Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 558 New appointment

Zhongshu Province, Zoushi Pavilion.

The atmosphere was very unusual.

Lu Tiancong sat quietly on the tall chair and looked at the young man standing respectfully in front of him.

Lu Tian is really old, and he has seen things at all levels, big and small.

He has met a lot of people. It can be said that he has met all the top figures in various fields.

However, the young man in front of him was the only one he had seen in his life.

The art of poetry, the art of business, the art of novels, the art of Mohism, the art of calligraphy, and even the ordinary literati's art of laymanship... To this young man, he was proficient in them all, and there seemed to be nothing in the world that he did not understand.

Just like the old man in the prime minister's office told him that day: If this young man doesn't push himself, you will never know how powerful he is. As long as he is pushed into a desperate situation, he will always let you see a side of him that you can't even imagine. .

The old man in the Prime Minister's Mansion also persuaded him many times to marry Youwei to him, and from then on, this unparalleled genius was brought into the Prime Minister's Mansion.

However, he refused.

To this day, he still believes that his move was the right one.

Because His Majesty is absolutely intolerant of this young man, and has even reached the desperate situation of putting him to death.

If the Prime Minister's Mansion ties him up, the Prime Minister's Mansion will now become a thorn in His Majesty's side.

There are no ifs in the world...

Today's Prime Minister's Mansion is already his enemy!

Lin Su, this is your new appointment, take it! Lu Tian, ​​with endless thoughts flowing through his heart, finally raised his hand without any nonsense and shot a piece of appointment document towards Lin Su.

Lin Su raised his hands and took it...

This is my appointment: Lin Su is the magistrate of Nanshan Prefecture in Zhongzhou. He is a fourth-rank official. He will leave Beijing to take up his post immediately.


It corresponds to his current level.

But he is currently a fourth-grade Beijing official, and the prefect is a fourth-grade local official. Therefore, this can be regarded as breaking the practice of delegating capital officials to local areas and being promoted one level.

It's absolutely derogatory.

Lin Su raised his eyes from the appointment documents. There was no expression of disappointment on his face, but a smile: Master Xiang and all your lords have taken the trouble!

Lu Tian never found disappointment on his face. He was a little disappointed and said with a smile: What does Magistrate Su mean?

Lin Su said calmly: There are forty states in Da Cang, and there are 761 government offices. It is not easy to find Nanshan Prefecture from so many government offices, isn't it? It's hard for all of you, sir.

Lu Tiancong's eyes were full of amusement: Has Magistrate Su done any research on the mansion under your jurisdiction? Do you know the situation in Nanshan Mansion?

Lin Su shook his head: To be honest with the Prime Minister, the name of Nanshan Mansion was only known to me today.

Then why do you think this mansion is a little special?

Lin Su smiled: The prime minister and all of you have made a custom-made house for me...I'm sorry for my fault, it should be a carefully selected house! Is it possible that it will be a good place?

Lu Tiancong's face suddenly darkened: Mr. Su, are you sure you are not saying this with the heart of a villain trying to judge the heart of a gentleman?

Lin Sudao: A gentleman is not defined by himself, nor is a villain defined by others at will. The Prime Minister can define the world's officialdom, but he cannot determine the evaluation of a gentleman or a villain, right?

In a word, neither humble nor arrogant, but it is also a matter of needles and needles.

Lu Tian's anger, which had not been aroused for a long time, suddenly aroused from the bottom of his heart, but his voice was still calm: If Magistrate Su is unwilling to obey the order, you can speak up.

The Prime Minister is disappointed! Lin Su said: The post of magistrate of Nanshan Prefecture will be accepted by the subordinate! Farewell!

With a flip of his hand, Lin Su stuffed the letter of appointment into his sleeve. Lin Su bowed out and left.

Nanshan Mansion? Zhang Haoran stood up in Green Willow Villa and said, You bastard! This is just...

Sit down! Tell me where Nanshan Mansion is... Lin Su grabbed him.

Zhang Haoran was furious...

They want to expel you from the capital. This is something that everyone can see, but you have to be gentle, right? You, who has upgraded you to one and a half levels, should think better of it. What's wrong with giving you a wealthy and stable mansion? There are 761 government offices across the country, where can't they accommodate you, an unwelcome guest in the capital? If nothing else works, why don't we move you to a certain state to serve as a fourth-grade counselor? On the one hand, it is unbearable to expel you from the capital, and on the other hand, not to let you live in peace...

Zhang Haoran vented a lot, took a sip of tea to calm down, and told Lin Su about Nanshan Mansion...

Nanshan Mansion was not on Zhang Haoran's mind originally, and he didn't know there was such a mansion. When did this mansion come to his attention?

It was a major subversion by the previous prefect.

The prefect's surname was Cao. He got this position only when he was very old. He was very thoughtful when he took office. However, he resigned three months ago and refused to take up other official positions. He was in Nanshan City, where Nanshan Prefecture is located. He opened a school and became a teacher.

He left behind a shocking saying: I am unable to reverse the situation in Nanshan Mansion, but I never believe that the people of Nanshan will perish. I will spend the rest of my life coaching and educating my children to revive Nanshan!

It is precisely because of this rebellion in officialdom that the little-known Nanshan Mansion is famous all over the world.

Zhang Haoran also had a deep understanding of what Nanshan Mansion was.

This mansion is actually a subsidiary territory of a prince. Which prince?

King Lu Yang!

King Lu Yang is the distant brother of His Majesty, a man who is used to being domineering. His fiefdom is Lu Yang. Lu Yang is adjacent to Nanshan. This King Lu Yang controls the entire Nanshan Prefecture, the prefect of Nanshan Prefecture, and the areas under the jurisdiction of Nanshan Prefecture. Almost all of the seven counties were slaves of King Lu Yang.

You must also be his domestic slave, otherwise, you will not be able to survive in Nanshan Mansion for a day.

The prefect Cao just didn't want to be King Lu Yang's domestic slave, so he was restricted in everything in the officialdom. He filed a memorial a year ago to impeach King Lu Yang for controlling the Nanshan Waterway, which resulted in millions of people downstream having no water. Charging high water bills makes people's livelihood difficult. Many ministers in the court also agreed, but His Royal Highness the Prince stood on the side of King Lu Yang and said that Nanshan Lake, where the Nanshan Waterway is located, was originally the fiefdom of King Lu Yang, so the matter ended like this.

Lin Su narrowed his eyes slightly: King Lu Yang, is he from the prince's faction?

The prince is very taboo about taking sides. He will never admit that he is from the prince's faction, but it is an indisputable fact that the prince has property in Zhongzhou. In addition, the prince has always guaranteed King Lu Yang. Presumably, King Lu Yang is from the prince's faction. Zhang Haoran said: What do you mean by asking this suddenly?

Lin Su smiled slightly: I'm guessing what the officials in the DPRK wanted to do by putting me in Nanshan. If this is the real intention, it would be very interesting...

Zhang Haoran's heart skipped a beat: Do you suspect that the fundamental reason why you entered Nanshan Mansion was because the two sons were competing for the throne? They just want to use your help to get rid of King Lu Yang?

If that's the case, then Lu Tiancong is a bit interesting... Could it be that he is holding the job of the orthodox royal family and doing things that subvert tradition?

In today's world, the two sons are competing for the throne, and the prince and the third prince have their own teams.

The prince is orthodox.

As the prime minister, Lu Tiancong should be the one who upholds orthodoxy.

If he sided with the third prince, he would be breaking tradition.

If Lin Su’s appointment this time was led by Lu Tiancong, then Lu Tiancong’s position, no! Not to mention his position, at least he has a tendency. He is leaning towards the third prince!


Everyone knew that sending someone like Lin Su to Nanshan Mansion would never allow him to coexist peacefully with King Lu Yang, and would definitely bring disadvantage to King Lu Yang.

If King Lu Yang falls, who would be happy to see it? Of course it’s the third prince!

This was interpreted by Lin Su himself.

Zhang Haoran doesn't think so. His opinion is: Don't think so complicatedly. Maybe their fundamental intention is to let you die! At least on the matter of letting you die, whether the prince or the third prince, they can reach a high degree of consensus.

King Lu Yang is not that simple. The biggest difference between him and other princes is that he is a cultivator himself. With the dignity of a prince, he has friends all over the world. There are many masters in his palace. When you step into Nanshan Mansion, you Maybe even when I was in the latrine, someone would pick off my head.

The two talked all afternoon until the sun set...

This afternoon, Zhang Haoran was depressed.

His best friend suffered a big setback in the officialdom, and he felt the same way.

Looking back on the past, he feels that life is impermanent.

Looking ahead to the coming year, he feels like the clear skies have turned to overcast skies.

As night falls, Zhang Haoran plans to invite several other brothers to gather together and use the wine between brothers to drown out the sorrow in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Suxian received a piece of news...

Upon receiving the news, Lin Su stood up suddenly...

What's wrong? Zhang Haoran just took out his official seal and froze in the air...

The party is cancelled! I have something to do!

With a whoosh, Lin Su disappeared without a trace...

The summons Lin Su received was from Qiu Mochi.

There was only one sentence in the letter: Wang Jinyu was assassinated. The assassin was seriously injured by Guan Yin and escaped with his injuries. He is currently being hunted throughout the city.

He is so anxious because he knows who did this, Yuan Ji!

Yesterday she killed Fu Zetong, a senior official of the third rank of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Today she went even further and directly targeted another person: Jin Yu, the third-rank official of the Ministry of Justice.

In the capital city, assassinating a third-rank official of the imperial court is a serious crime against the nine tribes!

Once caught, there is no recovery.

Some people may say, didn't she run away?

How can it be that simple?

In this world, culture is respected, which is no joke.

The official seal of civil servants hurts people, and practitioners cannot heal themselves at all, and the injuries will only get worse! The first is that the official seal hurts people, and the injured person will be marked with Wen Dao Qi. There is a precise location in the vast sea of ​​people. You can use this hurtful official seal to locate the murderer. Do you think you are there? Can it be hidden among the tens of millions of people in the capital?

Yuan Ji is not a literary person, she doesn't understand this mystery at all.

If she tried to escape like a cultivator, she would eventually be caught or even killed.

Her life and death were only on a thin line. If Wang Jinyu blocked her with the official seal, it would be very difficult, almost impossible, for even Lin Su to save her.

He had to make a time lag, find Wang Jinyu before she was completely positioned, and eliminate the official seal injury on her body.

Yuan Ji really doesn't understand this.

She has always been a practitioner.

Although her father was an official, she was only four years old when she was with him, and she had a completely dark eye for officialdom.

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