Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 552 Chapter 543 to 544 Variables that no one can imagine

At noon, the winter sun shines high.

The reflection of the sword-like tower's shadow on the bluestone outside is already very short.

The figure in the sky moved, and four officials in crimson clothes landed in front of the Tianlao: Li Zegang, the Minister of Punishment, Gao Gelin, the Minister of Civil Affairs, Zhou Hongyu, the Zhengzhou of Dali Temple, and Zhou Yunzhi, the Minister of Rites.

Outside the prison, the prison chief Yang Guanxin, who had been waiting for a long time, strode forward: I have seen four adults!

The four senior officials returned the salute: Master Yang!

The five of them are all of the same rank, and are all second-grade senior officials. However, the four who came are second-grade officials in the court, but Yang Guanxin is the warden of Tianlao and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Punishment.

Therefore, Yang Guanxin claimed that there was nothing wrong with his rank.

There was nothing wrong with the four senior officials returning the gift to him.

Everything is according to the process and there is nothing wrong.

Li Zegang, the Minister of Punishment, said: Master Yang, Your Majesty has a decree to release Master Ding. You must have received this document.

Yes! I received it yesterday and was released from prison at noon. It's already noon now! Yang Guanxin raised his hand: Release Ding Jiye!

The heavy prison door slowly opened.

The crowd watching below immediately burst into laughter...

On the surrounding tall buildings, countless people left their seats and came to the windows. On the top of the tall buildings, there were also people looking into the deep sky...

Qin Fangweng was also released like this that day...

A man comes with a sword and kills him in public.

Will that scene happen again today?

The sky was silent as usual, and on the long street, there was a huge flow of people, but there was no earth-shattering sound of footsteps, coming step by step...

However, there was a person who came step by step from the prison.

Stepping into the sunlight, his figure was completely revealed. He was a slightly thin middle-aged man with a bookish air on his body and a very calm face, which was really different from the haggard look on Qin Fangweng's face that day.

He is Ding Jiye.

He was in jail for four months and was released today.

Master Ding! Li Zegang strode forward: You look better than before April. It seems that you have eaten well and slept soundly inside.

Ding Jiye laughed: Ding has a clear conscience. There is less noise in the prison, so he can just fall asleep.

Zhou Yunzhi smiled and stepped forward: Master Ding not only fell asleep, but also wrote a work that shocked the saints. Your Majesty recited the letter written by Master Ding in court, and the whole court was filled with admiration.

Yes, yes! Zhou Hongyu, the leader of Dali Temple, stepped forward: Your Excellency, your concern for the country and the people is really not lost at all wherever you go. I and my colleagues admire it so much...

Suddenly, the high platform was filled with praises.

A peaceful atmosphere.

Suddenly, the corners of Zhou Yunzhi's eyes twitched, and he saw someone!

A figure descended through the air and landed in front of Ding Jiye. This man was in a fourth-grade official uniform, tall and tall, and unparalleled in handsomeness. He was none other than Lin Su—Lin Guan—who was stirring up trouble in the world!

As soon as Lin Su arrived, there was a sudden silence on the high platform.

There was a moment of silence among the onlookers.

Prime Minister Lu Tiancong in the memorial hall saw this scene through his official seal. The teacup in his hand reached his mouth and suddenly stopped.

Even somewhere inside the palace, His Majesty's eyes suddenly positioned...

Lin Su! Li Zegang's eyes fell on his face, and the smile on his face immediately froze.

My lords, why do you have such expressions? Lin Su smiled and said, Xiaguan is also an old friend of Lord Ding. Today is Lord Ding's big day. I came here to express my goodwill. Isn't it too much, Lord Ding?

Ding Jiye tugged his lips slightly: It seems that I have to thank Mr. Lin.

Lin Sudao: Master Ding, look outside, millions of people have gathered. Do you know why they are here?

Ding Jiye's pupils shrank: Why?

Two words, very light, but with a hint of coldness.

They really want to know whether Master Ding should bear the 30,000 wronged souls in Helan City. They want to know what the truth is in the four northern towns. How can Master Ding convince the public when he takes up the important post of Minister of War with such suspicion? In order to clear away the suspicion and allow Master Ding to go into battle lightly, based on the righteousness of an old friend, I used my name, Lin Su, as a guarantee to clear Master Ding’s name in public. What does Master Ding think?”

Lin Su's voice spread throughout the city, and everyone was stunned.

Lin Su didn't come here to cause trouble, but instead helped Ding Jiye?

what happened?

Lu Tiancong in the memorial hall frowned deeply, and His Majesty the Emperor in the palace was also greatly surprised.

Ding Jiye himself was confused: Ding will bear in mind Mr. Lin's kindness. However, the pure will become clear from itself, and the turbid will become turbid. Ding walks and sits upright. He is already innocent, so there is no need for Mr. Lin to bother. .”

It's well said, the pure will become pure by itself, and the turbid will become turbid by itself. True gold is not afraid of fire! Lin Su said: Then please accept my 'literary mind-cleansing rules', Mr. Ding!


In the deep palace, His Majesty the Emperor stood up.

In the memorial pavilion, Lu Tian's tea cup shattered with a bang.

On the high platform, the four senior officials were shaken simultaneously.

Lin Su suddenly raised his head, and a ray of silver light shot out from between his eyebrows and towards Ding Jiye...

Be bold and daring...

The official seals of the four high-ranking officials suddenly appeared in their hands, accompanied by Zhou Yunzhi, the Minister of Rites, who made an earth-shattering roar: Anyone who practices 'literary purification of the heart' at will will be regarded as an immoral scholar! Take it down!

The four high-ranking officials all have second-grade official seals.

The official seal flew across the sky, pressing towards Lin Su, and the silver light emitted from his eyebrows completely intercepted...

After Guanyin defeated Wen Dao's magical power, he turned into four mountains and pressed against Lin Su.

The Prime Minister has already said that as long as Lin Su violates the rules, he can use his official seal to take him in.

At this moment, Lin Su has violated the rules!

What rule was violated? Literary rules!

Wen Dao has great power and supernatural powers, and cannot be used at will. For example, Wen Dao's mind-cleansing is a taboo. As mentioned before, if high-level literati use Wen Dao's mind-cleansing at will and pry into other people's privacy at will, then the world will be completely chaotic.

Therefore, there is a stipulation on the basis of Wen Dao. To use the law of Wen Dao to cleanse the heart, several conditions must be met. First, there is a need to perform it, and second, the other party allows it.

How else?

I regard you as an ungrateful person!

Although there are no regulations or official definitions of being a literati without virtue, for a literati, it is as important as Mount Tai. Once you put on this hat, you will not be able to move even an inch above the level of literature.

At this moment, another official seal suddenly came across the sky.

Although there is only one official seal, one can defeat four, and the four official seals can be defeated instantly.

With a shout, a figure fell next to Lin Su.

This man has gray hair and is wearing a first-grade official uniform. The official seal in his hand is as big as a sea bowl, and he is so angry that he is in the sky.

Chen Geng!

Grand Bachelor Chen!

Lu Tian stood up from Huoran, completely unable to believe his eyes.

He has been paying attention to Zhang Juzheng. Zhang Juzheng is not moving. The four second-rank officials in the field are enough to control all situations.

If Zhang Juzheng moves, he, Lu Tiancong, will also move. If Zhang Juzheng dares to show his first-grade official seal, he will also show his first-grade official seal to form a counterbalance and ensure that he is firmly in control of the entire scene from beginning to end.

But he missed another first-grade official: Chen Geng!

In his understanding, Chen Geng had already suffered a secret loss from Lin Su yesterday, and he must have hated Lin Su to the core of his being...

At this moment, as soon as Chen Geng arrived and took the initiative on the high platform, it was already too late for him to make a move.

His Majesty, who was deep in the palace, waved his hand violently, boom!

The desk in front of me was torn apart.

The four senior officials on the stage were dumbfounded at the same time...

Lin Su didn't waste a moment. A silver light flashed between his eyebrows and shot at Ding Jiye. Ding Jiye's face was pale at the moment. It was obvious that his literary heart had been stirred up. Faced with Lin Su's literary enlightenment, he completely fell in a moment...

Ding Jiye! Lin Su said in a deep voice: Dragon City Commander Zhou Ze had an affair with the enemy, was it you who instigated it?

The sound was like a sharp arrow, drilling directly into Ding Jiye's eardrums and covering his entire Wenshan.


With just one word, the whole city exploded simultaneously...

Lu Tiancong's body in the memorial pavilion was also completely stiff. With just this question, everything changed. Even if he took action himself, he could no longer change the outcome.


Ding Jiye said: Because I want to take this opportunity to send the four northern towns to Dayu.

The whole city is angry!

In the deep palace, a dragon roar shook the world!

Bold Ding Jiye, kill the nine tribes! Kill the nine tribes! Kill the nine tribes! Three roars, kill the nine tribes! The sound was like an angry dragon that could be heard thousands of miles away, conveying the rage of extreme anger.

With a bang, a golden light shot up into the sky. With a chirp, Ding Jiye in front of Lin Su split into two halves. A majestic man in golden armor appeared on the high platform. His face was frosty and murderous, just like a god. He descended to earth, broke through the five official seals that were still intertwined in the air with one sword, and killed Ding Jiye forcefully.

The crowd outside cheered in unison.

In Wenyuan Pavilion, Zhang Juzheng shot his sharp eyes towards the palace.

On the high platform, the official seal disappeared.

Chen Geng and the four senior officials were collectively confused.

Lin Su raised his eyes and cast them towards the palace. At this moment, his eyes were colder than ever before. C: Eight generations of your ancestors have killed people and silenced them in public. Can you do it?

Golden light flashed in the sky, and an imperial edict went up to the nine heavens:

According to God's destiny, the emperor issued an edict: Ding Jiye, the former Minister of the Ministry of War, caused harm to the country and the people, betrayed the country and collaborated with the enemy, and all nine tribes were punished together! Li Zegang, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, and Li Yubin, the Chief of the Xingtai Division, committed the crime of negligence; Zhou Hongyu, the Chief of the Dali Temple, acted as guarantor for the guilty officials; the three of them The official was demoted one level and fined for one year. Chen Geng, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, and Lin Su, the supervisory envoy, knew my intentions well and acted decisively to eradicate the traitors for the country. They are extremely valuable and have been given a 'full house of gold and jade'. I admire this!

The whole city celebrated again.

An imperial edict brings a perfect conclusion to today's events.

Your Majesty has completed rewarding the loyal and punishing the evil so quickly. The intensity of the punishment is so heavy and the level involved is so high. Who among the people in the city would have the slightest complaint? Countless people knelt down to thank His Majesty for your kindness and praised him. Your majesty is wise.

Lin Su and Chen Geng only looked at each other at this moment, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

Their cooperation had no prior agreement, it was just a tacit understanding.

They cooperated seamlessly, and when all goals were successfully achieved, His Majesty gently stretched out his hand...

With this hand, Ding Jiye killed him on the spot, and the Helan defeat case came to an end, and the level involved was reached by Ding Jiye!

In addition, an imperial edict came down and fell in the minds of the people, changing the impression.

People will think that Lin Su and Chen Geng stepped forward because of His Majesty's will! Because it is written in the imperial edict, I fully understand my will! I C!

The man in golden armor in front reminded in a low voice: Master Chen, Master Lin, why don't you thank me? He is Duan Xingtian, the commander-in-chief of the Royal Palace Guards. He is a person who has reached the level of Heaven-Seeing. He is the number one in the entire capital's martial arts.

Lin Su clasped his hands into fists and bowed to the sky as a thank you.

Duan Xingtian frowned, so perfunctory?

But his eyes were quickly attracted to Lin Su, because Lin Su kept staring into his eyes and said: Commander Duan, I have something to ask, I don't know if it is convenient.

A smile slowly appeared on Duan Xingtian's face: Master Lin has made great contributions to the court today. If you have anything to say, it doesn't matter. His expression and words were in line with the imperial edict.

Lin Sudao: The great commander's sword shocked the heavens and killed the traitors and defended the country, which is the key to the success of the imperial court. I have one thing to ask: The Sword Sect's solitary behavior in the past is exactly the same as what the great commander does today. Commander, do you think Senior Dugu should also enter the palace and receive a share of the 'Full House of Gold and Jade'?

As soon as these words came out, Duan Xingtian didn't know how to answer at all.

He has a warrior brain, and a warrior brain is definitely not enough to deal with the problems of a scholar.

Not to mention that as soon as this question was raised, something was wrong with it.

Why did Dugu Xing suddenly appear?

What does it mean that Duguxing and I are doing the same thing?

What does it mean that Dugu Xing should receive a full house of gold and jade?

Is this a question or a satire?

His skills are enough to deal with all emergencies, but his brain is really not enough to deal with emergencies...

Lin Su smiled slightly and cupped his hands: I feel the cold, please take my leave first!

Go away in the air.

Disappeared without a trace.

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