Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 547 The master has changed, and so has Li Zhiyuan

The shadow stared at the master, speechless for a moment...

Master, you have changed! It became too thorough!

In the past, I was worried about this boy. I was worried that he would take you into a ditch, and he would seduce your granddaughter. Even if this boy gave me a gift, a smile, or wrote a poem, I would spend the whole night trying to figure it out. Watch this. Is there a hole dug inside?

Now, it's gone to the other extreme! As long as this kid is there, you don't have to worry about anything...

This is all wrong!

But what can be done? If you try to persuade him, he will use this boy's great achievements to block you. When you talk about those great achievements, you will be so happy that you will always say: You are a hundred years old this year, can you do something like this? Shadow was silenced by him again and again...

Guitang finally became quiet.

Whether it's a reception banquet or a secret meeting, it's time to break up tonight.

Several people were four to five points drunk.

Huo Qi, Li Yangxin, and Qiu Mochi were all about to leave. When Lin Su and Zhang Haoran were seeing them off, Lin Su suddenly grabbed Qiu Mochi's shoulder and said, There's something you need to do for me.

you say!

You go to the Ministry of Punishment to check a case file. It should be from more than ten years ago. The person involved is named Sun Yiyang, who was the governor of Ningzhou...

Okay, I'll send it to you tomorrow!

Qiu Mochi belongs to the Jingzhao Yin Mansion. The Jingzhao Yin Mansion focuses on criminal matters in the capital. It is common for people to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to check case files.

No one knows why he checked this case file.

No one asked either.

In everyone's perception, this is the scope of his Inspection Department's responsibilities.

Lin Su stayed at Green Willow Villa tonight, sleeping in the same guest room where he slept last time, and he fell asleep quickly.

When he woke up the next day, it was already broad daylight. It seemed that after more than four months of traveling around the world, he had changed somewhat. The most direct change was that he had completely forgotten the upper limit in his brain.

Perhaps subconsciously, he did not think that he was an official who needed to be on duty normally.

Coming out of the guest room, in the semi-open courtyard outside, an old man was sitting at the table. On the table were three plates of side dishes and a bowl of noodles.

The old man's eyes slowly moved over.

Lin Su smiled: Grandpa Shadow, right?

The person in front of him is the shadow he saw last time. Although the shadow told him, don't remember the face in front of me, this face will change at any time, but he is still the same face today as he was then.

Shadow frowned slightly: Why do you need to add an honorific after Shadow?

Because both Yiyu and Brother Haoran call you Grandpa Shadow.

Shadow's eyes were like spring light: Let's eat!

Okay! Lin Su finished eating quickly.

Shadow said: Both the master and the young master are on duty. I only stay here to tell you one thing.

you please!

The shadow said: You cannot enter the capital if you are traveling alone!

If you travel alone, you are not allowed to enter Beijing!

This is what the shadow specifically stayed to tell him.

Lin Su remained calm: Why?

You might as well guess why this is? Shadow kicked the ball back.

Lin Sudao: Qin Fangweng released Tianlao, and Duguxing caught them off guard. This time Ding Jiye came out of Tianlao, they must have been prepared, right?

Yes! At least three people are here, and everyone can fight against Duguxing. Shadow said: You can guess again, who will be here?

Lin Su's eyes flickered slightly: Tianling Sect, right?

Shadow frowned: You already know the accurate information?

No, guess!

Guess? is this possible?

Lin Su smiled: With Dugu Xing's cultivation level, there will be very few opponents within the territory of Da Cang, not to mention that there will be very few. If we gather three masters who can match Dugu Xing at once, the Da Cang sect will simply not be able to do it. And outside the territory Of the sects, there is only one sect that is most likely, and that is the second prince’s sect. This is not difficult to guess, isn’t it?”

Shadow nodded slowly: You don't feel strange at all when I tell you this, but you seem to have had a premonition. So the question is, have you arranged for Dugu to go to Beijing?

Grandpa Shadow, why are you like this... Dugu Xing is a great master, how can I be a dish? Even if I want to arrange things for him, I have to make arrangements, right... Lin Su pressed his forehead. : Oh, the sun is so high. I have to go on duty. If I am late, I will deduct money...

Run away!

The shadow looked at his back from behind as if his teeth were sore.

Are you worthy? Are you still afraid of having your money deducted? Can you be more fake?

He would never have thought that Lin Su was really worthy.

As soon as he entered the Supervision Department, Lin Su's smiling face showed up. The doorman bowed to him and he greeted him with a smile, and even patted the doorman on the shoulder to show his friendship.

Several handymen were dumbfounded.

Entering the inner room, he bumped into a fourth-grade inspector who was walking outside.

When the inspector saw Lin Su, his expression suddenly changed.

Because he is Chen Dong.

On that day, Chen Dong challenged Lin Su face to face and planned to go to Sanping County to investigate Lin Jialiang. The boat arrived at the border of Chuzhou and the news of Zhao Xun's death arrived.

Chen Dong was ill at that time.

Don’t go to Sanping County, just go back the way you came.

He would never admit that he got sick from being frightened by Lin Su, but this incident has also become a stain on his officialdom. At the same time, it has also become a bad mark in the eyes of his superiors - your boy was so frightened by Lin Su that he looked like that His appearance was not worthy of the heavy responsibility, so all the promotions originally planned for him were cancelled, and he entered a flat period in his official career.

After bumping into Lin Su today, Chen Dong felt like he had swallowed a blowfly, and it was the kind that just flew out of the latrine...

Chen Dong saluted: Master Lin!

This is the rule of officialdom. No matter how much you hate the other person in your heart, you still have to be polite when you meet.

Lin Su was very polite and returned the courtesy: I haven't seen you for many days. Mr. Chen looks a little haggard. He must be loyal to the country and overworked.

I don't dare to praise Lord Laurin!

Lin Su turned around and left.

Regardless of officialdom or the human world, many people are destined to be just passers-by.

So is Chen Dong.

At a certain time, he stood in front of Lin Su.

He had also fantasized about standing on Lin Su's head.

However, after today, he disappeared, not in the conventional sense, but completely disappeared from Lin Su's field of vision. He was still in the Supervision Department, but in Lin Su's eyes, this person was no longer there...

Entering his dedicated office, Li San was still there.

Judging from the surface, the officialdom was tolerant of him and gave him enough dignity. Even if Lin Su didn't go to work for many years, even if he was not on duty for four months and didn't even bother to take leave, his position would still be there and his office would still be there. , even his favorite Changsui is there.

But a deeper interpretation can reveal different things.

The first grandmaster of Qinglian, who has won unparalleled glory for the Cang Dynasty, still serves as an ordinary inspector, which is the ultimate suppression in itself!

Li San saluted him, made him tea, closed the office door, unscrewed the handle of his sword, held up a piece of paper with both hands and handed it to Lin Su: Sir, these are some of the things collected during this period. I don’t know if adults can use it.”

Lin Su smiled: Li San, have you spent all the money?

Li San was shocked: Sir, you gave me three thousand taels last time. If I spend it all so quickly, how can I still see you? At least for ten years, you should stop giving rewards to the villain. Otherwise, the villain There is really nothing I can do to repay you...

That's true. If I give you too much money all at once, and you run away and become a rich man, where can I find someone to follow you? Okay, I won't give you money today. Tell me, in the past few days, Something interesting...

Li San laughed and started talking...

The adults are talking about interesting things, but the interesting things that a villain encounters at this level may not be interesting to adults. When it comes to interesting things about high-level people, there is actually one interesting thing.

There is a new music studio in the south of the city called Tianyin Studio. It is said to be absolutely high-end. The prince and the third prince are obsessed with it. They go there to drink tea and listen to music almost every day. Interesting stories are related to these two gentlemen.

The third prince has a concubine. She was originally supposed to have a loving honeymoon with His Highness the third prince. However, the third prince fell in love with Tianyinfang. The concubine was not happy. Her mother-in-law is also powerful and knows that she is. Which one? Marquis of Dingzhou! So the concubine and her family found an excuse to cause trouble for Tianyinfang. Do you know what the result will be? grown ups.

Lin Su's interest suddenly rose: What was the result?

As a result... the more than twenty people who broke into Tianyinfang were all stripped of their clothes and thrown out. Among them, the one who was stripped most thoroughly was the concubine!

Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened wide: The concubine of the dignified Prince Ping was really stripped naked?

Li San nodded: It's really stripped. Some people in our group saw it with their own eyes. People on the street were upset, saying why their luck was so bad that day? How can ordinary people be so lucky if a noble lady of this level doesn't wear clothes? Did you see it with your own eyes? After the concubine was carried back to the palace, she didn't want to live anymore and jumped directly into the well. Fortunately, she was caught. His Highness Prince Ping sent her back to the Dingzhou Marquis Mansion with a dark face and presented her with a piece of paper. Letter of divorce.

Lin Su laughed loudly: What happened next?


No more? Lin Su was a little surprised.

Yes, no more! Neither Prince Ping nor His Highness the Crown Prince seem to take this matter to heart. It is still time to listen to music and drink wine.

Lin Su's eyes flickered slightly...

Tianyinfang, it's interesting. The two princes in the capital are almost the two most powerful people. Their gatekeepers don't care about them. How dare someone dare to cut Prince Ping's side without even looking at their faces? The concubine's clothes were thrown out.

The concubine is also a concubine!

Even in Prince Ping's Mansion, everyone is the master!

What's more important is that there is no accountability afterwards!

Tianyinfang, what's the origin?

There was a gentle knock on the office door.

Li San went to open the door, and a familiar face appeared at the door...

Li Zhiyuan!

Today's Li Zhiyuan has changed. The biggest change is that his clothes are new. Da Cang officials have custom-made official uniforms, but custom-made official uniforms are not free. The officials themselves have to pay half of the money, about three taels to five dollars. About two years ago, Li Zhiyuan used to wear an official uniform for several years, and he couldn't distinguish the original color after washing it and was reluctant to change it. Now, with the new official uniform, he feels refreshed and feels like a different person.

Master Li, have you become rich? You actually changed your official uniform? Lin Su grabbed this topic as soon as they met.

Toefl, toefl, thank you for your honor... Li Zhiyuan said with a smile: My salary is forty taels a month, which is enough for self-sufficiency. I can even afford a restaurant. When you come back today, do you want me to treat you to a meal?

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