Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 530 There is a cave in the eyes of the sea

There was a magical area in front of them that was calm and desolate, as vast as the eternal starry sky, with streams of light coming and going. It was very strange. Long Wentian and Long Ying looked at this stream of light in surprise.

Little Long Yue came around from the side: This is the big formation in Haiyan. Last time...

Before she finished the introduction, Lin Su interrupted directly: There is no time, those people will be here soon, we need to get into the battle immediately!

Do you know formations? Long Wentian was surprised and delighted.

Keep an eye on my steps, don't make any mistakes... Lin Su stepped forward towards the formation. Above the formation, golden light flowed, just sliding past his body.

The Long family siblings looked at each other.

Long Wentian nodded: The people coming are the two high-ranking elders Chuhai and Ruhai. I can't win in a head-to-head fight. Listen to him and join the battle!

Take one step.

Long Ying said nothing, turned his hand around, picked up Long Yue from the ground, and took one step...

They had just taken three steps when there was a sudden shock in the air...

Four figures appeared at the same time. They were the two super masters of the West Sea Dragon Palace, Elders Chuhai and Ruhai, as well as Long Ao and another elder. The faces of the four of them were all black and blue.

Today, the Xihai Dragon Palace came prepared and determined to win, but they failed to catch Lin Su, and instead lost two elders, which made everyone look bad.

As soon as he saw their backs, Elder Ruhai was furious. He raised his hand and grabbed it with his claws!

Just as he was about to catch them on the top of their heads, suddenly, the light shook, and Elder Ruihai's big hand was smashed into pieces. He turned back in shock and looked at his hand in surprise. This hand had three broken fingers!

Rui Hai's hair went up: Ancient Formation!

So what about the great formation? I will break it! Elder Chuhai raised his hand, and a formation plate appeared in his hand, and a mysterious golden light shot towards the great formation in front of him.

Elder Chuhai is the person with the highest cultivation of formations in the Xihai clan. When encountering a large formation, his first reaction is to break it.

However, something weird happened.

As soon as the formation disk in his hand came out, the golden light interfered with the large formation in front, a ball of golden light counterattacked, and his formation disk exploded with a bang.

I feel so cold when I go out to sea, what does this mean?

It represented that the formation in front of him was much higher level than his formation disk.

It's simply impossible to break through.

But why are these guys in front of us able to function well in the formation and even go further and further?

They are running away, brother, should we chase them? Elder Ruhai became anxious.

Chase! Elder Chuhai gritted his teeth, used all his strength to capture the weak points in the formation, and led everyone in pursuit.

Of course, this pursuit couldn't be faster. Fortunately, Lin Su in front couldn't be faster either.

He relied on his special eyes to be able to see the array patterns clearly, so he dared to fly here. However, this ancient array was so terrifying that if he was not careful, he would die. All his energy was highly concentrated.

The turbulent winds ahead were equivalent to the full strength of Dao Gao's top brass. This level was equivalent to their own skills and cultivation. Lin Su, Long Wentian and Long Ying could still hold on, but Long Yue was miserable. He grabbed his sister's arm tightly and almost lost his grip several times and was caught in the formation.

A large group of golden light flashed in front of them, coming straight towards them, and they were about to collide with them.

Long Wentian's first reaction was to dodge, but Lin Su yelled: This is the phantom of the formation, and it is also where the formation's eye is. Close your eyes and run into it! The only way to death is to avoid it.

The hearts of Long Wentian and Long Ying almost stopped. They had a difficult decision between conditioned reflexes and trusting Lin Su. Finally, they closed their eyes and ran into the golden light. With a bang, the phantom of the formation completely disappeared.

Suddenly it became clear that they were surrounded by a forest. The green sycamore trees were full of beautiful sycamore flowers. The fragrance of flowers is refreshing and refreshing.

Long Ying opened her eyes wide and looked around. Although she had always remained calm, she had to admit that this place was as beautiful as heaven.

Suddenly, she saw a golden sycamore fruit on the edge of a flower, shining brightly.

Golden Wu Guo?

Golden Wutong Fruit! Long Yueliang also saw it. With a flick of his legs, he broke away from his sister's hand and rushed towards the Wutong Fruit. Golden Wutong Fruit is a treasure for refining weapons. It is also found in the Dragon Palace treasure house, but in very small quantities. It is listed as Excellent treasure, I didn't expect it to be found here.

Long Ying reached out with lightning speed, grabbed her calf again, and pulled her back.

Long Yue Yue was so surprised: What's wrong, sister? That's the Golden Wu Fruit. It's really true. I can feel its golden Qi, which is extremely sharp.

Long Ying said: I also feel that there are two kinds of qi here, one is extremely sacred, and the other is extremely evil, intertwined with each other, so don't touch anything easily.

Lin Su and his party had gone deep into the center of the forest.

There is a white jade platform in the center, with a pitch-black Yao Qin lying on the white jade platform.

The Yao Qin sounded softly, and the killing intent on all sides suddenly became endless. Countless leaves flew like swords, and they slashed straight at Lin Su and his party with the aura of destroying the heaven and the earth.

Sea area! Long Ying yelled.

A sea suddenly turned into a sea under the four people's feet, and leaves flew up and down around the sea. The first wave was blocked, but the voice of the Yaochi suddenly rose...

Long Ying groaned, her delicate body crumbling, the sound of the ancient piano was terrifying, and her sea area could no longer hold it.

Long Wentian moved his hands together, and a dragon claw burst out of the sea. He held on forcefully. He and his sister cooperated, and the two top geniuses of the Dragon Clan worked together to hold up the sky in this area.

However, this blow completely angered Yao Qin. On top of Yao Qin, a black phoenix silhouette suddenly appeared. A pair of sharp eyes showed endless desolation. Its sharp claws were placed on the strings. The sound of Yao Qin seemed to change. Become the voice of the soul...

Ancient Evil Phoenix Qin! Long Ying exclaimed, and her sea area suddenly fell into pieces.

Long Wentian let out a dragon roar, but the earth-shattering dragon roar only exploded three feet in front of him, and could not even disturb the people three feet away.

At this moment, Lin Su suddenly raised his hand and held a bamboo flute in his palm...

The sound of the flute rises to the sky!

A sudden turn, endless melodiousness...

This music is completely opposite to the music played by Evil Phoenix Qin!

The music on the Evil Phoenix Piano carries the allure of soul degradation, seeming to pull people's souls into soul hell, while Lin Su's music is light, melodious, and joyful.

As the music played together, the artistic conception created by Evil Phoenix Qin suddenly had a loophole.

As soon as the loophole came out, Lin Su's flute sound became more and more cheerful, covering the mountain forest for a moment, and the surrounding leaves no longer looked like swords, but turned into fluttering butterflies...

The evil phoenix shadow also seemed to have confusion in its eyes...

Long Ying and Long Wentian all stared at Lin Su's flute, almost unable to believe their eyes.

How can he play music?

He is a spiritual person, not a literary person. Who among those who practice the way plays the flute? Just like Long Ao, he usually dresses like a scholar and opens and closes his fan at all times, but everyone knows that this is just pretending and his fan is useless.

And he, Su Lin, doesn't have the slightest bit of a scholar's air, but he really knows how to play the flute at critical moments.

Long Yueliang went even further, lying on her sister's arm with her eyes wide open. Looking at this posture, she just wanted to get into the flute...

Lin Su's tune was more cheerful, but cold sweat broke out on his back.

Because he knows that his crisis has not passed, but is more dangerous, because the eyes of the evil phoenix shadow on the Yao Qin are slowly waking up, and the energy in it is increasing every moment...


Go now!

Lin Su gently hooked his little finger, signaling the three brothers and sisters of the Long family to follow him.

But the three siblings were so absorbed in listening that they didn't even notice.

Lin Su became anxious and raised his knee, pressing it against Long Ying's butt...

This time, Long Ying was startled and woke up...

Lin Su's little finger hooked again...

So, he walked forward slowly, Long Ying pulled his brother behind him, and walked to the other side of the jungle...

Just when they were about to walk out of the jungle, the Yao Qin suddenly sounded...

This sound is shocking, as if it goes straight into the depths of the soul...

Lin Su's flute suddenly became mute...

And just at this moment, a roar came from behind: Where to run?

There was a strong wind in the jungle, and the four people from the Xihai Dragon Palace finally came out of the formation outside and broke into the jungle.

It's a pity that when they come in, they just become the targets of Evil Phoenix Qin's revenge...

Ah, Evil Phoenix Qin! Elder Chuhai shouted angrily.

Evil Phoenix Qin is extremely terrifying, but the two super masters who go to sea and enter the sea are not soft persimmons. In the jungle, the battle instantly becomes fierce...

Lin Su and the others rushed out of the woods. In front of them was a river. The boundless pressure covered the world, and people could only cross on this single-plank bridge.

They rushed to the end of the single-plank bridge. Two old men, one black and one white, suddenly appeared. They sat at the end of the bridge with their big horses and golden swords. In front of them was a chessboard with white and black pieces crisscrossing it.

Pretend to be a ghost! Long Wentian waved his hand and punched the chessboard. With a bang, Long Wentian flew high into the air with a look of surprise on his face.

There was nothing wrong with the chessboard, the pieces were all intact, and his hand was almost broken off by the force of the shock.

Two seniors, you are so young, and you are so respectable. Can you please give way? There are dogs chasing and biting you... Long Yue came over and barked very obediently. No one could have imagined that. , Long Yue Yue, who spans the 80,000 miles of the East China Sea and is known as the Great Witch of the East China Sea, actually has such a tender side.

She really looks like a very cute and soft girl when it comes to coaxing people.

It's a pity that she was still a little deliberate. For example, when she praised someone's youth, it was very false. These two old people seemed to be carved from the roots of a thousand-year-old tree, and they really had nothing to do with youth.

The two old men remained unmoved and played chess leisurely.

Long Yue was furious, and his true nature broke out: The Great Witch of the East China Sea is pretending to be gentle, but you still don't listen? I am furious, and I must overturn your chessboard...

She stretched out her hand to lift the chessboard, but her fingers didn't touch the chessboard. With a bang, her whole body shot straight into the sky like a cannonball.

Long Ying didn't even raise his head. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the girl's feet: What should I do? For some reason, she didn't believe her brother anymore, but she believed Lin Su even more.

Lin Su stared at the chessboard: They are not humans, they are just the essence of the chessboard. The only way to break this barrier is to play chess!

Those people are coming out soon, how can they have time to play chess? Long Yue yelled in mid-air.

I have no choice but to follow other people's rules when I enter someone else's territory!

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