Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 495 Jiangnan Rain Outside Night City

If Ji Wen stands out at the Yaochi Conference and becomes the leader of the younger generation of the human race, no sect can take action against him easily, otherwise, it will destroy its foundation.

Lin Su shook his head slightly. The world of cultivation was also in such turmoil: Who is currently ranked first?

Lingyun's top spot is a monk.

His name is Xumizi.

This man had mastered the great magical powers of Buddhism and once overcame the eighty-seven evils in Yungu overnight.

What are the origins of these eighty-seven murderers?

Of course, they are all kinds of murderers from all over the world. I won't mention their origins. I only need to mention that they have sufficient cultivation. Among the eighty-seven murderers, the highest skill is already Xiangtianfadi.

Eighty-seven evils have been saved? How? Lin Su closed his eyes slightly.

After saving the physical body, he also saved the soul to the Nine Nether Hells. People say that Xumizi saves people very thoroughly...

My day!

Killing is killing. What do you mean by saving people?

It's really an eye-opener. The Lingyun Ranking has real gold content. The one ranked fifth can kill half-step Xiangtianfadi, and the one ranked third can kill more than ten half-step Xiangtianfadi. , ranked first, directly killed Xiangtian Fadi.

The scariest thing is that they are all young people, and they are all upgraders!

Almost all the characters on the Lingyun List will appear at the Yaochi Meeting.


Bi Tianji, the chief writer of Lingyun Ranking, once said that Lingyun Ranking is a list that changes at any time, and new people will join every update. This Yaochi meeting is actually the authoritative update of Lingyun Ranking.

As soon as this news was released, everyone on the Lingyun List all over the world went crazy.

Who can bear to be on the list and then be removed from the list?

Lin Su asked the last question: How high is the East China Sea madman Long Wentian ranked on the Lingyun Ranking?

You really...why don't you know the rules of Lingyun Ranking? Only human races are included in Lingyun Ranking. Long Wentian is a foreign race and is not included. Didn't you listen to people outside? He is here to observe and not participate in the war... …I’m going to retreat!”

The little saint chatted with him for a while, and then went to retreat again. She was also on the Lingyun list, and she still wanted to reach the top five hundred.

Lin Su walked around the room a few times, then took aim at someone next door, and began to harass someone for the second round.

However, that little girl seemed to have made up her mind and just ignored him.

You're wearing the perfume I gave you and you're still ignoring me? I'm as shameless as a city wall, so I'm still afraid of being ignored? I entered the room to have an in-depth discussion. A philosopher said it well, the first time is a qualitative breakthrough, and the second time is a superposition of quantity. What do we care about after we have already achieved so much?

But when they got to the balcony, Yuan Ji raised her hand before she even started. It seemed like a drizzle was falling on the balcony over there.

Lin Su's eyes widened, this is the realm! It’s something that practitioners keep at the bottom of their boxes.

Damn it, I have to work hard to keep up with you?

In the next three days, Lin Su continued to chat, practice, and harass...

The little saint's daily retreat was spent chatting with Lin Su. Lin Su gained a lot. He learned a lot of information about the practice world...

After the little saint went into seclusion, Lin Su also stepped up his practice. However, his practice didn't look like practice in any way, because he was just sitting there tasting wine. No one knew that the two souls in his brain were working overtime, and the time and space were long. The soul inside is struggling to understand the laws of time and space, and the soul outside is practicing swordsmanship on the mountain of books...

The harassment also made a breakthrough. On the third night, after a lot of harassment, Lin Su finally got a reply: You stinking gangster, shut up!

Nine words were her only response.

On the fifth day, the boat was approaching the night capital. Lin Su's spirit in the long river of time gave him a message. Lin Su was ecstatic.

He stretched out his hand gently, and a crack appeared in the void. A piece of silver was thrown into the crack, and it was crushed into powder. The powder was rolled into the crack and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Su was surprised and wanted to see where his silver had gone. He shot out another piece of silver, and then...then he lost two pieces of silver.

The strangest thing is that this crack in the void crushed the silver without any sound at all, silently!

This is a sharp weapon. If it is suddenly used during a battle, will the enemy be instantly crushed into blood mist, and then no bones will be left?

In addition, Lin Su also gained another benefit. After deciphering this secret method of time and space, he felt that the damn dead branch in his brain seemed to be vaguely alive.

Tao root can be activated in three ways.

The best way is to understand the high-level laws. Once the understanding is successful, the Tao root can be activated in reverse.

This root is happy, indicating that his understanding of the laws of time and space has deepened.

This crack in the void that can shatter everything and swallow everything, Lin Su himself named it: Crack in the Sky! Very domineering, right? It's a pity that this crack is dead. He can make it by sitting here and grinding it slowly. If he is on the ever-changing battlefield, he will have no time to do this thing.

As the sun set on the sixth day, the ship approached Yedu.

There were many people waiting on the pier to greet us.

Some are gatherings of relatives, and some are gatherings of friends...

Lin Su glanced at the room next door. The little beauty Yuan Ji finally came out. She was walking gracefully in front of her without even looking at Lin Su. Lin Su took a breath of the aroma and couldn't help it, so she finally harassed her: Hi. , little girl, you smell better than ever today, but you must understand who made you smell so good...

Yuan Ji sighed for the 98th time in the past few days, and quickened her pace, sliding and turning on the grass like a flower, disappearing into the city.

The little saint next to Lin Su suddenly exclaimed: Sister!

Run towards the group of people on the left.

Lin Su raised his eyes and saw the familiar clothes of Yunxi Sect and the beautiful face in his memory, C! The irritable woman who pulled him out of the Taoist Pavilion that day and cleaned him up is also here. It is estimated that meeting him again will be a disaster. I retreat!

Zhou Tian took nine steps out and merged into the crowd. The next moment, there was no one left.

Sister, why don't you come with us? You are not young anymore, but you are still so troublesome... As soon as the elder sister met, she taught her younger sister and talked a lot.

The little saint's eyes quietly turned behind her. Well, the young man who may have caused the controversy in the Yunxi Sect is gone, so there is no rush to instruct her sister. Anyway, she can always see him at the Yaochi meeting, and her sister will know by then. , what a kind person he is.

Let’s talk about Yuan Ji.

She didn't enter the city, but went directly through the mountains.

Once this mountain passes, it will be the boundary of Xitian Fairy Kingdom.

There are naturally guards at the junction of the two mountains, but the guards in this era are nothing more than pulling up a few fences, which are nothing to the martial arts practitioners.

Yuan Ji didn't even lift her legs. She twisted her waist and her back disappeared in the jungle.

This is a jungle, cool and quiet.

The stream gurgled and the cicadas chirped.

The mountain breeze blew by, and a strand of her hair floated gently, revealing a section of her neck as white as jade.

Suddenly, she stopped and stood quietly.

Silently, six figures appeared behind her.

The fog in front seemed to be pulled away by a pair of hands, and a person slowly stepped out.

The clothes they wear are of the same style. On top of the white clothes, there is a line of green, like spring water flowing through the earth. This is the Chun Shui Sect's clothes.

The Chunshui Sect shows itself to others in a polite manner, even if they are killing people and stealing goods, they still behave in a polite manner.

Is it her?

The old man in front said calmly.

It was this woman who killed the young master!

How courageous! The old man in front said in a deep voice: If you dare to kill the young master of Chunshui Sect, even if you escape to Jiuyou, you will still die.

As soon as his voice fell, the six people behind him all flashed their swords, and the elegant bamboo forest was filled with murderous intent.

Yuan Ji raised her eyes and stared at the old man in front of her: This elder, you forgot to ask why I killed him.

No need to ask! the old man said coldly: There is a reason for you to die, but there is no reason for you to die anyway!

Yuan Ji sighed softly: Is there no room for maneuver?


As soon as a word was said, a sudden storm surged behind Yuan Ji, and six people drew their swords...

A man on the left drew his sword, and the sky turned into a dragon-shaped shadow...

The three people in the middle drew out their swords, and their sword energy transformed into three ferocious beasts, one on the left and one on the right, and a ferocious wolf volleyed down from the top...

The person on the far right raised a sword in his hand, green light spread across the ground, and above the sword tip, there was a blue flower...

The last person's figure disappeared, but a strong wind swept from the place where he stood...

Among the six people, the lowest one is Dao Flower, the highest one is Dao Fruit, and there is also the sword blue flower between Dao Flower and Dao Fruit...

In just the blink of an eye, Yuan Ji blocked everything in all directions.

Absolutely nothing is missed.

Yuan Ji moved her hand, and suddenly there was an umbrella in her palm, an extremely elegant umbrella, with green bamboo as the pole and plain cloth as the surface. The umbrella was gently opened, and seven words appeared on the inside of the umbrella: A cup of fragrant tea is like me. fragrant.

As soon as the umbrella is opened, the scenery changes suddenly...

The mountains and forests with clear skies suddenly turned into misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River...

The old man in front suddenly shouted: Back off!

The sound waves are like thunder, like the roaring wind...

Like an angry dragon pointing at Yuan Ji, the hundred feet of rain and fog in front of Yuan Ji swept away, and the strong wind hit her in the center of the mist and rain.

The umbrella in Yuan Ji's hand spins gracefully in a circle!

With a bang, Yuan Ji stepped back a hundred feet, but the strong wind was also deflected by her umbrella.

With this rotation, the misty rain surrounding her body was disrupted by the strong wind and shot in all directions.


A cloud of blood mist bloomed in the rain in the southwest corner.

There is another group in the northwest corner...

In an instant, six groups of blood mist bloomed one after another. The six people who attacked her at the beginning turned into blood mist and bloomed in every corner of the bamboo forest. The strangest thing is that the surrounding bamboo forest was not damaged at all, even the weakest grass. Swaying in the wind, it seems that it is just blown by the wind.

The old man's face was livid, and he said slowly: Walking around the rivers and lakes under an umbrella, the light rain will cause all the bones to wither... The peerless miracle 'Jiangnan Rain' created by Fairy Mist and Rain in the past?

Old senior, you are so knowledgeable! Yuan Ji smiled slightly: On that day, the young master of your sect wanted to do something wrong to me, which led to the disaster of death. Although this is quite regrettable, after all, the young master of your sect brought it upon himself. Why don't you show your respect, senior? , let’s just leave it at that?”

A moment ago, she killed six masters with an umbrella and was extremely domineering, but at this moment, she is gentle and gentle.

The elder said slowly: If it was three years ago, when the old man faced the girl Jiang Nanyu, he might really choose to let it go, but today is quite different.

Yuan Ji swept her hair from her forehead elegantly: What's the difference?

Today, the old man has already broken through half a step to reach heaven and earth, but he still wants to learn and learn from the peerless genius' unparalleled miraculous skills.

Yuan Ji's smile stiffened.

Her Jiangnan Yu is fearless in Daoguo territory. However, the other party is half-step like heaven and earth!

What does half-step like heaven and earth mean?

It means that his cultivation level has actually reached Xiangtian Fadi, but he still lacks one heavenly tribulation. Xiangtianfadi, who has not experienced the celestial tribulation, has not been marked with the heavenly tribulation Dao pattern on his bones, and cannot transform into Qianzhang at will and exert his ultimate cultivation. Wei Li, however, the operation of his power has already followed the path of heaven.

Half a step is like heaven and earth, but it does not mean that the path and fruit are the ultimate.

The rules of power operation and combat effectiveness are all completely different.

When she encounters the ultimate Dao Fruit, she still has the strength to fight, but when she encounters the half-step Xiangtian Dharma Earth, she is helpless!

Old senior has surpassed the level of Daoguo. Do you really want to bully the little girl? The little girl is just your nephew. Yuan Ji sighed leisurely. This sigh was full of helplessness and weakness.

She said these words in such a weak manner, which would make normal people unable to do so.

However, this old man was very determined:

I will only kill you, not bully you!

Step by step, murderous at every step, unwavering.

Yuan Ji said: In that case, senior, let's break the misty spring tide of this little girl!

Her forehead shook slightly, as if a small window had been opened. Inside the small window, a willow tree swayed gently. When the willow branches swayed, the bamboo forest moved together, and the misty rain was misty. Within a radius of a thousand feet, it was filled with mist and rain...

Misty Rain Spring Tide? This is the Mist and Rain Escape Technique! The elder sneered, and a huge three-headed snake suddenly appeared above his head. He roared to the sky, and the mist and rain dispersed in an instant. Yuan Ji was no longer in the rain and mist area, and had already escaped. The side of the mountain, but the shock wave came from behind, covering her completely.

Yuan Ji changed color, and the small umbrella in her hand suddenly expanded and turned into a giant umbrella hundreds of feet tall.


The umbrella flew far away, Yuan Ji flew even further, and hit the cliff behind. A mouthful of blood spurted into the sky. Her true energy was in a mess, and she couldn't move...

Death! The elder stepped across three miles of sky and slapped Yuan Ji.

Although this palm is not like the sky and the earth, the shadow of the palm is like a huge overturned mountain, which is exactly the same as the sky and the earth.

At the last moment of her life, Yuan Ji looked into the night city...

Mom, you told me that in the world, every time you turn around, it is a new realm. I believe it. On the top of Da Cang Mountain, under the starlight, when I turned around, it was indeed a new realm.

But I still don’t know the real reason why you asked me to wait for a month and eight days at the top of Da Cang Mountain.

Just to wait for him?

If so, then you succeeded, because I did wait for him after one month and eight days!

But what about waiting for him?

I gave my virginity to him, so what?

I don't even know whether his name, Su Lin, is real or fake, and I don't even know what his mother's intention is...

Suddenly, Yuan Ji's body was light, and she turned sideways. In the shadow under the giant palm, she saw a face, a familiar face...

With a bang, half of the mountain peak turned into ashes...

The elder stared at Lin Su who suddenly appeared on the mountainside and Yuan Ji in Lin Su's arms, his pupils shrinking to a thin line.

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