Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 535 Long Jun took that step

As soon as his voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky, holding a huge golden dragon-scaled sword in his hand. He was tall and mighty, like a god. He was none other than Long Canghai, the contemporary Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The phantom of the Dragon Lord of the West Sea stared at Long Canghai: Long Canghai, human Su Lin, kill me, the Holy Son of the West Sea. If you protect him, it will start a war between the East and the West! I will make your East China Sea Dragons die tens of millions to avenge this. !”

Long Canghai raised his hand high: The eight great navy masters of the East China Sea Dragon Palace obey orders!

Here! A voice came from the clouds behind him.

In the southwest sea, all one hundred and eight islands will be wiped out, and all living creatures will be killed without mercy!

On command!

The entire sea shook, and countless warships galloped towards the west.

The face of Lord Xihai Dragon changed greatly: Long Canghai, do you dare to break the contract? The one hundred and eight islands in the southwest are the safe zones designated by you!

Since you dare to attack my son, where is the safe zone in the entire sea? Today, I will first destroy your ancestral home, and then kill you to sacrifice the flag!

You want a decisive battle, but! I will set a date for the decisive battle with you! The Dragon Lord of the West Sea sounded stern, but his heart was already panicking. He and the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea had been at odds for many years, but they had also reached some consensus, such as delineating some safe zones. It was agreed that no war would be allowed in these places.

The one hundred and eight islands in the southwest are his ancestral home, the place where he made his fortune, and the home of his important clan members. Even if there is a war, there must be no loss. But today, the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea took his ancestral home first. This is a rogue act.

There is no decisive battle, only massacre. It doesn't have to come later, just now!

The Dragon Lord of the East China Sea raised his sword, and the clear sky suddenly turned into a starry sky. A star suddenly lit up, and the beam of light merged into the light of the sword. With one strike, it was like the Milky Way pouring down!

Xihai Longjun shouted: You took that step!

The screams were terrifying.

The sword flashed across the sky, and blood fell like rain in the sky, dyeing half of the sea red.

The two figures disappeared at the same time...

Father has already taken that step, and it's time to liquidate the West Sea Dragon Palace's provocations over the years... Long Ying let out a long breath.

I really didn't expect that this battle would start at this moment. Long Wentian's eyes flashed.

Lin Su looked to the west: Is that step a 'fixed method'?

Exactly! My father has crossed over to the realm of 'Peeping the Dharma' from Yuantian and stepped into the realm of 'Dharma-fixing'. The Dragon Lord of the West Sea is definitely not his enemy...

Yuantian realm is a big realm.

It is divided into three realms.

Entering Yuantian for the first time is peeping the law, which means that you have glimpsed the laws of heaven and initially mastered the laws of heaven.

The second realm is fixed law. Once you reach this realm, you have thoroughly mastered a certain law, and you can make your own rules based on this law.

The third realm is called the realm of impossibility. When you reach this realm, you have real great supernatural powers. As for the specific phenomena, no one knows, because at their level, they are not enough to access this information. In my knowledge, there has never been such a character.

These three realms are the same as the realm of Yuantian, but the gap between them is huge, larger than the cross-realm of other levels of practice!

The Dragon Lord of the Four Seas used to be in the realm of peeking into the Dharma. This Dharma has been glimpsed for thousands of years and has never been able to go any further. Now, the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea takes a step forward and breaks into the fixed Dharma. He is already the Lord of the Four Seas!

This change directly contributed to the great naval battle on the east and west seas.

It also completely changed the overall pattern of the dragon clan being divided across the four seas.

However, these have nothing to do with Lin Su. He is just a fuse at best.

A holy light separates the sea in front, which is the dividing line between the sea of ​​people.

The human race does not go to the sea, and the high-level sea race cannot cross the line.

That's the rule of the line.

Brother, I can only send you here! Long Wentian said: At most one year, at least three months, I will contact you and pick you up before returning to the Dragon Palace!


Hey... Long Yue Yue jumped over: You haven't played your music yet, hurry up and play...

Have you found your reason? Lin Su teased her.

Long Yue Yue shouted: My reason is... I have great luck, and with me walking with you, no matter how great the danger is, you can turn it into good luck. The main reason why you, a broken human race, can go back alive when you go to sea is because you met someone like me. The son of luck!

I have only met you for two or three days, and the dangers I have encountered account for more than 80% of my life. What kind of luck are you? Aren't you obviously an unlucky guy? Forget it, don't jump, I will brag for you... Lin Su held his hands together and took out the flute.

Long Yue stopped jumping and became happy, and his face actually turned red.

Lin Su smiled and raised the flute in his hand...

A cheerful melody rises melodiously...

They had heard this song once before. At that time, it was a fierce battle scene. To be honest, they had no time to appreciate it at that time. Now when they listen to it again, there is no crisis of battle and they can simply appreciate the beauty of the song...

Long Ying fell into this magical rhythm in an instant, completely forgetting where he was.

What song is this?

What instrument is this?

What kind of person is this?

Why did she feel drunk as soon as the sound was played?

It is difficult for an elder brother to seek drunkenness with wine.

It's even harder for her to get drunk with music.

She heard about Donghai today.

She was drunk too...

The sound is quiet, the fields are quiet, the sea is rolling...

Long Yue Yue lost her voice, and the palm of her hand holding her sister was obviously sweating. In her other hand, she was holding a shell tightly. This was the treasure of the Dragon Palace, recorded! The first time he played it, the situation was special and he didn't have time to record it. Now that he finally recorded it, the little witch's heartbeat was almost racing.

Even though Long Wentian was extremely passionate, he never listened to music, so he closed his eyes tightly and felt this kind of feeling that he had never calmed down to experience.

After a long while, Long Ying spoke softly: What's the name of this piece of music?

Folk songs are like spring river water! Lin Su smiled softly: I'm leaving!

His figure crossed the dividing line of the sea of ​​​​people, and his back was so elegant under the balcony...

Two steps, three steps, ten steps...

He disappeared!

Disappear into the sea and sky!

Sister, let's go, let's join the battlefield too... Long Wentian led the two girls towards the West Sea.

Unfortunately, they failed to participate in the war.

Because the war is over.

The eight great naval forces of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea conquered one hundred and eight islands in the southwest.

His father beat up the Dragon King of the West Sea, and the Dragon King of the West Sea was seriously injured and fled back to the Dragon Palace. His father cut off the Zhenhai Pillar of the Dragon Palace of the West Sea with a sword, and then returned - the Dragon Palace of the West Sea is not that easy to enter, at least he cannot enter it alone. Come on, even if he takes that step, it's still not enough to destroy the entire West Sea Dragon Palace alone.

Let’s talk about Lin Su.

He finally ended his four-month spiritual practice and officially returned.

This trip is exciting enough...

He participated in the Yaochi Meeting and captured the first statue of Lingyun.

He met the Holy Lady of Yaochi, and he also communicated with the Holy Lady of Yaochi through music. The Holy Lady of Yaochi did not have a thousand years of Taoism, but she was only twenty years old. This discovery gave him a new understanding of the delicate autumn water painting screen. , she emphasized that the Saint of Yaochi had been practicing for thousands of years, could it be to prevent him from scheming against her? If so, this sister is beginning to have some sense of sovereignty.

Everyone thinks that Yaochi will be the climax of the whole trip, but in fact it is not. Starting from the return home, the story is full of twists and turns...

He almost killed Ji Wen on the way.

He entered the Mermaid Holy Land not to play with mermaids, but to practice.

He broke into the sky, and the sky became empty.

His Dao roots were activated, and he officially entered the strange path of the three paths of literature, martial arts, and spiritual practice.

If you ask him what his biggest gain is from this trip, Lin Su will probably look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle: My biggest gain is that I lost a pen!

Yes, the Weiyang pen is lost!

At least for the moment, he lacked a powerful weapon that could suppress the situation - once the Weiyang Pen was used, it changed the world and saved his life twice, so it was obviously a weapon that could suppress the situation.

Normally, if such a sharp weapon was gone, he should have fainted in the toilet crying, but Lin Su regarded this as the biggest gain.

Because he heard the voice of an old man with his own ears, and he knew that the old man had recovered!

The human saint who made all races cry like ghosts and howls like wolves thousands of years ago is about to return as king!

He relied on his own efforts to create conditions bit by bit, and the hair of Weiyang's brush grew from scratch, from few to many, to night ink...

Every step cannot be copied!

As the sun set, Lin Su stepped onto the sea and met several fishermen who were bringing their seafood home. Lin Su smiled and asked one of the fishermen, where is this place?


This is Da Cang’s Dongzhou!

He looked at a high mountain near the sea in the distance, and there was something strange in his eyes. In the words of Lu Yi, when you see such eyes, don't doubt that he must... want to harm people!

Who is harmed?

Lin Su stepped into the air and went straight to the top!

This mountain, like a screen, blocks the coast of the East China Sea. The scenery is unparalleled, quiet and elegant.

This mountain was originally called Dongping Mountain, but later changed to Tianji Peak.

Because it is the mountain gate headquarters of Tianji Daomen.

Over the years, high-ranking officials and hermits from various countries have come here to respectfully worship the mountain gate and seek guidance from heaven to build this mountain into a mountain of pilgrimage.

But now things have changed.

Because His Majesty the Emperor of Da Cang Kingdom personally issued an imperial decree, classifying Tianji Taoist Sect as an evil sect.

Tianji Daomen could no longer stay here, so the entire mountain gate was relocated.

Today's Tianji Peak has gradually lost its secrets and has become a barren mountain where seabirds settle down and wild beasts run wild.

The only thing that is a little bit unique is the secret wall.

The Tianji wall was as smooth as a mirror. A one-armed old man stood quietly in front of the wall, looking at himself reflected in it and at Lin Su, who was coming step by step from a distance.

He was the old Taoist Lin Su met when he went to Huichang for the examination that day.

He is also the Hongye Taoist of Tianji who brought Tianji Zhizhen to the capital to build Tianji Thatched Cottage.

Taoist Master, the mountain gate is gone, why don't you leave? Lin Su stood behind him.

Taoist Hongye slowly turned around: Pindao set off from the sect three days ago and came here specifically to wait for you. He has just arrived!

Lin Su praised: I didn't even know three days ago that I would suddenly have a whim and visit Tianji's hometown, and you already knew about it. I admire you!

How can people in this world know the art of heaven's secret? Taoist Hongye said proudly.

That's true! I didn't enter the capital that day, and the Taoist priest knew that 'the blue light is full of calamity'. As soon as I entered the West Sea, you informed the West Sea Dragon Palace to come and intercept me. As soon as I landed, you waited for me, one by one. , every one of them is a method that reaches heaven! Lin Su said: But I don't know why the Tianji Taoist sect with such methods also ended up in a desperate situation and turned into a bereaved dog?

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