Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 504 The fourth level under the moon in Yaochi

At this moment, a voice came from behind: Yiyu baby, you are better than Cai'er in every aspect, right? There's no reason why she can do it but you can't, right? Don't be impatient, keep calm, you can definitely suppress her.

As soon as this voice came, Zhang Yiyu's heart was filled with rage. Who are you calling Cai'er?

Called so affectionately?

I'll trample her to death!

Kick, kick, kick...

Lin Su looked at her heroic appearance from behind and almost laughed. He still had a stronger stimulus, but he didn't dare to show it. If he said that if you win, you will be the eldest wife and let her be the little wife, it is estimated that this will The girl will collapse.

Therefore, if this is to stimulate people on the white jade steps, the heat must be controlled.

There was another person in front of him. He didn’t have an umbrella in his hand, but he still walked out of the smell of Jiangnan smoke.

It's Yuan Ji.

Seeing that she was walking steadily, Lin Su stopped harassing her.

He was afraid that she would lose her mind and fall down.

There is also the little saint Mengzhu. She is walking side by side with her sister. Judging from the situation in front of her, it is not bad.

I am such a good person. On such an important occasion, I still care about a lot of people. Lin Su praised himself in his heart...

Mengzhu is walking quite steadily, because her state of mind is so transcendent, all thanks to Lin Su's guidance - there is a comprehensive reflection every month, and after dozens of reflections, can her state of mind still be transcendent?

Her sister Mengqing was also in a peaceful mood at first, walking very steadily step by step, but suddenly, she saw someone!

When she saw this person, Meng Qing could hardly believe her eyes.

Oh my god, who do I see?

That liar back then!

How could he participate in the Yaochi Meeting?

How could he possibly ascend the White Jade Platform?

where am I?


Mengqing fell from the white jade steps and landed on the fourth floor platform. She was stunned for a moment. When she got up, she yelled: You are a liar, you and I are incompatible with each other... …

No one could hear her screams except the people on the fourth floor platform.

The white jade steps isolate the sound from outside the boundary. Once they fall, they are outside the boundary.

Even Mengzhu didn't notice her sister's mistake at all, because she integrated herself wholeheartedly into her own body and adjusted the landing point of every step. Lingyun Tianjiao was right in front of her, and her dream before setting off was right in front of her.

At the top of the white jade steps, Ji Wen tried his best to look cool. Only he knew that he had tried his best. There are 3,600 steps, divided into three levels. The first 1,200 steps are the next level, and the middle 1,200 steps are the second level. After level 1200, go beyond level 3.

He never doubted whether he was a genius.

However, going beyond level 3 is equally a matter of success and failure for him.

Finally stepping onto the last step and reaching the fifth-floor platform, Ji Wen broke into a layer of cold sweat on his back. It was so dangerous. If he failed, the consequences would be really terrible.

Just when he felt at ease, a voice came: Amitabha...

Ji Wen looked to one side and saw Bald Head, and Xumizi arrived at the same time as him.

At this moment, Xumizi instantly turned into a mountain in his heart.

What makes Xumizi so powerful is that he never goes against the grain, or no one in the world really understands him.

The swordsman came up. The 3,600 steps seemed to him only the distance from the living room to the bedroom.

This man's sword-like gaze was directed at Ji Wen, and there was also some fear in his eyes.

Because Ji Wen also came up.

The strength of Ji Wen is not at all about jumping up the ranks, but the incredible ability to disassemble and learn moves. But even in areas where Ji Wen was not strong, Ji Wen still overwhelmed him.

Just as Ji Wen placed his target on Xumi Zi, the swordsman also placed his target on Ji Wen.

Ji Wen was shocked by Xumizi.

The swordsman was also shocked by Ji Wen.

The people at the top, before the war has officially started, have already had their own plans, determined their own opponents, and repeatedly speculated. In fact, the boundless storm has already sparked with every word, every incident, and every game.

Crazy Sword, the second person on the Lingyun List, arrived. He was staring at Xumizi with a big knife on his back, as if he wanted to slash the bald head.

The fourth place on the Lingyun List is a woman named Ning Feixue. Ning Feixue stands elegantly on the fifth floor platform, looking up at the sky. It seems that she has not enjoyed herself just now and wants to play a few more levels.

The top five masters had gathered together, and their demeanor and power overshadowed the dozen or so people at the back.

But it is undeniable that the Lingyun Ranking is the Lingyun Ranking after all, and the rankings are quite accurate. The top fifty people on the Lingyun Ranking have all reached the finish line as soon as possible.

Next, the top 100 people arrived one after another.

Lei Nu has arrived, no, to be precise, he is still one step away from the top. He just stops there, seeming to be recovering his strength. This situation is actually quite common. The last step is also the strongest wave of impact. Don't fall short.

However, he stood there for too long.

Half an hour passed and he didn't move.

More than ten people passed by him, but he still didn't move.

Finally, he turned back.

Staring at the person coming from behind.

This man's face was covered with veins and his eyes were blood red. This was obviously a sign that his skill had reached its extreme.

He is Li Xingkong!

Li Xingkong, if you take one more step forward, I will kill you on the spot! Lei Nu's voice was like thunder, pouring roughly into Li Xingkong's ears.

Li Xingkong's whole body was shaken. The script had been raised, but it stopped in the air.


Logically speaking, Lei Nu wouldn't dare, but this is a lunatic. In the heavy snow area of ​​Yanshan Snow, he fought him to death without fear of his own injury. In terms of actual combat power, Li Xingkong was on par with him. In this time, it was difficult to tell the winner. However, because the environment was too harsh, Li Xingkong was worried that his own foundation would be damaged, so he was defeated by Lei Wu.

During this battle in the heavy snow, Li Xingkong cast a shadow.

He was a little scared.

Do you dare to bet? If you take one step forward, I will kill you! Go ahead! Lei Nu stared at him with cold eyes, and his cruel voice ruthlessly penetrated into the depths of Li Xingkong's soul.

Li Xingkong's toes trembled.

Lei laughed angrily: Just when you are weighing in your mind whether I dare to kill you or not, you have lost the heart of a strong man. Li Xingkong, you are not worthy of being a proud man, you are just garbage!

ah! Li Xingkong's whole body was in chaos, and he flew away. When he was about to step onto the last step of the Lingyun Tianjiao List, he fell off the high platform.

On the highest stand, the leader of Tianxing Sect suddenly stood up: Damn it!

His angry shout shook the entire high platform.

This boy violated the rules of the competition and should be expelled from the competition! The leader of the Tianxing Sect looked directly at the Holy Master of Yaochi at the top and said every word.

The Holy Master of Yaochi slowly moved his eyes over. Before he could speak, Taoist Wuyun in the front row spoke first: Sect Master Li, which game rule did this kid violate?

Sect Leader Li's chest rose and fell sharply, and he was speechless for a moment.

In the arena of competition among cultivators, even killing is forbidden. What can be forbidden? What are the rules? The only rule is: the strong go up, the weak go down!

If Lei Nu plots against Li Xingkong, he can still be held accountable for violating the moral principles of the world, but has Lei Nu ever plotted against him?

Just said a few words!

In a few words, winning all the competition venues in the world is not a violation of the rules.

Taoist Wuyun smiled faintly: I have a saying that is very good. When the saint son of your family speculates in his heart whether the other party dares or not, he has lost the heart of a strong man! Those who do not have the heart of a strong man, have What qualifications do you have to be on the list of Lingyun Tianjiao?

You... Sect Leader Li's expression changed drastically, and he glared at Taoist Wuyun.

Taoist Wuyun raised his feet, stepped on the coffee table in front of him, and tilted his head: What? Sect Master Li looked at Pindao, as if he wanted to test his fortune. How about Pindao testing this fortune for the sect master?

Sect Master Li's heart was pounding, but he knew what Taoist Wuyun meant by fortune-telling.

This man behaves completely without rules.

How could he measure his fortune?

The basic logic of his fortune-telling is: I say you will die one day, and I will go over and see if you are really dead, and I will measure it accurately. If you are not dead, I will help you die, and I will be accurate anyway.

Is it necessary to fight to the death for such a lunatic?

Taoist Wuyun laughed: Sect Master Li, when you were weighing whether Pindao would really test your luck, you also lost the heart of a strong man! Haha, Pindao suddenly discovered the word 'heart of a strong man' , it’s really interesting.”

All the sect leaders looked at each other...

There are also observers on the southwest peak.

They are the heads of small and medium-sized sects, or the second echelon of large sects.

The central viewing platform is filled with heads of major sects. They are not qualified to attend, so they can only watch from the side.

But what are the benefits? The leader of the sect can be with his disciples, watching and analyzing top people, and broadening the horizons of his disciples.

Among them is a very special sect: Wenxin Pavilion.

The special thing about Wenxin Pavilion is that they have no cultivation, but no sect is willing to offend them.

Because they are the sixth realm beyond the five realms.

What they cultivate is spiritual power.

Mental power is so mysterious that even people with no cultivation can kill those geniuses without a sound. People at the first level of each sect leader can rely on their advanced cultivation and not be afraid of them. But, you Where are the disciples? Where is your sect’s genius? Aren't you afraid that people will kill you without proof?

Therefore, anyone who doesn't have a problem in their head is not willing to provoke them.

The person leading the team today is Du Kui, the great elder of Wenxin Pavilion.

Ever since the Yaochi level was opened, Du Kui's eyes had become particularly gloomy.

An elder next to him said: Great Elder, it seems that we have to look beyond the Red Kingdom.

His voice echoed in the small circle of Wenxin Pavilion, which was indescribably weird. This space was created by the Great Elder to isolate the sound. Even the top cultivators could not hear it - because they were not cultivating the same system.

Another elder said: Exactly, just like the world of literature and Taoism, the world of cultivation is also divided into high and low. The Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, the Xitian Immortal Kingdom, and the ancient Nanyang Kingdom are far superior to other countries. Standing in Lingyun Most of the people at the top of the list come from the three countries above.

The elder at the beginning added: So, Great Elder, if we want to connect with the spiritual path, we should not get entangled at the bottom, but should choose the higher places to enter, such as Yaochi, Thousand Buddha Temple, Dishui Temple, Tianling Sect, Hemen, Xueyuan, Nushan, Xue There are eight super sects in Fenggu, but if they get one, they are all very happy.

What is a super sect?

The basic premise is that the active heaven realm is in charge.

Therefore, the sect leaders of these eight major sects are all in the Source Heaven realm.

There is even more than one Source Heaven Realm.

The Da Cang Sect is a top-level sect if it has the Heaven-like Law and Earth realm. In these super sects, the Heaven-like Law and Earth Realm are only the basic requirements for elders. The top elders must be Yuantian!

Therefore, they are super!

The plot of Wenxin Pavilion is far from being as simple as intervening in the military. What they want is far more wild than what the world imagines. They want to get involved in the spiritual path. There is no point in tossing at the bottom. Going straight to the top is the direction of Wenxin Pavilion.

This may be the ultimate purpose for people from Wenxin Pavilion to participate in the Yaochi Club - to choose partners.

However, among the eight super sects, which one do they focus on?

This is very particular.

Yaochi is naturally the best, with a profound foundation. With Yaochi’s order, the world will follow, which shows its leading position in the spiritual path. However, Yaochi is still too plain, and they have always been resistant to the matter of collusion, and they disdain it. Yu Goulian.

The Thousand Buddhas Temple's profound heritage is unparalleled, but Buddhism is destined to have a small circle.

Dishuiguan operates unconventionally. However, the leader, Wuyun Taoist Priest, has very fickle moods. He can hook you up with his front foot and test your luck with his back foot. Do you think he can't do it?

Perhaps only Tianling Sect is the best.

The Tianling Sect is unwilling to be left alone, and is eclectic, maintaining a continuous interest in all kinds of magical arts...

Amid the discussion among the elders, the Great Elder's eyes kept flickering. Finally, he spoke: The Tianling Sect's top choice, his genius disciple Ji Wen on this stage, should be a suitable breakthrough. Who Disciple goes out to make friends with him?

When a large number of sects meet, it is not appropriate for the heads of state to hold direct talks. There must be a step-by-step process. The best way is for the genius disciples of the two sects to make friends first. When the conditions are ripe, the elders of both sides will end up - just like the meeting between heads of state in modern times. .

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples in the circle were excited.

Especially a few female disciples.

Not to mention, the women in Wenxin Pavilion are at opposite ends of the spectrum from men. Men have big heads, thin bodies, and look sickly.

As for the women in Wenxin Pavilion, their heads are like those of normal people, and their size is reflected in their breasts. Such disciples, who have both body and breasts, brains and eloquence, are the best tools to get close to the top geniuses of the outer sect. .

But none of these women spoke.

Because they know that even if they want to take on this task again, they can't compete with Du Yan. Du Yan is the unique person in the entire Wenxin Pavilion who can handle all the geniuses.

Du Yan held out her chest and did not speak, because she knew that the Great Elder would eventually call her name directly.

However, she did not expect, nor did anyone expect that a male disciple suddenly said: Disciple, I am willing to go!

All the elders focused their attention on a registered disciple who stood on the outskirts of the crowd and seemed to be incompatible with everyone. If Lin Su paid attention to him, he would be surprised. This person was the first one he met on the battlefield in the southern country. Disciple of Wenxin Pavilion, Du Jin!

Du Jin...are you willing to go? The great elder was surprised.

The man took three steps forward and bowed deeply: Great Elder, a person like Ji Wen cannot be moved by beauty. Only a disciple can make him truly useful to me.

The great elder's face darkened: Give me a reason!

Du Jin's spiritual consciousness transmitted...

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