Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 518 The destination of Wanfa Miaopu

Lin Su stared blankly at the eyes dug out of Ji Wen's eyes.

These eyes were dug out from the eyes of a dying person. Logically speaking, they should be full of resentment, but what is very strange is that his thousand-degree pupils clearly captured a trace of joy. This joy does not belong to Ji Wen, it belongs to Wanfa Wonderful pupils, this pair of wonderful pupils, was born in the Yunxi Sect with thousands of clever ideas. She has seen the turmoil in the world, moved by love, and been hurt by love, for five hundred years, and now she has finally returned to the place where her bloodline was born. She woke up!

She is happy!

Li Zexi's voice came from behind Lin Su: Come here, kid!

Lin Su reached his side in one step. The wind was blowing around him, and they appeared side by side on the boat...

Zhang Yiyu and Cai Zhulian looked at each other: Yiyu, did you see that? This little saint did a great job.

Yes, it is most appropriate for her to kill Ji Wen. Ji Wen is the prince, and if Lin Su kills him, it will be a real break with the emperor. He may not be able to bear the anger of the Great Cang Dynasty. And the two of them are also members of the Da Cang Sect, and the crime of killing the prince is equally unbearable for the sect.

Only Mengzhu is different.

She is not from the Da Cang Sect, she is from the Dachuan Kingdom. She is separated from Da Cang by the Yandang Mountain, a military restricted area. No matter how fierce the Da Cang Dynasty's anger is, it cannot burn the Yunxi Sect.

She was worried that Lin Su would kill Ji Wen first and cause unnecessary trouble, so she took the lead and it was a very beautiful move.

It is worth mentioning the Wonderful Eyes of Ten Thousand Methods. These pairs of pupils are the most precious treasure in the world of spiritual practice. Any move can be disassembled directly. Any martial skill can be learned in one go. For the world of spiritual practice, it is absolutely a must-have if it is unearthed. Something that could cause catastrophe, but today, she took off these wonderful pupils very easily. No one had any intention of snatching them from her. Even if Lin Su killed Ji Wen and obtained these wonderful pupils, he would give them to her directly. There is no thought of taking it for yourself.

On the small boat, the river flows slowly, and the two of them stand side by side on the bow.

The expectations that senior gave me that day were crazy, but I still accomplished it! Lin Su said with a smile.

That day, Li Zexi appeared on the border of Chuzhou and gave him three of Dugu's Nine Swordsmanships. He also gave him a seemingly crazy expectation: to enter the top three! Not only did he enter the top three, he also won the title of Lingyun.

Li Zexi smiled: I have already said that in the world of genius, the length of practice is meaningless.

Lin Su stretched out his hand and handed him a silver flask. Although there was a lot of wine, this silver flask was more convenient when drinking while standing. He held it directly in his hand and drank: I think senior gave me this expectation. , not only to challenge the length of practice... but also for the Enlightenment Order?

Only the top three in Lingyun will receive the Enlightenment Order. When this award was announced, Li Zexi's expectations came to Lin Su's mind.

Li Zexi picked up the wine bottle and took a long sip. The crystal wine drops dripped down his goatee, but it could not drip out of the tip of his beard. His eyes were a little mysterious: What is the Enlightenment Order in your eyes? ?”

What is the Enlightenment Order?

It is the key to understanding the rules and a huge opportunity that people who are in the realm of Heaven, Dharma and Earth dream of.

Wrong! Li Zexi said: With the Enlightenment Order in hand, your eyes should not fall on the Rule Palace of Tiandao Island. You should have a more ambitious pursuit.

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: What are you pursuing?

Tiandao Island, at the end of the Bone Road, there is a monument without words! This monument is your true pursuit. If you go to Tiandao Island, you can give up all the rules and understand. Only this monument is enough!

Lin Su: This monument is so magical that thousands of heroes will rush to snatch it up. If there are senior experts who take action, I am afraid...

It seems that you still don't understand what Tiandao Island is. Tiandao Island has its own rules of heaven. It can be entered by the laws of heaven and earth. If it is above the laws of heaven and earth, you will die if you enter. Therefore, although your opponent is powerful, he will not be able to It's so strong that you can't even dream of it. As long as you go all out, there is still a chance... Li Zexi's voice paused slightly: Did you notice something that just happened?

Lin Su said: Ji Wen ran away! Is this it?

What a good boy, you are really extraordinary. His soul is absconding and the three female dolls close at hand know nothing about it. You are ten feet away and can see everything. After some praise, Li Zexi said: Why do you think so? Let him escape?

There is still room for destroying his physical body, and destroying his soul is to force Tianling Sect and Da Cang Imperial Family to overturn the table. Right now, it is not time to overturn the table.

You mean, this table will eventually be overturned.

Yes, the table will eventually be lifted, but it's still me who lifts it. There is a difference, Lin Su said. Da Cang's broken table is filled with all kinds of stinking things. Sooner or later, the table must be lifted. However, there is a big difference in who lifts it. If the emperor lifts it, he is passive, but if he lifts it himself, he must have taken control of everything. when.

Sometimes when I see you, I really feel like I have seen me when I was young. Li Zexi sighed longly: Go ahead and follow the path you want to take!

Thank you, senior! Lin Su bowed to thank him.

The boat was leisurely sailing down the river, and Lin Su was on the shore, seeing each other off from afar.

When he slowly turned back, the three women were behind him, all three pairs of eyes looking at him eagerly.

The boatmen who were on the Chunjiang River that day are now holding the boat to Daqing Country. Zhang Yiyu's eyes flashed, Li Zexi was unknown to others, but she knew him because she was his companion on the Chunjiang River that day. That trip was also an ice-breaking trip after she and him gradually drifted apart. After that time, she had no grudge against him anymore. Thinking of that incident, her heart was full of tenderness.

Lin Su smiled and said, I wouldn't be surprised if he pushed the boat up to the sky, not to mention pushing it up here.

Senior Dugu said at that time that his cultivation was very advanced, but I didn't expect it to be so profound. Zhang Yiyu was deeply impressed.

Ruan Juelun is in the mysterious Yuantian realm, and his true spirit brand possesses 30% of the power of his true body. They have all personally experienced the horror of a peerless master coming to earth like an immortal, making people completely despair. However, in front of Li Zexi, This true spirit brand is completely a child's play. Li Zexi's cultivation is probably far from Ruan Juelun's.

Who would have thought that there is another peak above the peak of the spiritual world that has reached the peak of her knowledge!

Cai Zhulian looked at this and that, then interjected: I really don't want to disturb the two of you from reminiscing about the past, but I must remind you that our crisis has not been resolved and we should leave immediately.

From Xitian Fairy Kingdom to Daqing Kingdom, they took a hidden route. Ji Wen struck out, indicating that his hidden route had been broken and a new round of crisis was imminent.

The little saint Mengzhu spoke: Don't worry, I have contacted my mother and she will be here soon.

Really fast, the clouds in the sky shook, and a beautiful woman stepped down from the sky. She was the leader of the Yunxi Sect.

The sect master received the message from his daughter and rushed over as quickly as possible. When he arrived, everything had settled. Mengzhu said in a few words that even though the sect master was used to seeing strong winds and waves, his beauty was still pale.

Ji Wen brought the masters of Xiangtianfadi to assassinate him, and he also brought the imprint of Ruan Juelun's true spirit. Even if she encountered such a battle in person, it would be a disaster, but the old man of Jianmen appeared and gently crushed the true spirit. brand……

The crisis has been completely resolved, and Yunxi Sect has obtained the fifth-generation sect master's Myriad Magic Eyes!

This Ten Thousand Magic Eyes is the cornerstone of the development and growth of the Yunxi Sect. The Yunxi Sect paid the lives of seventeen top elders but could not get it back. Now the youngest daughter has traveled to the world and got it!

Surprised, happy and uneasy, the sect leader turned to Lin Su: Why don't you, Mr. Su, go back to Yunxi Sect with me first, and then choose an opportunity to go to Yandang?

This is protection, and the leader of a sect personally provides him with protection.

Cai Zhulian and Zhang Yiyu's eyes lit up, but Lin Su shook his head and thanked the sect leader for his kindness. The juniors returned home on their own and did not dare to bother the sect leader to escort them.

Sect Leader Leng took a deep look at him: With the elders of Jianmen secretly protecting me, I really don't need to worry about you. Mr. Su has a kind heart and unparalleled talent. I look forward to your rise in the chaotic clouds. Farewell!

The little saint with Mengzhu flew up and returned to the sect.

There were only three people left.

Cai Zhulian looked at the long river: Is that Senior Li really here?

Not here! Lin Su said.

ah? Cai Zhulian and Zhang Yiyu were shocked at the same time.

Don't worry, we are safe! Lin Su smiled.

Already safe? Why do you...

Lin Su raised his finger and pointed directly at a high mountain under the sunset: Do you know where that mountain is?


Zhongtiao Mountain!

Zhongtiao Mountain? The Holy Family of Farmers? Zhang Yiyu's eyes lit up.

I once made an appointment with an elder of the Holy Family of Nongsheng, 'From now on, if I can take advantage of the moonlight, I can knock on the door with my stick all the time.' Now that the moon is about to rise, I will go and knock on his door. Lin Su road.

The eyes of the two women were bright at the same time under the starlight: From now on, if I can ride the moon leisurely and knock on the door with my stick all the time, is it your poem again? Read the whole poem again.

Don't laugh at the farmer's wine, which is full of wax and wine. In good years, there are enough chickens and dolphins to visit. There is no way out despite the mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers...

Lin Su read the entire poem once...

Cai Zhulian's eyes were as bright as autumn water, and she murmured: When I read this poem, why did I feel that I suddenly stepped from the turbulent world of rivers and lakes into the world of poetry and literature? Is this transformation really good?

Zhang Yiyu rolled his eyes: What's good? Do you think I didn't see your little flames? Take out your little notebook and write it down!

Cai Zhulian excitedly picked up a notebook and wrote down poems.

Lin Su tilted his head: Hey, let me ask you two a question. Do you like the Master Lingyun on the spiritual path more, or do you prefer the Number One Scholar in the Blue Sky?

Cai Zhulian hesitated for a while: I think... these two seem to deserve a beating. What do you think, Yiyu?

Be more confident and remove the word 'like'! Zhang Yiyu expressed his stance.

Lin Su laughed, his body shook, and the training clothes disappeared without a trace. He put on the scholar's clothes, tied up his hair with a purple ribbon, and completed a gorgeous turn under the moonlight.

Even if people from the Tianling Sect were chasing him at this moment, they would never associate the scholar in front of him with the leader Lingyun. This was how Lin Su escaped from the world's pursuit.

All it takes is a disguise, and Lord Lingyun evaporates.

You two girls, you also have to dress up. Are you pretending to be my little wife, or a maid? Take your pick!

The two women admired him at the same time: If you want to be beautiful, you can at best be a book boy!

Under the moonlight, Zhongtiao Mountain is extremely special.

The entire mountain peak is a human figure, with the peak as the head, the ridge as the shoulders, and the hands as the mountains. There is also a hoe in the hand, which points directly to the mountains and rivers thousands of miles below.

With your head in the sky, your feet on the ground, and your hand with a hoe, you can hoe thousands of miles... Lin Su said: Such a mountain should naturally be a farmer's house!

It is not advisable to enter the Nong Sheng Holy Family lightly. A male voice came from the side: The elder that Brother Lin befriended is not an elder from the outer sect or the inner sect.

Lin Su looked sideways: Remind me, you are a book boy, you can't call me Brother Lin, you have to call me Young Master!

Get out! The two book boys yelled at him at the same time.

These two bookboys look like they are really bookboys. They have lost their girlish characteristics and are every bit as good as bookboys. However, they can’t open their mouths and can’t be cool with others. This opening is inappropriate, and their eyes are so wide, and their flattery is not mere. The disguise is bearable.

Lin Su just get out...

It rolled all the way to the mountainside.

Halfway up the mountain, there was a hut, and a candle was lit in the hut.

As soon as the candle is lit, the scenery changes completely.

The bright moon is in the sky, there are countless pavilions, and there is a huge square. In the center of the square, there is a statue of an old farmer hoeing the ground. The statue is also Zhongtiao Mountain. The surrounding scenery is the same as the real world.

This is the Holy Family of Farmers, which takes the mountains into mustard seeds and creates the world out of nothingness.

Who is coming to my farmhouse? As soon as these six words were spoken, more than ten people appeared on the square. Some were carrying hoes, some were holding bamboo baskets, some were holding fishing nets, some were carrying hatchets, and there were also literati. Dressed up.

They are all young people, and they are not much different from ordinary farmers. If we have to find a difference, it can only be in temperament. Under the thousand-degree eyes, every young man is rich in culture and aura.

Lin Su bowed slightly: Da Cang Lin Su, come here at starry night to pay a special visit to your family's elder Sanwu.

Da Cang Lin Su... All the disciples were shocked: Could he be the number one scholar in Da Cang? Mr. Lin Su whose poems are famous all over the world?

Excuse me! Lin Su said, That's right!

The young master dressed as a writer stepped forward: Da Cang Lin Su, you are indeed qualified to meet the Holy Family, but Da Cang is a hundred thousand miles away from us, and there was no letter sent by Hongyan beforehand. Your Excellency only has one name. , I’m afraid it’s not enough to prove that you are Lin Su.”

Exactly! Another person said: It is said that Da Cang Lin Su wrote colorful poems. If you can write an original first colorful poem at this moment, you can prove that you are really Lin Su.

Before Lin Su had any reaction, the book boy next to him spoke first: That's true! Master, just write a poem.

My day!

Lin Suheng glanced at Zhulian, You little bitch, where are you standing?

When someone tests me, you don't want to help me out, but you add fuel to the fire...

Cai Zhulian looked at him innocently.

Lin Su raised his head and looked at the perfectly round moon in the sky, and was suddenly slightly startled: What day is it today?

It's just the Mid-Autumn Festival! The scholar on the other side said: The Mid-Autumn Festival is the best time to write poetry. How about writing this poem with the Mid-Autumn Festival as the title?

Mid-Autumn Festival! Today is actually the Mid-Autumn Festival! Lin Su said with emotion: My brother is getting married today, and I actually forgot about the date and couldn't make it back. I really can't help him. This new poem should be used as his wedding gift. !”

He raised his hand and gold paper came out...

The pen falls...

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