Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 498 Yaocheng is a big formation

Another group of people came in. Seeing these honest and courteous figures, Lin Su guessed that they might be from the Daqing Kingdom.

It was later confirmed that they were indeed the Qing Sect of the Daqing Kingdom, and it was said that this Qing Sect was separated from Zhongtiao Mountain by a mountain. The Nongsheng Holy Family of Zhongtiao Mountain had an elder named Sanwu who made a special trip to Haining. Jiangtan, invited him to take a look. After this trip, if there are no emergencies, he might as well make a detour to Daqing Country and visit the Holy Family of Nong Sheng.

Each of the seventeen Holy Families is a force, and any one of them may become a bargaining chip in the balance. He has become a disgusting person in front of the Holy Family. There are really very few leading figures in the Holy Family who are officially Invite him...

Suddenly, Lin Su saw a strange scene.

A bunch of big heads that were completely out of proportion to the body came in.

Most of the people below don't know this, but Lin Su knows about it, Wenxin Pavilion!

If there are Lin Su's enemies among the world's cultivation sects, Wenxin Pavilion is obviously one of them, because he and Wenxin Pavilion have secretly clashed with each other at least twice.

The Cangchi battlefield was obviously a battle between the Da Cangshan Army and the Chi Kingdom Army, but secretly it was a battle between Lin Su and Wenxin Pavilion.

Qinglian discussed that Jun Song, the master of Wenxin Pavilion in the Chi Kingdom team, killed Wang Junyu in the Da Cang team, and Lin Su killed Jun Yu, so there was a loss and a win.

Today, they also have a hand in the grand gathering of the spiritual world?

Let's see what kind of trouble they will stir up.

Lin Su looked at the big head at the front and wanted to open it to see what kind of tricks were inside.

The big head suddenly turned around, and a cold gaze was directed at Lin Su's position. Lin Su suddenly retracted his head. He suddenly had a strange feeling, as if there were a pair of invisible eyes, looking at his whole body. penetrating.

Fortunately, those eyes just glanced over and didn't delve into it at all.

Lin Su sat blankly by the window, not turning around for a long time...

Wenxin Pavilion is not simple. This secret technique of spiritual power is truly extraordinary. It is not a cultivation technique. Strictly speaking, it is just a talent. However, even if this talent is used in a competition arena where practitioners gather, it will still be outstanding. Mysterious and terrifying.

Lin Su did not delve into the next few teams.

But as dusk approached, a team came in and brought him back to life...

Hey, little beauty, that shameless person watching you practice is here again...

Among the Wushan team, Cai Zhulian's whole body was shocked. She stared at the direction where the sound came from. For a moment, she forgot about the southeast, northwest, and who am I? where am I? Is this Yao Chi or Da Cang Kingdom's court? Am I dazzled?

How could you see him?

Zhang Yiyu just reminded me that it's best not to reveal your identity. I think Fairy Zhang is right. So, little beauty, don't think that I am the number one scholar in the world. You can put away the blurred color in your eyes and just think of me as a sword. Just Mensurin.”

Jianmen Sulin? Cai Zhulian's voice floated up.

Yes, the former was a troublemaker in both the literary and political circles, and the new one is talking about me, Jianmen Sulin!

As for your predecessor and your new appointment, haven't you always been a troublemaker? And have you ever resigned from office? Cai Zhulian rolled her eyes: Don't move there, I'll come over tonight to review you.


Is this script right?

He sent a formal application for opening a room to Zhang Xiaoniangpi, but Xiaoniangpi refused.

He didn't send an invitation to Cai Xiaoniangpi, but Cai Xiaoniangpi accepted.

Remember, don't move! Otherwise, hum, you know... Cai Zhulian flicked her colorful hair and disappeared with the flow of people...

The sun is setting!

Yaocheng fell into dusk, with only a few clouds still alive in the sky.

Suddenly, a graceful and unparalleled shadow appeared in the sky. He raised his hand gently and collected all the clouds in the sky. Yaocheng shook slightly, and countless visible and invisible garbage turned into dust out of thin air and turned into mist and was sucked into the ground.

Countless people on the street were stunned.

Including the recent head of the Wushan Sect.

Every cultivator is accustomed to placing himself in front of the cultivators in the world to see what weight he is. The leaders of each sect are dignified people, and everyone's self-positioning is very high.

However, the first day she stepped into Yaocheng, she suffered a heavy blow, and it was a heavy blow that went straight into her soul.

Yaochi, it is indeed Yaochi! The sect leader raised her eyes and looked at the sky, her eyes full of awe.

Perhaps this is Yaochi's warning to the practicing sects all over the world.

Let them know where to practice and attain enlightenment.

Lin Su stared at the horizon, but there was something else in his eyes.

There are very few people who can discover the mystery, and he is one of them.

Under his thousand-degree eyes, he was completely different from what everyone saw.

What everyone saw was an immortal flying across the sky, controlling the entire city, and was so meticulous that it was outrageous.

And what he saw was a large formation.

There is no Skyrim Flying Immortal, there is no so-called human control, there is just a strange formation. This formation includes the entire Yao City. The Skyrim Flying Immortal is nothing more than a phantom activated by the formation.

When the formation is activated, the entire city is cleared of dust, no matter which corner it is.

The power of this formation is incredible.

What if they weren’t removing trash?

What if it was a person they wanted to get rid of?

In the entire city, no matter who they are, they can eliminate them at targeted locations!

In this city with a population of tens of millions, it seems that all industries are prosperous and everyone seems to be a free person. However, who knows that their lives are all tied to the thoughts of others?

Yaochi, what are you doing?

On the north side of Yao City, is where the contestants from the major sects live. Thousands of small courtyards are lined up in a row, with countless maids coming in and out. This is the reception point where Yaochi receives the major sects.

The reception level is quite high.

The ones used are authentic Yaochi disciples.

What we eat are authentic Yaochi ingredients.

What I drank was authentic Yaochi Xianjiang. This fairy brew, no matter how it compares to Baiyunbian, is much stronger than other sect fairy brews. The hungry ghost in the wine went thousands of miles to come here to ask for it, but he only got a small bottle, and is of inferior quality. What I brought out today is all of high quality.

Best of all, these are all free.

If Lin Su knew this, he might give himself a slap in the face. This is all caused by not knowing the rules. Yaochi holds a grand event and has prepared food and accommodation for all the major sects. You are also officially invited after all. As long as the Yaochi order is revealed, people will provide you with free food, accommodation and maids. But you are outside fighting for territory with those people who are watching the excitement. If you don't bleed, who will bleed?

Bishui Sect's small courtyard.

Lu Tianming looked at the horizon, his expression slightly changed.

Master, who was the fairy just now? The Saint of Yaochi? Zhang Yiyu poured a cup of Yaochi fairy brew for the master.

Where is the fairy? It's just a formation! Lu Tianming said.

Zhang Yiyu was suddenly startled.

It is said that this formation is the most terrifying. As long as the formation is activated, people all over the city will be killed and killed! Lu Tianming said: It's about preventing demons from sneaking in and destroying the conference, but isn't this true? To establish authority?

Demons infiltrating? is it possible? Zhang Yiyu asked.

Of course it's possible!

Even inevitable!

Do you know what Yaochi Hui is? In fact, it is to select the leader of the younger generation of the human race. How can the demon race be willing to see this situation? Naturally, they want to destroy it. The truly terrible destruction is not the destruction of the event. The truly terrible thing is that they will target the selected human geniuses with poisonous hands.

Zhang Yiyu's back felt slightly cold, and she once again felt the cruelty coming from the cultivation world.

My sect does not need to worry. With your cultivation level, you will definitely not be able to get into the sight of the demon clan. Just perform normally. I hope you will be ranked around 500 on the Lingyun Ranking.

Zhang Yiyu left the room, returned to his room, and stared out the window blankly.

She was a little confused.

She has been fighting for the Yaochi Conference for fifteen years. From the time she first entered the Bishui Sect, she has been instilled with a message to practice hard and strive to participate in the Yaochi Conference.

Because people of their generation are blessed to be able to attend the Yaochi Convention, which is held only once in a century, at the best age of their lives.

From that moment on, all her training was for the Yaochi Society.

She came step by step, got closer step by step...

The image of Yaochi Society in her heart gradually became fuller...

Yaochi Hui, she can drink Yaochi jade liquid, which can make her cultivation improve by leaps and bounds...

The Yaochi Club can make her famous, Zhang Yiyu, in the spiritual world...

She has done it all and has arrived at the venue of Yaochi Club...

However, a new concept was implanted in her mind, letting her know that Yaochi would not only be what she imagined, but that Yaochi would be related to the millennium plan of the human race.

She also knew that at the Yaochi Conference, she had to make a name for herself, but she couldn’t make her name too high. Once she stood out too much, she might be targeted for elimination!

Risks and opportunities coexist.

The opportunities are extremely great, and so are the risks.

But no matter what, what the master said is right. With Zhang Yiyu's talent and her cultivation base, she can't reach the top even if she risks her life. The demons will only pay attention to those who are at the top. Therefore, she was safe. However, this kind of safety made her quite uncomfortable.

She, the flower of the great avenue, is simply dispensable in the eyes of the demons?

Senior sister! came a voice, accompanied by a cup of fragrant tea.

It was Zhou Yueru. It was definitely an accident that Zhou Yueru could attend the Yaochi Club. She didn’t even understand why her senior sister asked her to bring her here. She needed to know that participating in the Yaochi Club was the dream of all the disciples of the Bishui Sect, even if she was just a maid serving tea and water. , the whole clan still robbed like crazy.

Zhang Yiyu's eyes slowly moved over: Yueru, there is something I have always wanted to ask you.

Sister, tell me! Zhou Yueru said respectfully.

Your family regretted their relationship with the Lin family. Have you ever regretted it?

Zhou Yueru's face changed slightly: Senior sister, after all, I am not on the same path as him. My path is to cultivate the Tao. What I yearn for is always to step through the sky and face the stars thousands of miles away. I am incompatible with the Tao of culture, so...

She didn't say the next words.

Because she couldn't tell.

She did not clearly answer whether she regretted it, because she could not convince herself...

Zhang Yiyu smiled softly: What you yearn for is the path of cultivation. If one day, you suddenly find that this road is also a monument, what will you do?

Zhou Yueru's whole body was shocked: It's impossible, right?

Nothing in this world is possible. Let me tell you in advance. If you find out that he has also participated in the Yaochi meeting, don't make any noise and just watch quietly. There should be no discussion afterwards.

Zhou Yueru looked at her blankly, not knowing where she was.

He participated in the Yaochi Club!

What the senior sister said to her today was just a precaution to prevent her from leaking the news, because the senior sister knew that she knew Lin Su.

is it possible?

How can it be?

It is true that he is a literary genius, and it is true that he is a great master, but these are all literary trends and have nothing to do with spiritual practice.

He has indeed shown off his superb flying knives, but flying knives of that level are just a child's play when presented to the Yaochi Conference.

In what capacity did he come?

It can only be someone like her.

So, which sect will he affiliate with? Is it possible that among the disciples who came here today, there is someone who is pretending to be him? No, she knew all the disciples from the Bishui Sect, and they were all women.

So which sect will it be?

The night was quiet, Lin Su was sitting on the balcony, a smile slowly appeared on his lips.

Because he knew that someone was behind him.

You are still wearing last year's perfume. There is a new perfume this year. Do you want it? Lin Su slowly turned around.

Cai Zhulian behind her was a little surprised: Did I put on perfume? No? She pulled up her sleeves and smelled it. It seemed like it was there, but it seemed like it wasn't. She used to wear perfume, and she put it on every day, and this perfume was also Her position in the sect made her extremely high-ranking, and Qiu Lei, who could not be obtained by others, seemed to cost her nothing - in fact, she really did not spend any money.

But this time it was different. This was a desperate effort. No matter how fragrant the application was, no one would be merciful. On the contrary, it might cause trouble. For example, if she met some skilled transsexuals, the scent might stimulate them to plot evil, but she was not afraid. , but it is better to do less than to do more, so why bother? So, she didn't put on perfume.

If I really didn't apply it today, then it's because I applied it too much in the past and it's got the smell. Lin Su put his hand on her shoulder, pulled her closer, took a deep breath, and nodded: Well, it's really delicious. It all smells good...

Cai Zhulian's white eyes formed quietly in the dark night, but she really didn't know if she should post a short work or something. After all, people were praising her fragrance...

Especially when Lin Su raised her hand and a small bag was handed to her, she couldn't help but feel angry.

Opening the bag, there were hundreds of small bottles lying quietly inside. The words written on the bottles suddenly hit her heart, making her want to take out a small notebook and write it down on the spot...

I've just woken up, I've embroidered Luo Yi, I've washed myself, and I'm ready for everything. The east wind blows lightly in the Chuiyang Courtyard, who knows what's going on in the spring... Caizhulian recited: Is it your new poem again?

Lin Su looked at her blankly, shouldn't you open the bottle and smell it first? Study poetry? !

Write down for me what poems you wrote after you left Xizhou...

Lin Su finally put his hand on his forehead: Girl, where are we? Why are we here? It's a holy place for spiritual practice, but you don't study spiritual practice and poetry? Don't you think there's something wrong?

What's the point of studying cultivation? Anyway, your cultivation level is always at the bottom. Being crushed by others to the point of doubting your life is the result of no suspense. I want to find something exciting for you in advance to give you a comfort: your fighting ability No, but your poetry is good!”

Depend on! Who can't?

Who is at the bottom? It’s impossible for me to be at the bottom even if you are at the bottom! Lin Su looked at her colorful hair and wanted to have a hard time with her, so that she could see if he could do it...

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