Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 560 Is Lord Lingyun an official?

You bastard, stop being a gangster and tell me... Yuan Ji was ashamed and angry, and she wanted to bite this finger.

Let's get acquainted formally! Lin Su said: Capital Inspector... Oh, no! This bullshit position has been wiped out. I have just been appointed as the prefect of Nanshan. My real name is Lin Su, and Jianmen Su Lin is a pseudonym. is this possible? Yuan Ji was completely confused...

Lingyun, the master of spiritual practice who has soared to the sky and defeated thousands of heroes, is actually an official?

Can you believe it?

Can an official and a spiritual genius merge into one? Is there such a weird thing in the world?

However, tonight, he came face to face with the dog officer outside. The dog officer recognized him and called him Master Lin, and he was actually wearing a fourth-grade official uniform...

Nothing is impossible! Lin Su began to take off his clothes: Your father was an official back then, right? He broke into the Yuanbu and seduced the mother-in-law, right? Why can't I, an official, go into Da Cang Mountain to seduce you? I'm just learning your dad!

Four consecutive questions, righteous and precise, with an unparalleled amount of information, but Yuan Ji couldn't grasp a single key point. All she could grasp was the sheet: You... what are you going to do?

You need to understand one thing. I, Mr. Lin, have a romantic reputation that is known to the world. If we don't make some noise tonight, no one outside will believe that you are my concubine. Then, your identity will be Very suspicious...

Yuan Ji's heart became more and more confused, and her hands felt weak...

Finally, she breathed out softly: Are you making excuses? You little rascal, I don't believe you at all...

Believe it or not, it needs to be omitted here...

One night, Nancheng was in a state of chaos.

Practitioners were really arrested a lot.

However, the real killer-Yuan Ji slipped through the net.

Her hair was messy again, and she was humming and giggling a little bit doubting life...

When the number of omitted words reached 3,200, she finally fell asleep...

When she woke up, her injury had healed, although her whole body was still soft and she didn't want to get up...

As soon as she woke up, she saw a proud face. This morning, he was not wearing official uniform, but a scribe's uniform.

Little beauty, you have to believe that what happened last night was purely... Lin Su's face came closer to give an explanation, and she wanted to wipe some oil off due to her posture.

Yuan Ji put her hands together, stretched out a finger from the quilt, and pointed directly at the door: Get out!

Lin Su retreated.

About ten minutes later, the door opened. Yuan Ji was wearing a light yellow gown and a standard maid's hair, biting her lip and standing by the door.

Let me finish what you didn't finish for you! Last night you were just taking advantage of others' danger! Yuan Ji said: So, this doesn't count. From now on, we will still be strangers to each other.

Damn! Is there no end to your strange journey? Lin Su shouted.

You... Yuan Ji sighed helplessly: Can't you really see that there is no room for you in my world?

I don't know who is destined to be tolerated in someone's world, and who is not tolerated. I only know that if you are the only one dancing on your revenge journey, things like last night will happen again sooner or later.

Yuan Ji's face became calm and she slowly walked to the window: How much do you know about my affairs?

You know enough! Lin Su said: Your father, Sun Yiyang, was the governor of Ningzhou back then...

After saying these long words, Yuan Ji's heart was pounding...

After saying everything, Yuan Ji's eyes were very complicated and she said quietly: Now do you really understand what I just said? You are an official, and I want to target officials. Once you are led into this quagmire by me, your career will be ruined. If it falls, maybe the whole family will be destroyed...

If he was just the leader of Lingyun, Yuan Ji might still have a third chance of asking him for a favor, so that they could take care of each other on the road to revenge.

But he is an official.

If he is an official, there is no need to think about it. In the officialdom, it may not be true to say that officials protect each other absolutely, but at least officials must follow the rules. If he gets involved with a practitioner and assassinates a high-ranking official in the court, as long as there is a little bit of information leaked If it leaks, he will be ruined.

This is the true meaning of There is no room for you in my world.

You are wrong! Lin Su said: What your father did was right. Those court officials should have died. Without you, I would not have let any of the five people go. .Now that I have my little wife in it, I will work even harder.

Yuan Ji was confused again...

The first half of the sentence made her blood boil.

But what does the next sentence mean? How did I understand other meanings? What does you can work hard mean? Are you sure you're not bringing in private goods to tease someone?

Can we negotiate a deal? Lin Su grabbed her little hand.

Yuan Ji nodded stupidly: What?

The people you want to kill are Lei Zheng and Wang Jinyu. I will help you kill them. If you kill one person, you will be my little wife for a month, okay?

Yuan Ji bit her red lips: Okay!

Let's advance a little bit...can we give you a kiss?


One foot stepped hard on Lin Su's instep, and Yuan Ji couldn't hold it back: You bastard, have you figured out the situation? If you have the ability, you should deal with Wang Jinyu now, he will tease people... …”

Lin Su laughed loudly: Come on, let's go have a meal first. After the meal, I will show you what official killing methods are!

Yuan Ji's heart skipped a beat again: Are you going like this? Have all the peripheral guards withdrawn?

Peripheral guards? I am a high-ranking official in the capital... Oh, no, I am the prefect now. Am I a prefect afraid of guards? Let's go!

Taking Yuan Ji out of the room...

Yuan Ji looked around and listened in all directions, and she was a little nervous because she found that there were many guards outside, and there were on-site identity checks at the intersection in front of her.

Lin Su's voice penetrated into her ears: Why are you so nervous? You are the woman I slept with last night. Be confident. There is no shame in sleeping with me...

Yuan Ji suddenly felt a little itchy on her feet. Why did she want to step on him so much?

The guards in front gathered around, it was the guard captain who broke into the room last night.

Master Lin! The guard captain bowed and saluted.

What? The murderer hasn't been caught yet? Lin Su frowned.

Sir, we arrested seven cultivators last night and are currently identifying them. Master Wang said that until the identities of those people are fully verified, this block will be blocked and no one will be allowed to enter or exit at will.

That's how it should be! Lin Su nodded: Do your errands well, including the narrow alley over there, and you have to arrange for someone to be on duty!

Yes! All the guards stood up straight at the same time and received the order.

Lin Sula pulled Yuan Ji and passed them by...

The guard captain wanted to say something more, but Lin Su was already gone.

Forget it, although Mr. Wang told him that no one was allowed to enter or leave, the person in front of him was a high-ranking official, and not an ordinary high-ranking official. He really didn't dare to stop him.

Besides, this Mr. Lin had met Mr. Wang last night and had already been excluded from the suspect queue.

There was a restaurant in front. Lin Su stepped into the restaurant, and a fat shopkeeper rushed down from the second floor. When he saw Lin Su, he was very happy: Master Lin, come to the restaurant, the walls are really shining, please go up to the top floor!

Okay! Some side dishes are ready to be served at any time!

This restaurant is not a famous building in the capital, but fortunately the floor is high enough. When you step on the top floor, you can overlook the capital and have a panoramic view of the four streets.

The side dishes were served, and they were the most exquisite ones in the restaurant. The wine was served, and it was Lin Family Baiyun Bian.

The shopkeeper came up in person: Mr. Lin, this meal is given to Mr. Lin by this restaurant. Mr. Wanwang wants to show his respect...

Yuanji's eyes widened.

Is officialdom so dark?

He, a fourth-rank official, spends no money at all to eat in a restaurant? With such an expensive table of wine, she might not feel much about other things, but Baiyunbian knew that such a jar of Grade B Baiyunbian cost at least a hundred taels of silver in the restaurant.

Lin Su smiled slightly: Since the shopkeeper is so kind, I feel disrespectful.

The shopkeeper beamed with joy and said, If you don't have any other instructions, I'll leave for now.


The shopkeeper walked out of the room and closed the door.

Yuan Ji sent a message: I just realized now that the officialdom is too dark. You don't even give me money for meals...

Lin Su smiled: With a little money for food, what is there to worry about? I didn't see how happy he was when I rewarded him?

Yuan Ji glanced at him: How dare he be unhappy under your power?...

Lin Su was speechless for a moment: You don't understand anything about the mall. It's really hard to explain this to you... Do you know why I chose this place?

It doesn't cost money here... Yuan Ji opened her mouth.

Lin Su slapped himself on the forehead: Because you can see Wang Jinyu's mansion from here.

Yuan Ji was stunned...

Through the window, she actually saw the compound two blocks back.

There is Wang Jinyu's mansion.

What do you mean? Yuan Ji's eyes flickered slightly: Are you monitoring him?

No, you are here to see with your own eyes how I killed him! Lin Su slowly stood up.

Yuan Ji suddenly reached out and grabbed him: can't do it directly.

Don't worry! Your wild husband is very skilled in officialdom. Do you think he would be as stupid as you and just take action? His hand twitched slightly, and the person suddenly disappeared.

The voice came from the air and penetrated into Yuan Ji's coffin: Remember, we have an appointment. Once Wang Jinyu dies, you will be my little wife. You can kiss me if you want, sleep with me if you want, no cheating...

Yuan Ji's face turned red, her heart skipped a beat, and she bit her mouth...

Who is afraid of whom?

Anyway, I have done everything that my little wife can do, why are I still afraid of this?

I don’t believe that your officialdom methods are so magical...

Lin Su disappeared from the restaurant.

The next moment, he appeared in an alleyway. When he appeared in front of the alleyway, he was still Lin Su, but as he walked a few steps, his person changed magically.

He became Wang Jinyu.

The figure has changed, the face has changed, and even the official uniform has changed, from the fourth-grade official uniform to the third-grade official uniform.

Of course, this is just a visual deception to others.

This is a magical power that no one in this world has even heard of: the secret art of mirage.

A dragon gives birth to nine sons, all of whom are different. The mirage dragon is the most mysterious one among them. Because of its magical ability to change, it once triggered a great war in ancient times, causing the mirage dragon lineage to almost become extinct.

But now, Lin Su plans to use this magical secret technique that can stir up the ancient situation to stir up the officialdom.

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