suddenly, his eyes raised...

On the opposite mountain peak, seven people were staring at him.

If you are an ordinary person, if you suddenly see these seven people, you will probably scream, Oh my god, ghost!

Because these seven people are really scary.

Their faces were as pale as paper, they were dressed in blood-colored robes, and the weapons they held were strange. The knives did not look like knives, and the swords did not look like swords. They were in the shape of snakes and beasts.

Young hero is good at swordsmanship! An old man in blood-clothed clothes suddenly appeared in front of him, hovering in the air: I wonder what sect he belongs to?

I am from the Jianmen Sect! Lin Su said: Senior, could it be that you are from the Blood Clothes Sect of the Western Regions?

He still knows something about Da Cang Sect.

There was a sect in the northwest that left a deep impression on him, namely the Blood Clothes Sect.

The Blood Clothes Sect was founded by an extremely evil person, who is nameless and is called the Blood Clothes Patriarch.

Legend has it that this man survived nine deaths and crawled out from the pile of dead people. When he climbed out, he was dressed in blood clothes. Therefore, he founded a large sect in the name of blood clothes.

Exactly! said the old man in blood clothes: Young hero came here, could it be that he also came here for the mermaid's erotic song?

Mermaid erotic song? Lin Su shook his head gently: I am young and ignorant, but I don't know what a mermaid's song is. I just occasionally heard singing in the mountains and followed the sound. At this moment, the singing stopped. I don't know why.

The old man in blood-clothed clothes leaned his ears in the wind, as if listening, and said after a moment: It has indeed stopped at this moment. The old man and the other seven people have heard this song many times in the past few days, and it seems to be coming from there...

He pointed with his hand towards a certain location in the valley, indicating that the direction he mentioned was that place.

Lin Su's eyes followed his finger to the valley below the mountain peak.

The old man in blood-clothed clothes sighed and said: But after arriving here, there was no sound again. Mermaid Yanji sang when she saw the treasure. Maybe this treasure is not meant for us after all. Let's go and rest! Find another opportunity!

Together, they flew towards the east, and the other six men in blood-clothed clothes followed him away.

A smile appeared on Lin Su's lips...

Old man, you probably think of me as a fledgling boy, right?

You must have never imagined that what you said would be filtered through my brain, and a whole bunch of loopholes would appear!

Mermaid Yange never sings when she sees a treasure, she sings because she misses her. When you say you sing when you see a treasure, it means: There is a treasure where you point, go quickly!

You said you were going to find another opportunity, but under my thousand-degree eyes, you clearly didn't go far!

Your Blood Clothes Sect is infamous and notorious. When we encounter you in the wild, you will do anything to kill people and steal money. Do you think I will really believe that you are so kind? You were just shocked when you saw the attack I just made. You don’t want to confront me head-on, and you want to use some kind of trap to kill me!

So the question is, is there anything in the direction he pointed that could kill me?

As soon as the thousand-degree pupils fell, Lin Su's eyes intertwined with golden threads and formations!

There is a remnant formation there!

Lin Su's heartbeat accelerated. It was actually a broken formation!

There are rumors at the foot of Yandang Mountain that the mermaid Yanji is trapped in an ancient remnant formation in Yandang Mountain. Is the legend still true?

With this awareness, even if this residual formation is really a killer move, I was hit!

Lin Su shot down through the air and towards the valley.

As soon as he left, behind the mist in the distance, the seven men in blood all smiled...

The tenth elder said that he has lost another powerful enemy. No wonder people in the sect say that the tenth elder does not use a knife to kill people.

The tenth elder's face was filled with a proud smile: Although this man's sword skills are extraordinary, he is still a young boy after all. You all remember that when traveling in the world, he always chooses the most labor-saving way. When encountering problems, he draws his sword and confronts him. He is just a fool... ...Okay, now that the two stumbling blocks are gone, we can wait with peace of mind. When the thing appears at three o'clock tonight, we must be prepared and make sure to hit it with one strike.

Elder, what on earth is that thing?

The tenth elder shook his head gently: I don't know what this thing is, but my ancestor once had three last words, yellow and red intersect, the sky is overcast and the ground is dark, the blood is thousands of miles away... This thing, my ancestor never forgot it when he transformed into a Tao. How could it be Is it extraordinary?

This place is the Tianyin Jedi Land that the Blood Clothes Sect has been searching for hundreds of years to find. Tonight, at the third watch, it is also the intersection of Huang and Chi that has not been seen in three hundred years.

As for Lin Su, he has reached the bottom of the valley. In front of him are black stones, withered leaves, and thousand-year-old tree roots. The surroundings are desolate, but in his eyes, there is a different world.

He saw formations all over the place.

Golden formations are intertwined, and beneath the golden lines, there are bones.

There are also various weapons for cultivators, most of which are rotten.

He avoided the formations and walked away. The white bones on the ground made him secretly frightened. There were a few white bones that were crystal clear, and there was a faint mysterious pattern on them. They were the bones of a master like the Heavenly Law and Earthly Master.

The Heavenly Law and the Earth are the fusion of cultivators and the Heavenly Dao. The Heavenly Dao is not so easy to integrate. Therefore, heavenly tribulations are often sent down. Once you have passed them, you will be the Heavenly Laws and Earths. If you cannot survive them, you will go directly to the underworld.

The bones of people who have survived the catastrophe of heaven and earth have special merits and have Dao lines on them. It is precisely because of the existence of Dao lines that their bones can become larger, longer and thicker, giving them the power of heaven and earth.

All the people in heaven and earth died under this remnant formation.

The high level of this remaining formation is astonishing to the world.

But for Lin Su, it doesn't apply.

His Thousand Degree Eyes moved like wind under his feet, avoiding all the formations and walking all the way to the center of the formation. The last part was like a curtain, tightly blocked by the fine formations. He could get here by himself. The Thousand Degree Eyes could no longer walk any further. Lin Su raised his hand, and a bronze pen appeared in his palm.

After observing for a long time, Lin Su started to write, the formation separated, and Lin Su stepped into it.

Lin Su was shocked when he stepped in...

There is no world behind the formation!

The front half is covered with green mountains and green waters, like a fairyland on earth, while the back half is covered with clouds, like a demonic realm.

How could such a spectacle happen?

At this moment, a loud shout came from a big tree in front: Go to hell, dog thief!

A hammer as big as a table fell from the sky and hit Lin Su's head.

Lin Su raised his hand and struck out with the long sword in his palm.

With a bang, the hammer and sword collided, and the hammer hit the back. Lin Su fell back ten feet, his hair suddenly floated, and the blood in his body surged. His right foot pressed against a boulder behind him, and the boulder moved back several feet.

Good guy, who is so fierce?

This blow is definitely not a force of a thousand catties, it is a force of ten thousand catties!

He couldn't see the people in the sky, because the huge hammer completely covered them. Damn it, you saw a big hammer when you were facing an enemy? What is this scene?

Another shout came from the air: Martial arts will! I am invincible!

As soon as the sound fell, the big hammer in the air was suddenly enveloped in a layer of green light, and the hammer turned into a piece of crystal.

Lin Su's eyes widened, Oh my God! Hammer meaning blue and white?

And it’s still the ultimate blue and white!

The way of kendo has blue and white flowers for sword meaning, and this hammer also has blue and white flowers for hammer meaning?

Sword Fruit! The long sword in Lin Su's hand suddenly shook, and a crystal clear fruit appeared from the tip of the sword. With a bang, there was another earth-shattering collision. The hammer flew high into the sky, and Lin Su both The feet are three inches into the soil.

In this encounter, he won.

Even if he used light weapons against the opponent's heavy weapons, he would still hit the opponent a hundred feet away.

Because his sword intention has produced wonderful fruits, while the opponent is only the ultimate blue and white, half a step away from the wonderful fruits.

The man in the sky was obviously upset, and roared: There is wood in the east with infinite power!

As soon as the roar came out, the sky was filled with hammer shadows, like thousands of trees. The trees suddenly merged and turned into a huge hammer. With one blow, Lin Su took eight steps back. His expression changed. This blow , the power was endless, seemingly endless, and even his sword magic was almost defeated.

The man in the sky was unyielding when he gained the upper hand, and struck again with a second blow: There is Jin Rui Wu Lun in the west!

The sledgehammer passed through the air, like a giant sword crossing the sky, slashing towards Lin Su.

Lin Su also shouted: Heavenly Sword Style!

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