Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 516 Transform into colorful clouds and fly eastward

The Yaochi Club is over.

When his life or death is unknown, there are people waiting for him in Yaocheng. This may be Lin Su's great gain when he enters the world.

Oh, yes, there is more!

Because he has already smelled the fragrance of Lin's perfume...

A clear voice came from behind: Am I right? Some people can't bear to step onto the Naihe Bridge because they haven't really got Yiyu. Look, isn't this great scourge back alive and kicking?

Boo! When Lin Su turned around, he saw Zhang Yiyu slamming his fist on Cai Zhulian's shoulder.

In addition to the two of them, there was another person.

Mengzhu, the little saint of Yunxi Sect.

Mengzhu shook her head: Saint Cai, don't say that. Brother Su is really a gentleman with a pure nature, but he can't stand your teasing...

Lin Su was holding the wine glass, and suddenly felt that the wine glass was a little hot.

You really have to tell me, how did she get you involved with a gentleman? In other words, this is a hundred times more difficult than your attempt to seize the leader of Lingyun! Zhang Yiyu's message came to Lin Su's ears.

Immediately afterwards, Cai Zhulian's message came: Sir Lingyun, would you like to recite a poem to commemorate this great moment? You recite quietly, and I will memorize it quietly, ensuring that your identity will not be exposed...

Ahem... Lin Su coughed: Are you three the only ones greeting me? Looking around, he didn't see Yuan Ji, you little bitch, everyone else was waiting for me, but you didn't wait. Is it a success?

Cai Zhulian and Zhang Yiyu were about to explode on the spot: Damn! For a bastard like you, it's a wonder that one person is waiting for you. If you're not satisfied with three people waiting for you, how much more do you want?

I have to go, which one of you is coming with me?

Zhang Yiyu sighed: My master has left. He is really not afraid that I, the 296th Ling Yun Tianjiao, will be killed. What can I do? Find a bodyguard. You are barely qualified to be my bodyguard!

Cai Zhulian quit: Hey, let's just talk about things. Don't mention the ranking of Lingyun Tianjiao all the time, okay? You are only one higher than me, and you have mentioned it eight hundred times. What's the point? If you are not a master, Your Majesty has ordered us to take care of our fellow Da Cang on the road. I am too lazy to be with you... By the way, the affairs of our fellow Da Cang have little to do with the Dachuan Kingdom, right? Saint Maiden of Dreams, you don’t need to follow me Bar?

She directly questioned the little saint Mengzhu.

Saint Mengzhu smiled: I am the one who needs to follow you the most. Although Brother Su is the leader of Lingyun, he is a gentleman with a pure nature. How can he avoid the tricks of the ghost land on his way back home? So, I am here to help you stay safe. Return home!”

Although she said that she was a pure nature and a gentleman, making the two women roll their eyes at any time, they were still curious about her words...

Help him return home safely?

How can I help?

The little saint Mengzhu smiled proudly: Do you know what Yunxi Sect is? Where there are clouds and streams, that is the sect!

She raised her hand gently, and a willow leaf appeared in her palm. It turned into a flying boat and loaded the four people into it...

The next moment, the flying boat broke through the sky...

Fly to the West!

Lin Su, Zhang Yiyu, and Cai Zhulian's eyes widened at the same time...

In the eyes of everyone in the city, this flying boat was flying to the west, which completely matched their route back to the sky. However, only they knew that things had a strange change.

The flying boat flying to the west is fake.

On the fake boat, the four figures were lifelike, talking, laughing and moving, but they were also fake.

The real them turned into clouds and mist at this moment, and went to the east silently.

This is the special feature of the Yunxi Sect’s treasure: the Yunxi Immortal Boat.

One boat is divided into two boats, and the reality is unpredictable.

The real boat turned into clouds and mist, and the energy mechanism was completely hidden.

The fake boat turns into a real boat, and the Qi machine is perfectly copied.

Ordinary people will be fooled if they see it with their eyes. Experts will still be fooled if they measure it with their qi.

As one of the Immortal Sects, Yunxi Sect is not very powerful, but it can stand in the forest of the Immortal Sect and has its own way of survival. Its ability to become invisible and concealed is unrivaled in the world.

In Yaocheng, in a restaurant, two people were sitting opposite each other. Suddenly one of them disappeared out of thin air, leaving only one person. This was a big-headed man. His head was completely out of proportion to his body. He was Du Jin of the Wenxin Pavilion.

Behind her, a beautiful woman twisted her waist slightly and appeared in front of her. This woman, with a beautiful and fragrant appearance, was Du Yan from Wenxin Pavilion.

Du Jin, the first game has come to an end. Who do you think will win between you and me? Du Yan smiled slightly and flashed a communication talisman in her hand.

This is the communication talisman given to her by Ji Wen, who was sitting here just now.

This shows that she, Du Yan, has taken a crucial step and obtained the contact information of the person she wants to conquer.

Du Jin smiled: You have obtained the communication symbol. The next contact may be to invite you to bed, so you think you have won, right?

Isn't it? I know more about men than you do.

You only understand men's physiology, but you don't understand the psychology of men of genius level. Du Jin poured himself a glass of wine: Do you think Ji Wen really cares about a woman?

Giggle! Du Yan laughed: Why do you think this girl has become the number one beauty in Wenxin Pavilion? Why do you think Liu Ruyan, the former 'Misty Rain Tower', was able to stir up the entire world, and even the martial god Li Yunhe fell forever because of her? Because of one thing, she and this girl have the same physique! As long as he is close to me, how can he easily escape from my nine-winding corridor?... And what about you? Give him a ridiculous warning!

Du Jin smiled lightly: Do you really think this warning is ridiculous?

Haha, Du Yan laughed so hard that all the cells in her body almost burst...

I hope he won't be an idiot like you! Du Jin drank the wine in one gulp and stood up slowly: If he is like you and sees it as ridiculous, then... I have to find someone else, and you, lead The 'nine curved corridor' that I am proud of also needs to find someone else to wear it!

He went out, Du Yan's laughter stopped, and her eyes showed thinking...

At this moment in Haining, the autumn air is crisp and the sky is high and the clouds are clear.

Lin Mansion was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations.

Because the big day for the eldest son Lin Zheng is coming soon.

As the mistress of the villa, she is rarely happy, but instead worried about Zhongzhong...

Lin Zheng stood behind her: Mom, do you miss your third brother again?

Yesterday he was tens of thousands of miles away. Now, mother feels that he is even further away from home. The Lin family will be happy in two days and he will not be able to come back. Mother Lin said softly.

Mom, the third brother is a person who does big things. He is going to establish contact with the Holy Family. From now on, the Lin family may be able to rely on the Holy Family. The worldly imperial power will not dare to touch lightly. Compared with the Lin family's future inheritance, the child What does your marriage mean?

Mother Lin slowly turned around: Da Lang, maybe I am just an ignorant woman. I don't care whether it lasts for generations to come. I hope that all of you brothers will be in my sight, visible and touchable...

Lin Zheng gently hugged his mother's shoulders: Mom, second brother, you can see me at any time, and I will definitely come back to see you once a year. Third brother, despite the storm, he left you a wandering thread. You can still touch him, but compared to the fragmented state two years ago, it is completely different now.

Mother Lin nodded: Why can't Mom understand this? Okay, stop comforting Mom, it's time to prepare your affairs. By the way, are those girls in the West Courtyard here?

Xue'er next to her took a step forward: Madam, they have been at Beichuan, Yishui during this period. The sweet-scented osmanthus there is blooming, and this year's Autumn Tears will be born soon.

Yes, Sister Chen, Lu Yi, Cui Ying, and Qiu Shui Huaping, except for making some arrangements for the eldest son's marriage, were almost all in Beichuan, Yishui.

On the one hand, the sweet-scented osmanthus is blooming, which is even more gratifying than last year’s growth.

Autumn Tears is about to be released, and dealers all over the country are stretching their necks. All kinds of open and secret fights have already begun. They are pointing to the perfume quota to estimate the harvest for this year. As the head of the Lin family perfume, they must pay attention.

On the other hand, they also have another mission, which is to accompany the sisters in the capital.

As soon as the sweet-scented osmanthus blooms, the four most talented women in Beijing walk among the flowers all day long, almost turning into butterflies with joy.

Lu Youwei wrote poetry, Bi Xuanji wrote poetry, Xie Xiaoyan not only wrote poetry, but also sang. Where is Princess Yufeng? She also wrote the first poem in her life. As for what she wrote, it became a mystery to all the sisters, because when Xie Xiaoyan snatched it to look at it, Princess Yufeng tried her best to snatch it back. Xie Xiaoyan only saw one sentence, this sentence It is: Yichuan Flowers under the Moon.

Ordinarily, this poem was normal and should never have aroused her such alarm.

But everyone was a talented woman, and they all said that the first half of this poem should be the poetic eye, and should have a clear direction, which started the crazy supplementary poem...

Xie Xiaoyan was writing about Visitors from the Palace at Night, and what she could not forget was the incident that happened to Lin Suzuan in Princess Yufeng's palace that day. As soon as the poem came out, Princess Yufeng gave up on the spot.

Lu Youwei compared it to Guest in front of Xishan Terrace, which was more subtle, but the meaning was the same.

Bi Xuanji made fun of it and added that the shadows of the bamboos in the Zen window move, which looks ethereal and flawless and has nothing to do with men and women having sex. However, the shadow of the bamboos in the Zen window is an allusion, which is about a nun who can't stand loneliness. , stole something, and climbed through the window in the middle of the night. The master asked her, what were you doing? She replied, I saw the bamboo shadow outside the window moving, so I went to the bamboo garden to help Yuzhu meditate. Therefore, the Zen window bamboo shadow became a symbol of affair. Her allusion was playful and obscure, and she used it extremely cleverly. However, she overlooked a very fatal problem, that is: she herself is a Buddhist practitioner, and this allusion is more like talking about herself. She was so angry that she felt regretful for several days.

Green Yi is also a talented woman. She can also write poems. She added: Midnight tea in the study.

What does this mean?

The girls don’t understand, is this also an allusion?

As soon as the questioning process started, Cui Ying held her face and ran eight miles away.

Laughter came from behind, so the idea of ​​Cui Ying's girl serving tea in the study spread to a small area. Princess Yufeng couldn't hold it anymore and couldn't stand you anymore. They all went crazy and ran back to her. A dedicated small building, the name of this building is: Yifeng Tower...

The girls were laughing and playing.

Sister Chen and Qiu Shui Huaping stood a little further away. Sister Chen looked at the floating clouds in the west with a light twinkling in her eyes: It's August 14th. Isn't it time for the Yaochi Fair to end?

Lin Su participated in the Yaochi Meeting, but only two people knew about it, Qiu Shui Painting Screen, her!

It's time to disperse!

I wonder...if my husband can come back tomorrow.

She shouldn't be able to go back! Qiushui Huaping said: The old lady said yesterday that he is still tens of thousands of miles away, so don't worry about him. In the past few years, he has been so busy playing in court that he finally went out to play without any worries. It’s good to go there and relax.”

He has already participated in the competition among the heroes. You call this relaxing? Sister Chen gave her a sideways look.

Qiushui Huaping smiled softly: Do you really expect him to come back with the reputation of a genius in cultivation? That is not his path at all. He just needs to meet the geniuses in the cultivation world and experience a taste of the world that he has never experienced in the past. , without setting goals, just being a spectator, this is the correct way for him to open up. This kind of trip does not have much risk, not so much calculation, what is it if it is not a relaxation?

That's true! Sister Chen nodded: Huaping, what are some discoveries over there?

She moved her eyes to the peak on the left side of Meiling. There used to be a valley, but now there is a pavilion. The pavilion is very special because it is not a real pavilion, but a painting.

This is not painted by Qiushui Painting Screen, but comes from the Holy Family of Paintings.

On the top of Meiling Mountain, the senior members of Hua Sheng's family came and painted a pavilion. They sat in the pavilion and did not cause trouble. No one could drive them away, not even King Chen.

But maybe Sister Chen has a deep-rooted vigilance against the Hua Sheng Sheng family, and she always feels that these two people want to cause trouble.

I don't see any problems at the moment, but they are definitely a hidden danger. Maybe I should remind His Highness Prince Chen and drive them away.

King Chen has no reason to drive them away, because they hold His Majesty's order of passage, and they are allowed to pass through the land of Da Cang.

Lin Su is indeed getting further and further away from home.

Because he did not choose the right way home, but chose the opposite direction.

This direction was not chosen by him, but by the little saint Mengzhu.

The boat trip lasted two days.

Out of the boundary of Xitian Fairy Kingdom.

During the two days, Zhang Yiyu and Cai Zhulian were very quiet, almost feeling sick.


Because they couldn't go through any process after the game.

Logically speaking, there are many ways to celebrate Lin Su's victory in the competition and becoming the first Lingyun, such as writing a poem or singing a song. They love everything to the core. For the love of their lives, they will do anything. He flirted with her by borrowing songs and poems, and she accepted it.

However, there was a third person in the boat.

This person is very special. She is a cultivator, but she has shown great interest in literature. Moreover, Zhang and Cai also know that Yunxi Sect has a tradition of being harmed by scholars.

It seems that this little saint has a tendency to inherit the tradition.

Under this situation, they really didn't dare to flirt with Lin Su.

As long as Lin Su opens her mouth, recites poetry, or sings, there is a high probability that this little saint will follow in her mother's footsteps.

In order to prevent the little saint from being harmed, they made huge sacrifices, resisted the urge to write poems and songs, and refused to give Lin Su a chance to express herself.

However, they were restrained, but the little saint was very active.

She has been instilling in Lin Su the knowledge of traveling in the world...

The little saint said it with deep heart...

Brother Su, you are a gentleman. You always think of others as good as you. This is the best and best quality in life. However, you cannot do this when you are in the world. You cannot think that others are as innocent and kind as you...

You won the title of Lingyun. We are happy, but not everyone is happy. Those talented people who were defeated by you hate you.

You also got the secret technique of Yaochi. Others will definitely want this secret technique.

What's even more terrible is that your Golden Token of Enlightenment is enough to cause catastrophe in the world.

Therefore, when you return to Jianmen this time, it is best not to come out again and stay with your master...

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